How can I make a radar chart with polygons instead of circles in amCharts5? - amcharts

In amCharts 4 you could make a radar with polygons:
I did not find this option in amCharts 5. Here is a demo of a radar chart with circles in amCharts 5:
Does the option for polygons no longer exist, or does anyone know how it is done?


Looking for single tooltip per graph in xy chart amcharts

Im looking for function of amcharts4 for shown single tooltip in multi xy chart by mouse over

dc.js Scatter Plot with Vertical Brush

We are preparing to upgrade our application from dc.js v2 & d3.js v3 to the latest code dc.js v3.0.6 and d3.js 5.6. 18 months ago as we were getting with dc.js we developed our own vertical brushing for the scatter plot.
I was interested when I notice dc.js v3 coordinateGridMixin had a new method brush([]). I saw all the notes and cautions, but was hoping it would be simple to use just a vertical brush on the scatter plot by defining
So now the scatter plot only allows vertical brushing visually, but of course errors occur because scatter plot is expecting 2 dimensional brushing by default and it has override coordinateGridMixin brushing code.
What is the best ay to approach my requirement to only allow vertical brushing on a scatter plot?

In nvd3.js is there any direct option for displaying polylines for Pie/Donut Chart with labels outside the arcs

Refer Animated Donut Chart with Labels, Legend and Tooltips created using d3.js
I don't see any option for creating a Pie/Donut Chart with polylines for marking labels outside the arcs as per the official documentation.
Also it will be great if we can fill the line stoke with same color as that of the point as shown here.

How to draw horizontal stacked area chart by ios-charts

I am using iOS Charts by Daniel Gindi.
I need to draw horizontal stacked area chart (Example). But I cannot find similar charts in examples of the library. I am trying to customise Horizontal Bar Chart like in example. But I cannot to avoid square corners.
How can I draw line instead of bars with squared corners?
Is it possible in this library or I should use another one?
Yes you can.
Use line chart instead ,and set drawFilledEnabled to true.
But the filled area is between line and x axis, so you may need to rotate the chart.

Zoomable scatter chart

In Qlikview 11 I managed to set up (amongst others) a nice scatter chart without any major problems. Now I would like to be able to zoom into a region in that chart. Intuitively this could be accomplished by selecting a rectangular region with the mouse. Incidentally this works fine in "regular" line or bar charts. The new x and y axis regions correspond to the selected rectangle. However this does not happen with my scatter chart. I suspect this has something to do with the way dimensions are handled in scatter charts. For easier understanding I appended to screen-shots of the status quo - or how I don't want it to be.
Full chart with selected region
Chart displaying only the selected data
From what it looks like, I would guess that the scatter plot has hard coded axis max and mins. Check the "Axes" tab under chart properties, and uncheck the scale boxes. That should allow the chart to zoom in.
