Chainlink node operator set Link Fee - oracle

I've setup a chainlink node running on AWS. V 1.0.1.
I am able to call jobs on the node and return data, but all fees for everyjob I setup are 1 LINK. I cannot find the location to change this fee. Can someone help me find where this fee is setup?

To change the fee for a specific job, add this to the job's toml file:
minContractPaymentLinkJuels = <fee>
To set up fee on node globally, add the following line to the node's .env file:
Replacing <fee> for your desired minimum payment in JUELS.
JUELS are equivalent to WEI in Ethereum where 1 Link = 1000000000000000000 JUELS.
Reference: Chainlink Official Docs


Where to find the $PEERID used in Chainlink Offchain Reporting Jobs .toml file --> P2P BootstrapPeers =[...]

Where can the $PEERID be found, which is used in Chainlink Offchain Reporting Jobs .toml file
--> P2P BootstrapPeers =[...] ?
This is the link to Offchain Reporting Jobs in Chainlink:
Question concerning the OCR toml job specification:
The syntax of p2pBootstrapPeer is the following:
---> where in my specifications can I find the $PEERID ?
In the Chainlink Nodeoperator GUI? If yes, where exactly?
If not, where else? (edited)
Couple ways to set this:
You can manually set it via an env_car called P2P_PEER_ID. If you don't override it, it will try use this value by default
As per the docs you linked, set the p2pPeerID value in your job spec, which will become the $PEERID. eg
p2pPeerID = "12D3KooWPjceQrSwdWXPyLLeABRXmuqt69Rg3sBYbU1Nft9HyQ6X"

How to get zone and pod information using kubernetes api in golang

I am new to Kubernetes and I need to do some customizations using API's. My aim is to get pods from all zones of cluster or specific zones. Using Kubernetes API and Golang I am able to get list of Pods and list of Nodes but i am unable to find any interface which will give me list of Zones and interface which will give me list of Pods within zone.
Need guidance on how I can achieve this.
You can get info about node Zone and Region by reading its labels. You can check out well-known labels here:
You can build from this information about placement nodes in zones. Next you can get pods and filter the output by field selector.
Found example on GH:
nodeName := "my-node"
pods, err := clientset.CoreV1().Pods("").List(metav1.ListOptions{
FieldSelector: "spec.nodeName=" + nodeName,

following chainlink fulfilling-requests doc doesn't work

We had setup the chainlink node on gcp and following The job is not fulfilled and the currentprice property always returns 0.
Generally, When we create new job on node it assign externalJobId to job which is like '07269a61-586c-4831-bc26-7d2b581fbd1c'. But when you call function in consumer contract you have to provide this externalJobId in function without dashes so it will be like '07269a61586c4831bc267d2b581fbd1c'.
This is not mentioned in chainlink docs in noticeable way

How do I add the job status (success or failure) in the email notification?

I want to add the job status in the subject line of the email notification of Octopus Deploy. Can you please tell me the system variable to use or another way to add the status?
As a work-around you could use two steps for sending the 'status-email':
One step sending 'success'-email. This step should have its 'Run condition' set to 'Success: only run when previous steps are successfull'.
Another step sending 'failure'-email. This step should have 'Run condition' set to 'Failure: only run when a previous step failed'.
Perhaps the system-variables Octopus.Deployment.Error
Octopus.Deployment.ErrorDetail could also be helpfull.
Tracking deployment status
During deployment, Octopus provides variables describing the status of each step.
Where S is the step name, Octopus will set:
Status codes include Pending, Skipped, Abandoned, Cancelled, Running, Succeeded and Failed.
So to apply this to your email subject (assuming you're using the inbuilt Send Email step:
FYI: the box circled allows you quick access to the variables list.
You probably want to tweak the value to be closer to this, though
Deployment Status = #{Octopus.Step[Other Step Name].Status.Code}
As an extension to this answer; you can iterate over all steps and output their status, I guess.
Syntax here: (look for the Repetition heading)
Write-Host "Deployment Steps:"
#{each step in Octopus.Step}
Write-Host "- StepName=#{step}; Status=#{step.Status.Code};"
Example output
Deployment Steps:
StepName=FirstStep; Status=Succeeded;
StepName=ThisStep; Status=Running;
StepName=YetToBeRun; Status=Pending;
You could use variable expressions and deployment error variable to achieve this in email subject field. For example:
State of deployment: #{unless Octopus.Deployment.Error}Success#{/unless} #{if Octopus.Deployment.Error}Failure#{/if}

How to check vnode disabled on a hadoop node

Linking back to this question:
Why not enable virtual node in an Hadoop node?
I'm running a mixed 3 node cluster with 2 cassandra and 1 analytics nodes and disabled the virtual nodes by generating 3 tokens with the utility given by DataStax enterprise.
But when I run 'nodetool status' command, I still see 256 tokens with each node and when a mapreduce job is created, it creates 257 mappers and takes a very long time to execute a query with small data.
So my specific questions are:
Is virtual node setting still not disabled? How can I verify if its disabled?
If its disabled then why 257 mappers are still created for each job? Is there a different configuration for that?
Thanks much for any help!!
1) It's not disabled. You can tell because it still says 256 tokens in nodetool status.
To disable vnodes you need to make sure that you change the num_tokens variable in the cassandra.yamnl
# If you already have a cluster with 1 token per node, and wish to migrate to
# multiple tokens per node, see
# num_tokens: 256 << Make sure this line is commented out
# initial_token allows you to specify tokens manually. While you can use it with
# vnodes (num_tokens > 1, above) -- in which case you should provide a
# comma-separated list -- it's primarily used when adding nodes to legacy clusters
# that do not have vnodes enabled.
initial_token: << Your generated token goes here
