How to replace text in Powerpoint with activeX textbox value? - powerpoint

I'm sorry if I can't explain this very well. Language barrier and all that. Might explain why I wasn't able to google a solution... Anyway.
I'm trying to make an interactive Powerpoint where in the first slide the user writes their name in an ActiveX textbox and the name then repeats in several other slides. Because the name would be in the middle of different texts my solution was to add a placeholder word that would then be replaced with the textbox value. I was able to Frankenstein a code that replaces one name with another that works well enough but I can't get the textbox to work with it. Best I can do is replace the placeholder name with some variation of TextBox1.Value and while I know what causes that issue I can't work out a solution.
Not sure if it makes a difference but the plan is to add some sort of "OK" button next to the active textbox that runs the macro.
Sub Findandreplace()
Dim sld As Slide
Set sld = ActivePresentation.Slides(1)
Dim shp As Shape
For Each sld In ActivePresentation.Slides
For Each shp In sld.Shapes
If shp.HasTextFrame Then
If shp.TextFrame.HasText Then
shp.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = Replace(shp.TextFrame.TextRange.Text, "word1", "word2")
End If
End If
Next shp
Next sld
End Sub

ActiveX objects have a different set of properties/methods than regular PPT shapes. Assuming you have a reference to the AX textbox in a variable oSh,
will give you the text in the ActiveX textbox


Adding Section/Chapter label to slide header

I'm wondering if Powerpoint has a feature where I can automatically add a formatted header to each slide that displays the section and/or chapter. I'm presenting my thesis, and it is divided into sections, like "method" or "evaluation", and I would love it if I could automatically display that in the header of each slide. Preferrably, this would be automatically fetched from my powerpoint sections.
I want this look, which I'm currently producing manually for each slide.
Here's a bit of starter code to get you the name of the section each slide belongs to.
Over to you to provide the code to add the text to each slide and position/format it.
Sub Test()
Dim oSl As Slide
' Make sure there ARE sections
If ActivePresentation.SectionProperties.Count > 0 Then
For Each oSl In ActivePresentation.Slides
Debug.Print GetSection(oSl)
End If
End Sub
Function GetSection(oSl As Slide) As String
' Returns the name of the section that this slide belongs to.
With oSl
Debug.Print .sectionIndex
GetSection = ActivePresentation.SectionProperties.Name(.sectionIndex)
End With
PowerPoint has no function like this built-in.
However, like most Office products, PowerPoint does have a very powerful VBA macro engine, which would certainly be capable of doing this.
Your macro would have to capture the Section name based on whatever parameters you choose to use to mark that, and then it could place that information anywhere you please within subsequent slides.
Because slides are more about visual layout than programmatic auto-creation, this is something you'd have to build yourself.

How do I add a hyperlinks to image using VBA?

I have a script that will run on GPO on Windows Server 2012.
It's pretty simple stuff, but I cannot fathom how to add a hyperlink around an image! I have:
objSelection.InlineShapes.AddPicture "linktoimage.html"
This works a dream, I can see the image and there is no issue. But how do I add a hyperlink to this image so that when folks click on it they are taken to my desired hyperlink location. I know adding an image is simply a line of code, hoping for same for adding a hyperlink.
I am not doing this in excel or anything of the kind, just Notepad++
Assuming this is about Word, you need to save a reference the shape you just created and then use that reference as an argument to Document.Hyperlinks.Add
Option Explicit
Sub LinkImageTest()
Dim oSelection As Selection
Dim oDocument As Document
Dim oShape As InlineShape
Set oSelection = Application.Selection
Set oDocument = oSelection.Document
Set oShape = oSelection.InlineShapes.AddPicture("")
oDocument.Hyperlinks.Add oShape, ""
End Sub

How to Save Embedded Images in Powerpoint 2013 To Local Disk Through VBA?

I have lot of pictures embedded in the Microsoft Powerpoint 2013 presentation. In Powerpoint 2013, I can right click on a picture object and then use "Save As Picture" to save the image to local disk. But this is manual way. I want to know if there is any way of automating the same through VBA? I am able to loop through the Shapes collection and then determine the type of the object. But I am not able to figure out which properties or methods are relevant for storing the picture to the local disk? Following is code snippet of iterating through the Shapes collection and determining if the Shape is of type msoPicture
For currentSlideIndex = 1 To totalSlidesCount
Set currentSlide = ActivePresentation.Slides(currentSlideIndex)
For Each mediaShape In currentSlide.Shapes
mediaCounter = mediaCounter + 1 'for each shape in the slide
If currentSlideIndex = 3 Then
If mediaShape.Type = msoPicture Then
MsgBox ("Shape Type Picture is " + CStr(mediaShape.Type) )
End If
End If
Next mediaShape
mediaCounter = 0 'Reset to 0 for the new slide
You can export the current shape to a picture using the shape's .Export method.
This is normally hidden, so you won't get intellisense help on it by default, so:
Go into the IDE
Press F2 to open the object browser
Rightclick in the pane to the right of Classes, where you see "Members of ..." at the top.
Put a check next to Show Hidden Members
Now you'll get intellisense guidance when you type .Export on a slide shape.
Note also that if a shape is Type 14 (placeholder), it can contain a picture, so you may want to add something like:
If mediaShape.Type = msoPlaceholder Then
If mediaShape.PlaceholderFormat.ContainedType = msoPicture Then
' it's also a picture
End If
End if
And to add further entertainment value you might also have .Type = msoLinkedPicture, and even in some cases msoEmbeddedOLEObject that happens to be a picture.

