How can MockMvc get around API exceptions? - spring

Ideally, I want this:
void testWelcome() throws Exception {
But the test fails because it throws at get("/oops") (which runs a controller method that throws a RuntimeException) before it can get to the assertion. How do I deal with this issue? This is my quick fix for now:
void testTriggerException() throws Exception {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {

You can try this:
() -> mockMvc.perform(get("/oops").contentType(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)))
.hasMessageContaining("The exception message");


Why isnt Mockito doThrow throwing an Exception in this case? zero interactions with mock

method I am testing (the method setEventHubDataPayload throws JSONException and JsonProcessingException):
public class EventHubMapper {
public byte[] toEventDataJsonByteArray(UserRecord inbound) {
EventHubDto ehDto = new EventHubDto();
JSONObject eventJson = new JSONObject(ehDto);
try {
eventJson.put("data", setEventHubDataPayload(ehDto, inbound));
} catch (JSONException e) {
analytics.trackError(AnalyticsConstants.EventHub.JSON_MAPPING_ERROR, e.toString());
} catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
analytics.trackError(AnalyticsConstants.EventHub.JSON_PROCESSING_ERROR, e.toString());
return eventJson.toString().getBytes();
unit test code:
public void toEventDataByteArray_JsonException() throws JSONException, JsonProcessingException {
EventHubMapper ehmMock = Mockito.spy(eventHubMapper);
doThrow(new JSONException("blah")).when(ehmMock).setEventHubDataPayload(any(), any());
verify(analytics, times(1)).trackError( AnalyticsConstants.EventHub.JSON_MAPPING_ERROR, new JSONException("blah").toString());
I've tried using more specific matchers ... ex: any(EventHubDto.class) or any(UserRecord.class) and got the same result:
Wanted but not invoked:
and also
Actually, there were zero interactions with this mock.
what is going on here?
I think you need to call like below while testing.

Spring transaction: unexpected rollback behavior

I am doing a simple experiment for debugging purpose.
First I insert serveral records to database, and then I do a invalid data conversion which will throw DataIntegrityViolationException, but I will catch the exception.
I expected the records being successfully inserted into the db, since I catch the checked exception. But the whole thing is rolled back.
I do the experiment again using TransactionTemplate instead of using annotation, same result.
My questions are:
is this the expected behavior?
If anwser to No.1 is yes, then I catch the exception, how is it possible that spring knows an exception is thrown?
Here is my code:
public void insertValue() {
jdbcTemplate.execute("insert into people (person_id, name) values (4, 'asjkdhadsjkqhweqkewhkashdkahd')");
jdbcTemplate.execute("insert into people (person_id, name) values (5, 'tttqqq')");
// this should throw exception
public void truncateValue() {
jdbcTemplate.execute("alter table people alter column name varchar(7)");
public void jdbc_calls() {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
public void run() {
TransactionTemplate transactionTemplate = new TransactionTemplate(transactionManager);
transactionTemplate.execute(transactionStatus -> {
try {
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
throw e;
} catch (Throwable e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
return null;
More about question No.2.
Here is the source code of TransactionTemplate.execute()
From my understanding, if I don't throw an exception, rollbackOnException won'r be triggered.
public <T> T execute(TransactionCallback<T> action) throws TransactionException {
Assert.state(this.transactionManager != null, "No PlatformTransactionManager set");
if (this.transactionManager instanceof CallbackPreferringPlatformTransactionManager) {
return ((CallbackPreferringPlatformTransactionManager) this.transactionManager).execute(this, action);
else {
TransactionStatus status = this.transactionManager.getTransaction(this);
T result;
try {
result = action.doInTransaction(status);
catch (RuntimeException | Error ex) {
// Transactional code threw application exception -> rollback
rollbackOnException(status, ex);
throw ex;
catch (Throwable ex) {
// Transactional code threw unexpected exception -> rollback
rollbackOnException(status, ex);
throw new UndeclaredThrowableException(ex, "TransactionCallback threw undeclared checked exception");
return result;
is this the expected behavior?
Yes, it is.
If anwser to No.1 is yes, then I catch the exception, how is it possible that spring knows an exception is thrown?
When an exception occurs, spring will mark your transaction as rollbackOnly.
So even when you catch your exception, at the end of your method, your transaction still rolled back.
In your case, I don't get why you use #Transaction since you want to commit regardless if exception occurs.
When you're using transaction with DB, the transaction invocation is delegated to EntityManager.
Look at AbstractEntityManagerImpl#handlePersistenceException:
public void handlePersistenceException(PersistenceException e) {
if ( e instanceof NoResultException ) {
if ( e instanceof NonUniqueResultException ) {
if ( e instanceof LockTimeoutException ) {
if ( e instanceof QueryTimeoutException ) {
try {
catch ( Exception ne ) {
//we do not want the subsequent exception to swallow the original one
When exception occurs, the EntityManager mark your transaction as rollbackOnly before throws out the exception for you to catch.
After the exception is catched in your service, the AbstractPlatformTransactionManager will try to commit (because, as you know, no exception is detected there), but the EntityManager refuses to commit because its detect that the transaction marked as rollback-only.
If you read the exception, you will see something like:
javax.persistence.RollbackException: Transaction marked as rollbackOnly

