Why some string in SwiftUI app are not localized - xcode

I use Export/Import localization functionality in Xcode 13.2.1 and it works more or less fine but some strings are not exported in xcloc file, for example texts from function below
func createInitialStepTypes(inContext context: NSManagedObjectContext) {
let names = ["NVA", "NEC", "VA"]
let nvaDesc = "Step with not added value (typically preparing of equipment, exception handling, etc.)."
let necDesc = "Necessary steps but still not adding value (typically system actions like login, manual data entry, etc.)."
let vaDesc = "Step with added value (typically material handling)."
let descs = [nvaDesc, necDesc, vaDesc]
let colors: [Color] = [Color.red, Color.orange, Color.green]
for (i, _) in names.enumerated() {
name = names[i]
desc = descs[i]
color = colors[i]
save(stepTypeID: nil, inContext: context)
Strings from other functions in the same class like e.g. this one
errMsg = "Step type \(stepType.name!) can't be deleted because it's being used."
are captured correctly. Any idea why?


Duplicated display of NSUserActivity in Spotlight

I know there are several posts on this topic out there but they differed to much from my problem.
I am trying to display my NSUserActivity in Spotlight Search. For my NSUserActivity I am using three APIs: .isEligibleForHandoff, .isEligibleForSearch and .isEligibleForPrediction.
My problem is that my activity is being displayed twice in the Spotlight Search and that one of the results delivers an empty userInfo and the other one doesn't. However the Apple Programming Guide suggests:
Use the following strategies to avoid creating duplicate
representations of a single item:
If you’re using both NSUserActivity and Core Spotlight APIs to index
an item, use the same value for relatedUniqueIdentifier and
uniqueIdentifier to link the representations of the item.
But I don't think this is even my problem since I am not using any Core Spotlight APIs.
Thats my code inside my UIResponder class:
let attributeSet = CSSearchableItemAttributeSet(itemContentType: kUTTypeItem as String)
attributeSet.title = "Place Order Search"
attributeSet.contentDescription = "Get Your Avocado Toast Now"
attributeSet.relatedUniqueIdentifier = ActivityType.placeOrder.rawValue
let avocadoToastDictionary = AvocadoToastManger.dictionary(from: avocadoToastOrder)
let jsonAvocadoToastData = json(from: avocadoToastDictionary)
let activity = NSUserActivity(activityType: ActivityType.placeOrder.rawValue)
activity.title = "Place Order"
activity.userInfo = ["PlaceOrder.avocadoToast": jsonAvocadoToastData]
activity.requiredUserInfoKeys = ["PlaceOrder.avocadoToast"]
activity.suggestedInvocationPhrase = "Order an Avocado Toast"
activity.keywords = ["Order", "Avocado Toast"]
activity.isEligibleForHandoff = true
activity.isEligibleForSearch = true
activity.isEligibleForPrediction = true
activity.contentAttributeSet = attributeSet
self.userActivity = activity
Note: The updateUserActivityState(activity:) method is getting called twice in a row.
So how can I void getting multiple search results in the Spotlight Search and make sure the one which has the userInfo property set stays.

plot.CA() renders in shiny app locally but not when app is deployed

I have created a Shiny app that takes user input and creates a CA plot. It works just fine when I run the app locally, but for some reason when I deploy the dashboard, the image of the plot won't appear. I can see in the logs that the data uploading and reformatting into a proper data frame is working just fine, but the plot itself is failing to render.
Does anyone know why this might be? I posted my code below (you'll see some print() lines in my code that was used for debugging). Any help would be greatly appreciated!
ui <- fluidPage(theme = shinytheme("darkly"),
# Application title
titlePanel("Perceptual Map Dashboard"),
# Sidebar with a slider and selection inputs
#Excel doc row and column names
numericInput(inputId="startcol",label="Input start column of CSV file:",value="", min=1,max=10000),
numericInput(inputId="endcol",label="Input end column of CSV file:",value="", min=1,max=10000),
#Inputing brands and emotions
numericInput(inputId = "rownums",label = "How many emotions/characteristics are you evaluating?",value = "", min = 1,max = 10000),
h6("Note: Please enter brands and emotions/characteristics in the order that they appear in the excel document exported from Survey Gizmo."),
textInput ( 'brands', 'List the brands included in your perceptual map (separated by commas):', value=""),
textInput ( 'emotions', 'List the emotions/characteristics included in your perceptual map (separated by commas):', value=""),
#Removing brands and emotions
#Select graph type
textInput(inputId="plottitle",label="Title your graph:"),
#Upload Excel Grid
fileInput(inputId = 'data', 'Upload CSV File',
actionButton("go","Create Map")
# Visual Output
h5("Once your visual appears, just right click it to save it as a .png file.")),
plotOutput(outputId = "plot", width = "100%", height=500)
# downloadButton("downloadPlot", "Download Visual")
server <- function(input,output){
K <- eventReactive(input$go,{
x <- read.csv(input$data$datapath, header = F)
x[!is.na(x)] <- 1
x[is.na(x)] <- 0
pmd.matrix<-matrix(column.sums, byrow = T, nrow=as.numeric(input$rownums))
colnames(pmd.df2) = unlist(strsplit(as.character(input$brands),","))
row.names(pmd.df2)= unlist(strsplit(as.character(input$emotions),","))
fit <- CA(pmd.df2, graph=F)
p <- eventReactive(input$go,{
output$plot<- renderPlot({
plot.CA(K(), col.row = "blue", col.col="black", cex=1, new.plot=T,
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
What I suggest to you is to check whether this issue is specific to your plot or if plot.CA is not working with shiny in general. Try to "deploy" (apparently, you don't use a webserver?) the following app
res.ca <- CA(children, col.sup = 6:8, row.sup = 15:18)
function(input, output, sesison) {
output$plot <- renderPlot({
If this does work, there might be something wrong with your model or maybe there are name collusions between the ca package and the FactorMineR package.
If this does not work, try the following instead
## use same data/libraries as above
myfile <- tempfile(fileext = ".png")
function(input, output, sesison) {
output$plot <- renderImage({
png(file = myfile)
list(src = myfile)
}, deleteFile = FALSE)
And see
Whether the app works now
Whether myfile gets created and contains reasonable contents.

