In Braintree documentation it's mentioned that Transactions have two types of notifications: transaction_settlement_declined and transaction_settled. Source:
Unfortunately in panel settings 'API->Webhooks', there's no option to enable this type of notifications:
I've tried to enable all options, but still I don't receive these notifications from Braintree servers.
Braintree support is silent, no response for days.
While browsing SO I've found that user Jerry is working for Braintree, but I'm unable to contact him.
Anyone has any idea what's going on with Braintree, why they're not responding?
I am using imdhemy/laravel-in-app-purchases plugin to manage mobile purchases from Google and Apple. I configured Google ok and I'm handling purchase events correctly.
But with apple subscriptions (renewable subscriptions) I can verify purchases, but I can't make the events listeners to work.
This is what I have working so far:
I can get a purchase from the mobile device and verify the receipt.
I can store the purchase identifier in my database.
I configured apple's push notification endpoint both for production and sandbox
My specific problem is:
the route /purchases/subscriptions/apple is expecting unified_receipt, unified_receipt.latest_receipt, unified_receipt.latest_receipt_info and notification_type.
but apple is sending Post: "{\x22signedPayload\x22:\x22eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1N...., if I'm not wrong, that is a JWT token, but in the library documentation, there is no information regarding JWT token.
That produces a 422 error from laravel's side, as it expects fields not sent by Apple.
Is there some extra configuration or step that I'm missing?
If you are switch to Notification version 1 you will find all data. Version 2 send only jwt token
If someone comes across this issue, the solution I found was to decrypt the JWT manually and skip all the custom events.
When creating Calendar Events via the Graph API, the events are created correctly in the calendar of the organizer but the invites to the participants get bounced. The organizer gets a 'Delivery has failed...' message with the following error message:
Remote Server returned '550 5.7.708 Service unavailable. Access denied, traffic not accepted from this IP. For more information please go to AS(7171)
Sending emails manually through Outlook (web) from the organizer to the participants works fine.
The issue is intermittent. After changing the DNS server, everything worked fine for some time.
I checked as suggested in the answers to similar posts, but this list is empty.
I also tried delisting the IP address (my own?) through, but to no avail.
The tenant is linked to the Microsoft Developer Program and would allegedly have a 'bad reputation'. However, I don't understand how that would explain the fact that it sometimes works and sometimes doesn't when sending exactly the same API request and hence 'triggering' exactly the same emails...
I think the best way to overcome this would be to add a domain to your developer tenant as per the guidance here:
Add and validate all domains in Office 365 that you use to send email messages. For more information, see Add a domain to Office 365.
I'm not guaranteeing this will resolve it. You have to understand that those developer tenants are only meant for experimentation and so there are checks and balances to ensure they are used in a bad manor.
How many emails are you sending through this tenant?
Calendar events are sent out via email. Add the "Mail.Send" permission to you App Registration.
This solved it for me.
I'm currently research if there any way to get notify our server when subscription status had change (expired or cancelled manually). I had read two related articles:
For now the only way I see, is to check status on purchase validation via Azure, which happens on login in my case (which is not notification obviously), disadvantages of this approach that there would be a ton of notification from each user who logon, even if there no any changes in subscription.
Another possible options (I guess) is to send notification using WNS or Azure, according to articles:
I see it's possible to send direct notifications to cloud service, but I can't find any information on how to subscribe to user subscription changes, is it even possible?
Referral events should send an event according to the documentation here. See #2 for more information.
I am trying to receive this event, however, it does not seem as though the event is sent to the bot framework. We verified that the permission is granted with Facebook Messenger setup. I am using nGrok and can see all messages routed to the bot, however, this event does not show up when using an link
Are these events supported?
You need to subscribe to Referral Messages in the Facebook Messenger Developer Portal. Open the settings blade on the left, scroll down to webhooks, and hit edit events.
Then enable messaging referrals and click save.
When the user clicks on the link it will open the conversation and send a message activity to the bot. Note, I could only get this behavior to work if I added a ref parameter to the link -<PAGE_NAME>?ref=<VALUE>.
Hope this helps!
What is wrong with my Paypal sandbox account process
to receive webhook notifications? We are unable to receive webhook event on
my URL.
URL working with "Webhooks simulator". Please let me know what
should I do for receive webhook event on above URL.
Webhooks simulator sends sample payloads for the events you configured. It does not send a notification on triggering of an actual event.
If you are getting notification via Webhooks Simulator, it means the URL configured by you is able to intercept POST requests.
Now for the "Paypal sandbox account unable to process to receive Webhook notifications" part, please check if the transaction is actually created at . If the transaction you are looking for is not present there, there won't be any notification generated. In case transaction is present there and still you are not getting any notifications, please share debug id.
Here is a silly thing that I overlooked in the documentation and only found out after contacting support.
After you've followed the approval url and gave your approval, dit you execute the payment with the REST API?
Webhooks are only called after you've executed the payment.
The confusing part is; there is no webhook being called, when a user approves or cancels a payment. There is only a redirect back to a return url or cancel url. So you either need to monitor the redirect back to your site and trigger the execute call then, or find another way (like polling the payment) to see the status change before calling the execute call.