vb6 changing colors of SSTab at runtime using label in the background

I am trying to update an old VB6 application. I am struggling with changing the backcolor of the SSTab control at runtime.
I know that I cannot just set the Backcolor to the required colour.
At designtime I have created a label on each tab and then resized the label to the sstab dimensions. Then I set the label backcolor. This works fine.
However, what I really want to do is to do this at runtime so that if a new tab control is added on a form in the future I dont need to manually do this at designtime each time.
I would be grateful if someone can point me in the right direction to create and display a label on every tab of a SSTab control at runtime?
I dont have frames on all the tabs so I dont want to use the frame container to hold the label. I would rather just have the label placed on the tab container at runtime.
Thanks and I look forward to your replies.
As svinto says, you can load new controls to a Control Array, but there's a bit more to it than that.
Firstly the new controls are not Visible, so you must set .Visible=True
You also need to set the current tab before creating the control to get it sited on that tab.
Assuming you already have the first label on the first tab:
For i = 1 To Me.SSTab1.Tabs - 1
Me.SSTab1.Tab = i
Load lblOne(i)
lblOne(i).Visible = True
Also, this doesn't work in the Form_Load event, but does in Form_Activate
There is another method to create the Labels from scratch rather than using a Control Array, which might be better as you don't need to add the first Label to the form:
Private Sub Form_Activate()
Dim lbl() As Label
Dim i As Integer
Dim name As String
ReDim lbl(SSTab1.Tabs - 1)
For i = 0 To Me.SSTab1.Tabs - 1
Me.SSTab1.Tab = i
name = "MyLabel" & CStr(i)
Set lbl(i) = Form1.Controls.Add("VB.Label", name)
Set lbl(i).Container = Me.SSTab1
lbl(i).Visible = True
lbl(i).Caption = name
lbl(i).Move 40, 345
lbl(i).BackColor = vbGreen
End Sub
Create one label at design-time, and set it's index to 0. You can later on do Load labelname(newindex) to create more instances of the label. Position them once created, set the background color and you're all done.

Changing text color in a DTPicker control

In VB6, I have a DTPicker control on a form. (The DTPicker is the calendar date/time selector, included in Microsoft Windows Common Controls-2 6.0, available from the Components dialog.)
While there are many properties to affect the colors of the calendar when it's dropped down, there is no property that allows changing the color of the date that's displayed in the textbox. I'm looking for something like the standard TextBox's ForeColor property.
Does anyone have a little API magic to allow me to simulate that property?
I hate to post something that is not really helpful, but this appears to be something beyond the scope of what Microsoft intended developers to do with the control. While there must certainly be an API call to set the color (Windows certainly knows to paint it black when enabled and gray when disabled), the method to do so escapes me.
My recommendation, should no one else respond with how to do what you need, is to either obtain a new DateTime Picker control with the needed properties (it would seem that there are a few 3rd party options), or "roll your own" control.
FWIW, this same issue exists in VB.NET with the exception being that Microsoft specifically overrides (and then hides) the ForeColor (and BackColor) properties inherited from the generic Control object to do nothing.
I'm going to address two issues with the DatePicker object and a workaround for them.
You cannot put a blank value into DatePicker, which lead me to the 2nd problem.
You cannot change the font color to at least make it appear blank.
To keep the functionality of the DatePicker AND gain the ability to have a blank value and your regular font formatting options (colors, etc), I used two objects. First make a DTP object and set the width so that you can only really see the drop down arrow. For me this was 15. Then make a regular TextBox that is wide enough to hold your date. Put the DTP arrow directly to the right (or left) of the text box. Then you simply add code to the Change event of the DTP to copy its .Value into the .Text of the TextBox like so:
Private Sub MyDTP_Change()
MyUserForm.MyDateTextBox.Text = MyUserForm.MyDTP.Value
End Sub
Then have any data references you need access the MyDateTextBox.Text instead of the MyDTP.Value and presto! You get the functionality of the DTP with the formatting control of a regular TextBox.
Sorry JeffK, I wasn't working with VB in a production environment 9 years ago. :) I would like to add the other side of the functionality to this as well. This allows 2-way syncing between the TextBox and the DTP. IE: Manually enter a date into the TextBox and the DTP Calendar follows. If the TextBox is blank or has an invalid date, the DTP defaults to today's date.
Private Sub MyDateTextBox_Change()
If MyUserForm.MyDateTextBox.Text <> "" And
IsDate(MyUserForm.MyDateTextBox.Text) = True Then
If CDate(MyUserForm.MyDateTextBox.Text) <= MyUserForm.MyDPT.MaxDate And _
CDate(MyUserForm.MyDateTextBox.Text) >= MyUserForm.MyDPT.MinDate Then
MyUserForm.MyDTP.Value = MyUserForm.MyDateTextBox.Text
MyUserForm.MyDTP.Value = Date
End If
MyUserForm.MyDTP.Value = Date
End If
End Sub
