User Authentication With Flutter API - laravel

I got my backend with Laravel and My Api looks like this :
And this is my UserController :
namespace App\Http\Controllers\Api;
use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use DB;
use App\Models\User;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Hash;
class UserController extends Controller
* Display a listing of the resource.
* #return \Illuminate\Http\Response
public function index()
$user = DB::table('users')->get();
return response()->json($user);
I want to know how can I check if the email and a password in a Flutter screen match my DB records when I hit login button.
This is what I've done so far now in My Flutter :
Future<User> fetchUser() async {
final response = await http
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
// If the server did return a 200 OK response,
// then parse the JSON.
if(response.body.isNotEmpty) {
return User.fromJson(jsonDecode(response.body));
} else {
// If the server did not return a 200 OK response,
// then throw an exception.
throw Exception('Failed to load user');
And of course ,I got my form with 2 inputs Email and password .

From what I understand, I think you want to authenticate your user in the api. This page of the documentation is very easy to understand. If the user credentials match, you could return the user and create a token with laravel sanctum or Passport for the further requests for example :
// With laravel santum
if(Auth::attempt($signInRequest->only(['email', 'password']), true))
$user = Auth::user();
$token = $user->createToken($signInRequest->input('device_name'))->plainTextToken;
return response()->json([
'user' => $user,
'token' => $token
return response()->json(['message' => 'Auth failed'], 401);


Login and verify user - Call to a member function getKey() on null

I am trying to create a custom verification flow, where as soon as a user clicks the verification link, it logs him in and also verifies him, instead of first making him log in and only then the verification link works.
I built a custom notification URL in my CustomVerificationNotification, including the registered user_id, to login him later:
protected function verificationUrl($notifiable)
if (static::$createUrlCallback) {
return call_user_func(static::$createUrlCallback, $notifiable);
return URL::temporarySignedRoute(
Carbon::now()->addMinutes(Config::get('auth.verification.expire', 60)),
'id' => $notifiable->getKey(),
'hash' => sha1($notifiable->getEmailForVerification()),
'user_id' => $this->user->id
Then in my web.php I added this route:
Then in my CustomVerifyController:
public function login_and_verify(EmailVerificationRequest $request)
But I get Call to a member function getKey() on null. And I can't edit EmailVerificationRequest, so what can I do? Is it possible to somehow call Auth::login($user); before calling the EmailVerificationRequest? (Because I have the user_id from the route)
I tried to follow the best answer from this post as well: How to Verify Email Without Asking the User to Login to Laravel
But I'm not sure then how to trigger the verify() method from the web.php and send the $request when I'm first calling the verify_and_login method
First you need verify that the URL is signed by adding the middleware signed
You don't want that anoyone having the url /email/verify/{id}/{hash}/{user_id} able to access this ressource without the signature.
Then you need to verify that the hash correspond the user_id and for that you can use a Request or a Middleware. I think the Request fits better since Laravel already uses a Request for this.
namespace App\Http\Requests;
use Illuminate\Auth\Events\Verified;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Http\FormRequest;
class EmailVerificationRequest extends FormRequest
public function authorize()
$user = User::findOrFail($this->route('id'));
if (! hash_equals((string) $this->route('hash'), sha1($user->getEmailForVerification()))) {
return false;
return true;
Finally you need to login with the user and set is email as verified
public function login_and_verify(CustomEmailVerificationRequest $request)
$user = User::findOrFail($this->route('id'));
event(new Verified($user));
[Edit to add addition feature from comments]
In order to have a middleware that verify the signed URL and resend automatically the verification email, you need to build a custom middleware.
namespace App\Http\Middleware;
use Closure;
use Illuminate\Routing\Exceptions\InvalidSignatureException;
use URL;
class ValidateSignatureAndResendEmailVerification
public function handle($request, Closure $next, $relative = null)
if(! URL::hasCorrectSignature($request, $relative !== 'relative')( {
throw new InvalidSignatureException;
if (URL::signatureHasNotExpired()) {
return $next($request);
return redirect()->route('resend-email-confirmation');
Then you need to add the middleware to Kernel.php
protected $routeMiddleware = [
'signed' => \Illuminate\Routing\Middleware\ValidateSignature::class,
'' => \App\Http\Middleware\ValidateSignatureAndResendEmailVerification::class,
Then, don't forget to update your route with the new middleware

How to verifiy JWT on a single route in Laravel

I have a single route in Laravel on which I need to verify the JWT on header if it is authorized and not expired. How can I do that?
In Javascript its really easy, but don`t know how in Laravel.
Here's the code:
public function update(Request $request){
$header = $request->header('Authorization');
$token = $request->bearerToken();
$secret = env('EXAMPLE_SECRETE');
$verified = here i want to verify the jtw /$token
if (!verified)
return 'something here'
>>code here after verified
First of install below package
composer require firebase/php-jwt
And then you can create a middleware in order to verify Token or expired, below is a complete code of middlware
namespace App\Http\Middleware;
use Closure;
use Exception;
use App\User;
use Firebase\JWT\JWT;
use Firebase\JWT\ExpiredException;
class JwtTokenMiddleware
public function handle($request, Closure $next, $guard = null)
$token = $request->bearerToken();
if (!$token) {
// Unauthorized response if token not there\
try {
$credentials = JWT::decode($token, env('JWT_SECRET'), ['HS256']);
//You can get credentials that you have set up while generating token
$user = User::findOrFail($credentials->sub)->setAuthUser();
$request->auth = $user;
} catch (ExpiredException $e) {
// Token expired response
} catch (Exception $e) {
// Handle unknow error while decoding token
return response()->json([
return $next($request);

