How to cast a boolean into a number in App Inventor? - app-inventor

When I toggle a switch in App Inventor, a number must be sent in Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE).
The problem is the following:
and I want to use the value inside a call to BLE:
The boolean is correct, the value sent is correct if it is set to a number. How to cast a boolean to a number then on AppInventor ? Any ideas ?


Microsoft Teams Bot - Is it possible to display an Adaptive Card to get user input when a user enters a command?

I want to develop a Microsoft Teams Bot that when a user enters a keyword, such as 'pto' it will show an Adaptive Card form that the user can populate with information which will then get sent to a web service for processing.
Is it possible to display an Adaptive Card based on a user entering a text command?
Yes, absolutely possible. A "Command" is really just a regular message, and it's how you interpret / respond to the message. You can either detect these messages yourself by looking at the content, or you can use a conversational AI engine like (part of Azure) which can more easily be configured to check for variants (e.g. "pto", "PTO", "POT", "[whatever 'pto' stands for']" etc. In this case, LUIS is basically building a ton of "if" statements to find a match, and the returning you an "intent" (e.g. "User is requesting whatever "PTO" means"). Because it's using AI to generate and maintain this "if" list, language conversational engines like LUIS are widely used in bots, but they're not -required-. It's why you see them in most samples though.
With regards sending an Adaptive Card, that's also pretty standard stuff in Teams bots, and they can be sent in response to a user's message, like you're trying here, as well as other ways to invoke them.
I actually cover both of these topics one after the other in a conference session earlier this year - see the video here: (the earlier parts might actually be of interest too).
Bot Framework can't handle the card prompts natively, so the best solution I've come up with is to
Display the card as a standard activity (i.e. before the prompt)
Provide a message indicating you are waiting for prompt input (e.g. waiting for selection...)
Validate that the prompt input is an object (e.g. input.match(/{.+/g))
Use the values from the object in your next step to call the webservice
So in code it ends up like this:
await step.context.sendActivity(CardHelper.datePicker());
return await step.prompt(DATE_PROMPT, `*waiting for selection...*`);
with a validator to make sure you are receiving an object like this:
async validateDateCard(prompt) {
prompt.activeDialog = await this.userDialogStateAccessor;
prompt.context = await prompt.context;
const input = prompt.recognized.value;
if (input.match(/{.+/g)) {
return true;
} else {
await prompt.context.sendActivity(`Please use the calendar widget above to enter the date.`);
return false;
In my case my widget just has a single field for date, but it works the same regardless of how many fields you have. They will all be in the submitted object. If you try to type something in manually, you are reprompted to use the widget. In general I find prompting for plain text values in sequence instead of using cards works fine and it not too cumbersome for users. But if you have a ton of inputs or need specialized controls like the above date widget, sometimes cards are the only way.

How-to Stop sending out PDU in FlexRay with capl

I have a FlexRay PDU called TEMP in our case, which is getting filled in every cycle, and i would like to simulate a timeout on this PDU, but it has no updatebit.
I have a panel where i check the enable button to decide if it should be sent out or not.
frPdu FR::TEMP_Pdu;
on preStart {
if (#FR_namespace::TEMP_Enablebutton)
on frStartCycle * {
if (#FR_namespace::TEMP_Enablebutton)
FrUpdatePDU(TEMP_Pdu, 1, 1));
Whatever I set my button to, the PDU gets transmitted every loop.
FRUpdatePDU() is not sending another instance of PDU, it is just updating the next iteration with data from the frPDU object, since we are talking about PDU of a static frame, once the VN starts sending it, you cannot stop it individually by PDU control.
Frame vs. PDU
A frame is physical Flexray Frame on the network. a PDU, is a virtualization of a part (or of the entire) of the frame payload.
Analogy: The postal truck is the FlexRay Frame, and the boxes in it are PDUs. For the Postal service (Flexray Protocol - OSI layer 1) the important unit is the truck itself, and for you (the client), the boxes in it. You will never be interested in what kind of truck delivered your goodies in a box, you are interested only in the content itself.
When you call the FrUpdatePDU(), you not only start sending the PDU, but you activate (send non-null frames) its slot also.
By setting the frame underneath to non-null frame, you ensured (in a case of static frame) that it will be sent cyclically from that point, automatically, regardless what you want to do with the PDU (the trucks are going anyway, even if you don't want to send boxes in them).
I presume you do not have IL DLLs to aid you, therefore you are limited to the functions CANoe environment provides as General FlexRay IL functions.
You need to identify the frame carrying the PDU.
You need to manipulate the frame also with frUpdateStatFrame().
frframe FramefromDBCofTEMPPDU InstanceofFrameTemp;
on frStartCycle *
if (#FR_namespace::TEMP_Enablebutton==1)
FrUpdatePDU(TEMP_Pdu, 1, 1));
So, in fact you need to modify the frame also. About the frame flags, check out the definition of the frframe in Help.
I don't use Vector CANoe or CANalyzer myself and there is almost no public documentation, so I can only offer some general debugging hints:
Have you checked that #FR_namespace::TEMP_Enablebutton has the expected value, i.e. that it is really false when you turn the button off? You could add a write() before the if() inside "on frStartCycle" to check this.
This question looks similar: Sending Periodic CAN signals on button press using CAPL and CANalyzer - they use "on sysvar" to react to the button press, maybe you have to do something similar. Namely: React to the button press, set an environment variable, check that variable in "on frStartCycle"
Since there is not a lot of public documentation, you can also try asking around inside your company, there might be some people around you who can help you.

