Gradle common repositories for multi module project - spring-boot

I have below project setup for gradle scripts, but I would like to keep one single common repository file for both main and subprojects.
apply from : "$rootDir/gradle/repositories.gradle" does not work inside build.gradle for this purpose. It would work only if I declare repositories again inside build.gradle
repositories {
maven {
url ""
credentials {
username = "user1"
password = "psswd"
dependencies {
# some list of dependencies
repositories {
maven {
url ""
credentials {
username = "user1"
password = "psswd"
subprojects {
apply from : "$rootDir/gradle/repositories.gradle"


How to access PlaginManager repositories from custom gradle plugin

My problem is that I develop a custom Gradle plugin and I need to get access to repositories which belongs to Settings object, particular PluginManagement object.
settings.gradle file of project which I connect my custom plugin looks like this:
pluginManagement {
resolutionStrategy {
repositories {
maven {
credentials {
username = System.getenv("USERNAME")
password = System.getenv("PASSWORD")
url = uri("${System.getenv("nexusUrl")}/repository/***")
There is my code I want to just list url of all repositories:
project.afterEvaluate {
val gradle = project.rootProject.gradle as org.gradle.invocation.DefaultGradle
val settings = gradle.settings as org.gradle.initialization.DefaultSettings
settings.pluginManagement.repositories.forEach { repo ->
run {
repo as MavenArtifactRepository
I expect the following output result:
But instead I get 'null' in output.
But when I run this code from custom task I get expected result:
tasks.create("abc") {
project.afterEvaluate {
val gradle = project.rootProject.gradle as org.gradle.invocation.DefaultGradle
val settings = gradle.settings as org.gradle.initialization.DefaultSettings
settings.pluginManagement.repositories.forEach { repo ->
run {
repo as MavenArtifactRepository
Why are in execution time this repositories not empty and what is the best way to access them from Project object?

In build.gradle how to extract and reuse Maven repository configuration?

I've got this build.gradle file:
repositories {
maven {
credentials {
username "$artifactory_user"
password "$artifactory_password"
url 'http://some.domain/artifactory/repo'
publishing {
repositories {
publications {
maven(MavenPublication) {
maven {
credentials {
username "$artifactory_user"
password "$artifactory_password"
url 'http://some.domain/artifactory/repo'
I want to extract and reuse the Maven repository definition.
This is not working:
repositories {
publishing {
repositories {
publications {
maven(MavenPublication) {
private void mavenRepository() {
maven {
credentials {
username "$artifactory_user"
password "$artifactory_password"
url 'http://some.domain/artifactory/repo'
It results in
Could not find method mavenRepository() for arguments [gradle-dev] on
repository container of type
How can I achieve this goal?
lets say you have a separate repositories.gradle file and name your maven repo..
maven {
name 'myrepo'
url 'https://xxxx'
credentials {
username = System.getenv("xxx") ?: "${xxx}"
password = System.getenv("xxx") ?: "${xxx}"
maven { name 'anotherrepo' }
then at root project level you can run:
apply from: "$rootDir/gradle/repositories.gradle"
This will populate repositories with all repos. Then to use populate a specific one somehwere else, you can use:
I found the answer on this blog page:
thanks to mightprogrammer!

Using gradle project variable in buildscript scope

There is a similar question here Access project extra properties in buildscript closure
but i found a "workaround" which does not look like the optimum
I have a multi gradle project - im declaring the repository in the main gradle file
subprojects {
repostiories {
maven {..}
now i also have to set these for the build script because im using a plugin !
so again buildscript { repositories ...
Now instead of pasting the URLs twice i wanted to use a property - as i figured project.ext properties are not set during the buildscript stage thus i put them
in my gradle.settings file
i couldnt set rootProject.ext.xx settings so i had to use
gradle.ext {
mavenURLs = [ companyURL1, companyURL2 ... etc]
Now i could use gradle.ext.mavenURLs in my build.gradle file
Is there a better way ?
Is there a way to set the buildscript and dependency repositories for all project in one block without repeating once for buildscript and once for the dependency ?
def repoClosure = { RepositoryHandler repoHandler ->
['http://mycompany/repo1', 'http://mycompany/repo2'].each { mavenURL ->
repoHandler.maven {
url mavenURL
credentials {
username 'foo'
password 'bar'
project.with {
allprojects {
Simply create my-repositories.gradle file, with content like:
def repoClosure = {
maven {
url uri("${rootProject.rootDir}/offline-repository")
['http://mycompany/repo1', 'http://mycompany/repo2'].each { mavenURL ->
maven {
url mavenURL
credentials {
username 'my-name'
password 'my-password'
project.with {
allprojects {
buildscript {
ext.myVariable = "Just an example!"
Then in your build.gradle apply it, like:
buildscript {
apply from: './my-repositories.gradle'
ext {
kotlin_version = '1.5.30'
dependencies {
classpath ''
classpath "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:$kotlin_version"
// ...

