MS Teams: Unable to get the SubEntityId value when a deep link is available in Activity Feed - microsoft-teams

I am sending an activity Feed notification to the user which is pointing to my personal app.
I have a DeepLink generated to point to the tab and it's working fine but when I add a SubEntuityId to the tab it is not fetched in.
It is always blank.
I have also tried with URIEncode for the same.

So presumably you're replacing APPID with the real app id from your manifest file. Separate to that, make sure that "overview" is registered as the actual entity id for the tab in the manifest. Other than that, the rest looks fine, like it should work.


Microsoft Teams go to a conversation using a deeplink

we have an app for MS Teams which users can start a conversation and send messages to. The app does some processing and returns the response back. I am looking for the ability to open an precreated conversation using a link. I have needed information like conversation id etc. How do i create a link that can be used for this navigation?
To be more specific this doc is not helpful
The link i need is for the conversation. Currently it is possible to manually copy that link by right clicking on any conversation and use "Copy link". Is there a way to get it or generate it when user creates the conversation. A sample link copied from looks like below
So trying to see if i can either get this the URL using apis or can generate with the parts involved
#Moblize - Currently you can create Deep-link to chat for particular conversation. You cannot create a link which will redirect to a particular message in channel. Please check this docs for info.

Outlook add-in - attachment ID's not working correctly in desktop app, but work on web app

I've developed an add-in for Outlook, it needs to be able to access attachments to emails.
On the desktop app, if I move an email with attachments from a shared folder to my main inbox, then try to run the add-in on it, i get the error:
The specified attachment Id is invalid.
However, if I perform exactly the same operation through the web app, it works fine.
I have checked and the Office.context.mailbox.item.itemId and Office.context.mailbox.item.attachments[i].id are exactly the same whether on web or desktop.
Emails with attachments that have not been moved from a different folder, and emails without attachments work fine.
I am fetching the attachment on a remote server through a PHP script, using a callback token I orginally get from Office.context.mailbox.getCallbackTokenAsync. The requests are made via EWS requests.
I am running Office 365 and the Outlook version is 1910 (Build 12130.20390), running on Windows 10.
Can somebody please help?
After some helpful suggestions from #OutlookAdd-insTeam-MSFT, I've come to a solution for this.
The problem is, after moving a message from a shared folder to the main inbox, when using the desktop app, the Office.context.mailbox.item.attachments (created when we run Office.initialize) no longer returns the correct ID's, instead it seems to return the old cached/out of date ID's from before the email was moved. The ID's returned when using the web app are correct using this method.
However, requesting the ID's from the exchange server, via an EWS request (or a REST call, but I use EWS) always returns the correct attachment ID's, whether called from the web app or the desktop app.
So, the solution I have come to is to make sure and request all of the attachment ID's from the exchange server, rather than using the Office.context.mailbox.item object. It means adding in an extra step of having to get a callback token first to then be able to request the info from the exchange server, but it means you always get the correct ID's.
I hope this is of help to someone else.

Create OAuth 2.0 client id page fields are disabled

I'm trying to get an Android Wear watchface set up that gets the number of steps the user has taken. To do that, apparently I have to get the data from Google Fit. Step 3 of that process is getting an OAuth 2.0 client id. I'm following the steps in the link below.
Request an OAuth 2.0 client ID in the Google API Console
The first step is clicking the blue GET A CLIENT ID button. In there I select my project and click Continue. That enables the Fitness API. Then I click on the blue Go to credentials button. There I choose Android for where I'm calling the API from and User data for the type of data that I will be requesting. Then I click the blue What credentials do I need? button.
This page is where the problem lies. I am supposed to enter a name, SHA-1 fingerprint and package name. However, all three fields are disabled so I can't type in them. If I go ahead and click on the blue Create OAuth client ID button, it marks those three fields in red with some verbiage about being required. I still cannot type in the fields.
How is this supposed to work?
I was facing the same issue today. In case you haven't found a solution to your problem, you can try creating a project with a different Google account. I think it happens because of the conflict with your previous projects.

bot framework skype hyperlink

I have a formflow bot which has following fields:
Site Name
Parent Site URL (need to pass hyperlink)
Site Owner
There is no regex used for the hyperlink.
Whenever I run from webchat channel, it works as expected. But in Skype bot, passing in a hyperlink gives some issue; if I pass text instead of hyperlink, it works fine.
These values gets saved in a SharePoint list using the API.
Has anyone faced such issue/ Anyone know what needs to be done?

Cannot send messages from Microsoft Bot Framework

Version 3.5.20
The emulator at first is supposed to return a response with the number of characters of a user input string. However even after using the default endpoint url which is http://localhost:3978/api/messages, whenever inputting a string, the message is not sent. What appears in the log is show in one of the images below.
When accessing the app settings, the emulator port is modifiable. The emulator port was 9002 by default and even changing it to 9000 (which I remember seeing in some other posts) did not fix the issue.
Emulator listening on http://[::]:9002
failed to start ngrok: spawn D:\Downloads\Setup\ngrok-stable-windows-amd64\ngrok.
Click here to configure ngrok.
Checking for new verson...
Application is up to date.
From the contents of your log, it would seem that no attempt was made to connect to a bot. When you enter your bot's endpoint http://localhost:3978/api/messages, a panel should appear with a CONNECT button. Did you click on this button?
Ok I just figured it out.
After you create the 'Bot Application' project in Visual Studio, you need to run the project and then the browser will display a message. The url of this webpage would be localhost:3979 by default. This four digit number must also be in the endpoint URL of the 'Bot Framework Emulator'.
Just click on the 'Enter your endpoint URL' field on top and you will be able to edit it. Mine was set to '3978' by default and after changing it to '3979' the issue was solved.