Android Beacon Library Reference Application Help (didEnterRegion function)

My region is:
Region region = new Region("backgroundRegion", Identifier.parse("24DDF411-8CF1-440C87CD-E368DAF9C93E"), null, null);
When I start the program I get this message:
06-26 18:03:21.061 7394-7394/? D/BeaconReferenceApp: setting up background monitoring for beacons and power saving
But it doesn't enter in any didEnterRegion function
So, I removed this line: backgroundPowerSaver = new BackgroundPowerSaver(this);
And change scanning times, as it follows:
I checked my Beacon UUID and they are 24DDF411-8CF1-440C87CD-E368DAF9C93E
So what is wrong? Why the app doesn't go to the didEnterRegion function?
I already made it work to work with other than AltBeacons... (ranging function works ok!)
My final goal is to get current time when a beacon is discovered...
A few possibilities:
If you are already in the beacon region, you won't get a second callback until the beacon disappears (turn it off for 30 seconds or so, then turn it back on while the app is running.) Alternatively, you can look for a call do didDetermineStateForRegion which is always called when your app starts up, with a flag that tells you if you are inside or outside.
Make sure you have granted runtime permissions to location.
Make sure location is turned on for your phone in settings.
Make sure the beacon is transmitting that identifier using the Locate app
Make sure you have the proper BeaconParser configured. The question is tagged Eddystone, but shows an iBeacon or AltBeacon-style UUID as the first identifier. Do you have a custom beacon parser configured? What beacon type are you trying to detect?

Windows Phone Phonecall with dtmf

I know using phonecalltask we can make a call programmetically by filling the phonenumber field .
A sample code may be
PhoneCallTask phn = new PhoneCallTask();
phn.PhoneNumber = "9807689,657"; ();
But my question is,is it possible to send dtmf right at the point when we are initiating calls ?
like in android and iphone we can send dtmf by dividing the number with ",". EX: 9876543,123
Is it also possible in windows phone? if possible is windows phone uses the same format to separate dtmf number or they use other tag other than "," ?
How to call programatically using p and w commands,and most predominantly the dtmf sound must send automatically after call
Just did the test. Your code works, and the DTMF are played right after the callee answers the phone.
p and w are supported as well, looks like the implementation is conform to the RFC 3601.

In what circumstances would a GetMsgProc functions would receive a code of less than 0?

As the question asks, in what circumstances would the procedure supplied to SetWindowsHookEx with WH_GETMESSAGE as hook ID would receive a "code" parameter less than zero?
The help for the function states :
If code is less than zero, the hook
procedure must pass the message to the
CallNextHookEx function without
further processing and should return
the value returned by CallNextHookEx.
For some reasons, I believe I'm receiving a message with a Code parameter of less than 0 when I would need to actually process the message. Any insight?
Those < 0 codes are used internally to manage the list of hooks (Meaning you should always pass them along without looking at the data!)
See this blog post for details about how people abused the old version and why we now have the Ex versions...