Java 8 lambda catching exception

From the book Java 8 for the impatient by Cay Horstmann:
Didn’t you always hate it that you had to deal with checked
exceptions in a Runnable? Write a method uncheck that catches all
checked exceptions and turns them into unchecked exceptions. For
new Thread(uncheck(
() -> { System.out.println("Zzz"); Thread.sleep(1000); })).start();
// Look, no catch (InterruptedException)!
Hint: Define an interface RunnableEx whose run method may throw any
exceptions. Then implement
public static Runnable uncheck(RunnableEx runner)
Use a lambda expression inside the uncheck function.
For which I code like this:
public interface RunnableEx {
void run() throws Exception;
public class TestUncheck {
public static Runnable uncheck(RunnableEx r) {
return new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {;
} catch (Exception e) {
public static void main(String[] args) {
new Thread(uncheck(
() -> {
Did I do according to what was hinted? Is there a better way of doing this?
Also there is another complementary question:
Why can’t you just use Callable<Void> instead of RunnableEx?
Your code fails to wrap the checked exception into an unchecked one. Further, it doesn’t following the hint to use a lambda expression. A corrected version would be:
public static Runnable uncheck(RunnableEx r) {
return () -> {
try {;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
There are indeed possibilities to improve this further. Since the whole purpose of the RunnableEx interface is to wrap a Runnable, you could place the factory method inside the interface itself:
public interface RunnableEx {
void run() throws Exception;
public static Runnable uncheck(RunnableEx r) {
return () -> {
try {;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
Of course, now your calling code has to be adapted to:
public static void main(String[] args) {
new Thread(RunnableEx.uncheck(
() -> {
Now, the interface itself could implement the wrapping feature, becoming compatible with Runnable, which would eliminate the need to have a Runnable and a RunnableEx instance to represent a single action:
public interface RunnableEx extends Runnable {
void runWithException() throws Exception;
#Override default void run() {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public static Runnable uncheck(RunnableEx r) {
return r;
Note that while the calling code doesn’t change syntactically, it will implicitly create a Runnable instance in the first place, when creating the RunnableEx instance, that’s why uncheck becomes a no-op, merely serving as a marker that a RunnableEx should be created rather than a Runnable. With this interface definition, you could achieve the same via
public static void main(String[] args) {
new Thread( (RunnableEx) () -> {
The reason why you can’t “just use” a Callable<Void> here, is that Callable<Void> still is a Callable, requiring the implementation code to return a value. In other words, there is no implicit conversion from void to Void. So you can use it, but the lambda expression would require a return null; statement at its end then (null is the only value compatible with Void).
public class TestUncheck {
public static Runnable uncheck(Callable<Void> r) {
return () -> {
try {; }
catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); }
public static void main(String[] args) {
new Thread(uncheck(
() -> {
return null;
This way of catching exceptions from lambdas works fine, and is (with a few additions) the one implemented in the Unchecked class from jOOλ, a popular Java library.
For comparison, see their static method Unchecked.runnable, which is identical to your solution, with the exception of their Exception handler and to the lambda abreviating the return value.
With regards to the assignment from Java 8 to the Impatients, your uncheck method does not use a lambda (for this, see the Unchecked.runnable method), and does not throw an unchecked exception. For this, your catchblock (currently empty) needs to wrap the exception into an unchecked exception. There are many ways to do it, and many questions on SO are relevant:
How to wrap checked exceptions but keep the original runtime exceptions in Java
Replace a checked exception with a runtime exception?
Handling Runtime exception in Java
But a simple way is:
throw (e instanceof RuntimeException) ? (RuntimeException) e : new RuntimeException(e);
Finally, to answer the Callable<Void>question, I am assuming you mean "instead of Runnable"? If so, it is because the constructors from Thread take a Runnableas an argument.

