WebMock stub_request with hash_including -- matching only part of json - ruby

I wold like to test whether a request contained some inner value in json. Let assume the request body is:
level1: {
level2a: "value1",
level2b: "value2",
Then I have the following code:
WebMock.stub_request(:post, "")
.with(body: hash_including({level1: {level2a: 'value1'}}))
.to_return(status: 200, body: '{}', headers: {})
The code above does not work unfortunately. I've been hoping it'll work with matching only sub-set of json.
According to the doc: Matches a hash that includes the specified key(s) or key/value pairs. Ignores any additional keys. I am not sure if it works the way I want.
The request is too big here though for quoting it all.
Any ideas for why the test is not working and how to fix or rewrite it?


Wrong Cypress intercept being hit

I have set up a number of intercepts in the body of my tests. Here they are, pasted from the Cypress log, with the alias added
cy:intercept ➟ // alias: getRecipesSku(971520)
Method: GET
Matcher: "https://wpsite.com/wp-json/wp/v2/posts?tags[]=6287&_fields**"
Mocked Response: [{ ... }]
cy:intercept ➟ // alias: getRecipesSku(971520,971310)
Method: GET
Matcher: "https://wpsite.com/wp-json/wp/v2/posts?tags[]=6287&tags[]=6289&_fields**"
Mocked Response: [{ ... }]
Our application's tests also mocks a number of routes by default, (coming from an apiClient.initialize) including this one below. FWIW, this is defined earlier than those above:
cy:intercept ➟ // alias: getJustcookRecipes
Method: GET
Matcher: "https://wpsite.com/wp-json/**"
Mocked Response: [{ ... }]
My test code sets up those first two intercepts, and ultimately calls the routes. Here is the code, heavily abridged:
it('refreshes the recipes when switching protein tabs', () => {
/* do lots of other stuff; load up the page, perform other tests, etc */
// call a function that sets up the intercepts. you can see from the cypress output
// that the intercepts are created correctly, so I don't feel I need to include the code here.
interceptJustCook({ skus: [beefCuts[0].id] }, [beefCut1Recipe])
interceptJustCook({ skus: [beefCuts[0].id, beefCuts[1].id] }, twoBeefRecipes)
// [#1] select 1 item;
// calls route associated with intercept "getRecipesSku(971520)"
/* assert against that call */
// [#2] select 2nd item (now 2 items are selected);
// calls route associated with intercept "getRecipesSku(971520, 971310)"
In the Cypress logs, the first call (marked by comment #1) is intercepted correctly:
cy:fetch ➟ (getRecipesSku(971520)) STUBBED
GET https://wpsite.com/wp-json/wp/v2/posts?tags[]=6287&_fields=jetpack_featured_media_url,title.rendered,excerpt.rendered,link,id&per_page=100&page=1&orderby=date
However, the second call (marked by comment #2) is intercepted by the wrong route mocker:
cy:fetch ➟ (getJustCookRecipes) STUBBED
GET https://wpsite.com/wp-json/wp/v2/posts?tags[]=6287&tags[]=6289&_fields=jetpack_featured_media_url,title.rendered,excerpt.rendered,link,id&per_page=100&page=1&orderby=date
You can see for yourself that the URL called at #2 does indeed match the getRecipesSku(971520, 971310) intercept, but it is caught by the getJustcookRecipes intercept. Now, I suppose the URL for that latter intercept would catch my second custom intercept. But it would also, in the same way, catch my first custom intercept, but that first one works.
(update:) I tried commenting out the place in the code where the getJustcookRecipes intercept is created so that it doesn't exist. Now, the call that should hit getRecipesSku(971520,971310) isn't being mocked at all! I checked and the mocked and called urls are a match.
Why is this going wrong and how do I fix it?
Something in the glob pattern for the 2nd intercept #getRecipesSku(971520,971310) is refusing to match.
It's probably not worth while analyzing what exactly (you may not be able to fix it in glob), but switching to a regex will match.
See regex101.com online test
cy.intercept(/wpsite\.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts\?tags\[]=6287&tags\[]=6289&_fields/, {})
The request query string may be badly formed
Looking at the docs for URLSearchParams, the implication is that the query string should be key/value pairs.
But the 2nd request has two identical keys using tags[] as the key.
It looks as if the correct format would be /wp/v2/posts?tags=[6287,6289] since the square brackets don't have a lot of meaning otherwise.
It may be that the server is handling the format tags[]=6287&tags[]=6289, but Cypress is probably not. If you run the following intercept you see the query object has only one tags[] key and it's the last one in the URL.
method: 'GET',
pathname: '/wp-json/wp/v2/posts',
(req) => {
console.log('url', req.url)
console.log('query', req.query) // Proxy {tags[]: '6289', ...
#Paolo was definitely on the right track. The WP API we're consuming uses tags[]=1,tags=[2] instead of tags[1,2] so that's correct, but some research into globs showed me that brackets are special. Why the first bracket isn't messing it up but the second one is, I'm not sure and I kind of don't care.
I thought about switching to regex, but instead I was able to escape the offender in the glob without switching to regex and needing to escape aaaallll the slashes in the url:
const interceptRecipes = (
{ category, skus }: RecipeFilterArgs,
recipes: Recipe[]
) => {
let queryString = ''
if (category) queryString = `categories[]=${CATEGORY_MAP[category]}`
if (skus) {
const tagIdMap = SkuToTagIdMap as Record<number, { tagId: number }>
// brackets break the glob pattern, so we need to escape them
queryString = skus.map((sku) => `tags\\[]=${tagIdMap[sku].tagId}`).join('&')
const url = `${baseUrl}?${queryString}${otherParams}`
const alias = category ? `get${category}Recipes` : `getRecipesSku(${skus})`
cy.intercept('GET', url, recipes).as(alias)

