How to know that a Chainlink node doesn't manipulate my data - chainlink

I'm trying to find some information about the security of using Chainlink as a tool for external API calls. The following is my scenario
My smart contract initiates API call using Chainlink with some parameters
Node picks up the request, does external call
Node receives response from API
Node writes result back to my smart contract
My smart contract finishes the execution
How can I validate that the Chainlink node does not change any of the parameters in step 2-4? Is there some mathematical validation like we have with the blockchain that I can confirm?
The questions comes up because of regulatory requirement that I have and it would be nice if I could simply link to some proof that data cannot be manipulated by a Chainlink node or if manipulation is possible, what could I do to validate the data was not manipulated and/or lower the chance?


What are Solidity Events

I have been struggling for quite some time with finding an explanation to what events are in Solidity (or in the Blockchain context). As far as I understand, they are a way of storing (or logging) information on the particular contract that can then be updated throughout the life of that contract. But how is this different than a plain ol' variable? Why can't I just create a variable that is then simply updated with new information?
Events in Solidity can be used to log certain events in EVM logs. These are useful when clients are required to be notified of any change or event in the contract. Or maybe in the future you need to search for something that has happened so you go through all the logs. These logs are stored on the blockchain in transaction logs. Logs cannot be accessed from the contracts but are used as a mechanism to notify change of state or the occurrence of an event in the contract. They help us write asynchronous applications.
Events are stored in the logsBloom which is in the header of each block.
Events are piece of data executed on the blockchain and stored in the blockchain but not accessible by any smart contracts. it is kinda console.log in javascript or print in python.
Events are much more gas efficient than using a storage variable
Events are useful for testing the contract. If you interact with oracles, you sometimes want to see if the function call by oracle service is done or not. To see if the function call is done, you emit the result of the function or one of the properties of the result.
Events are useful if you want to maintain the history/log of every change that happens in a mapping.
Deposit contracts were created on the Ethereum 1.0 chain. This kind of smart contract is used for depositing ETH on the beacon chain. An event is emitted every time a deposit is made.
There are two events that must be present in an ERC-20-compliant token:
Transfer : This event must trigger when tokens are transferred, including any zero-value transfers. The event is defined as follows:
event Transfer(address indexed _from, address indexed _to, uint256 _value)
Approval : This event must trigger when a successful call is made to the approve function.
event Approval(address indexed _owner, address indexed _spender, uint256 _value)
You can read this article for deep dive: transaction-receipt-trie-and-logs-simplified
From the docs:
Solidity events give an abstraction on top of the EVM’s logging functionality. Applications can subscribe and listen to these events through the RPC interface of an Ethereum client.
It's easier for an off-chain app to subscribe to new event logs than to a variable change. Especially when the variable is not public.
Same goes for querying historical event logs (easy through the JSON-RPC API and its wrappers such as Web3 or Ethers.js), vs. historical changes of the variable (complicated, would need to query a node for each block and look for the changes proactively).
Example: The ERC-20 token standard defines the Transfer() event. A token contract emits this event each time a transfer (of its tokens) occurs. This allows a blockchain explorer (or any other off-chain app) to react to this event - for example to update their own database of token holders. Without the event, they would have no way (or a very complicated way at least) to learn about the transfer.
Solidity events are pieces of data that are emitted and stored in the blockchain. When you emit an event it creates a log that front-end applications can use to trigger changes in the UI.
It's a cheap form of storage.
You can define an event like this:
event Message(address indexed sender, address indexed recipient, string message);
and emit an event like this:
emit Message(msg.sender, _recipient, "Hello World!");
Read this article for more information and this one to learn how to get events in JavaScript using Ethers.js

How to view data in NEAR protocol contract for free?

Should I pay for every read from NEAR protocol?
How do I view the value stored in NEAR protocol smart contract? (e.g. staking pool fees)
What is the difference between view and change methods?
Should I pay for every read from NEAR protocol?
TL;DR: No, you should not.
In NEAR protocol there are to ways to interact with smart contracts:
Submit a transaction with a FunctionCall action, which will get the specified method executed on the chunk producing nodes and the result will be provable through the blockchain (in terms of near-api-js these are "change methods")
Call query(call_function) JSON RPC method, which will get the specified method executed on the RPC node itself in a read-only environment, and the call will never be recorded/proved through the blockchain (in terms of near-api-js these are "view methods")
You can change the state and chained operations (e.g. cross-contract calls, tokens transfer, or access key addition/deletion) only through the first approach since blockchain expects the user to cover the execution costs, so the user should sign their transaction, and they will get charged for the execution.
Sometimes, you don't need to change the state, instead, you only want to read a value stored on the chain, and paying for it is suboptimal (though if you need to prove that the operation has been made it might still be desirable). In this case, you would prefer the second approach. Calling a method through JSON RPC is free of charge and provides a limited context during the contract execution, but it is enough in some scenarios (e.g. when you want to check what is the staking pool fee, or who is the owner of the contract, etc).

