How to symlink alias and function dotfiles - bash

I trying to make my own alises. I have this in my ~/dotfiles:
alias hello="echo Hello"
I try to symlink this:
ln -sn "~/dotfiles/.alias" ~
But after this when i run my alias nothing happens
Is there a path for aliases in home to symlink it?

Make sure you are sourcing your aliases file in your .bashrc or .zshrc
the code for that in your .bashrc or .zshrc should look something like this:
if [ -f ~/dotfiles/.aliases ];
then source ~/dotfiles/.aliases


How do I fix echo $PATH returning an incorrect path?

I have tried using this code in both .bashrc and .bash_profile:
if [ -f /etc/bashrc ]; then
. /etc/bashrc
export TMPDIR=/tmp
export SUBJECTS_DIR=/mindhive/nklab3/projects/ellison_on_nklab3/zfMRI
but when I write echo $SUBJECTS_DIR in the terminal, it returns a completely different filepath.
I have done source .bashrc, source .bash_profile, and restarted my ssh login, but none of these have changed anything, echo just continues giving the wrong directory. I have also tried writing the SUBJECTS_DIR filepath in quotes, writing it with :$SUBJECTS_DIR at the end, and a bunch of other configurations that I've found from looking around on the internet for ages to find what the problem might be, but no way of writing it has changed anything so far either. What do I do?
/etc/bashrc is supposed to be source'd by /etc/profile or autoloaded by bash depending on how Bash was built by the distro. I think what you want to do is this; placed in ~/.bash_profile:
if [[ -f ~/.bashrc ]]; then
. ~/.bashrc
export TMPDIR=/tmp
export SUBJECTS_DIR=/mindhive/nklab3/projects/ellison_on_nklab3/zfMRI
Read Bash Startup Files.

Convert bashrc function into a script/command?

I created the following function in a bash terminal as a way to move and immediately see the files in a directory.
function cnl { (cd $* ; pwd ; ls --color) }
It works fine as an addition to .bashrc, but I would like to turn it into a command that can be called from a script in my ~/bin directory.
Create a file in ~/bin with this content:
cd $*
ls --color
and make it executable:
chmod u+x ~/bin/your_script

terminal cant do ls or cd

Can anybody explain what is wrong with my terminal:
$ echo $PATH
$ ls
-bash: ls: command not found
$ cd
-bash: find: command not found
Why won't these commands work? Help? Anyone?
I'm guessing your .bash_profile or .bashrc has a line that looks like
export PATH=/usr/local/bin
This is overwriting all the existing stuff that needs to be in your $PATH. You need to change this line to look like
export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH
"ls" lives in "/bin" and "find" lives in "/usr/bin". You need to add these to your $PATH in your bash_profile or .bashrc.

bash - cd command not working?

I've somehow managed to screw up bash while fiddling with the $PATH variable in my bash_profile (I think...). All I did, as far as I can remember, was add a directory to the $PATH variable. Please HELP!
Here's what I get when I cd into various directories
my-MacBook-Pro:~ myuser$ cd .rvm
-bash: dirname: command not found
-bash: find: command not found
my-MacBook-Pro:.rvm myuser$ cd
-bash: find: command not found
And here's what happens when I try to get into my .bash_profile to undo whatever it is that I did...
my-MacBook-Pro:~ myuser$ emacs .bash_profile
-bash: emacs: command not found
my-MacBook-Pro:~ myuser$ sudo emacs .bash_profile
-bash: sudo: command not found
Any help would be massively appreciated. I'm completely screwed until I can get bash working normally again!
/usr/bin/emacs .bash_profile or similar should work when the PATH is broken.
The $PATH variable tells the shell where to look for commands. If you just bypass that by telling it the full path, it should work. Try /usr/bin/emacs .bash_profile.
When you do a cd, you're getting a bunch of other things. Since you're using BASH there are are two possible issues:
You have PROMPT_COMMAND defined. Try to undefining it:
There's an alias of the cd command: This was quite common in Kornshell where you don't have the nice backslashed characters you could put into your prompt string. If you wanted your prompt to have the name of your directory in it.
You had to do something like this:
function _cd
if [ "$pattern" ] #This is a substitution!
\cd "$directory" "$pattern"
elif [ "$directory" ]
\cd "$directory"
if [ "$shortName" = "" ]
elif [ "$shortName" = "$directory" ]
$ "
alias cd="_cd"
Ugly isn't it? You don't have to go through all of that for BASH, but this does work in BASH too, and I've seen places where this was done either out of ignorance of inertia.
Try this:
$ type cd
You'll either get
$type cd
cd is a shell builtin
or you'll get
$ type cd
cd is an alias for ....
As for your updating of $PATH, you probably forgot to put $PATH back in the new definition, or quotation marks because someone has a directory name with a space in it. Your PATH setting should look like this:
Some people say it should be:
I guess, that you have defined $PROMPT_COMMAND (maybe in .bashrc) in a way that uses dirname and find.
That would explain the behavior of cd.
The find command is by default in /usr/bin/find. Thus, you can use it to find the locations of your imprtant commands and reconstruct you path information.

ssh command execution doesn't consider .bashrc | .bash_login | .ssh/rc? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Why aliases in a non-interactive Bash shell do not work
(4 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I am trying to execute a command remotely over ssh, example:
ssh <user>#<host> <command>
The command which needs to be executed is an alias, which is defined in .bashrc, e.g.
alias ll='ls -al'
So what in the end the following command should get executed:
ssh user#host "ll"
I already found out that .bashrc only gets sourced with interactive shell, so in .bash_login I put:
if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
. ~/.bashrc
and I also tried to define the alias directly in .bash_login.
I also tried to put the alias definition / sourcing of .bashrc in .bash_profile and also in .ssh/rc. But nothing of this works.
Note that I am not able to change how the ssh command is invoked since this is a part of some binary installation script. The only thing I can modify is the environment. Is there any other possibility to get this alias sourced when the ssh command is executed? Is there some ssh configuration which has to be adapted?
From the man pages of bash:
Aliases are not expanded when the shell is not interactive, unless the expand_aliases shell option is set using shopt
There are a couple ways to do this, but the simplest is to just add the following line to your .bashrc file:
shopt -s expand_aliases
Instead of:
ssh user#host "bash -c ll"
ssh user#host "bash -ic ll"
to force bash to use an "interactive shell".
As pointed out here about non-interactive shells..
# If not running interactively, don't do anything
[ -z "$PS1" ] && return
# execution returns after this line
Now, for every alias in your bashrc file say i have:
alias ll="ls -l"
alias cls="clear;ls"
Create a file named after that alias say for ll:
user#host$ vi ssh_aliases/ll
#inside ll,write
ls -l
user#host$ chmod a+x ll
Now edit .bashrc to include:
# If not running interactively, don't do anything
[ -z "$PS1" ] && export $PATH=$PATH:~/ssh_aliases
This does the job.. although I am not sure if it is the best way to do so
You only need to do this for aliases, other commands in bashrc will be executed as pointed out by David "you must have executable for ssh to run commands".
an alternative to alias that will be visible in all script is
# shortcut to set enviroment to insensitive case
export go_I="shopt -s nocasematch"
Now in any script you can use
$go_I # go Insensitive
[[ a == A ]] # evaluates TRUE ( $? == 0)
$go_C # maibe want to go back to casesensitive
it's useful to place all shortcuts/aliases in /path/to/my_commands and edit /etc/bash.bashrc
source /path/to/my_commands
Open file ~/.bash_profile. If this file does not exist create one in the home directory and add the below line
source = $HOME/.bashrc
exit your ssh and login agian and you should get the .bashrc settings working for you.