WebMock stub request with dynamic body in response

I am attempting to stub a request with WebMock and have the body of the response expect any value within a given regex; something to the tune of:
stub_request(:get, "someurl").
with(headers: {'Accept'=>'*/*', 'User-Agent'=>'Ruby'}).
to_return(status: 200, body: { "data": [{ "id": /\d+/ }] }.to_json)
where id in the response can be any digit of any length. But this does not work. Does anyone know if this is possible?
The reason I am trying this is that there is a restraint that these IDs in question must be unique, and in a test environment I need to be able to create unique IDs and have the response still accept them, without having to manually, explicitly list out every possible digit in this stub_request.
I would suggest to use the lambda on to_return and handle your regex over there.
stub_request(:any, 'www.example.net').
to_return(lambda do |request|
# TODO: check your regex here
{body: request.body}
RestClient.post('www.example.net', 'abc') # ===> "abc\n"

Trying to get a JSONPath array of all leaves on json object

New to Go. My first project is to compare a NodeJS proxy and a Go proxy for account number tokenization. I have been doing NodeJS for a few years and am very comfortable with it. My proxies will not know the format of any request or response from the target servers. But it does have configurations coming from Redis/MongoDB that is similar to JSONPath expression. These configurations can change things like the target server/path, query parameters, headers, request body and response body.
For NodeJS, I am using deepdash's paths function to get an array of all the leaves in a JSON object in JSONPath format. I am using this array and RegEx to find my matching paths that I need to process from any request or response body. So far, it looks like I will be using gjson for my JSONPath needs, but it does not have anything for the paths command I was using in deepdash.
Will I need to create a recursive function to build this JSONPath array myself, or does anyone know of a library that will produce something similar?
for example:
"response": {
"results": [
"acctNum": 1234,
"someData": "something"
"acctNum": 5678,
"someData": "something2"
I will get an array back in the format:
and I can then use my filter of response.results[*].acctNum which translates to response\.results\[.*\]\.acctNum in Regex to get my acctNum fields.
From this filtered array, I should be able to use gjson to get the actual value, process it and then set the new value (I am using lodash in NodeJS)
There are a number of JSONPath implementations in GoLang. And I cannot really give a recommendation in this respect.
However, I think all you need is this basic path: $..*
It should return in pretty much any implementation that is able to return pathes instead of values:
If I understand correctly this should still work using your approach filtering using RegEx.
Go SONPath implementations:

Is there a way to properly drill down into a JSON response with random property names

I'm trying to test an API response where key values are randomized alphanumerics. This is making it difficult for me to drill down into the JSON response to get the data I want to test.
I am using SuperTest/Mocha/Chai. At this point I'm just trying to test to see if the property 'id', 'name', and 'pattern' exist, and to verify the values of those properties.
Unfortunately since the parent of those properties is a randomized value, i've been unable to access it.
I'm new to API testing in general, so I apologize if I'm not including some important information. Normally I would do something like this:
Example of expects I normally write:
end(function(err, res) {
So far, the only way I've found to do it is to put response.text into a variable, then use split and splice to separate out the data I want. This is ugly and probably inefficient.
Example JSON I'm working with:
{ idTag1: 'randomValue',
{ 'randomValue':
{ id: 'an integer',
name: 'a basic string',
pattern: 'a basic string'

