SwitUI iOS localization language is not changing - xcode

I localized my app in Xcode 13.2.1 into two languages as shown on picture below - EN texts are hardcoded, CZ texts are in Localizable file (imported from xcloc file).
App is constantly appearing in CZ in Simulator even if I set EN language in Run scheme. The only way I found so far to change appearence to EN is to remove CZ localization from the app at all. Any hint, please? Thanks.

Here's how I was able to fix it:
Select the Localizable.strings file in the project navigator.
In the File Inspector, you'll see "English" being unchecked, you need to mark it checked.
By default, Xcode will copy an existing non-English localization for English, so we need to replace it with the original English translation. Luckily, it's possible to just extract it from the .xloc package.
Select menu Product - Export Localizations, make sure English is checked and run the export.
Open the directory of export in Finder, locate the en.xloc file. Right click on it and choose "Show package contents".
Inside the package, go to Source Contents/%TargetName%/en.lproj.
Inside, you'll see the Localizable.strings file. Copy it into your project, replacing the file that Xcode generated previously.
Rebuild the app.
After doing all that, English localization should be back.


Adding localizable strings on xcode 10.1

I have a swift app where I now want to add translations for some of the strings used in the app using NSLocalizedString.
In order to do this, I added a file named Localizable.strings to the project and pressed the "localize" button in the file inspector in order to add multiple languages to it. However only english appeared in the localization list, and I seem to be unable to add more.
Having looked around at SO and just googling around, many of the articles on how to do this mention that I should add more languages to my project under build settings. But the only setting I can change under Localization is one named "Localized String Macro Names", and there is no option to add languages there. There is also no "Use Base Internationalization" marker to check.
I have also tried to click on my project, then Editor -> Add Localization, but there all the languages are greyed out and I am unable to chose any of them.
I therefore suppose that you are supposed to do this differently in the latest version of xcode (10.1 atm). Can anyone help me figure out how you are supposed to do it?
It's about the project settings. Take a look at the image:
Under the Localizations you add new languages. After you add the language here you select which files you want to localize.
// update
Click on the top right button shown in the screen below and select your project under the PROJECT tab.
You just selected the wrong settings. The picture that you attached is actually under TARGET settings -> Build Settings, rather than project settings.
See the picture below to select "project settings" under xcode 10:
Xcode 10, project settings

Xcode doesn't export strings from xibs for localization

I'm trying to follow Apple's localization guide with my project, but after I select Editor -> Export for Localization, the resulting .xliff file doesn't contain any strings from .xib files.
It has only strings from Localizable.strings and from Info.plist.
I did it!
Turns out, it was a project created in old Xcode version that doesn't support Base Internationalization.
I had to
Press “Localize” on all the xibs in the project
Then go to Project Settings and in the Info tab check “Use Base Internationalization” checkmark.
After this, the resulting .xliff file has all the .xib strings.

How do I access images (for document icons) in an asset catalog in the Xcode 5 product preference editor

