Installing gems with no network - ruby

I have to install several gem files on a machine that does NOT have an internet connection. To do this, I imported the packages from a machine that is connected to the internet and copied the files to the offline machine. I followed this guide for the installation, but it is deprecated. In fact, the result is as follows:
gem install --force --local *.gem
ERROR: Could not find a valid gem '*.gem' (>= 0) in any repository
My question is: how can I install these 20/30 different gems without internet? Is there another way?
Thank you!
I tried again folder by folder to install the gems, first with "gem build" and then "gem install".
The result:
WARNING: Unable to pull data from '': Errno::ENETUNREACH: Failed to open TCP connection to (Network is unreachable - connect(2) for "" port 443) (
1 gem installed
Could be a proxy problem?

Found the solution.
Basically 2 Problems:
If i wanted to install the gems from the gem folder, i had first to run the build and after the install.
But i could also install the gems placed inside the cache folder, and inside this folder run directly "gem install --force --local".
Thank you all of you for your answers.


Chef Client skip bundle install on air gapped server

I am trying to install chef recipes on air-gapped server
I bundled gems listed in all recipes and prepared vendor/cache archive. Copying it into the server and running /opt/chef/embedded/bin/bunlde install --local successfully installed 233 gems but when i run chef-client -j boot.json it finds all gems and doesn't download but still run bundle install step and tries to access and fails
Running chef-client in debug mode doesn't reveal any gem name, its trying to download so i don't know what's missing.
Is there anyway i can skip this step or know which gem is missing ?
Part of the run after loading the cookbooks is to install the gems required in the cookbook metadata.rb.
The client prepare a Gemfile and launch a bundle install to check if the necessary gems are installed and up to date, that's the behavior of bundler and why it tries to connect to
As said in the comments, vendoring all the gems on each server is far from being efficient, you'd better have an internal gem repository and point your cient to it.
That's nearly what you did, get all gems from your recipes, install them on an internal machine and run gem server.
That can be tedious, and there's other approaches allowing to mirror rubygem internally more easily described here

How to install Serverspec in windows machine where internet is not there?

I was using serverspec in a VM where internet is available and it was so nice.
But when we need to give the script to testers they have to install it in a machine where internet is not available.
I was trying to install in a local folder in a VM where internet available then installed in test VM. But when i run Serverspec-init it says rspec is not found.
Seems some dependent gems also need to be installed before using it.
Is it not possible to install the whole bundle as one step? How to do that?
Managing gems on a server that doesn't have internet access is definitely a challenge.
One relatively-straightforward way to do what you need is to make use of the vendor/cache directory in your application and make bundle know about it when using bundle install by using the --local flag.
First, download the gem archive (.gem file extension) of the bundler gem by going to its Rubygems page and clicking the "download" link in the bottom right. You'll need to upload that file to your test server and run $ gem install bundler-1.12.15.gem from the command line.
Now you need to get the .gem archives for serverspec, its dependencies, and all of its dependencies' dependencies, and put them inside your application in the vendor/cache directory (create those with $ mkdir -p vendor/cache) if they don't exist.
Now when you deploy the application to the server, with these .gem files in vendor/cache, run bundle install --local. This will install the gems. You can see the official documentation of the --local option at the bundler docs.

Unable to download from

I just installed ruby version 2.3.0p0 using the ruby installer for windows and was trying to install bundler. When I run gem install bundler I get the following error:
Could not find a valid gem 'bundler' (>=0), here is why
Unable to download data from (link removed) rubygems -Errno:ETIMEDOUT:
Failed to open TCP connection to (A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond. -connect(2) for "" port 443)(
Some research led me to try running gem install --http-proxy http://[user]:[password]#[server]:[port] which i think might work because I am behind a proxy here and a similiar solution helped me clone a git repository earlier.
But when i tried this command I got the following error:
ERROR: While executing gem ... (Gem:CommandLineError)
Please Specify at least one gem name (e.g. gem build GEMNAME)
So I tried that gem install --http-proxy.... command again with the gem name at the end and I am back to getting the original TCP connection error above. I am pretty sure the login information I entered is correct. I also added --source http://... instead of the https one but still am having the same problem?
1st off your error is pretty telling-
ERROR: While executing gem ... (Gem:CommandLineError) Please Specify
at least one gem name (e.g. gem build GEMNAME)
2nd make sure you have met the requirements for what you're trying to do
then run the code..
gem install bundler
bundle init
echo 'gem "rspec"' >> Gemfile
bundle install
bundle exec rspec
In 2023, the best way to install bundler on an old version of Ruby is:
gem update --system
RubyGems and Bundler now ship together, so to get the latest bundler, you should just install the latest RubyGems.
would you try disable ipv6, it had been worked for me

