Gradle - Get the default value (convention) of a Property - gradle

I want to achieve a very basic thing (in any normal language): I would like to get the default value (convention) of a Property. Gradle docs in chapter Lazy configuration, describes how to apply the convention to a Property:
def property =
// Set a convention
property.convention("convention 1")
println("value = " + property.get())
// Can replace the convention
property.convention("convention 2")
println("value = " + property.get())
// Once a value is set, the convention is ignored
property.convention("ignored convention")
println("value = " + property.get())
The problem is, that you cannot query the property to get information what is the convention (the default value) when you set a value. It seems that the only way it's to clear (nullify) the value:
But this is just stupid because you are doing unnecessary actions, while the convention is somewhere there?
Does anyone know how to get it without clearing the value?

The answer (for 2022) is: No, you can't get the default value (convention) of a Property.

I'll try to answer why set overrides the convention once it's called. The convention is the default value, once the property has a value by calling set the convention is ignored because the property has a value. That makes sense because that's what a default value should mean. If I have a value use that otherwise use this default value. Convention and set seem to follow that pattern. I don't quite follow why this is surprising to how you want to use gradle, but just as an outside observer I think gradle is doing what is expected.
You can test if a property exists using
if( property.isPresent() ) {
// do whatever
I bet that isPresent() is going to say false when the convention would be returned by get(), but if you call set then isPresent() is going to return true.
Then there are other methods to help like:
def val = property.getOrElse( "SomeDefault" )
def maybe = property.getOrNull()
I do think Gradle doesn't always do a good job of making the API very accessible from their home page and docs (ie groovydoc) for answering more complex questions:
These methods are the super interface Provider and hence why it may not be obvious they are available if you don't look up the chain:


ruby: howto use multiple boolean options and keep the code readable

I need to process a couple of boolean options, and I am trying to do it like it is usually done in C:
DICT = 0x000020000
FILTER = 0x000040000
HIGH = 0x000080000
KEEP = 0x000100000
NEXT = 0x000200000
I can now assign arbitrary options to a Integer variable, and test for them:
action if (opts & HIGH|KEEP) != 0
But this looks ugly and gets hard to read. I would prefer writing it like
action if opts.have HIGH|KEEP
This would require to load have method onto Integer class.
The question now is: where would I do that, in order to keep this method contained to the module where those options are used and the classes that include this module? I don't think it's a good idea to add it globally, as somebody might define another have somewhere.
Or, are there better approaches, for the general task or for the given use-case? Adding a separate Options class looks like overkill - or should I?
You can use anybits?:
action if opts.anybits?(HIGH|KEEP)
The methods returns true if any bits from the given mask are set in the receiver, and false otherwise.

How to override node attribute value within ruby block / using a value of variable in ruby block?

I am using Chef of AWS OpsWorks. I have a custom attribute JSON like below;
"custom_attributes": {
"custom_attribute_1": "default_value"
and, I can use #{node[:custom_attributes][:custom_attribute_1]}" to print / use that value anywhere in my recipes. Then, I want to change that value and I can achieve it by mentioning it in default.rb file inside attributes directory of my cookbook, like below;
override['custom_attributes']['custom_attribute_1'] = "overridden_value"
Now, if I print / use this attribute, new value will get reflected. This works well.
Lets consider I haven't overridden the value and trying to use a ruby block for this like below;
ruby_block 'test_block' do
block do
node.override['custom_attributes']['custom_attribute_1'] = "overridden_value"
action :run
log 'message' do
message "attribute value = #{node[:custom_attributes][:custom_attribute_1]}"
level :info
Now, if we take a look at log, it will show default_value instead of overridden_value. If my understanding is clear, its happening because of compile and convergence phases. Can somebody show me how to fix this issue?
As per my research, I understand that the attribute assignment is happening at compile phase and ruby block evaluation is happening at converge phase. In that case, can somebody show me how to override / create new attribute using Chef Lazy? Below is a blog I came across;
can somebody show me how to override / create new attribute using Chef Lazy?
you can use lazy evaluation
In some cases, the value for a property cannot be known until the execution phase of a Chef Infra Client run. In this situation, using lazy evaluation of property values can be helpful. Instead of a property being assigned a value, it may instead be assigned a code block. The syntax for using lazy evaluation is as follows:
property_name lazy { code_block }
where lazy is used to tell Chef Infra Client to evaluate the contents of the code block later on in the resource evaluation process (instead of immediately) and { code_block } is arbitrary Ruby code that provides the value.
so you might want to use lazy as follows
log 'message' do
message lazy { "attribute value = #{node[:custom_attributes][:custom_attribute_1]}" }
level :info

