WeChat WebSocket communication works only on an emulator - websocket

I'm trying to do send some messages (MQTT) using WeChat and WebSockets. I'm following steps described on https://segmentfault.com/a/1190000040627614/en . It's working perfectly in an emulator but not on a real device. It's not able to connect. Are there any settings in WeChat blocking such connections?


OpenTok, detect if remote subscriber has poor connection or temporarily disconnected or network disconnected for Android and iOS SDK

We are not able to detect subscribers'/clients' disconnected signal or poor network connection with Android/iOS SDK, however, we are able to detect with OpenTok web (JS).
The below link suggested for the web which is working fine our end too, but we need the same for OpenTok Android and iOS SDK.
Determining if a remote subscriber is temporarily disconnected.
we need sample code to detect poor connection or network disconnected at subscribers end for both Android and iOS. if anybody faced a similar problem and has a workaround then please suggest.
our aim to show messages on the mobile phone if subscribers have poor connection issues or trying to reconnect.
There are analogous re-connection callbacks for Android and iOS as well. Reconnection callbacks get triggered when a client tries to automatically reconnect after losing its connection to an OpenTok session. Otherwise, if a client cannot reconnect, the SessionListener's "disconnected" method gets triggered.
To verify if session reconnect APIs are working fine at your end, we recommend you to implement the necessary callbacks and manually check if the registered callbacks gets triggered or not by disconnecting network and then reconnecting it again.
Please checkout the below link for implementing callback APIs:
iOS: https://tokbox.com/developer/sdks/ios/reference/Protocols/OTSessionDelegate.html#//api/name/sessionDidBeginReconnecting
Hope it helps!

Azure SignalR not working on few types of phone

I am developing a Xamarin Forms app for Android where in i need to receive events from server using Azure SignalR function. This is working fine in few phones, however on few I get strange errors.
Redmi 4 running Android 7.1 I see that the connection is successful, it it does not receive any messages.
Redmi 1s running Android 4.4 KitKat, it gets connected and I can receive messages, however soon it gets disconnected stating that remote party closed the websocket connection without completing the close handshake or 30000 ms elapsed without receiving a message from server
BTW I have a background Service where I am creating this SignalR Hub and connecting so that even if my app goes to sleep, I can still receive the server events.
it works fine on some of the other newer phones in my home. so my question is what is the best way to debug these kind of issues. I don't see any logs in the Device Log that can help me understand what is going on.

Can a web application use a personal phone to send a text message

I have a client who sends about 5000 SMS messages each month. They are currently doing this from an iPhone, by actually typing the message in to the phone. (I think the messages are quite repetitive, and are often addressed to groups).
The reason that they are not using an online message gateway is purely the cost. We can use a gateway here in Australia (such as Amazon SMS) for about 7.5 cents for transactional (and 2.5 cents for promotional, though I don't know if this is reliable enough).
When the client uses their own iPhone, the SMS is included in their plan, and costs them nothing extra.
I am building a web-based application for the client and the question is 'Can I send SMS via a handset connected to the client's desktop PC'. I think the answer is no, but would like to be surprised. The application is responsive, so what about if they triggered the messages from a browser on the phone? Still no?
If you could use an Android phone instead an iPhone, you could create a small gateway app on the Android that can send text messages without the need for the user's intervention.
It could work like this:
The Android app would have a simple REST interface, a good start could be https://github.com/NanoHttpd/nanohttpd.
An endpoint in the Android app could send messages, see Sending SMS programmatically without opening message app
The software on the computer would use the rest endpoint on the Android phone to send the message.
This wouldn't work on the iPhone because it doesn't allow an app to send a text message without the user's intervention.

Websocket send not working from phone network

I have a game based on websockets for real-time. With WIFI everything is working as expected. But over phone network, the connection is opened but messages aren't received on the server. While the server pings are received at the client. I am using websocket implementation on heroku using ruby/sinatra for the server and my client is an android app using a websocket library.
This behavior only happens from a 3G phone network and not WIFI.
I have read about websockets not working from phone network because of proxy servers used by phone network providers, then how come I receive the pings from the server? Please help.
I resolved this issue by passing it over SSL. I used wss:// instead of ws:// and it worked fine even over phone network.

Send Push Notifications Through Proxy (APNs and GCM)

I have built both ios and android apps which will receive push notifications. The problems are NOT from device side but from server side.
Because our company's internal server must connect to external network through Proxy, when users send notifications to mobile devices, the server which handles sending notification request must send request to proxy server then proxy server forwards request to APNs and GCM.
I have no idea about how to send push notification requests through proxy. I have studies in this case for several days, but no solutions have been found.
I saw some guys said APNs does not allow connections coming from Proxy Server. Only direct connection is accepted. Is that true? Is there any official docs mentioned it?
Is there anyone able to help me?
I wanna know how to send push notification through proxy for ios and android.
If you are using Java.You can use javaApns enter link description here for ios. I my self have problem right now to get GCM to send through proxy on my Server local it works. If you can you can configure the application server to send through proxy.
