basic shell commands extremely slow on Git-Bash, sh.exe but fine on Cygwin - bash

When I run basic commands like pwd and cd the command itself executes fast but the console hangs for 1 second before allowing me to execute another command.
I got the latest Git Bash portable and tried
32- and 64-bit
Run as admin
sh.exe instead of git-bash.exe (and Run as admin)
But Cygwin does not have this problem.
In Cygwin, running pwd from the same directory as any Git Bash variant results in equally fast command completion but also there is no console hanging.
My Windows is: Version 10.0.19044 Build 19044
I have nVidia Quadro P3000
UPDATE from comments below:
It appears to be an issue with my Git installation but I chose the defaults so I don't know what it could be.
When I execute PS1='$ ' in Git-Bash, I do not have the the 1-second pause after each command is executed.
UPDATE from comments below
$ echo ${PS1#A}
declare -x PS1='\[\033]0;$TITLEPREFIX:$PWD\007\]\n\[\033[32m\]\u#\h \[\033[35m\]$MSYSTEM \[\033[33m\]\w\[\033[36m\]`__git_ps1`\[\033[0m\]\n$ '
I did not change anything.
I download a version of portable Git For Windows, launch as admin and type ls, pwd, etc.
I went back to 2.24 but same behavior.
I'm also going to try it on my personal PC since it could be my corporate antivirus that's causing this.
The issue is __git_ps1 and there's an open issue

I think that __git_ps1 is the culprit.
As a test, put following code in /tmp/
if [[ "$(type -t __git_ps1)" == 'function' ]]; then
builtin cd "$#"
__GIT_PS1=$('__git_ps1') # Calling original __git_ps1, only when changing directory.
echo "$__GIT_PS1" # Now $PS1 will do this echo, instead of calling __git_ps1
alias __git_ps1=__git_ps1_stub # __git_ps1_stub will be called in $PS1
cd . # Initialize $__GIT_PS1 for the first time.
Then start a git-bash terminal, and run source /tmp/
If situation improves, you can put the code in ~/.bashrc
You'll need to change other commands (like pushd, popd, etc) if you use them to change directory.

Try first to simplify your PATH when testing your Git bash.
In a CMD, type
set "GH=C:\Program Files\Git"
set "PATH=C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\WINDOWS\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0"
set "PATH=%GH%\bin;%GH%\cmd;%GH%\usr\bin;%GH%\mingw64\bin;%GH%\mingw64\libexec\git-core;%PATH%"
Then try again and type bash to enter a shell session.
By default, I get:
$ echo $PS1
\[\033]0;$TITLEPREFIX:$PWD\007\]\n\[\033[32m\]\u#\h \[\033[35m\]$MSYSTEM \[\033[33m\]\w\[\033[36m\]`__git_ps1`\[\033[0m\]\n$
And it is quite fast.
(Microsoft Windows 10.0.19044.1586, git version

The problem may be related to slow resolution of computer network names. Since the computer name is involved in the command line. I advise you to add yourhostname and localhost to etc/hostname.

For me it was corrupt page file. Try clearing Windows page file and rebooting. Page file was constantly causing my git bash to hang for 20 seconds with just carriage returns. I've re-enabled page file several times and eventually it happens again. Clearing page file fixed it every time.
I turn page file completely off now and git bash is screaming fast.


Preserving PS1 while in SSH with GitBash?

I have a complicated prompt. Very. I use git-bash for windows.
SSH-ing in on gitbash sends me to the CMD prompt. I know to type ssh -t user#host "bash -l" to get a bash prompt. It works, however, I use a repository called gitstatus to speed up the parsing of the git commands, and sshing in using bash -l calls the PS1 set in /c/cygwin/etc/bash.bashrc (for Mintty), NOT ~/bash.bashrc (for GitBash). This initially seems fine, as I can just copy paste the code from the GitBash *.bashrc to cygwin's. However, the gitstatus repository only works on bash terminals, aka not Cygwin/Mintty, so the prompt when I ssh in appears quite slower in git repos (Mintty doesn't allow gitstatus to be sourced and speed up parsing, once again) than if I was not SSH-ed in and using the GitBash-sourced prompt.
Are there any work arounds for this? I have seen many simnilar questions here but none have provided me a solution.
If you're in my situation, just source the scripts (duh). If you can't execute foo in file x when it should do the same thing as bar in file y, just source bar from file x. It seems obvious but took me a moment.
ALSO: Make sure to run dos2unix.exe on admin command prompt to remove carriage returns every time you make a change.

How can I setup IntelliJ to remember Git Bash current working directory between sessions?

