How access siteid from session in laravel controller - aimeos

In Aimeos laravel package; I need to fetch siteid stored in a session in my laravel controller; siteid will be avaiable by default while loading a shop page; help me to get that siteid key from session
TIA :)


JWT get user id in Blade template Laravel

I installed JWT Auth, and for now everything works well. But I have problem to get current user id, or #guest to work. I'm getting some JSON page when I enter
But on xdebug I'm getting user id
Do I miss something?

Regenerate session ids in Laravel 5.2

How can I regenerate session ids in Laravel 5.2 and change session id on every request and deleting old session ids?

Laravel delete DB session record after logout event

im building an application with laravel 4.2
Id like to know how laravel remove sessions records on DB after Auth::logout() call...
Its still there in my table.. with an empty payload but still there
thanks for reply

How to create session http in pl/sql

I work on project in pl/sql and need to secure a part of a website by login form.
I wrote package UI to show authentication(login, password) form and other forms. But how can I create an user session if the login and password are correct and show the logged view ??
Create your own table in the database to store session related information:
create table web_sessions(
session_id varchar2(32)
, variable varchar2(32)
, value varchar2(4000)
Use DBMS_RANDOM to generate a random string as session identifier and use OWA_COOKIE to store it in a cookie.
Your login page should do:
Set session cookie with random string
Check username/password
If username/password are correct, store successful login in your session table
Redirect to main application page
Every page in your application should check:
Get the session cookie
If session does not exist (or is not valid), redirect to login page
Show authenticated content
This should get you going.

How to pass the session from frontend to backend in joomla site

I am in need of using of session to check for login. I set the session at the frontend
and now i need to check the same session at backend so as to check for successful login.
$session =& JFactory::getSession();
$session->set('username', "abc123");
$session =& JFactory::getSession();
echo $session->get('username');
But its not displaying the session value, plz help me out? If other solution , you can give it too.
You can check in jos_session table whether user is logged in or not.
The session data is not shared between frontend and backend.
(If you log in frontend and backend with same user, you can see in jos_session table, there are two different session id to same user)
