Complilation problem with gradle - apereo cas server - gradle

Hello, I am currently setting up a Apereo CAS server in a local network which will have to authenticate users belonging to ldap directories so that they can then connect to an applications server.
A Windows Server 2019 Active Directory is the gateway to the WAN.
Windows Server 2019 with Active Directory and DHCP, routing and DNS installed which make the link between the WAN and the LAN; IP:
LDAP Server on Centos 7 on the LAN registred on the Active Directory (no ssl certificate generated); IP:
CAS Server on Debian 11 on the LAN (no ssl certificate generated); IP:
All pinging between each other;
I'm following this process to install and configure the cas server:
This is my build.gradle configuration file:
This is my configuration file:
This is the result of the ./gradlew clean command:
This is the error line on build.gradle:
I don't understand where the error comes from. thank you to enlighten me.
Moreover, if someone has a detailed procedure, which describes the environment and the prerequisites, recent and educational to install a CAS server for Centos 7, I am interested

In older CAS versions you had to specify the version numbers in your dependencies, but now the build script gets the right dependencies automatically for you. I see you're using the old casServerVersion instead of project.'cas.version'
To make it work you need to do two things:
First remove all versioning from your own declared dependencies.
So remove these parts for each line you added:
That way your dependencies look something like this:
implementation "org.apereo.cas:cas-server-support-ldap".
Second move all of your declared dependencies above this line in your build.gradle:
if (project.hasProperty("casModules")) {
The build script will now automatically get the right dependency versions.
As for guides/tutorials/etc check these out: (tutorials by Misagh Moayyed: The apereo chairman/CAS maintainer/dev)


Error while creating new Maven project in Eclipse (Tried all possible answers from StackOverflow & google with no luck)

Operating System: Windows Server 2016 Datacenter 64-bit
Eclipse Version: 2020-06 (latest)
Java: JDK 14 SE
Proxy: No
I get this below error in a specific VM but NOT on any other VM's (Works in Windows 10 VM), I am sure it's because of some network configuration in my VM I get the below error but unable to figure out the cause of the issue. It'll be really helpful if anyone could find the cause of the issue.
Observation 1: Eclipse able to connect with Maven repo and download the basic jar files, I am able to see those in local repo.
Observation 2: Tried different Network connections options Direct/Manual/Native with no luck
Eclipse Network Connections Screenshot:
Eclipse Error 1
Eclipse Error 2
Error Log
This issue is because of folder access rights. Moving the .m2 local repository from C: drive to another drive solved the issue.

Docker container from docker cloud on windows

I've some repositories on docker cloud. I build and deploy it on my home ubuntu server and that work well.
On my home server, I can access these services with their url (like http://registry:8761).
I'm trying to run my service on Kitematic on Windows, all of my services are running on localhost, so my configuration in application.yml where I say that my registry service is on http://registry:8761 doesn't work.
Could someone help me ?
Your browser doesn't know what to do with http://registry since it's got no TLD qualifier. I assume your ubuntu server is set up in a way to do all the correct redirections, but with Windows you'd have to add an entry in your hosts file that points http://registry to localhost or wherever it's supposed to go

Jenkins build project "Unable to access to repository"

I am a complete Jenkins noob so if I have missed something completely obvious I apologise in advance!
I am building an intranet web application using Visual Studio 2010 and commit changes using AnkhSVN to a repository stored on a server that is running Visual SVN Server.
Due to budget restrictions this server is also acting as our web server and also running Jenkins. It is connected to our internal network but doesn't have external internet access so I have had to manually install Jenkins plugins and dependencies.
I am trying to build a Jenkins project that would build the web application when it detects a commit but when I enter the repository URL and the user credentials in the source code management window I get the following error message:
Unable to access to repository
However when I enter the url in a browser and enter the same credentials I can access the repository without any errors.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Server Specs
Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter 64bit
Visual SVN Server
Port: 443
Version 3.5.6
Port: 8080
Credentials Plugin 2.1.9
MapDB API Plugin
Pipeline: SCM Step 2.3
Pipeline: Step API 2.5
SCM API Plugin 1.3
SSH Credentials Plugin 1.12
Structs Plugin 1.5
Subversion Plug-in 2.7.1
check if the ip of jenkins server can access the svn ip server....i have the same problem and i found that my ci server can not access the svn server .using ping command
That actually might be okay. For some reason I see similar error message (could be a bug in Jenkins frontend) when edit SCM details for a job in Jenkins, but it does work flawlessly if I actually save and run the job.
Give it a try it might actually work during the build time.

