is there a way to mimic Python requests.Session() using Spring RestTemplate? - spring

We have the following Python code:
s = requests.Session()
# after we have the session, we will log in:'https://localhost/', login_data)
# after logged in, we send more request...
r = s.get('https://localhost/profile_data.json', ...)
# and we can send even more request...
Now, we would like to use RestTemplate from Spring/Springboot to mimic the above workflow, i.e, use RestTemplate to create a session first, then send a post request to login, then send other needed requests... but we cannot find the correct way to do it. Could someone point a direction for us?


Best way to pass messages between 2 different protocol routes connected to same client

I have a http route /checkout which initiates a workflow process in Zeebe. The checkout route will return 200 response straight-away to calling client. Now, workflow will run for a while. So to push the response back to client after completion, I have a /sse separate route for server-sent events. Here, I will store all the client connection in a global map.
My doubt is how do I find the exact client to send the response back through sse once?
Example: Client A listening to /sse and calls /checkout endpoint which will return 200. The /sse has to return the response to client A after completion.
Currently, I thought of using cookie to identify the client. Is there a better way?
If you are already using cookies in your app than that's the way to go since the very purpose of cookies is identifying the client, so if you already have that, you should use it.
But if you rely on another authentication mechanism (like JWT), what you could do is using the url as a query.
So in the client instead of
let eventSource = new EventSource("/sse");
let eventSource = new EventSource("/sse?authorization=jwt_token");
In the backend, you would validate that token, extract the Client ID and hit that global map with it to retrieve the corresponding connection.
(PS: instead of a global map, you should use a proper store, like redis, or an embedded key/value store like bbolt)

spring session good practice?

I have 2 spring apps, I send requests from the First app to the second one with unirest. Something like below, as seen I am using basic auth. So far it works. I suddenly got this thought, will this create a session on each request? If so can I immediately end the session after the response is sent? I am not much willing to change the current implementation.
HttpRequest jsonResponse = Unirest.get(beeUrl+"/getPresentById/"+memId+"/"+role).basicAuth(bid.getPvalue(), bpwd.getPvalue()).header("Content-Type", "application/json");

Create function in Parse Cloud Code that does not require authorisation

I have my own instance of Parse Server running on AWS and until now Cloud Functions have been working great, but with one caveat: they cannot be successfully called publicly, i.e. they require an authorisation key be sent in the REST request header.
I want to set up a Slack Slash Command to my server, and it has to be able to POST a payload without any headers or extra parameters. As a result, my requests are currently unauthorised (returning 403 statuses).
Is there a way to create granular control over a Parse Cloud Function's authorisation (i.e. if it requires master-key header or not), and if not — is there a way of forwarding the request but still through the Parse server?—Or even a way of manipulating the headers of a Slack request? I would rather not have to use another service just for request forwarding.
Two options
Pass in the master key on the client request which should bypass authorization. It's a blunt approach but might be okay in your case (without knowing more details).
Or run a new express endpoint alongside parse and from there call the parse cloud function using the masker key.
var api = new ParseServer(...)
var app = express();
app.use('/parse', api);
app.get('/api/slack', function(req, res) {
//call cloud function passing in master key
// add X-Parse-Master-Key as http header"")
.headers({'X-Parse-Master-Key', MASTER_KEY)
.end(function(response) {

Sails.js authorization for socket requests

I'm trying to build a chat application based on sails.js. The url for messages from a specific chat looks like this:
When I request this url with XHR, it provides a session cookie and sails.js builds a session object. I can easily check user rights to read the messages from the specific chat.
However, I need to request this url with so that the client can subscribe to all future changes of the messages collection.
When I request this url with, no session cookie is set and the sails.js session is empty. So, I cannot check the user rights on the server-side.
I do understand that socket requests are not HTTP-requests. They don't provide any cookies on their own.
Is there any simple workaround?
I found a way to get the session object which was set while handshaking.
In your controller, you should do something like this:
myControllerAction: function(req, res) {
var session = req.session;
if (req.isSocket) {
var handshake = req.socket.manager.handshaken[];
if (handshake) {
session = handshake.session;
//session now contains proper session object
You can implement this in sails.js policy, and attach this policy to some controllers. But don't write you socket session into req.session! Otherwise, you'll get an error trying to respond to the client (original req.session is still used in some way). Instead, save it as req.socketSession or something like that.
please send a JSONP request from your application before sending a socket request,that will create a cookie and accepts socket requests.
You can do your initial login over the instead of XHR, subsequent socket requests will be authorized.
alevkon,in the above mentioned method you have to implement the same in all the controllers,because you don't know which controller is accessed for the first time...but by sending just one jsonp request you can create a cookie between client and server,the same cookie is used until the next session.

JSON interaction after OAuth2/OmniAuth authentication

Context: I'm trying to interact with Twitter via JSON and no libraries as i'm practicing to interact with a newly released receipt printer( which has no helper libraries. I need to OAuth with the printer then make the appropriate calls to register my device, print, verify online/offline status etc.
I've successfully authenticated with Twitter via OmniAuth's Twitter Gem. I can pull all the data from the Authentication Hash here - what? I want to be able to make a JSON call with my OAuth credentials to Twitter and pull my timeline or any other such data. Can anyone provide any sample code that will allow me a starting point to tinker with and work off of?
Twitter provides REST API. Here's how you might create a GET REST request
request =, initheader = header)
http_request =, port)
response = http_request.start {|http| http.request(request)}
here's an example of the request URL:
