Error installing SQL Server Express on Windows 10 Home 21H2, 19044.1526 - Unauthorized operation - installation

I hit the same error again and again when trying to install SQL Server Express 2019 (or older versions on two different Windows 10 Home 21H2, 19044.1526 PC's.
I get this error:
Feature: Database Engine Services
Status: Failed
Reason for failure: An error occurred during the setup process of the feature.
Next Step: Use the following information to resolve the error, uninstall this feature, and then run the setup process again.
Component name: SQL Server Database Engine Services Instance Features
Component error code: 0x84BB0001
Error description: Attempted to perform an unauthorized operation.
Error help link:*
Microsoft has an KB article about upgrading the Edge Chromium version. It is up to date, and I have tried installing Edge using a standalone installer also.
The registry subkey in mention: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Microsoft Edge simply does not exist.
I try installing with a minimum of features. But the error appears with installing the database engine, which is hard to live without.


Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016 Setup Failure on SQL Native Client

I attempted to install Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013, but I get the error shown in the image
When I drill donw into the error log I noticed the following message:
Installation of Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime failed. Exit code: 5100.
Result: Asia
As a result I decided to abort the installation CRM 2013 and tried to install Microsoft Dynamics CRM Setup. Everything appears to be going in the right direction, however I keep on getting the error that the Download failed for SQL Native Client, see image.
I have turned off the Firewall to make sure that the Firewall was blocking the download.
Any thoughts on what might be going wrong?
I am tring to install on Windows Server 2012 R2 with SQL Server 2014
To resolve this problem I manually downloaded the SQL 2008 native client from Microsoft site.
Make sure to restart the Server post installation.

How can I solve or fix Run Time Error "372" Msdbrptr.dll?

my application work by vb6.
The Error occur after install Office 2015. Before installing Office 2015 will by my program worked.
Msdbrptr.dll version year 2018.
Run-time error '372': Failed to load control 'DataReport' from C:
WINDOWS \ SysWOW64 \ Msdbrptr.dll. Your version of the C: \ WINDOWS
SysWOW64 \ Msdbrptr.dll may be outdated. Make sure you are using the
version of the control That was provided with your application.
I delete Msdbrptr.dll then add it but same error exist.
can anyone help me ?
According to Microsoft KB 942870:
You attempt to run a Visual Basic 6.0 application that contains an
ActiveX control.
You receive the following error message:
Runtime Error: 372 - Failed to load control from
<control.ocx>.Your version of <control.ocx> may be outdated. Make sure
you are using the version of the control that was provided with your
This can occur when the user running the application is logged on
under a different user account than the user account who installed the
application, and the installation package installed the application on
a per user basis.
When an application is installed for a specific user, the COM
components referenced in the application are registered in the
HKEY_CURRENT_USER hive in the Windows registry. When an application is
installed for All Users, the registry entries are made to the
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE hive in the Windows registry, and all users should
be able to read these entries by default.
Modify the installation program to install the application for All

Dynamics 365 (on-premises) v8.2 upgrade to v9 fails

I am trying to upgrade Dynamics 365 version 8.2.3 to version 9.0, but have some problems with it.
I've tried two scenarios on my test server:
Created backup of my real CRM database (XXXXXX_MSCRM)
Restored it on the test server.
Installed version 9.0 on the test server. Installed the latest update for it.
Did Import Organization on restored database (XXXXXX_MSCRM) via Deployment Manager. It failed.
As a result, importing failed with this exception:
System.Exception: Error.ActionFailed Microsoft.Crm.Tools.Admin.InstallDatabaseUpdatesAction ---> Microsoft.Crm.CrmException: Error in Action: Bin\Microsoft.Crm.Setup.DiffBuilder.dll:UpgradeSystemAndMetadataDiffIndexManagementDataWithDelete on attempt 3. System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: The constraint 'PK_topicmodelBase' is being referenced by table 'TopicModelExecutionHistoryBase', foreign key constraint 'topicmodel_topicmodelexecutionhistory'.
Created backup of my real CRM database (XXXXXX_MSCRM)
Restored it on the test server.
Installed version 8.2 on the test server.
Did Import Organization on restored database (XXXXXX_MSCRM) via Deployment Manager. It succeeded.
Installed the latest update for version 8.2. It succeeded.
Installed/Upgraded Dynamics 365 to version 9.0. It failed.
During the installation it also tried to upgrade Organization version to 9.0 and failed. So, server version 9.0 is installed, but my organization is in Failed state.
Explored the log file and got this exception:
System.Exception: Action Microsoft.Crm.Tools.Admin.InstallCrmSystemConvertedSolutionsAction failed. ---> Microsoft.Crm.PackageDeployment.PackageDeployerException: Package msdynce_MarketingSales failed to install on attempt 1.
System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. ---> Microsoft.Crm.MultiTenantPackageDeployment.PackageDeployerImportException: PackageDeployerWrapper: Import Failed status encountered. Details: Failed to load solution Marketing Sales Patch, version:
and also a bunch of this kind of inner exceptions:
Error : The AttributeLookupValue (Id=81cde1dc-2241-db11-898a-0007e9e17ebd) entity or component has attempted to transition from an invalid state: ComponentStateName: Solution; ComponentOperation: Delete; ComponentSolutionType: Active; SolutionOperationContext: MoveSystemComponentToFirstPartySolution; IsProtected: False; FinalComponentState: Publish.
Did anyone faced with such a problems during the upgrade process?
Ok, I have successfully upgraded Dynamics 365 and my organization to version 9 with the second scenario.
Here is my solution:
First of all, my Dynamics 365 version and real organization's version (let's call it "RealOrg") was of version
1. Install the latest update for Dynamics 365 8.2 (Update 2.15). No problem with it, everything should work fine. So we got version.
2. Now we need to run setup of version 9. At the start of the installation we must choose some organization which will be upgraded to the new version <-- so here is the problem part. Whatever organization I choose, after upgrading it to v9 it will be always in Failed status, so I will lose it. What I did is created new organization via Deployment Manager, lets call it "FakeOrg" then I chose this organization to upgrade it to version 9. After that, we are able to manually upgrade "RealOrg" at any time after v9 installation.
3. Upgrade should perform successfully, despite the fact that it can show exception message (this exception probably refers to organization upgrade). So now we got "FakeOrg" of version with Failed status (we don't need it anymore) and "RealOrg" of version with Disabled status, but we can see that Update option is available for "RealOrg".
4. It is important do not update "RealOrg" to new version at this step, because it will try to update organization to version which is pretty buggy and it will fail. We need to install first update for Dynamics 365 9.0 (Update 0.3). It performs with no problem. So now we have version
5. We finally can manually upgrade our "RealOrg" from version to version It took around 2-3 hours for me, but worked fine with no problem.
6. After all, another problem I faced was this exception when I tried to access Dynamics 365 website:
Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.ReportViewer.WebForms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845dcd8080cc91' or one of its dependencies
The reason of this exception is absence of report viewer .dll-s in website bin folder.
Solutions is to copy 7 .dll files from version 9 installation extracted files (you should extract files before running the setup of v9)
Copy these files:
Into this folder
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics CRM\CRMWeb\bin

