Websphere console is not opening - websphere

Websphere console is not opening where my application is deployed .I am using PEN VPN to connect to the URL.It is giving "ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH".
PFA screenshot.

Please, check the following document:
Access to Websphere admin console throws ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH after updating to Chrome v98 or later when Websphere is configured for SSL_TLS protocol


Websphere QM configuration - error with musr_mqadmin account

I was trying to configure my WMQ.
queue manager was running until i changed the password of my musr_mqadmin account.
Now it the local queue manager that i created cannot be start any more
The pop up says "The MQ service for installation "installation1" must be running"
While i tried to reset the musr_mqadmin account, it says "mq configuration an error while validating the security credentials "
I am really stuck and helpless. Please kindly advise.
MQ Service runs under MUSR_MQADMIN account. You will need to provide the same password for MQ Service also. Go to Administrative Tools/Services console. Select IBM WebSphere MQ service and open the properties by double clicking on the service. On the Log On tab provide the new password and OK to close the dialog and start the service.

worklight 6.0.0 facebook app fails to call a worklight adapter

we are doing worklight app on a android and a desktopenvironment(for facebook) that works fine on the liberty profile server (developer worklight environment).
Know we need to post this app on Facebook but to do this we need to use the https protocol on our WAS server, to do this we set the ip, port, protocol: to our external server, and deploy our app with build for remote server, but when the app tried to call an adapter on the server, the Firefox console returns us this:
[09:58:50.675] "response [https://[publicIP]:[port]/WorklightPocProj/apps/services/../../invoke] success: /*-secure-
[09:58:50.675] "defaultOptions:onFailure Procedure invocation error."
The application security on our WAS server is disabled and the ip/port are reachable too.
if i add to the XML adapter on the procedures securityTest="wl_unprotected" the app runs correctly, but i don't to do this workaround
Is there any configuration that we are missing on the app or in our WAS server?
A lot of time since this question but just for trying to help people that hit this question because of the search "defaultOptions:onFailure Procedure invocation error".
Also facing this issue in Worklight 6.1
In my case I faced this issue because I had the following configuration in the adapter .xml:
<procedure name="anyMethod"></procedure>
This works in the development server, but in a stand alone server (at least in WAS) you have to change it for:
<procedure name="submitAuthentication" securityTest="wl_unprotected"></procedure>
In both cases it is unprotected.

IBM Worklight - Can't open localhost:8080/console in browser

I want to preview my Worklight app in my browser, but when I open localhost:8080/console in the browser this error appears:
HTTP Status 404 - /console
type Status report
message /console
description The requested resource (/console) is not available.
Apache Tomcat/7.0.21
You are missing the context root in the URL. It should be: http://localhost:8080/your-context-root/console.
The value of the context root is usually the name of the .war file - the name of your project. Try that.
Tip: also make sure you have set it in both worklight.properties and application-descriptor.xml, otherwise your application will fail to connect to the server, now that you have moved from Eclipse to an application server.
Some topics of worth from the IBM Worklight Information Center:
Transporting Worklight applications to test and production environments
Deploying a customization .war file to an application server

WebSphere Portal class loading

i installed a standalone WebSphere portal server, how can I change the class loading policy of the portal server ?
When i log into admin console, i don't have the option to change it.it is blacked out.
Do i have you use jacl scriopts ? Can i
As far as I remember, WebSphere Portal consist of some applications and services deployed on WAS. Did you tried to change classloader policy of wps.ear? Maybe you have more specific problem? jacl do the same actions as in admin console
You can access Websphere_Portal profile from WAS console and change it.
Select the server Server Types>WebSphere application servers>WebSphere_Portal there you can see the Server-specific Application Settings > Classloader policy When you select Single the Class loading mode will be enabled.

How do I launch the WebSphere management console in Windows 2003 Server

I am new to WebSphere application server. I need to make minor changes on the server.
I don't know how to launch the Admin console.
Assuming that the default ports are used you can access the console from http://localhost:9060/ibm/console