How to set default value in Eureka-Form

I am creating a series of ImageCheckRows as a SelectableSection, and I would like to set some default values. Essentially each row returns a true/false value, so somewhere there should be a simply method of setting true or false on each row. I tried the row.value but this requires a 'String?'
currentSection! <<< ImageCheckRow<String> { row in
row.tag = "\(tagname)_\(optionKey)"
row.title = optionValue as? String
row.selectableValue = optionKey as? String
if let dvkey = optionKey as? String {
print("dvkey = \(dvkey)")
if let _ = defaultValues?.value(forKey: dvkey) {
print("we found dvkey in the defaultValues dict - try row.select")
row.value = true
}.cellSetup { cell, _ in
cell.trueImage = UIImage(named: imageChecked)!
cell.falseImage = UIImage(named: imageUnchecked)!
I also tried using the function:
But this didn't work either.
Then I tried moving it to the cellSetup, but this didn't work either.
Can anyone help me here?
Worked it out myself...
row.value = optionKeyValue as? String
This is a radio button style control, and as I create the row with the default radio button I set the value to the key, however it must be a string representation, even if it is numeric. Who would have guessed!
My first thought was that the radio button control is checked/unchecked, hence it should really be a true/false value.
My second thought was that the radio button control default value would be set against the group, which is a more logical place to set or change the value.
Wrong on both counts.

Xamarin: string represantation of object

I'm looking for something similar in Xamarin to iOS -description method which is just string representation of object (called when u type po object in XCode console)
F.e I'm getting a Array or Dictionary and I need to display it in a label
in iOS I'd easilly do:
label.text = object.description;
and it would work for dictionary and arrays:
<__NSArrayI 0x7f8a83ef4b10>(
description = "set_loyalty";
event = "";
mutation = 100;
previous = 0;
timestamp = "2016-04-08 09:45:15";
description = "set_loyalty";
event = "";
mutation = 100;
previous = 100;
timestamp = "2016-04-08 09:45:16";
but in Xamarin I weren't able to find easy way to achieve the same.
I've tried:
String.Format("{0}", object);
None of it works like I want (I don't expect it to work :) like I want )
Is there a simple way to achieve this?
If it's an iOS object (inherits from NSObject), you can still use myObect.Description.
If not:
some types overload ToString() to print their properties nicely, but not all
have a look at: https://stackoverflow.com/a/1347630/1489968
or use a serializer of your choice (e.g. JSON.NET). But these will not dump every field / property.

makeFirstResponder won't compile

I have an array of buttons and an array of associated NSTextViews (embedded in NSScrollViews), all created programmatically. All this in a program (a calendar) that compiles and works fine as far as it does.
However, I would like clicking a button to cause the associated text field to behave as if I had clicked directly in it (cursor and focus ring appear and it accepts text). Right now, I have to click the button AND the text box before I begin entering text.
It appears that “makeFirstResponder” should do what I want, but it won’t compile as I am trying to do it.
Here is the relevant code:
(All in a single View Controller)
Global Declarations:
var arrayOfButtons:[NSButton] = []
var arrayOfFields: [NSTextView!] = []
var arrayOfWindows: [NSScrollView!] = []
Creation of array of fields:
var i = 0
var myLocalText: NSTextView! = NSTextView(…
var myLocalWindow: NSScrollView! = NSScrollView(…
for i = 0; i <= 6; i++ {
var myLocalText: NSTextView! = NSTextView(…
var myLocalWindow: NSScrollView! = NSScrollView(…
myLocalWindow.hasVerticalScroller = false
myLocalWindow.focusRingType = NSFocusRingType(rawValue: UInt(2))! // I didn’t get a focus ring until I did this
myLocalWindow.documentView = myLocalText
myLocalText.editable = true
myLocalText.selectable = true
myLocalText.verticallyResizable = true
Routine that responds to clicking a button:
view.makeFirstResponder(arrayOfFields[tag]) // THIS IS THE SUBJECT OF MY QUESTION
// IT GIVES A COMPILER ERROR AS FOLLOWS: “Cannot invoke ‘makeFirstResponder’ with an argument list of type ’NSTextView’”
// as far as I can tell from the documentation, makeFirstResponder should accept an argument type of NSResponder, and NSTextView should inherit from that
In Mac OS X, makeFirstResponder is an NSWindow method, not an NSView method.