Ruby to_yaml stringifies my json

I am trying to convert a ruby hash to yaml. I'd like part of the hash be valid json; however, when I try to serialize the json string, it is converted to yaml in quotes.
For example, when I just have a simple string, the ouput is as follows (note foo is not in quotations):
request = {}
request['body'] = 'foo'
request.to_yaml # outputs: body: foo
However, when I add something to the beginning of the string, like { foo the output for body gets quoted:
request['body'] = '{ foo'
request.to_yaml # outputs: body: '{ foo'
How can I get around this? I've tried JSON.parse and, though that make work, I can't be guaranteed that this input will actually be json (could be xml, etc...) -- I just want to give back whatever was given to me but not "stringified".
Basically, I want to give an object that looks like:
{ 'request' => {
'url' => '/posts',
'method' => 'GET',
'headers' => [
'Content-Type' => 'application/json'
'response' => {
'code' => 200,
'body' => '[{"id":"ef4b3a","title":"this is the title"},{"id":"a98c4f","title":"title of the second post"}]'
Which returns:
url: /posts
method: GET
- Content-Type: application/json
code: 200
[{"id":"ef4b3a","title":"this is the title"},{"id":"a98c4f","title":"title of the second post"}]
The reason being: right now, I can go from yaml to the correct ruby hash but I can't go the other way.
The method my_hash.to_yaml() just takes a hash and converts it to YAML without doing anything special to the values. The method does not care whether your string is JSON or XML, it just treats it as a string.
So why is my JSON being put into quotes when other strings aren't?
Good question! The reason is simple: curly braces are a valid part of YAML syntax.
my_key: { sub: 1, keys: 2}
Is called flow mapping syntax in YAML, and it allows you make nested mappings in one line. To escape strings which have curly braces in them, YAML uses quotes:
my_key: "{ sub: 1, keys: 2}" # this is just a string
Of course, the quotes are optional for all strings:
my_key: "foo" #same as my_key: foo
Okay, but I want to_yaml() to find my JSON string and convert it to YAML mappings like the rest of the hash.
Well then, you need to convert your JSON string to a hash like the rest of your hash. to_yaml() converts a hash to YAML. It doesn't convert strings to YAML. The proper method for doing this is to use JSON.parse, as you mentioned:
request['body'] = JSON.parse( '{"id":"ef4b3a"}' )
But the string might not be JSON! It might be XML or some other smelly string.
This is exactly why to_yaml() doesn't convert strings. A wise programmer once told me: "Strings are strings. Strings are not data structures. Strings are strings."
If you want to convert a string into a data structure, you need to validate it and parse it. Because there's no guarantee that a string will be valid, it's your responsibility as a programmer to determine whether your data is JSON or XML or just bad, and to decide how you want to respond to each bit of data.
Since it looks like you're parsing web pages, you might want to consider using the same bit of data other web clients use to parse these things:
{ 'request' => {
'url' => '/posts',
'method' => 'GET',
'headers' => [
'Content-Type' => 'application/json' #<== this guy, right here!
'response' => {
'code' => 200,
'body' => '[{"id":"ef4b3a","title":"this is the title"},{"id":"a98c4f","title":"title of the second post"}]'
If the content-type doesn't agree with the body then you should throw an error because your input data is bad.
The reason '{ foo' requires quote is because this is part of the YAML specification 7.3.3 Plain Style.
Plain scalars must never contain the “: ” and “#” character combinations. Such combinations would cause ambiguity with mapping key: value pairs and comments. In addition, inside flow collections, or when used as implicit keys, plain scalars must
not contain the “[”, “]”, “{”, “}” and “,” characters. These characters would cause ambiguity with flow collection structures.
Based on the above even your stated "return" value is incorrect and the body is probably enclosed in single quotes e.g.
code: 200
body: '[{"id":"ef4b3a","title":"this is the title"},{"id":"a98c4f","title":"title of the second post"}]'
Otherwise it would create ambiguity with "Flow Sequences" ([,]) and "Flow Mappings" ({,}).
If you would like result of the JSON, XML or other notation language to be represented appropriately (read objectively) then you will need to determine the correct parser (may be from the "Content-Type") and parse it before converting it YAML
