What is the most basic mobile phone that uses 3G? - sms

Not sure whether this is the right site for this question. I am looking for a mobile phone which uses at least 3G, but has as little features as possible. For example, no apps, no photos, no radio, etc. The only things which should be there are calling and texting.


Develop custom Android Power Menu widgets

Is it possible to develop Android 11 widgets that appear on the Power Menu, exactly like Google Pay's card list?
So far I have discovered that there are a few useful guides on Device Controls, a feature that is very well suited for domotics and automation. For example the official article on Device Controls shows a fully fledged Power Menu with credit card swiping and domotics control.
I am interesting in developing a custom open source widget to browse fildelity (barcoded) cards. I have seen that the Quick Access Wallet feature is the one to use to display payment methods as swipable cards, but I have good reasons not to follow that road. First, it is designed for payment applications who hold NFC permissions, and secondarily it will disable Google Pay as default payment application for those who use it (and those who use another payment service will experience the same problem).
And Device Controls are templated and suited to be displayed in the Google Home's designated area.
So I'd like to ask if there are Android APIs to implement a fully customized widget to appear in the power menu. Of course I can kindly ask user for any permission necessary.
I start from the assumption that Google Pay itself is an application developed on top of Android framework, and has little to no special permission/policy-exception/whitelist from the OS, along with other payment applications.
I'd like to ask if there are Android APIs to implement a fully customized widget to appear in the power menu
Not in Android 11, at least in terms of public APIs.
I start from the assumption that Google Pay itself is an application developed on top of Android framework, and has little to no special permission/policy-exception/whitelist from the OS, along with other payment applications.
That is a very generous assumption. IMHO, do not assume that you can do anything that is being done by Google or the manufacturer of the device you are trying.

Codeigniter application for mobile and desktop

I have a codeigniter application for desktop can it be converted to a mobile app when accessed from a mobile using the same code?
You have two options, create a responsive design or create one desktop design and a mobile design based on the user agent.
If your design is easy to adapt for both worlds (desktop and mobile) with a little tweaking and a responsive design should be enough to do the trick. But before you choose this way remember that you have plenty of mobile devices with many screen resolutions.
I advise you to read this slideshow about the mobile web:
And just for information the types of mobile devices we have on the market.
To help you out with responsive design you can use some of the frameworks available on the internet:
Twitter bootstrap : http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/index.html
Foundation 3: http://foundation.zurb.com/
Skeleton: http://www.getskeleton.com/
YAML 4: http://www.yaml.de/
You can see more frameworks here http://www.awwwards.com/what-are-frameworks-22-best-responsive-css-frameworks-for-web-design.html
In case your desktop layout doesn't fit as a proper mobile layout you can rely on the user agent, although he is not 100% accurate, and build two different layouts.
On the desktop side you can use some of the responsive frameworks mentioned before, for the mobile side you can use:
jQuery Mobile: http://jquerymobile.com/
iUI: http://www.iui-js.org/
UI ON TARGET: http://www.rikulo.org/
The best is a mix of the two worlds, a responsive design for small and large screens for users on a desktop and a proper design for mobile users.
the different between two is in the template or view part of application .
basically you have to identify visitor device and if it is a mobile show him the mobile view that you have prepared .
you can create great responsive mobile template using jquery mobile .
Yes, I've done exactly this in the past.
What I did is I used the user agent class to detect whether the user agent was a desktop or mobile client, and used that to set a flag in the sessions. Based on that, I served different views depending on the value of that flag. This approach has the advantage that the URLs remain the same regardless of which interface you're using.
I would recommend adding a way to manually override this, though, since detecting the user agent is never going to be 100% accurate.

Should i make apps for tablets and phones separately?

I am currently developing an android app for phones and for tablets.I need to know whether i should make a separate app for a phone and a tablet.Is there anyway of making a single app for both?
You should create a single app for tablet and phone unless you have a very pressing reason not to.
Since 1.5/1.6, Android has given resources to manage several different screen sizes. All programming logic should be unaffected by the size of the screen. Everything should be defined in layout files.
That said, if you're programming an openGL game with drastically different phone and tablet behavior, you may want to consider it. Otherwise, stick with one app.

Does windows phone 7 have a similar component likes UITableview in iPhone?

Does windows phone 7 have a similar component likes UITableview in iPhone?
I am trying to find an api mapping published by Microsoft, but to no avail.
I welcome any comments.
Your best bet would be to bind the data to a ListBox.
Here is an example.
You may be interrested in http://windowsphone.interoperabilitybridges.com/
It includes details on getting up to speed on Windows Phone 7 development for people familliar with developing for other platforms. (Including iOS.)
Tim is correct that you will most likely end up using a ListBox, but here is a bit of a longer answer:
I believe you are referring to the iOS to Windows Phone API mapping tool, which helps map common iOS APIs to their Windows Phone equivalents. Unfortunately in this case it will not provide a direct answer to your question, as iOS and Windows Phone take different approaches to the UI layer:
Apple enforces a strict MVC pattern on each of its views. In fact, they provide a set of base view controller classes which already support much of the behaviors you see in typical iPhone applications. The most common of these include UITableViewController, UINavigationViewController, UITabBarController and the standard UIViewController.
Windows phone 7 does not require you to use an MVC pattern, and therefore does not include the standard views that are available in iOS. Instead it is left up to you to choose and implement whatever UI pattern that you choose. Many choose the MVVM Pattern, but even then there are multiple toolkits you can use (This one seems pretty popular).
To start, with most users will just use the graphical designer built into Visual Studio to drag and drop controls onto each page of their application. If you want to learn more I recommend watching the Windows Phone 7 Development for Absolute Beginners series or 31 days of Windows Phone 7 series. Most Silverlight XAML layout and APIs techniques are available in Windows Phone, so 31 days of Silverlight may also help.

How do browsers UI elements available on the mobile phone platform?

I'm designing a website for the high end mobile phones, and I want to know how the different UI elements (e.g. buttons, check boxes, list boxes, textfields, etc) look like on different mobile browsers (eg safari, webkit, IE, etc) on different devices (e.g. Nokia, iPhone, etc). Can you offer some advice how I can get access to these without having to purchase the devices or using some online simulators?
Also I'm not so clear how these basic UI elements that is available from the platform works - do the mobile brwosers use their own UI elements or do they take the UI elements from the device OS and apply some visual style (e.g. checkboxes in safari looks different from that on IE on desktop browsers)?
You can download emulators for most platforms. Here are a couple:
Blackberry: http://na.blackberry.com/eng/developers/resources/simulators.jsp
Windows: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=C62D54A5-183A-4A1E-A7E2-CC500ED1F19A&displaylang=en
Nokia: http://www.forum.nokia.com/info/sw.nokia.com/id/d57da811-c7cf-48c8-995f-feb3bea36d11/Nokia_Mobile_Internet_Toolkit_4.1.html
Just noticed that this was previously asked/answered here:
