How do i put multiple conditions inside spring data mongodb aggregation filter? - spring

Mongodb states that it is possible to put multiple conditions inside cond of filter. Like this:
$filter: {
input: [ 1, "a", 2, null, 3.1, NumberLong(4), "5" ],
as: "num",
cond: { $and: [
{ $gte: [ "$$num", NumberLong("-9223372036854775807") ] },
{ $lte: [ "$$num", NumberLong("9223372036854775807") ] }
] }
Source: -
I would like to do the same inside spring data mongodb. I have this aggregation:
val aggregation = Aggregation.newAggregation(
/* here i would like to put "and" like .and(valueOf("some.field").greaterThanValue(1000) but it does not exists on returned value of valueOf*/
How can i do this ? I was looking for some "and" function on the level of "by" or "filter" but it does not exists. Adding another and will override my previous value (if for example i would like to filter using range of some.field or by multiple fields). How do i do this for multiple fields ?


GraphQL query to filter db document

I am writing an application using graphql, spring and mongodb. Here i want to perform some filter on db document using graphql.
Below is the representation of single document from mongo collection:
"data" : {
"attribute1" : [
"attribute2" : [
"nestedAttribute1": [
I want to filter the document, using GraphQL, with all the data where 'region' is 'US'.
Expected output:
"data" : {
"attribute1" : [
"attribute2" : [
"nestedAttribute1": [
Is it possible to write a generic query across all the attributes?
If not, are there any alternatives to GraphQL which support this filtering.
Here is the schema that is exact representation for mongo collection

How to search through nested array and retreive only matched elements with mongo and springdata [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Find in Double Nested Array MongoDB
(2 answers)
Spring data Match and Filter Nested Array
(1 answer)
Closed 3 years ago.
I'm looking to search into my collection and retreive only element who matched Criteria.
Here is my collection :
"_id" : "id",
"name" : "test",
"groupUsers" : [
"name" : "blabla",
"toys" : [
"createdAt" : ISODate("2019-10-30T12:59:41.409Z"),
"createdAt" : ISODate("2019-11-30T12:59:10.409Z"),
"createdAt" : ISODate("2019-12-30T12:59:12.409Z"),
"createdAt" : ISODate("2019-10-30T12:33:39.036Z")
"name" : "blabla2",
"toys" : [
"createdAt" : ISODate("2019-10-32T12:59:41.409Z"),
"createdAt" : ISODate("2019-11-30T12:59:56.409Z"),
"createdAt" : ISODate("2019-12-30T12:59:15.409Z"),
"createdAt" : ISODate("2019-10-32T12:33:39.036Z")
I want to retreive the whole collection but it depends when the user was added to the group for example, user blabla2 (in the example above) will only get the whole group but with only the two last toys of the first user in the response.
Anyway, I guess it's something really basic but I don't know why I can't figure it out.
What I'm Doing
I'm doing a first query to get the current user and get when he was added in the group (notice that the date gets converted into java Date Util here).
Aggregation groupAgg = newAggregation(match(Criteria.where("_id").is(groupId).and("groupUsers.userId").is(userId)));
GroupUser groupUser = mongoTemplate.aggregate(groupAgg, Group.class, GroupUser.class).getUniqueMappedResult();
In a second query, I want to get the whole document but only with the Criteria that I define before.
MatchOperation matchedGroup = match(new Criteria("_id").is(groupId));
MatchOperation matchedToys = match(
new Criteria("").gte(groupUser.getCreatedAt()));
Aggregation aggregation = newAggregation(matchedGroup, matchedToys);
AggregationResults<Group> result = mongoTemplate.aggregate(aggregation, Group.class, Group.class);
Group group = result.getUniqueMappedResult();
This query doesn't work, and I'm looking to something like even if there is no match (for example, none toys has been created yet), it still return the group basic response and not null.
Maybe I need to unwind the nested array ?
Any help is appreciate. I'm using spring data.
Try this query
"input":"$$doc. toys",
"cond": {
"$and": [
{ "$gte": [ "$$sn.createdAt", ISODate('2015-06-17T10:03:46.000Z') ] },