Spring #Async with Future and Callable

I am trying to implement a generic class that executes a callable asynchronously, but I am not sure about the semantics.
public class MyCallerImpl implements MyCaller {
public <T> Future<T> runAsync(Callable<T> callable) throws Exception {
return new AsyncResult<T>(;
Basically, this component executes arbitrary actions from any callable asynchronously using the #Async annotation.
I am unsure about the Exception in the throws clause of the method signature.
A Junit test:
public class RunnerTest{
private MyCaller myCaller;
public void testException(){
final Callable<String> callable = new Callable<String>(){
public String call() throws Exception{
throw new MyException("foobar");
final Future<String> future = myCaller.runAsync(callable); // this can throw Exception due to
future.get(); // this can throw InterruptedException and ExecutionException
catch (final InterruptedException ie)
// do someting
catch (final ExecutionException ee)
// we want to check the cause
final Throwable cause = ee.getCause();
assertTrue(cause instanceof MyException);
catch (final Exception e)
// Not sure what to do here.
// Must be caught as it is declared to
// be thrown from the MyCaller.runAsync() method
// but nothing will really ever get here
// since the method is #Async and any exception will be
// wrapped by an ExecutionException and thrown during Future.get()
fail("this is unexpected);
My question is what to do about the Exception declared in the throws clause of MyCallerImpl.runAsync()?
The only reason I have declared it is because of the way I am calling the callable. Originally I had the following in the async method:
FutureTask<T> futureTask = new FutureTask<T>(callable);;
return futureTask;
But when an exception is thrown from the callable in that instance, it gets wrapped twice in an ExecutionException, the first time when is called eventually FutureTask.Sync.innerRun() catches the exception and calls innnerSetException() and a second time when the AsyncExecutionIntercepter gets the result from the Future via Future.get(), which eventually again checks if there is an exception and throws a new ExecutionException wrapping the ExecutionException caught in innerRun()
I also tried to do the following in the method:
FutureTask<T> futureTask = new FutureTask<T>(callable);
return futureTask;
I had figured that since the AsyncExecutionInterceptor calls Future.get(), that the callable would be called immediately, but that was not the case. It just hangs on FutureTask.acquireSharedInterruptibly() and never returns.
Maybe I'm in over my head here. It works how I have it set-up with the callable now, but I rather not have the method signature declare a throws Exception.
Any advice? Should I forget about this generic way of doing async calls with a callable?
There are 2 layers of exception here.
the exception leading to the calling of the Callable
if (string.equals("X")){;}
the exception caused when calling the method (your "throw new MyException("foobar");")
since you do not have any other code prior to ";", it would be safe to remove the checked exception.
public <T> Future<T> runAsync(Callable<T> callable) throws Exception
public <T> Future<T> runAsync(Callable<T> callable)
additionally, you can code it this way
final Future<String> future = myCaller.runAsync(callable);
future.get(); // this can throw InterruptedException and ExecutionException
catch (final InterruptedException ie)
// do someting
catch (final ExecutionException ee)
// we want to check the cause
final Throwable cause = ee.getCause();
assertTrue(cause instanceof MyException);

Exception handling with Apex (

Is there any way to throws an standard or custom exception with Apex method as,
private void createNewJob() throws RecordNotFoundException {
try {
// Some DML operation
} catch (Exception e) {
System.Debug('Error: Object not found');
throw new RecordNotFoundException('Object not found');
Define the exception class. Minimally, :
public class RecordNotFoundException extends Exception { }
Your throw statement looks fine.
Also, there's no need to declare that the method throws an exception type.
I think following can help you. It has complete example of SFDC APEX standard and custom exceptions
We should not explicitly throw those standard or custom exceptions with Apex, code it self done that.
#Method that throws some custom exception (RecordNotFoundException)
private void createNewJob(){
try {
// Some DML operation
} catch (Exception e) {
System.Debug('Error: Object not found');
throw new RecordNotFoundException('Object not found');
#Can handle that exception as follow,
private void callingMethod() {
try {
createNewJob(); // Call above method
} catch (RecordNotFoundException e) {
System.Debug('Error:Record not found exception ['+ e.getMessage()+']');