Unable to deploy from Jenkins to Jboss

We are unable to deploy our application from our BuildServer to our appliation server.
This is the maven command we use in Jenkins:
clean install jboss-as:deploy -Pjboss7 -Dmaven.test.skip=true
We have tried the following:
Confirmed we can telnet from our BuildServer to our appliation server
Upgrade Jboss maven plugin
Started Jboss (on our application server) with
$JBOSS_HOME/bin/ -b
Jenkins seems to hang at the following point:
INFO: JBoss Remoting version 3.2.12.GA
Authenticating against security realm: ManagementRealm
Is the JBoss AS 7 working on the same machine as Jenkins?
Currently your binding your public interface to all network interfaces on the host machine (the -b command). You should also bind your management interface of the app server to a proper network interface (Jboss allows remote deployment only by the management interface). You can do it in the $JBOSS_HOME/standalone/configuration/standalone.xml (or domain.xml for domain mode) file. Find:
and set the inet-address to the ip of the machine which hosts the application server. You can also use the -bmanagement switch to bind the management interface, as such:
$JBOSS_HOME/bin/ -bmanagement=
You also stated, that you have a potential problem with authentication. Please post your maven plugin configuration. Note that the username and password you provide for the maven plugin should match the administrator user on JBoss (you can add him by choosing Management User in the $JBOSS_HOME/bin/ promp). This is the most likely source of your problem - but it is hard to tell without any further information (for example something from the pom.xml file).
Also if the app server is working on the same machine as Jenkins, JBoss allows the "local user authentication" which basicaly checks if the call has originated from the same machine.
Additional source for network interface binding:

CentOS 6.4 Minimal + how to configure jenkins jobs via xml?

I need to create a Build Server in CentOS 6.4 Minimal I sucessfully installed:
Java compiler (OpenJDK 1.7.0)
Git or Mercurial
Now I need to to the following:
At given intervals (eg daily at midnight) is the latest revision in the version control system (tip, HEAD, ...) compiled with Maven. In addition, Java Docs and packages (jar, war) need to be created.
Then Jenkins with all tests conducted and reported.
Make sure there is a report of previous builds
Ensure that the Java Docs and packages can be downloaded (jars, wars, ...) of the latest build
I can't use a GUI on CentOS Minimal so I need to configure the job in xml files? Could please someone show me the way... I'm not a linux server guru.
It's a bit impractical to configure Jenkins via XML by hand, because Jenkins' configuration is spread over multiple files, and the format of the configuration files changes between releases.
Given that Jenkins is a web application, you should be able to visit port 8080 (Jenkins' default port, assuming you didn't change it) on the server where you installed Jenkins (e.g., and configure it via the web interface.
If you're unable to access the web interface because of a firewall or similar, but you are able to SSH to the server (presumably you can, given that you were able to install stuff on it), you could set up an SSH tunnel to forward a port on your local machine to port 8080 on the server. For example, from your local machine, run the following command. You will then be able to access Jenkins on your local machine at http://localhost:28080 . If you're on Windows, you can use Putty to do the same thing.
ssh -L 28080:
If you can't access the web app directly, and you can't SSH tunnel, I'd recommend setting up Jenkins on a server where you can access the web app, configuring it, and copying the XML config files from /var/lib/jenkins on that server across to your Centos server.
