I'm learning about linux kernel drivers and I am confused about device major/minor allocation. Especially the case in which I am not aware ahead of time of the number of devices I would like to manage.
Indeed, I know that we may allocate multiple devices at once dynamically with
alloc_chrdev_region (
But I wonder about situations in which ALLOC_COUNT might not be obvious ahead of time.
How do I re-size an allocated character device region ? Is it common practice to do so ?
Large allocation drawbacks
Is there any drawback with taking a large/safe amount of minors and call cdev_init on a few of them only ?
Small allocation instead ?
If so, should I allocate small number of device first and then later allocate more if necessary later ? Is it something seen in the wild ? the last argument makes me think that I would be doing something wrong doing that.
What I Have Tried
Mutliple call to alloc_chred_region
I quickly run out of MAJOR numbers and I conclude this is not a very good solution
Multiple call to register_chred_region
I thought to make an initial call to alloc_chred_region which would give me a sentinel with a major dynamically allocated and then call at need register_chrdev_region to allocate more device number some time later. While much better that its counterpart, it doesn't fix any of the concerns.
OpenCL is of course designed to abstract away the details of hardware implementation, so going down too much of a rabbit hole with respect to worrying about how the hardware is configured is probably a bad idea.
Having said that, I am wondering how much local memory is efficient to use for any particular kernel. For example if I have a work group which contains 64 work items then presumably more than one of these may simultaneously run within a compute unit. However it seems that the local memory size as returned by CL_DEVICE_LOCAL_MEM_SIZE queries is applicable to the whole compute unit, whereas it would be more useful if this information was for the work group. Is there a way to know how many work groups will need to share this same memory pool if they coexist on the same compute unit?
I had thought that making sure that my work group memory usage was below one quarter of total local memory size was a good idea. Is this too conservative? Is tuning by hand the only way to go? To me that means that you are only tuning for one GPU model.
Lastly, I would like to know if the whole local memory size is available for user allocation for local memory, or if there are other system overheads that make it less? I hear that if you allocate too much then data is just placed in global memory. Is there a way of determining if this is the case?
Is there a way to know how many work groups will need to share this same memory pool if they coexist on the same compute unit?
Not in one step, but you can compute it. First, you need to know how much local memory a workgroup will need. To do so, you can use clGetKernelWorkGroupInfo with the flag CL_KERNEL_LOCAL_MEM_SIZE (strictly speaking it's the local memory required by one kernel). Since you know how much local memory there is per compute unit, you can know the maximum number of workgroups that can coexist on one compute unit.
Actually, this is not that simple. You have to take into consideration other parameters, such as the max number of threads that can reside on one compute unit.
This is a problem of occupancy (that you should try to maximize). Unfortunately, occupancy will vary depending of the underlying architecture.
AMD publish an article on how to compute occupancy for different architectures here.
NVIDIA provide an xls sheet that compute the occupancy for the different architectures.
Not all the necessary information to do the calculation can be queried with OCL (if I recall correctly), but nothing stops you from storing info about different architectures in your application.
I had thought that making sure that my work group memory usage was below one quarter of total local memory size was a good idea. Is this too conservative?
It is quite rigid, and with clGetKernelWorkGroupInfo you don't need to do that. However there is something about CL_KERNEL_LOCAL_MEM_SIZE that needs to be taken into account:
If the local memory size, for any pointer argument to the kernel
declared with the __local address qualifier, is not specified, its
size is assumed to be 0.
Since you might need to compute dynamically the size of the necessary local memory per workgroup, here is a workaround based on the fact that the kernels are compiled in JIT.
You can define a constant in you kernel file and then use the -D option to set its value (previously computed) when calling clBuildProgram.
I would like to know if the whole local memory size is available for user allocation for local memory, or if there are other system overheads that make it less?
Again CL_KERNEL_LOCAL_MEM_SIZE is the answer. the standard states:
This includes local memory that may be needed by an implementation to
execute the kernel...
If your work is fairly independent and doesn't re-use input data you can safely ignore everything about work groups and shared local memory. However, if your work items can share any input data (classic example is a 3x3 or 5x5 convolution that re-reads input data) then the optimal implementation will need shared local memory. Non-independent work can also benefit. One way to think of shared local memory is programmer-managed cache.
I have a C++ code and I am playing with Intel's VTune and I ran the General Exploration analysis and have no idea how to interpret the results. It flags as an issue the number of Retire Stalls.
On it's own, that is enough to confuse me because I'm probably in over my head. But the functions that it lists as having an abnormal amount of retire stalls is _int_malloc and malloc_consolidate, both in libc. So it's not even something that I can look at my own code and try to figure out and it's not something that I can really begin to change.
Is there a way to use that information to improve my own code? Or does it really just mean that I should find ways to allocate less or less often?
(Note: the specific code at hand isn't the issue, I'm looking for strategies to interpret the data and improve things when the hotspots or the stalls or whatever the "problem" may be occurs in code outside my control)
Is there a way to use that information to improve my own code? Or does
it really just mean that I should find ways to allocate less or less
Yes, it pretty much sounds like you should make changes in your code so that malloc gets called less often.
Is the heap allocation really necessary?
Is there a buffer that you can reuse?
Is using memory pool an option?
Can you do stack allocation instead? For example, if those are
arrays, do you happen to know the maximum size of those arrays at
compile time?