I'm running IntelliJ 2018.3 on Windows 7, as well as openSUSE Leap 15.
Under Windows 7, I've configured IntelliJ to use Git Bash, i.e., in Settings, under Tools -> Terminal, I'm setting Shell path to:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Git_2.17.1\bin\bash.exe
One of IntelliJ's new features is the ability to save and reload terminal sessions (see this link).
It works perfectly with openSUSE, however, on Windows, while the terminal tab names are correctly restored, I always end up with a new shell.
Is there a way to make IntelliJ and Git Bash play well together so that I can retain the current working directory and shell history after restarting IntelliJ?
You can try and setup your Git for Windows bash to remember the last used path for you, as seen in "How can I open a new terminal in the same directory of the last used one from a window manager keybind?"
For instance:
So instead of storing the path at every invocation of cd the last path can be saved at exit.
My ~/.bash_logout is very simple:
echo $PWD >~/.lastdir
And somewhere in my .bashrc I placed this line:
[ -r ~/.lastdir ] && cd $(<~/.lastdir)
That does not depend on Intellij IDEA directly, but on the underlying bash setup (here the Git for Windows bash referenced and used by Intellij IDEA.
Here's a possible workaround. It was heavily inspired by VonC's answer, as well as other answers to the question that he mentioned.
if [[ -v __INTELLIJ_COMMAND_HISTFILE__ ]]; then
__INTELLIJ_SESSION_LASTDIR__="$(cygpath -u "${__INTELLIJ_COMMAND_HISTFILE__%history*}lastdir${__INTELLIJ_COMMAND_HISTFILE__##*history}")"
# save path on cd
function cd {
builtin cd $#
# restore last saved path
I don't like the fact that I had to wrap the cd command, however Git Bash does not execute ~/.bash_logout unless I explicitly call exit or logout; unfortunately due to this limitation, the .bash_logout variant is inadequate for the mentioned scenario.
The workaround above also leave small junk files inside __INTELLIJ_COMMAND_HISTFILE__ parent dir, however, I couldn't do any better.
Additionally I've opened a ticket in Jetbrain's issue tracker. There are many different shells that may benefit from official support. It would be great if JetBrains could eventually support powershell and popular terminals like windows-subsystem-for-linux, cygwin and git-bash. The only shell that currently works out of the box for me is cmd.

WSL hide /mnt/c/Users/

It is possible to view shorter path in my terminal (VS Code & Hyper) with WSL (Ubuntu). On top of the Ubuntu, I have installed zsh. Currently, I am using a git bash and path looks Lukas#Y50-70 ~/Coding but with the Ubuntu, I have something like this lukas#Y50-70 /mnt/c/Users/Lukas/Coding. When I have a project in another 2 folders or so and I have a long branch name it is annoying to have a full row unnecessary info (for me).
Here is a comparison of Ubuntu and git bash:
I was able to solve this using Named Directories - by adding this line to your ~/.zshrc file
hash -d c=/mnt/c
you will see '~c/' in your prompt rather than '/mnt/c/' which I think is a lot nicer.
This has a similar effect to setting an alias for the directory but the name is reflected in how your path is displayed.
As an added bonus you can then switch to that directory at any time by typing ~c
Check if the zsh installation guide under WSL can help (from neurogenesis):
Install zsh with sudo apt-get install zsh
bash.exe is the entrypoint to the WSL / linux subsystem. You'll have to modify the windows shortcut to specify bash -c --login or modify ~/.bashrc with exec /bin/zsh to properly load a different shell.
/etc/passwd isn't consulted because it's not a full login process. Be sure to set your SHELL env var as well. See #846 for details.
Fix your umask before you start installing things, otherwise tools like zsh will complain.
Specifically, "group" and "other" permissions will have the same privileges that owner do. This causes zsh's compaudit and compinit to fail (both are related to command completion).
See #352 for details. umask 022 can be added to your ~/.bashrc.
NOTE: This should be done before trying to install zsh plugin managers like antigen (otherwise the directory/file permissions issues from git clones).
You should also do this before installing RVM or rbenv.
I ended up inserting a few lines to the top of my ~/.bashrc, something like the following:
# ~/.bashrc: executed by bash(1) for non-login shells.
# see /usr/share/doc/bash/examples/startup-files (in the package bash-doc)
# for examples
## Fix missing umask value
umask 022
## Launch Zsh
if [ -t 1 ]; then
cd $HOME
export SHELL=/bin/zsh
exec -cl $SHELL
Issue 846 (mentioned in point 2) includes the comment:
A normal -c zsh symlink opened up in the wrong directory to me, but I managed using this (note the tilde):
C:\Windows\System32\bash.exe ~ -c /bin/zsh
See also "How to Use Zsh (or Another Shell) in Windows 10".
I know this isn't exactly the fix you were hoping for. I was looking to solve the same issue. The prompt was just too long and it was causing some of my commands to wrap to the next line. After seeing the comments on VonC's answer, I'm deciding to keep my next-best solution.
What I did in my ~/.bashrc file is this:
if [ "$color_prompt" = yes ]; then
PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\[\033[01;32m\]\u#\h\[\033[00m\]:\[\033[01;34m\]\w\[\033[00m\]\n\$ '
PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\u#\h:\w\n\$ '
I added a \n right before the \$
So when I'm at my Windows home folder, it looks like this
And I start typing my commands after the $. It takes up more vertical space, but at least I don't have to maximize my terminal window just to avoid text wrap.
It appears to me that just running 'cd' after starting the terminal session, re-bases the prompt to the normal '/home/(user)'
there should be no need for installing zsh or anything else. It works for me anyway.
also when starting the session at the root folder from windows, seems to do the trick.
I keep my sessions under
cd -d C:\vms\minikube\ubu_jenkinsX\rootfs
C:\vms\minikube\ubu_jenkinsX\rootfs>wsl -d ubu_jenkinsX
Yours may be under your userprofile in local data. Search for the rootfs folder
The reason your WSL prompt shows such a long path is because you're not actually in your home directory. You see, WSL has its own virtual filesystem separate from Windows, and Windows paths (like your C:\Users\Lukas\...) are stored under /mnt/c/Users/Lukas/.... Your WSL home directory would be /home/Lukas (since your WSL username is capitalized), but of course, that's not where your project is.
The fish shell has a prompt_pwd function that shortens a path to something like this:
0 ---- /m/c/U/L/Documents cd Something
0 ---- /m/c/U/L/D/Something prompt_pwd
Is that something you're interested in? You could port the function to Bash, or just switch to Fish, or just display the current directory name instead of path.