failed to install vagrant-cachier plugin on windows

I am new to vagrant.
I have installed virtualbox and vagrant(1.7.4) and then follow the book type
$> vagrant plugin install vagrant-cachier
After some minutes,it reported an error:
> vagrant plugin install vagrant-cachier
Installing the 'vagrant-cachier' plugin. This can take a few minutes...
Bundler, the underlying system Vagrant uses to install plugins,
reported an error. The error is shown below. These errors are usually
caused by misconfigured plugin installations or transient network
issues. The error from Bundler is:
An error occurred while installing childprocess (0.5.7), and Bundler cannot continue.
Make sure that `gem install childprocess -v '0.5.7'` succeeds before bundling.
Warning: this Gemfile contains multiple primary sources. Using `source` more than once without a block is a security risk, and may result in installing unexpected gems. To resolve this warning, use a block to indicate which gems should come from the secondary source. To upgrade this warning to an error, run `bundle config disable_multisource true`.Gem::RemoteFetcher::FetchError: SSL_connect SYSCALL returned=5 errno=0 state=SSLv3 read server session ticket A (
I know little about ruby and gem.Is there anything else need to be installed before install plugins?
Or maybe the network issue? (I tried at home and office,the same error)
vagrant works fine that I can init, up and ssh normally.
I ran into the same issue finding it is a matter of gems folder misconfiguration.
I solved it with the following steps:
check where are your gems inside your vagrant installation (e.g. %vagrant_home%/embedded/gems/gems)
check your gem configuration with the command gem environment and looking for the section named GEM PATHS (if gem is not in you path look for it under the vagrant installation folder, e.g. %vagrant_home%/embedded/bin)
if the path at point 1 is not present within the section at point 2, include it with the command export GEM_HOME=/path/to/gems/folder (e.g. export GEM_HOME=%vagrant_home%/embedded/gems/gems)
P.S. %vagrant_home% refers to the vagrant installation base folder, use set instead of export under windows ...and sorry if I mixed unix and windows syntaxes
Test Environment: Vagrant 1.8.1 (gem on Windows 7 behind web proxy
I installed this plugin and now Vagrant Cachier works like a charm on Windows 10.
To run it on Ubuntu simply install the nfs-server

gem install XYZ locally (without connection to the internet)

I need to install win32-api and antlr3 on a computer without internet connection. Had it such a connection, I'd use gem like so:
gem install win32-api -r
gem install antlr3 -r
This won't obviously work. So, I thought there should be a way to download the gem and install it later, but I am not sure how I would proceed.
I found gem's which operator, which seemd to indicate the local location of a gem:
c:\>gem which antlr3
however, it didn't work on win32-api:
c:\>gem which win32-api
ERROR: Can't find ruby library file or shared library win32-api
although I have previously installed it.
Can someone hint at the right direction to go on from here?
gem install --local path/to/file.gem
I had some problems with this on a VM. The VM intentionally did not have Internet access (sneaker-net test machine) but it still had some DNS servers configured.
For example:
$ gem install bundler-1.7.7.gem --local
ERROR: While executing gem ... (Errno::ENETUNREACH)
Network is unreachable - sendto(2) for "" port 53 is the DNS server that VirtualBox configured. So what I had to do is comment out /etc/resolv.conf with ; at the beginning of all the lines. Even leaving in Google DNS would break it.
; /etc/resolv.conf
nameserver ; nope. gem install --local doesn't like it
; You will get a Network is unreachable - sendto(2) for "" port 53
If you comment out all of /etc/resolv.conf then you can install gems locally (from a file) it seems.
$ gem install bundler-1.7.7.gem --local
Successfully installed bundler-1.7.7
Parsing documentation for bundler-1.7.7
Installing ri documentation for bundler-1.7.7
Done installing documentation for bundler after 4 seconds
WARNING: Unable to pull data from '': no such name (
1 gem installed
Ruby gems version: 2.4.4 on Ruby 2.1.5.
gem will first look in the current directory after .gem files. Try downloading the .gem files of the gems you want to install on a computer with an internet connection (and don't forget dependencies), then move the files over to the other computer and run gem install xyz in the same directory where you placed the .gem files.