Springdata mongodb aggregation match

After asking question to understand a bit more of the aggregation framework in MongoDB I finally found the way to do aggregation for my need (thanks to a StackExchange user)
So basically here is a document from my collection:
"_id" : ObjectId("s4dcsd5s4d6c54s6d"),
"items" : [
type : "TYPE_1",
text : "blablabla"
type : "TYPE_2",
text : "blablabla"
type : "TYPE_3",
text : "blablabla"
type : "TYPE_1",
text : "blablabla"
type : "TYPE_2",
text : "blablabla"
type : "TYPE_1",
text : "blablabla"
The idea was to be able to filter only some elements of my collections (avoiding Type 2 and 3). In fact I have more than 30 types and 6 are not allowed but for simplicity I made this example.
So the aggregation command in command line is this one:
$match: {
_id: ObjectId("s4dcsd5s4d6c54s6d")
}, {
$unwind: '$items'
}, {
$match: {
'items.type': { '$nin': [ "TYPE_2" , "TYPE_3"] }
{ $limit: 10 }
With this I am able to retrieve the 10 elements items of this document which do not match TYPE_2 and TYPE_3
However when I am using spring data there is no output. I looked a bit at the example to build mine but its still not working.
So I did:
Aggregation aggregation = newAggregation(
AggregationResults<PersonnalHistory> results = mongAccess.getOperation().aggregate(query,
"items", PersonnalHistory.class);
PersonnalHistory is marked with annotation #Document(collection = "history") and id with the #id annotation
ignoreditemstype is a list containing TYPE_2 and TYPE_3
Here is what I have in the toString method of aggregation:
"aggregate" : "__collection__" ,
"pipeline" : [
{ "$match": { "id" : "s4dcsd5s4d6c54s6d"} },
{ "$unwind": "$items"},
{ "$match": { "items.type": { "$nin" : [ "TYPE_2" , "TYPE_3" ] } } },
{ "$limit" : 3},
{ "$skip" : 0 }
I tried a lot of stuff (to have at least an answer :) ) like removing id or the nin:
aggregation = newAggregation(
aggregation = newAggregation(
For information when I do a simple query like:
My document is returned. However I have thousands of items. So I just want to have the 15 first (in fact the 15 first are the 15 last added)
Do you maybe see what I am doing wrong?
Yeah looks like you are passing simple String while it is expecting ObjectId
Aggregation aggregation = newAggregation(
match(Criteria.where("_id").is(new ObjectId(myID))),
Now the question is why it works with simple query, my answer would be because spring-data driver is not that mature at least not with aggregation pipeline.

Spring MongoDB distict - can't get full document

I have collection in following format.
I want whole document distinct by city. I tried the db.collection.distinct("city"). But it returns only distinct cities.
Current Output:
Expected Output:
Above you can see there is only one record of "Mumbai". I need this kind of output.
Anyone know how we can get whole document with distinct in spring-mongodb?
You could try running an aggregation pipeline operation where you can include the the other fields inside the $group pipeline stage using the $first operator. Two examples that show this approach follow:
Mongo Shell:
pipeline = [
"$group": {
"_id": "$city",
"id": { "$first": "$_id" },
"name": { "$first": "$name" }
Spring Data MongoDB:
import static*;
MongoTemplate mongoTemplate = repository.getMongoTemplate();
Aggregation agg = newAggregation(
AggregationResults<OutputType> result = mongoTemplate.aggregate(agg,
"collection", OutputType.class);
List<OutputType> mappedResult = result.getMappedResults();

How to use two conditon in one array?

I have a list of task stored in Mongo, like below
"name": "task1",
"requiredOS": [
"name": "linux",
"version": [
"name": "windows",
"version": [
"requiredSW": [
"name": "MySQL",
"version": [
My purpose is to filter the task by OS and Software, for example the user give me below filter condition
"keyword": [
"OS": [
"name": "linux",
"version": [
"name": "windows",
"version": [
"SW": [ ]
I need filter out all the task can both running on the windows2008 and Linux 6.0 by searching the "requiredOS" and "requiredSW" filed. As you seen, the search condition is an array (the "OS" part). I have a trouble when use an array as search condition. I expect the query to return me a list of Task which satisfy the condition.
A challenging thing is that I need to integrate the query in to spring-data using #Query. so the query must be parameterized
can anyone give me a hand ?
I have tried a query but return nothing. my purpose is to use $all to combine two condition together then use $elemMatch to search the "requiredOS" field
If I understood correctly what you are trying, you need to use $elemMatch operator:
Taking your example, the query should be like:
#Query("{'requiredOS':{$elemMatch:{name:'linux', version:'7.0'},$elemMatch:{name:'windows', version:'2008'}}}")
It match the document you provided.
You basically seem to need to translate your "parameters" into a query form that produces results, rather than passing them straight though. Here is an example "translation" where the "empty" array is considered to match "anything".
Also the other conditions do not "literally" go straight through. The reason for this is that in that form MongoDB considers it to mean an "exact match". So what you want is a combination of the $elemMatch operator for multiple array conditions, and the $and operator which combines the conditions on the same property element.
This is a bit longer than $all but essentially because that operator is a "shortened" form of $and as $in is to $or:
"$and": [
"requiredOS": {
"$elemMatch": {
"name": "linux",
"version": "6.0"
"requiredOS": {
"$elemMatch": {
"name": "windows",
"version": "2008"
So it just a matter of transforming the properties in the request to actually match the required query form.
Building this into a query object can be done in a number of ways, such as using the Query builder:
DBObject query = new Query(
new Criteria().andOperator(
Which you can then pass in to a mongoOperations method as a query object or any other method that accepts the query object.