Visual Studio 2017 installation fails with package install error

I am attempting to install visual studio 2017.
I get an error after the installation "Setup Operation Failed"
Below is the install output log.
The log reports this step failed:
Package 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.WebDeploy.Msi,version=15.0.26430.16,chip=x64' failed to install.
The product failed to install the listed workloads and components due to one or more package failures.
Incomplete workloads
.NET Core cross-platform development (Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.NetCoreTools,version=15.0.26323.1)
ASP.NET and web development (Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.NetWeb,version=15.0.26412.1)
Incomplete components
ASP.NET and web development tools (Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.Web,version=15.0.26323.1)
Web Deploy (Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.WebDeploy,version=15.0.26208.0)
Windows Communication Foundation (Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.Wcf.Tooling,version=15.0.26208.0)
You can search for solutions using the information below, modify your selections for the above workloads and components and retry the installation, or remove the product from your machine.
Following is a collection of individual package failures that led to the incomplete workloads and components above. To search for existing reports of these specific problems, please copy and paste the URL from each package failure into a web browser. If the issue has already been reported, you can find solutions or workarounds there. If the issue has not been reported, you can create a new issue where other people will be able to find solutions or workarounds.
Package 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.WebDeploy.Msi,version=15.0.26430.16,chip=x64' failed to install.
Search URL:;PackageAction=Install;ReturnCode=1720
Impacted workloads
.NET Core cross-platform development (Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.NetCoreTools,version=15.0.26323.1)
ASP.NET and web development (Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.NetWeb,version=15.0.26412.1)
Impacted components
ASP.NET and web development tools (Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.Web,version=15.0.26323.1)
Web Deploy (Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.WebDeploy,version=15.0.26208.0)
Windows Communication Foundation (Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.Wcf.Tooling,version=15.0.26208.0)
MSI: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\VisualStudio\Packages\Microsoft.VisualStudio.WebDeploy.Msi,version=15.0.26430.16,chip=x64\webdeploy_x64.msi, Properties: REBOOT=ReallySuppress
Return code: 1720
Return code details: There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A script required for this install to complete could not be run. Contact your support personnel or package vendor.
It references a detail log file which is too large to fit here but I am scanning it trying to find anything relevant.
The root cause of this issue turned out to be a windows problem. The WMI repository was corrupted. I re-installed windows and the install succeeded.

AppFabric installation error 1603 (As_Observers)

Hi I have been trying to install AppFabric for hours! After trying to do it on an existing Server I got to the point to use a fresh copy of Windows 2012 Server R2. Still getting errors.
I believe I found the error in the log file:
CustomAction Usergroup_AS_Observers_icacls_i returned actual error code 2 (note this may not be 100% accurate if translation happened inside sandbox)MSI (s) (B8:F8) [13:10:01:738]: Product: AppFabric 1.1 for Windows Server -- Error 1722. There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A program run as part of the setup did not finish as expected. Contact your support personnel or package vendor.
Deleting the Usergroup as recommended in different posts does not help. The user group gets created during install.
I have no idea how to approach this.
I have tried on an existing AD-integrated Server, new 2012 and 2012R2 image. It is not possible to install.
To fix AppFabric installation issue 1603 I removed PSModulePath from environment variables.