Laravel custom login losses Session after redirect

i need a two way Login. First check database one if user exists and if not check database two.
So i build a custom Login Controller:
namespace App\Http\Controllers\Auth;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Lang;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Redirect;
use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
class CustomLoginController extends Controller
public function login(Request $request)
if($request->email) {
$credentials = $request->only('email', 'password');
if (Auth::attempt($credentials)) {
// Authentication passed...
return redirect()->intended('/');
} else {
if (Auth::attempt($credentials)) {
// The Login credentials will be found and user will be logged in
but after Redirect to home user isn't logged in anymore.
return redirect()->intended('/');
} else {
return redirect()->to('/login')
->withInput($request->only($credentials['email'], 'remember'))
'email' => Lang::get('auth.failed'),
} else {
return view('auth.login');
After i changed the database Connection with "DB::setDefaultConnection('otherdb');", the second login works but after Redirect to any page user isn't logged in anymore.
What am I doing wrong?
Any ideas?
Laravel trying to find a user in DB in every request. So after redirect there in no user in your default database. DB connection doesn't stored in session.
I think you need to create a custom auth guard with another user model like
class OtherUser extends Eloquent
protected $connection = 'otherdb';
and work with it.

laravel auth add a admin

Hi I am trying to follow the laravel multi auth example as seen here:
I am using laravel 5.6, I think dev marketer is using 5.2.
So my admin controller is as below:
The problem is if I go to : localhost/site1/admin
I get a error in the browser
"This page isn’t working
localhost redirected you too many times.
Try clearing your cookies.
I guess as it says it is stuck in some kind of redirect loop???
If I comment out the constructor it goes to admins page without
being logged in, which is obviously not good.
I also added a function to : handler.php is shown below :
namespace App\Http\Controllers\Auth;
use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\AuthenticatesUsers;
use Auth;
class AdminLoginController extends Controller
protected $guard = 'admin';
use AuthenticatesUsers;
public function __construct()
protected function guard()
return Auth::guard('admin');
* Show the application dashboard.
* #return \Illuminate\Http\Response
public function index()
//return view('auth/admin');
return view('auth/admin');
public function showLoginForm()
return view('auth.admin-login');
public function login( Request $request )
// validate form
$this->validate( $request , [
'email' => 'required|email',
'password' => 'required|min:6'
// attempt login
if (Auth::guard('admin')->attempt(['email'=>$request->email,'password'=>$request->password])) {
// if successful goto intended page
return redirect()->intended(route('admin.dashboard'));
// unsuccessful - redirect.
return redirect()->back()->withInput( $request->only('email','remember'));
public function unauthenticated($request, AuthenticationException $exception)
if($request->expectsJson()) {
return response()->json(['error'=>'Unauthenticated' , 401 ]);
$guard = array_get( $exception->guards(),0);
switch($guard) {
case 'admin':
$login='admin.login'; break;
$login ='login'; break;
return redirect()->guest(route( $login ));
Also not sure if it's relevant or useful - but if I comment out the unauthenticated() function in handler.php it redirects to standard login/ instead of new admin login.
and keeping the function in gives me "The page isn't redirecting properly" in firefox
think i solved it...
in handler I changed redirect to:
case 'admin':
if(Auth::guard($guard)->check()) {
return redirect()->route('admin/dashboard');
In RedirectIfAuthenticated:
case 'admin':
if(Auth::guard($guard)->check()) {
return redirect()->route('admin/dashboard');
In routes added Middleware :
Route::get('/' , 'Auth\AdminLoginController#index')->name('admin.dashboard')->middleware('auth:admin');
In the admin controller I commented out the constructor:
// public function __construct()
// {
// $this->middleware('auth:admin')->except('logout');
// }
I changed:
return redirect()->guest(route( $login ));
return redirect()->to( $login );
This seems to work - whether it's the "official" way to solve it I'm not sure!!