I think I'm literally on the last step before submitting a new Mac app, and I've been banging my head against a wall for the past few hours on what I think should be really, really easy.
I've designed document icons for the two different types of icons my app creates and works with. I created a new "Icon" in Images.xcassets, and dropped the appropriate files into the drop zones.
In the product editor -> Info, I go to where the document type information is, but when I try to enter in the icon name in the "icon" field of either the Document Types or Exported UTI section, the icon image just turns into a question mark—no options show up in the drop down menus for icons.
How do I get the images/icons in the asset catalog to show up in the editor? Alternatively, if I was going to enter that manually into the plist, what sort of format would I use to reference an Icon file from the asset catalog?
I know I'm probably missing an easy step here, but I can't see it!
To my knowledge, Xcode doesn't currently support using .xcassets for document icons. This is a little strange—the .xcassets editor clearly allows you to create new icons, but it doesn't generate .icns files, it just puts all the files in the same folder and uses a plist to manage them.
To create an icon for your document types, upload the 1024x1024 version of the icon to http://iconverticons.com/online/ to convert it to a .icns file. Alternatively, you could use a third-party tool to generate an .icns file with different images for different resolutions. There used to be a great tool included in the Developer Tools for doing this, but I can't seem to find it anymore.
Once you've got an icns file, add it to your project and you should be able to select it as the "Icon" for your Document Type or External/Internal UTI. Enjoy!
To be honest, it might be worth filing a bug about this. Xcode's development seems so strongly driven by iOS these days, they may not have noticed this yet!
I did it in the most easy way:
Add "New OS X Icon" to images.xcassets and name it "DocIcon", for instance.
Drag and drop images of your document icon
Just type "DocIcon" to icon name of your document
You will see question mark as document icon thumbnail. Don't care about. All will work fine after build and launch of application.
This is what worked for me, using Xcode 10 in 2019 (none of the other answers worked in my case):
Select asset catalog in Project Navigator
Right click on the left pane (list of assets) and choose App Icons & Launch Images ▶︎ New macOS Generic Icon (second option from bottom). Name it "Document". This will create a folder named "Document.iconset" in the asset catalog directory.
Populate all entries with your custom images. They must all be of the appropriate size (e.g., "16 x 16 #2x" must be 32 x 32 pixels, otherwise you will get yellow a warning icon over the image slot).
Navigate to the asset catalog folder, and use the command: iconutil -c icns Document.iconset (must match the name of the icon created in step #2). I took this command from Apple's documentation here (which by the way, also says some BS about Xcode "automatically creating an .icns file from your .iconset folder on build". Sure...).
Copy the newly created Document.icns file as a resource to your project.
Select the target, open the Info pane, and in both Document Types and Exported UTIs set your .icns file as the icon for the file type.
Hej, allesamme,
I had the same problem and have been researching it for days. I found a family of four solutions, the first three of which did not work for me: 1. using a .png file as the document type icon file; 2. using a manually created .icns file as the document type icon file; 3. the above solution, and 4. what I will describe here. Only the last one worked for me.
I tried following the spirit of the above advice and found that it didn't work, at least for my MacOS app. I'm on OS X 10.9.2 (13C64) running Xcode Version 5.1 (5B130a).
The current wisdom seems to be to create a directory in your workspace with a lower-case name and .iconset extension, in which one puts files with an icon_ prefix and the usual suffixes (16x16.png, 16x16#2x.png, 32x32.png, etc.)
In Product Editor's Info pane you can go into Document Types and associate the .iconset file with the Icon field. The icon image happily displays something reasonable. The build process builds a .icns file from that spec and copies it into your app.
I had an intermittent problem that the .icns file wouldn't build, which I traced to mistakenly haven included a 64x64 icon in the list. That's a no-no.
The current Apple dogma on this issue can be found in the official documentation, which covers some details I glossed over here. I didn't need to edit the Info.plist file directly: everything seemed to work from the interfaces provided in Xcode.
I have no idea which solutions work in which contexts, but thought I'd add throw more alternative on the fire for people to try out. — Jim Coplien

How to add localization language to Xcode 4.4?

In reference to this guide:
How to localize my app with Xcode 4?
I noticed that under Localization, my Xcode 4.4 shows no [+] button:
How can I add languages to the Localization list?
Note: I'm not using IB. I purely need a localized strings file with translated strings for a game.
My workaround so far: I created the de.lproj folders manually, copied the strings file into de.lproj, added it to Xcode and Xcode did recognize the file as german. Xcode also added German to the Localization list. I'm wondering if there is an easier way to do this (from within Xcode) instead of copying & adding the files manually?
Select your project from the project navigator to open the project editor. Select your project from the left side of the project editor. Click the Info button at the top of the editor. You should see a list of localizations along with a button to add a localization. Click the Add button and choose a language. A sheet will open that lets you choose what files to localize.

xcode doesn't recognize localization in Info.plist

I am using Xcode 4.4.
As you may all know, there is an easy option to localize resource files in Xcode. You can also internationalize your plist Files, which is my approach.
But since 4.4 it doesn't seem to work properly anymore.
All you have to do is the following:
In <project>-Info.plist file add key "Localization" which adds a subarray where you add your country codes as items
now you can localize you resource file (like Localizable.strings) i.e. like so: followed by a modal screen where you're able to choose the languages defined in plist file
Enter! The resource file now lives in <country identifier>.lproj folder.
In Xcode 4.4 you cannot choose your language, defined in plist file. Only English.
I tried everything. Don't want to localize manually.
Also in Xcode versions below 4.4 it was possible to add new languages with a '+'-button. It is not possible:
Look at this:
Any suggestions. Or do I do it just the wrong way?
Here is how you localize your recources in Xcode 4.4+ :
Click on your project (navigator)
On 'Info' tab under your project you'll see the 'Localizations' section
Click on + to add a language
Choose the files you want to localize in the sheet that will be displayed
Now Xcode will automatically create and put your files under the respective language folders.
Finally if you want to localize other sources (such as image files), click on your file, bring the file inspector pane and click 'Make Localized...' button under 'Localization' section. Xcode will fire up another sheet with the available languages, choose the language and you're ready. I hope that this makes sense.
The question is, too, how to localize multiple Info.plist files for multiple targets.
This is done very easily. Just add the languages you want your localization in to the projectile, as described above.
Then you click your several Info.plist Files, each for each target.
Open up the Utilities sidebar
Click "Make localized"
Then choose between the in the project-file setup languages and you're done.
