on adapting a solution for the opposite of GROUP_CONCAT in MySQL? - regexp-replace

I'm trying to adapt a recursive cte with regexp_replace. Instead of using a comma as a separator I'm using a pipe-character. I can't get to work.
drop table if exists lc_colors;
create table lc_colors (id int, colors text);
insert into lc_colors
values ( 1, 'Red|Green|Blue')
, ( 2, 'Orange|Cyan')
, ( 3, 'Black|White|Grey')
, ( 4, 'Yellow|Blue');
with recursive unwound as (select *
from lc_colors lc
union all
select id
, regexp_replace(colors, '^[^|]*|', '') colors
from unwound
where colors like '%|%')
select id
, regexp_replace(colors, '|.*', '') colors
from unwound
order by id;
the original question I'm trying to adapt
solution ==>>:
Since I don't have enough credits with this account I edit my question with my (adapted) solution. It's in escaping the pipe-character (\|):
with recursive unwound as (select *
from speeltuin.lc_colors_pipe lc
union all
select id
, regexp_replace(colors, '^[^\\|]*\\|', '') colors
from unwound
where colors like '%|%')
select id
, regexp_replace(colors, '\\|.*', '') colors
from unwound
order by id;


Is there an alternative to MySQL Field() function in VFP?

I have a multi fields table with a Countries column. I like the results from a query to be ordered by a particular country first and the rest alphabetically. In MySQL I would do something like:
Select * from myTable Order By Field(Countries,'Italy'),Countries
In Visual-FoxPro I have tried indexing the Cursor created by this query:
Select * from myTable Order By Countries
Index on Countries<>'Italy' TAG test
This would display all results for 'Italy' first, but leave the rest in an unpredictable order.
How to achieve this in Visual-FoxPro?
In VFP you can do it with something like this:
SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE Countries='Italy' ;
SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE Countries<>'Italy' ORDER BY Countries) as secsel
It does order by "if countries is not Italy first then Italy", Countries. Right?
In VFP you can use IIF(). ie:
Select *, iif(Countries == 'Italy', 1, 0) as CItaly ;
from myTable :
Order By CItaly,Countries
Note: If you want to do this via an index then you can use a composite index like:
index on iif(Countries = 'Italy', '1', '0') + Countries tag myCountry

How to get result from two queries in same output window?

I need output from the below two queries simultaneously in one output window.
C.SERVICENAME <>'UploadAndPrepareDocumentEx1__sdweb_services_preload' AND
A.ID=B.LOGENTRYID AND B.TIMESTAMP BETWEEN TO_DATE('02/01/2018 11:55:00','dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss')
AND TO_DATE('02/01/2018 12:03:59','dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') AND A.USERID IN (SELECT ID FROM Schema1.CFG_USERS
Query 2
WHERE B.EVENT_MESSAGE NOT IN ('getFileImage','submitBase64','loadDocumentToSign','getRefData') AND
A.ID=B.LOG_ENTRYID AND B.TIMESTAMP BETWEEN TO_DATE('31/12/2017 13:43:00','dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss')
AND TO_DATE('31/12/2017 13:53:59','dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') AND A.USERID IN (SELECT ID FROM Schema1.CFG_USERS
Run with F5 - you'll get both queries' output in the script panel.
I talk about how this differs here
UNION might be one option, but you'll have to
uniform both column lists (i.e. they have to return the same number of columns which have to be of the same data type), which means that you'd have to add certain NULL columns to both queries
include additional identifier so that you'd know which SELECT returned which values
If you wanted to have them side-by-side, huh, that's not that easy. Thinking loudly: you'd have to have a column that joins those values. Those SELECTs would be inline views. You'd use an aggregate function (such as MAX) along with a DECODE (or CASE) to select values from both queries. Shortly: too much pain.
Now, why do you want to do that? What's wrong with two separate windows, placed side by side?
[EDIT] Showing example of how UNION might look like
select c.servicename, c.serviceid, b.soapin, b.soapout, a.timestamp, to_char(null), to_char(null), to_char(null) , to_number(null), to_char(null), to_char(null)
from ... the rest of your 1st query
select null , null , null , null , a.timestamp, b.jsonin , b.jsonout , b.event_message, a.processid , a.status , a.servername
from ... the rest of your 2nd query