How to logout a user from API using laravel Passport

I'm currently using 2 projects. 1 front end (with laravel backend to communicate with API) and another laravel project (the API).
Now I use Laravel Passport to authenticate users and to make sure every API call is an authorized call.
Now when I want to log out my user, I send a post request to my API (with Bearer token) and try to log him out of the API (and clear session, cookies,...)
Then on the client I also refresh my session so the token is no longer known. Now when I go back to the login page, it automatically logs in my user. (Or my user is just still logged in).
Can someone explain me how to properly log out a user with Laravel passport?
Make sure that in User model, you have this imported
use Laravel\Passport\HasApiTokens;
and you're using the trait HasApiTokens in the User model class using
use HasApiTokens
inside the user class.
Now you create the log out route and in the controller,
do this
$user = Auth::user()->token();
return 'logged out'; // modify as per your need
This will log the user out from the current device where he requested to log out. If you want to log out from all the devices where he's logged in. Then do this instead
$tokens = $user->tokens->pluck('id');
Token::whereIn('id', $tokens)
->update(['revoked'=> true]);
RefreshToken::whereIn('access_token_id', $tokens)->update(['revoked' => true]);
Make sure to import these two at the top
use Laravel\Passport\RefreshToken;
use Laravel\Passport\Token;
This will revoke all the access and refresh tokens issued to that user. This will log the user out from everywhere. This really comes into help when the user changes his password using reset password or forget password option and you have to log the user out from everywhere.
You need to delete the token from the database table oauth_access_tokens
you can do that by creating a new model like OauthAccessToken
Run the command php artisan make:model OauthAccessToken to create the model.
Then create a relation between the User model and the new created OauthAccessToken Model , in User.php add :
public function AauthAcessToken(){
return $this->hasMany('\App\OauthAccessToken');
in UserController.php , create a new function for logout:
public function logoutApi()
if (Auth::check()) {
In api.php router , create new route :
Now you can logout by calling posting to URL /api/logout
This is sample code i'm used for log out
public function logout(Request $request)
return response()->json([
'message' => 'Successfully logged out'
Create a route for logout:
$router->group(['middleware' => 'auth:api'], function () use ($router) {
Route::get('me/logout', 'UserController#logout');
Create a logout function in userController ( or as mentioned in your route)
public function logout() {
$accessToken = Auth::user()->token();
->where('access_token_id', $accessToken->id)
'revoked' => true
return response()->json(null, 204);
I am using Laravel 6.12.0, below function is working for me.
public function logout(Request $request){
$accessToken = Auth::user()->token();
$token= $request->user()->tokens->find($accessToken);
$response['msg']="Successfully logout";
return response()->json($response)->header('Content-Type', 'application/json');
This is my first post.. and i find a clean solution (Laravel last Version)
* Logout api
* #return \Illuminate\Http\Response
public function logout(Request $request)
if (Auth::check()) {
$token = Auth::user()->token();
return $this->sendResponse(null, 'User is logout');
return $this->sendError('Unauthorised.', ['error'=>'Unauthorised'] , Response::HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED);
Below is the simplest way I found to do it.
Official documention
php artisan session:table
php artisan migrate
Replace SESSION_DRIVER=file by SESSION_DRIVER=database in your .env file.
After a user is redirected to your frontend and logs in to finally get a token, you probably call a route in api/routes.php to get the user information, that's where I'm closing the user backend session before sending back user information to the frontend:
Route::middleware('auth:api')->get('/user', function (Request $request) {
// Close user session here
return $request->user();
Then, to "log out" (actually, revoke tokens) the user from the frontend, you just need to call another route to revoke the token and refresh_token:
Route::middleware('auth:api')->post('/logout', function (Request $request) {
// Revoke access token
// => Set oauth_access_tokens.revoked to TRUE (t)
// Revoke all of the token's refresh tokens
// => Set oauth_refresh_tokens.revoked to TRUE (t)
$refreshTokenRepository = app('Laravel\Passport\RefreshTokenRepository');
You may prefer to put these two closures in the UserController.
Hope help someone:
if (Auth::check()) {
$request->user()->tokens->each(function ($token, $key) {
Good Luck.
I use this in my project to logout from multiple device.
public function logout(Request $request, $devices = FALSE)
$this->logoutMultiple(\Auth::user(), $devices);
return response()->json([], 204);
private function logoutMultiple(\App\Models\User $user, $devices = FALSE)
$accessTokens = $user->tokens();
if ($devices == 'all') {
} else if ($devices == 'other') {
$accessTokens->where('id', '!=', $user->token()->id);
} else {
$accessTokens->where('id', '=', $user->token()->id);
$accessTokens = $accessTokens->get();
foreach ($accessTokens as $accessToken) {
$refreshToken = \DB::table('oauth_refresh_tokens')
->where('access_token_id', $accessToken->id)
->update(['revoked' => TRUE]);
Try this code to help you to logout from passport authentication.
Route::post('/logout', function(){
if (Auth::check()) {
return response()->json([
'status' => 1,
'message' => 'User Logout',
], 200);
check whether your model contains OauthAccessToken which needs to connect with the database oauth_access_tokens. The access token is stored in the database table oauth_access_tokens. and makes a relation from users to oauth_access_tokens.
public function AauthAcessToken(){
return $this->hasMany(OauthAccessToken::class);
You can use following code to remove to token for logged in user.
If you want to learn about this in-depth then watch this tutorial:
public function logout(Request $request)
if ($request->everywhere) {
foreach ($request->user()->tokens()->whereRevoked(0)->get() as $token) {
return response()->json(['message' => 'success']);
