How could be Laravel Socialite be integrated with a SPA? - laravel

I know we have the stateless() and and getTargetUrl() methods, than i am trying this at my controller:
public function socialRedirect($provider){
return Socialite::with($provider)->stateless()->redirect()->getTargetUrl();
The problem is that in my SPA front end, i can't make a sucessfull request to the provided url as like in the code below:
async facebookLogin() {
try {
const url = await this.$axios.$get('/auth/social/facebook')
} catch (error){
I get CORS related stuff errors:
CORS Missing Allow Origin
What am i doing wrong? I am specially confused since i can access the URL by copying it and pasting in another browser tab, but i can't sucessfully make the AJAX request to it.


Send POST request to Laravel web.php route

I have a simple Vue app in which I am sending POST request with options (table filtering variables) to the back-end. I want to be able to destructure the object and debug it in my TestController in Laravel 8, so I want to send the options to web.php via URL, not to api.php. Since options is an object, I cannot just drop it in the URL.
Ultimately I want to be able to preview my Laravel respond in browser, so I know it returns correct data from server.
So how can I achieve this?
in Vue FormComponent <form #submit="formSubmit"> and script
function formSubmit(e) {
let currentObj = this;'/formSubmit', {
description: this.description
}).then(function(response) {
currentObj.output =;
}).catch(function(error) {
currentObj.output = error;
Firstable, create POST route for your request. Then just make POST request to this route url and put your POST params (your object) to request body. You can use Axios as example
let filterOptions = {...};, filterOptions).then().catch();
UPD And response for your request you can see in browser developer console on network tab

How to use Auth::check or Auth::user between different domains?

I've got a question regarding Laravel framework (vers. 5.2) and the authentication. I have 2 domains which represent a software. let's call them and
The Laravel application is hosted on the domain is just a CMS framework which is providing some information about the website.
Now I want to display different menus, if the user is logged in or not on I thought, I can do a fetch request to and use the Laravel methods Auth::check() to check if the user is already logged in or not. I know that this is a CORS fetch request, but this is not the issue. I've allowed in the IIS webserver requests from The request works fine and also just a simple request. But actually Auth::check() is always returning false, even when I'm logged in on the software side.
This is my code so far:
fetch('', {
method: 'GET',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'text/plain'
.then(function(res) {
return res.json()
.then(function(data) {
if(data.isLoggedIn) {
// do some stuff...
// do some other stuff...
Route::group(['middleware' => 'web'], function () {
Route::get('checkLogin', function() {
return json_encode(['isLoggedIn'=>\Auth::check()]);
I'm sure, I forgot something essential, why it is not working this way.
This is due to the fact that AJAX calls only send cookies if the url you're calling is on the same domain as your calling script.
See Cross domain POST request is not sending cookie Ajax Jquery for more information.

GET request with query parameters returns 403 error (signature does not match) - AWS Amplify

I was trying to use 'aws-amplify' GET API request with query parameters on the client side, but it turned out to be Request failed with status code 403, and the response showed:
"message":"The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your AWS Secret Access Key and signing method. Consult the service documentation for details.
Note: React.js as front-end, Javascript as back-end.
My code
function getData() {
const apiName = 'MyApiName';
const path = '/path';
const content = {
return API.get(apiName, path, content);
try {
const result = await"query", params);
} catch (e) {
return failure({ status: false });
What I did to debug
The GET lambda function works fine in Amazon Console (Tested)
If I change the backend lambda function so that the frontend request can be made without parameters, i.e. return API.get(apiName, path), then no error shows up.
My question
How can I make this GET request with query parameters works?
I changed GET to POST (return, everything works fine now.
If anyone can provide a more detailed explanation, it would be very helpful.

Nuxt.js router.push doesn't fully redirect to another page while using asyncData query

I am using asyncData query in one of my pages:
async asyncData({$axios, query}) {
const id =;
try {
const {data} = await $axios.$get(`http://localhost:8000/api/question/${id}`);
return {
question: data
} catch (e) {
Whenever I try to access another route from this page, for example:
#click="$router.push('/solution'); addTodo(question.keywords); addTodo(option.keywords)">
It redirects me to this page /solution, but the request to access API still goes from previous page (question/id)
Accessing localhost:3000/solution page:
CORS works in every other page, so I think the issue is here with redirections.
What would be possible solutions to fix this?
Also, this is what I see in Network tab:
I think referer should be: localhost:3000/solution
Adding 'paths' => ['api/*'] to Laravel back-end CORS config helped.

How to use Passport-Facebook login without redirection?

I'm building a phonegap application which will have nodejs at the server side. I wanted to implement login using passport-facebook strategy but their callbacks specify two routes, /successcallback and /failurecallback. Having a single page application, this makes it very confusing to have users redirected to so and so page.
I don't want to serve static files (index.html, login.html) from the server but rather have them on the client and ask the client to make ajax calls. So far, I'm able to make /auth/facebook call as an AJAX request but I can't receive any response on the same request because the login strategy requires the user to be redirected. I'd rather want to send a user_id or name back to the user on successful login or show him the login form (which is also on the www directory in phonegap) on failure. But the redirection and CORS errors are preventing me from doing this. Is there any way I can implement this? I've looked for this since a few weeks now, but no success. I'd really appreciate your help!
PS: I'd rather avoid having to send all html and static content from the node server.
EDIT: Adding login code for better understanding:
app.get('/userpage', utility.isLoggedIn, function(req, res)
app.get('/', utility.isLoggedIn, function(req, res)
app.get('/auth/facebook', passport.authenticate('facebook'));
successRedirect : '/',
failureRedirect : '/login'
app.get('/logout', function(req, res)
function isLoggedIn(req, res, next)
if (req.isAuthenticated())
return next();
You can't do that with facebook oAuth, but Facebook provides another login solution where you can code your client app to request a token, that you can later validate on the server with passport-facebook-token.
This way you can use the advantages of passport for persistent sessions, without that annoying redirection.
Instead of using the standard redirections offered by passport, you can define your own function which will be executed instead of the redirection. Here's an example of what that code would look like
passport.authenticate('login', function(err, user, info) {
if (err) { return next(err); }
if (!user) { return res.json({ status:"failed", "error": "Invalid credentials" }); }
// req / res held in closure
req.logIn(user, function(err) {
if (err) { return next(err); }
return res.json({ "status":"success"});
})(req, res, next);