ORA-000932 When joining an xmltype to a varchar field

a little backstory, i have a comma delimited column in a database, that i have tried to convert into a many to many junction table, so instead of having
1 5,6,7
i would see
1 5
1 6
1 7
the query below does just that, and seems to work correctly,
with t as (select id,hqcat from report)
SELECT id, EXTRACT(column_value,'/e/text()') hqcat from t x,
however when i try to join it to my lookup table by hqcat, i get a ORA-00932 error about inconstant data types, please help me, how do i change my original query to make it work with other tables and joins?
here is the join causing the error:
select *
from BIN03 a11
join ( with t as (select id,hqcat from report)
SELECT id, EXTRACT(column_value,'/e/text()') hqcat from t x,
TABLE(XMLSEQUENCE(EXTRACT(XMLTYPE('<ROW><e>'||REPLACE(hqcat,',','</e><e>')||'</e></ROW>'),'//e')))) a12
on (a11.CODE = a12.HQCAT);
Thank you!
i've also tried to create my new "many to many" view as so:
( (select id ID, hqcat STR from report))
CONNECT BY LEVEL <= (regexp_count(str,',') + 1);
but this just reduces query speeds by 1000's.....
The (deprecated) extract function returns an XMLType, not a varchar2. You can cast it to the type you want, either in the inline view:
cast(EXTRACT(column_value,'/e/text()') as varchar2(3))
or when comparing the value:
a11.CODE = cast(a12.HQCAT as varchar2(3))
I've guessed the variable size you need, obviously, you might need it to be different. You could also use the XMLType getStringVal() function as shown below.
It seems little odd to mix an old-style cross join with a comma in the inline view's from clause, with ANSI joins in the rest, and you can get odd (or hard to debug, anyway) results doing that. You could also use another CTE for clarity:
with t as (select id, hqcat from report),
a12 as (
select id, extract(column_value,'/e/text()').getstringval() hqcat
from t
cross join table(xmlsequence(extract(xmltype('<ROW><e>'||
select *
from a12
join bin03 a11 on a11.code = a12.hqcat;

Query to return the registers that the table doesn't have

I have a 268 registry list and I would like to see which of them are not in the table. I used not it but it returns the other registers of the table and not the ones I have to see.
Suppous I have a table with ID: 1,2,3,4
I have a list (to build the where clause) with ID: 0,1,4,5,99
I need to build a PL/SQL query that return numbers 0, 5 and 99.
I have tried the following:
Select * from myTable where ids not in ('0,1,4,5,99')
But this will return all registers of the table and not only the ones I want. I know I need to put this list I have as a refference to return it but I have no Idea how to do it.
This will work for Oracle 11g. The idea to use XMLTABLE was borrowed from Oracle: Comma Separated String To Rows 11g blog post.
WITH numbers AS
SELECT '0, 1, 4, 5, 99' numberstring FROM dual
registry AS
SELECT (column_value).getnumberval() register
FROM numbers, xmltable(numberstring)
SELECT r.register
FROM registry r
LEFT JOIN Table1 t ON r.register = t.id
See working SQL Fiddle demo.
Solution for a string of strings:
WITH strings AS
'"LOOKUP - 0971 - 2135",
"LOOKUP - 0001 - 2424"' numberstring FROM dual
registry AS
SELECT (column_value).getStringVal() register
FROM strings, xmltable(numberstring)
SELECT r.register
FROM registry r
LEFT JOIN X_LANE t ON r.register = t.x_lane_gid
WHERE t.x_lane_gid IS NULL;
String of strings SQL Fiddle

Oracle dba_tab_cols query

Hi is it possible to retrieve the primary key and unique key using the dba_tab_cols query?
Is there any query that allows me to retrieve all of the following fields?
Column Name
Data Type
Primary Key
Null/Not Null
Unique Key
Default Value
Both primary and unique keys can span more than one column, so they wouldn't belong in dba_tab_columns. You'd need to look at dba_constraints and dba_cons_columns to get that information.
This is a starting point, maybe:
select owner, table_name, column_name, data_type, primary_key,
nullable, unique_key, data_default
from (
select dtc.owner, dtc.table_name, dtc.column_id, dtc.column_name,
dtc.data_type, dtc.nullable, dtc.data_default,
case when dc.constraint_type = 'P' and dcc.column_name = dtc.column_name
then dc.constraint_name end as primary_key,
case when dc.constraint_type = 'U' and dcc.column_name = dtc.column_name
then dc.constraint_name end as unique_key,
row_number() over (partition by dtc.owner, dtc.table_name, dtc.column_id
order by null) as rn
from dba_tab_columns dtc
left join dba_constraints dc
on dc.owner = dtc.owner
and dc.table_name = dtc.table_name
and dc.constraint_type in ('P', 'U')
left join dba_cons_columns dcc
on dcc.owner = dc.owner
and dcc.constraint_name = dc.constraint_name
and dcc.table_name = dc.table_name
and dcc.column_name = dtc.column_name
where dtc.owner = '<owner>'
and dtc.table_name = '<table_name>'
where rn = 1
order by owner, table_name, column_id;
I've done this with a subquery that generates a row_number value because you'd get duplicates for a table with more than one constraint; and because you want the default value, which is a long (column data_default), you can't use distinct or group by. It feels a bit inelegant, but I'm sure you can work on it to get what you need.
It's also possible to have a check constraint that replicates the not null version, though it isn't advisable. And a unique index won't show up as a unique constraint, so you might want to look for one of those too, via dba_indexes and dba_ind_columns. An index used to back up a unique constrain will appear in both, though.
You could look at dbms_metadata.get_ddl to get this information too, depending on what you intend to do with it. I'm not sure why this would be useful, other than to try to recreate the schema elsewhere, and there are better tools for doing that.