How to communicate with external system

I'm trying to write a logic (js script) to communicate with external system. As far as understand, logic will be executed on all endorsing peer.
In this case, how can I avoid duplicate operation to external system ? For example, how to increment a value in external database ? If I write a logic to increment the value in js, I think the value will be incremented by all endorsing peer.
I'll appreciate any comment.
Firstly, currently the only way you can interact with external systems is using the experimental post API. This allows your Transaction Processor function to HTTP POST data to an external system and then to process the response.
Documentation here:
You are correct in stating that if you have 4 peers, then the chain code container for each peer will run your logic, so you'd expect to see 4 calls to your HTTP service. This is required because each peer node is independent and Fabric must achieve consensus across the peers.
The external functions should therefore (ideally) be side-effect free "pure" functions (idempotent), meaning that for a given set of input parameters you always get the same set of output results.
Clearly a function that returns an incrementing integer doesn't fit this description! You probably need to rethink how you are structuring your problem to make it compatible with a decentralised blockchain-based approach.

How to get newly created resource to client with CQRS and event sourcing based microservices

I'm experimenting with microservices, event sourcing and CQRS. However, I'm a little bit confused about how I go from issuing a command to performing a query to return the new state, specifically with regard to interactions with a web API gateway.
As an example, the simple application I am attempting to write (which probably doesn't actually need any of these; it is just something to aid my learning) creates a random-graph and then performs some long-running calculations on the graph. I've modelled this as two separate services: the GraphService and the ComputationService. The imagined process flow is as follows:
User requests new random graph.
API gateway constructs CreateGraph command and sends it to the
graph service.
GraphService command handler creates a graph and publishes a
GraphCreated event.
GraphService event handler subscribes to topic for graph events,
processes GraphCreated event and stores graph in persistent read
Client somehow gets the newly created graph.
ComputationService event handler subscribes to topic for graph
events, processes GraphCreated event and begins potentially
long-running computation, e.g. calculate diameter.
ComputationService publishes DiameterComputed event.
GraphService event handler subscribes to topic for computation
events, processed DiameterComputed event and updates the graph in
persistent read storage.
Client somehow gets updated - easier than getting the new graph, since already have an ID and can poll for changes / websockets / SSE, etc.
That seems relatively simple. However, my confusion lies in how to go about informing the API gateway, and thus the web client, of the new graph (as highlighted in bold above). In a typical CRUD process, the result of the POST request to create a new graph would be to return the URL of the new resource, for instance. However, with CQRS, commands should return nothing or an exception.
How do I pass information back to the client of the service (in this case the API gateway) about the ID of the new graph so that it can perform a query to get the representation of the new resource and send it to the user? Or at least get an ID so that the web client can ask the API gateway, etc?
As I see it at the moment, after sending a command, everyone is just left hanging. There needs to be some sort of subscription model that can be interrogated for the status of the graph creation. I considered having the API gateway generate a request ID which gets embedded with the CreateGraph command, but this then couples the service to the API.
I'm obviously missing something, but have no idea what. None of the examples I've looked at or discussions I've read address this issue and assume that the ID of whatever resource is already known. I couldn't find any discussions here addressing this issue, but if I've just missed them, please point me there rather than duplicating questions. Any pointers would be hugely welcomed.
How do I pass information back to the client of the service (in this case the API gateway) about the ID of the new graph so that it can perform a query to get the representation of the new resource and send it to the user? Or at least get an ID so that the web client can ask the API gateway, etc?
By listening for the echo.
The basic idea behind at least once delivery is that I'm going to send you a message, and keep sending it over and over until I receive a message that proves you've received at least one copy of my message.
Therefore, my protocol looks something like
Establish a mail box where I can collect messages
Encode into the message instructions for delivering to my mailbox
Send the message to you
Check my mailbox
if the answer is there, I'm done
otherwise, I send you another copy of the message
The mail box could be implemented any number of ways -- it could be a callback; it could be a promise, it could be a correlation identifier. You could have the signal dispatched by the command handler, when it gets acknowledgement of the write by the book of record, or by the "read model" when the new resource is available.

Event Triggered Workflows

I´m writing a software that work to process a set of data that came from use input process it and send an answer to the user.
The flow starts based on a configured API Callthat start a chain of API calls passing the result of each API for the next one until reachs the final output.
The problem is that the chain of calls is configurable by the user in order to process the data before saving it to the database.
Giving you a little example:
I receive data from an API that has the readings from a field sensor, on the arrival of this data I should do the following things:
Save the data on the database
Process the Data
Based on the data and on a configuration that should be made by the user I should get information from a diferent API (the APIs depend on the content of the data)
Send the information that I got from the other API to a third which will send it back to the sensor
Do you know any solution that´s capable of doing this kind of work?
Doesn´t mather the language or the framework, since it´s a brand new software we are free to start from the very first step.
Thank you
I am considering that, You have a form where user entering the Data, you are receiving the data, processing it and returning the answer based on the Data and your set of rules.
If you have a single form, get the data and pass to the API - RESTFul API
Process the data at server end
Response to client based on the set of rules of user entered data.
If you have Multiple form and coming to user one after one then do same.
Hope the process works. if you could clarify the Requirement more specifically then I can draw the Process in more depth.