Can I add a custom repository to

I'd like to be able to define a repository in settings (ideally user
The end goal is something like this:
repositories {
mavenCentral() // Can't/don't want to use this
nexusCentral() // Can use these - on network Nexus server
How would I go about doing this? Again, this would go in the user-level file ideally, so we don't have to reference it in every single module.
This is just a plain maven style artifact repository provided by Maven, the manual way would be:
maven {
url "http://path/to/nexus"
One other requirement is the use of the "publish" task, which has credentials defined for a repository (that Jenkins uses to publish the module):
publishing {
maven {
url "http://path/to/nexus"
// Jenkins provides these as -P Gradle parameters.
credentials {
username = "${uploaderUser}"
password = "${uploaderPassword}"
These credentials would not be known to regular users, but would ideally be configured in Jenkin's We wouldn't want users builds to fail because they can't resolve the credentials - they would never even use the "publish" task.
You can use somenthing like this:
maven {
credentials {
username getCredentialsMavenUsername()
password getCredentialsMavenPassword()
url 'xxxxx'
* Returns the credential username used by Maven repository
* Set this value in your ~/.gradle/ with CREDENTIALS_USERNAME key
* #return
def getCredentialsMavenUsername() {
* Returns the credential password used by Maven repository
* Set this value in your ~/.gradle/ with CREDENTIALS_PASSWORD key
* #return
def getCredentialsMavenPassword() {
If the user hasn't the credentials the script doesn't fail.
Not sure if that answers your question, but you can put this in the file:
and do this in the build.gradle:
maven {
regarding your credentials, all you should need is something like
if (project.hasProperty('uploaderUser') && project.hasProperty('uploaderPassword')) {
credentials {
username ='uploaderUser')
password ='uploaderPassword')
Solved this issue by replacing jcenter() in Project/andoird/build.gradle with maven { url 'http://nexusUrl' } under buildscript and allprojects:
buildscript {
repositories {
maven { url 'http://nexusUrl' }
dependencies {
classpath ''
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url 'http://nexusUrl' }
and in fluttersdk/packages/flutter_tools/gradle/flutter.gradle replaced jcenter with maven { url 'http://nexusUrl' } under buildscript:
buildscript {
repositories {
maven { url 'nexusUrl' }
dependencies {
classpath ''

Gradle global variable not in scope within buildscript

I have something like this in my top level build.gradle (Gradle 2.2)
ext.repo = "https://my-artifactory-repo"
buildscript {
repositories {
maven {
credentials {
username foo
password bar
url repo //doesn't work
dependencies {
classpath ''
allprojects {
repositories {
maven {
credentials {
username foo
password bar
url repo //works
This is the error
Could not find property 'repo' on org.gradle.api.internal.artifacts.repositories.DefaultMavenArtifactRepository_Decorated#718afa64.
So it works in allprojects but not buildscript.
You can define your variable as an extra property with ext in the buildscript {...}. This variable is then also accessible in the scope of allprojects {...}:
buildscript {
ext {
repo = "https://my-artifactory-repo"
repositories {
maven {
url repo // works
allprojects {
repositories {
maven {
url repo // works
This is happening because the buildscript {...} configuration closure is always evaluated first, so the property is not yet defined. A workaround would be to define the property outside of the build script, either by placing it in a file or via the command line.