Depending on your application, memory allocation can be expensive. I once made a program 20x faster by removing memory allocations from a tight loop. The application wasn't that slow on Linux but it was a disaster on Windows. After my changes, it was also OK on Windows.
know which line of code is calling malloc mostly
avoid repeated allocation and deallocation
potentially use thread-local-storage together with the previous point
write your own allocator which only returns memory when you tell him to and otherwise keeps freed memory blocks in a list (use list::splice to move list elements from one list into another)
use allocators from boost which potentially do the same like the previous point
Is it at all possible to allocate large (i.e. 32mb) physically contiguous memory regions from kernel code at runtime (i.e. not using bootmem)? From my experiments, it seems like it's not possible to get anything more than a 4mb chunk successfully, no matter what GFP flags I use. According to the documentation I've read, GFP_NOFAIL is supposed to make the kmalloc just wait as long as is necessary to free the requested amount, but from what I can tell it just makes the request hang indefinitely if you request more than is availble - it doesn't seem to be actively trying to free memory to fulfil the request (i.e. kswapd doesn't seem to be running). Is there some way to tell the kernel to aggressively start swapping stuff out in order to free the requested allocation?
Edit: So I see from Eugene's response that it's not going to be possible to get a 32mb region from a single kmalloc.... but is there any possibility of getting it done in more of a hackish kind of way? Like identifying the largest available contiguous region, then manually migrating/swapping away data on either side of it?
Or how about something like this:
1) Grab a bunch of 4mb chunks until you're out of memory.
2) Check them all to see if any of them happen to be contiguous, if so,
combine them.
3) kfree the rest
4) goto 1)
Might that work, if given enough time to run?
You might want to take a look at the Contiguous Memory Allocator patches. Judgging from the LWN article, these patches are exactly what you need.
Mircea's link is one option; if you have an IOMMU on your device you may be able to use that to present a contiguous view over a set of non-contiguous pages in memory as well.
Title says it pretty much all : is there a way to get the lowest free virtual memory address under windows ? I should add that I am interested by this information at the beginning of the program (before any dynamic memory allocation has been done).
Why I need it : trying to build a malloc implementation under Windows. If it is not possible I would have to really to whatever VirtualAlloc() returns when given NULL as first parameter. While you would expect it to do something sensible, like allocation memory at the bottom of what is available, there are no guarantees.
This can be implemented yourself by using VirtualQuery looking for pages that are marked as free. It would be relatively slow though. (You will also need to consider allocation granularity which is different from page size.)
I will say that unless you need contiguous blocks of memory, trying to keep everything close together is mostly meaningless since if two pages of virtual memory might be next to each other in the address space, there is no reason to assume they are close to each other in physical memory. In fact, even if they are close to each other at some point in time, if those pages get moved to backing store and then faulted back into memory, the page would not be faulted to the same physical address page.
The OS uses more complicated metrics than just what is the "lowest" memory address available. Specifically, VirtualAlloc allocates pages of memory, so depending on how much you're asking for, at least one page of unused address space has to be available at the starting address. So even if you think there's a "lower" address that it should have used, that address might not have been compatible with the operation that you asked for.
I know that memory usage is a very complex issue on Windows.
I am trying to write a UI control for a large application that shows a 'percentage of memory used' number, in order to give the user an indication that it may be time to clear up some memory, or more likely restart the application.
One implementation used ullAvailVirtual from MEMORYSTATUSEX as a base, then used HeapWalk() to walk the process heap looking for additional free memory. The HeapWalk() step was needed because we noticed that after a while of running the memory allocated and freed by the heap was never returned and reported by the ullAvailVirtual number. After hours of intensive working, the ullAvailVirtual number no longer would accurately report the amount of memory available.
However, this method proved not ideal, due to occasional odd errors that HeapWalk() would return, even when the process heap was not corrupted. Further, since this is a UI control, the heap walking code was executing every 5-10 seconds. I tried contacting Microsoft about why HeapWalk() was failing, escalated a case via MSDN, but never got an answer other than "you probably shouldn't do that".
So, as a second implementation, I used PagefileUsage from PROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS as a base. Then I used VirtualQueryEx to walk the virtual address space adding up all regions that weren't MEM_FREE and returned a value for GetMappedFileNameA(). My thinking was that the PageFileUsage was essentially 'private bytes' so if I added to that value the total size of the DLLs my process was using, it would be a good approximation of the amount of memory my process was using.
This second method seems to (sorta) work, at least it doesn't cause crashes like the heap walker method. However, when both methods are enabled, the values are not the same. So one of the methods is wrong.
So, StackOverflow world...how would you implement this?
which method is more promising, or do you have a third, better method?
should I go back to the original method, and further debug the odd errors?
should I stay away from walking the heap every 5-10 seconds?
Keep in mind the whole point is to indicate to the user that it is getting 'dangerous', and they should either free up memory or restart the application. Perhaps a 'percentage used' isn't the best solution to this problem? What is? Another idea I had was a color based system (red, yellow, green, which I could base on more factors than just a single number)
Yes, the Windows memory manager was optimized to fulfill requests for memory as quickly and efficiently possible, it was not optimized to easily measure how much space is used. The first downfall is that heap blocks that are released are rarely unmapped. They are simply marked as "free", to be used by the next allocation. That's why VirtualQueryEx() cannot work.
The problem with HeapWalk is that you have to lock the heap (HeapLock) so that it can walk it without the heap allocation changing. That lock can have very detrimental side-effects. Quoting:
Walking a heap may degrade
performance, especially on symmetric
multiprocessing (SMP) computers. The
side effects may last until the
process ends.
Even then, the number you get back is pretty meaningless. A program never runs out of free space, it runs out of a large enough contiguous chunk of memory to fulfill the request. No happy answers I'm afraid. Except one: a 64-bit operating system cost less than two hundred bucks.
The place to start is probably GetProcessMemoryInfo(). This fills in a structure for you that has, among other things, the current working set in bytes.
Have a look at the following article .NET and running processes
It uses WMI to check for the memory usage of processes, specifically using the
and another link on how to use WMI in C#: WMI Made Easy for C#
Hope this helps.