cd into folders breaks/hangs zsh for minutes using Windows cmd, Powershell, Hyper, and Bash (Ubuntu)

To clarify which I've tried:
Ubuntu bash
Git bash
I have installed Ubuntu bash on my Windows 10 PC. When I open ubuntu.exe up and I type zsh after the shell has started, my zsh shell starts up instead, as expected. This is perfectly fine and it does exactly what I want.
The problem: When I do the following sequences:
[ARROW KEYS] (select an item)
It should cd into that folder. And it does that, but it literally takes over a minute to do so. CTRL+C to cancel does not work.
Now that I'm in that folder, I can clear the console by typing clear, so that's what I do:
user#user-pc > /mnt/c/folder/otherfolder > GIT-REPO > clear
When I type clear and hit enter, it takes probably 30+ seconds before it clears the window.
I have tried a bunch of themes and a bunch of terminals/command prompts, but none of them work, not even the default one.
I've installed zsh and oh-my-zsh by doing these commands inside the Ubuntu bash shell:
sudo apt-get install zsh
curl -L | bash
Any idea why this odd behavior happens? It looks like it's zsh, because I can easily cd into other folders using all of the above terminals. The problem also happens if I simply cd /mnt/c/folder/otherfolder/ with and without the trailing slash.
Does it only happen in that particular folder? IME, large git repositories can be really slow on zsh+WSL even with the default prompt.

How can i make my Bash start where i worked last?

Can I somehow config my bash to be auto located in the last path I worked when I open it again ?
E.g. yesterday I worked in my git repository (local machine) so I had to cd myself to "/Applications/.../git/" which is quite long.
After work I quit my bash.
Today I want to start right there when I open the bash without having to cd again. Is this somehow possible?
The only way I can come up with for now is kinda hacky... When a login shell terminates, it runs ~/.bash_logout. Adding pwd > ~/.lastdir to that file, you could then do cd $(cat ~/.lastdir) in your .bashrc. The hackyness is that you'd have to run all your terminals as login shells.
Add the following to your ~/.bashrc file
trap 'pwd > $HOME/.lastdir; exit' 0
if [ -f "$HOME/.lastdir" ]; then
cd `cat $HOME/.lastdir`
You can also use screen. This is a very useful tool for remote management, because it includes features of a bash screen, such as multiple tabs. The most notable feature is the session management: It's possible to return to one of your previous session, which also includes the screen's output and the last entered commands (of all virtual tabs).
All you have to do is to add the command cd path_to_folder in the .bashrc file in users' home directory.