Ignore locale on thymeleaf #date.format()

I want to keep date format to fix standard regardless of locale. But however it is by default taking current locale and setting format based on locale.
th:text="${#dates.format(myDate, 'dd-MMM-yyyy')}"
I am always expecting format be like
but with CA locale I am getting 09-de set.-2015
Is there a way to fix this.
This question is not duplicate of This question. My problem is related to locale formatting.
Not sure you are using Maven or Gradle. Add thymeleaf-extras-java8time as your dependency.
and instead of #dates use #temporal and specify locale as parameters as below.
th:text="${#temporals.format(myDate, 'dd-MMM-yyyy','en')}"
But make sure your myDate is in java.time.* format
The #temporals.format function is the correct one to use. However, the third "locale" argument must be a java.util.Locale object, not a string.
The following work:
#temporals.format(myDate, 'dd-MM-yyyy', new java.util.Locale('en'))
#temporals.format(myDate, 'dd-MM-yyyy', #java.util.Locale#ENGLISH)
Note that this is true even if you're working with Kotlin Spring Boot. The syntax in the Thymeleaf template isn't Java, it's an OGNL Expression.
I'll quote the useful syntax used here:
Context variable reference
Static method reference
Static field reference
new class(args)
Constructor call
Edit: one other option is to specify the Locale in the Thymeleaf context, if you just want to override the default system Locale. I've included a Kotlin snippet of how that might work:
val context = Context() // org.thymeleaf.Context
context.locale = Locale.ENGLISH
context.setVariable("x", 0)
templateEngine.process("classpath:template.html", context)

Grails define custom error message for command object

I am writing a Grails (2.3.3 currently) application and have created a validateable command object similar to the following:
class MyCustomCommand {
String name
static constraints = {
name blank: false
In my i18n/ file I defined the following properties to override the default error messages. must be provided. must be provided.
Which per the Grails documentation should be of the format [Class Name].[Property Name].[Constraint Code] as I have done. When I run my application if I leave the value blank I still get the default message for a null property.
I also tried following the example of the default messages and defining them a follows, but still get the default message. must be provided. must be provided.
I am assuming that I am missing something simple here, but have yet to stumble upon what. Any suggestions on what I am doing incorrectly?
It is simple indeed. Message should look like: must be provided. must be provided.
//className.propertyName.blank (camelCase with first letter of class name lower)
So, as I anticipated it was something simple. I was using the defaults as an example which used null where as what I really needed was nullable. Which does make sense as that matches the constraint name.
Therefore the correct version is: must be provided. must be provided.

How to make jmeter while controller work

I'm having trouble getting the while controller to work in jmeter.
I've a feeling that I read that it doesn't re-evalute user defined variables, so I am trying to use properties instead.
I start off by using a BSF assertion to set a property called keepLooping
${__setProperty(keepLooping, true)};
This seems to work as it enters the While controller with a condition of
But I cannot for the life of me get it to change that property to something else. I want it to change the property depending on the resulting text of an http request.
So I am using a Regular Expression Extractor to set a variable, which I can see is getting set. Then I am trying to use a BSF assertion to set the keepLooping property on the basis of the variable that I have set. I am using javascript as follows:"IM IN HERE");"props is "+props);
//"props keep looping is "+props["keepLooping"]);
if (${surveyRequired} == false){"IM IN HERE 1A and props is "+props);
${__setProperty(keepLooping, true)};"IM IN HERE 1B");
else {"IM IN HERE 2A");
${__setProperty(keepLooping, false)};"IM IN HERE 2B");
I can't figure out how to set the property with javascript - I've tried several things. Can anyone help? Many thanks!
Also can anyone recommend a good resource that negotiates what seem to be the many 'quirks' of jmeter? Many thanks!
"I've a feeling that I read that it doesn't re-evalute user defined variables" -- I use JMeter 2.9 and it really does. I use user defined variable in order to count number of loops. It looks like: ${__javaScript(${MY_USER_DEFINED_VARIABLE}>0)}. The only one annoying thing is that I have to get value of variable, increment it, cast to string (toString() in Groovy), and then put new value into MY_USER_DEFINED_VARIABLE (by using vars.putObject("MY_USER_DEFINED_VARIABLE",localBSFVariable))
Using vars.put or props.put will help, as explained in detailed in detail in this jmeter thread.
