Line drawing algorithm in assembly - algorithm

I'm trying to create a line-drawing algorithm in assembly (more specifically Bresenham's line algorithm). After trying an implementation of this algorithm, the algorithm fails to work properly even though I almost exactly replicated the plotLineLow() function from this Wikipedia page.
It should be drawing a line between 2 points, but when I test it, it draws points in random places in the window. I really don't know what could be going wrong because debugging in assembly is difficult.
I'm using NASM to convert the program to binary, and I run the binary in QEMU.
[bits 16] ; 16-bit mode
[org 0x7c00] ; memory origin
section .text ; code segmant
global _start ; tells the kernal where to begin the program
_start: ; where to start the program
; main
call cls ; clears the screen
update: ; main loop
mov cx, 0x0101 ; line pos 1
mov bx, 0x0115 ; line pos 2
call line ; draws the line
jmp update ; jumps to the start of the loop
; functions
cls: ; function to clear the screen
mov ah, 0x00 ; set video mode
mov al, 0x03 ; text mode (80x25 16 colours)
int 0x10 ; BIOS interrupt
ret ; returns to where it was called
point: ; function to draw a dot at a certain point (dx)
mov bx, 0x00ff ; clears the bx register and sets color
mov cx, 0x0001 ; clears the cx register and sets print times
mov ah, 0x02 ; set cursor position
int 0x10 ; BIOS interrupt
mov ah, 0x09 ; write character
mov al, ' ' ; character to write
int 0x10 ; BIOS interrupt
ret ; returns to where it was called
line: ; function to draw a line at two points (bx, cx)
push cx ; saves cx for later
push bx ; saves bx for later
sub bh, ch ; gets the value of dx
mov [dx_L], bh ; puts it into dx
sub bl, cl ; gets the value of dy
mov [dy_L], bl ; puts it into dy
mov byte [yi_L], 1 ; puts 1 into yi (positive slope)
cmp byte [dy_L], 0 ; checks if the slope is negative
jl .negative_y ; jumps to the corresponding sub-label
jmp .after_negative_y ; if not, jump to after the if
.negative_y: ; if statement destination
mov byte [yi_L], -1 ; sets yi to -1 (negative slope)
neg byte [dy_L] ; makes dy negative as well
.after_negative_y: ; else statement destination
mov ah, [dy_L] ; moves dy_L into a temporary register
add ah, ah ; multiplies it by 2
sub ah, [dx_L] ; subtracts dx from that
mov [D_L], ah ; moves the value into D
pop bx ; pops bx to take a value off
mov [y_L], bh ; moves the variable into the output
pop cx ; pops the stack back into cx
mov ah, bh ; moves x0 into ah
mov al, ch ; moves x1 into al
.loop_x: ; loop to go through every x iteration
mov dh, ah ; moves the iteration count into dh
mov dl, [y_L] ; moves the y value into dl to be plotted
call point ; calls the point function
cmp byte [D_L], 0 ; compares d to 0
jg .greater_y ; if greater, jumps to the if statement
jmp .else_greater_y ; if less, jumps to the else statement
mov bh, [dy_L] ; moves dy into a temporary register
.greater_y: ; if label
mov bl, [yi_L] ; moves yi into a temporary register
add [y_L], bl ; increments y by the slope
sub bh, [dx_L] ; dy and dx
add bh, bh ; multiplies bh by 2
add [D_L], bh ; adds bh to D
jmp .after_greater_y ; jumps to after the if statement
.else_greater_y: ; else label
add bh, bh ; multiplies bh by 2
add [D_L], bh ; adds bh to D
.after_greater_y: ; after teh if statement
inc ah ; increments the loop variable
cmp ah, al ; checks to see if the loop should end
je .end_loop_x ; if it ended jump to the end of teh loop
jmp .loop_x ; if not, jump back to the start of the loop
.end_loop_x: ; place to send the program when the loop ends
ret ; returns to where it was called
section .data ; data segmant
dx_L: db 0 ; used for drawing lines
dy_L: db 0 ; ^
yi_L: db 0 ; ^
xi_L: db 0 ; ^
D_L: db 0 ; ^
y_L: db 0 ; ^
x_L: db 0 ; ^
section .text ; code segmant
; boot the OS
times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; fills up bootloader space with empty bytess
db 0x55, 0xaa ; defines the bootloader bytes

I see no video mode
just 80x25 text VGA mode (mode = 3) you set at start with cls so how can you render points? You should set the video mode you want assuming VGA or VESA/VBE see the link above.
why to heck use VGA BIOS for point rendering?
that will be slooooooooow and I have no idea what it does when no gfx mode is present. You can render points by direct access to VRAM (at segment A000h) Ideal use 8/16/24/32bit video modes as they have pixels aligned to BYTEs ... my favorite is 320x200x256c (mode = 19) as it fits into 64K segment so no paging is needed and pixels are Bytes.
In case you are using characters instead of pixels then you still can use access to VRAM in the same way just use segment B800h and chars are 16 bit (color and ASCII).
integer DDA is faster then Bresenham on x86 CPUs since 80386
I do not code in NASM for around 2 decades and closest thing to line I found in my archive is this:
line: pusha ;ax=x0,bx=x1,dl=y0,dh=y1,cl=col
push ax ;expecting ES = A000h
mov si,bx
sub si,ax
sub ah,ah
mov al,dl
mov bx,ax
mov al,dh
sub ax,bx
mov di,ax
mov ax,320
sub dh,dh
mul dx
pop bx
add ax,bx
mov bp,ax
mov ax,1
mov bx,320
cmp si,32768
jb .r0
neg si
neg ax
.r0: cmp di,32768
jb .r1
neg di
neg bx
.r1: cmp si,di
ja .r2
xchg ax,bx
xchg si,di
.r2: mov [.ct],si
.l0: mov [es:bp],cl
add bp,ax
sub dx,di
jnc .r3
add dx,si
add bp,bx
.r3: dec word [.ct]
jnz .l0
.ct: dw 0
So you have something to cross check (took me a while to find it in my archives as I coded whole 3D polygonal engines with textures at that time so I do not have much 2D code in NASM...)
The example expects 320x200x256c VGA video mode
If you were writing a DOS .com file, things would be a bit simpler: segment registers would all be set the same, with your code/data at offset 100 from them. And you could end with ret.
[BITS 16]
[ORG 100h]
[SEGMENT .text]
As #bitRAKE and #PeterCoders pointed out in case You run this in BOOT SECTOR the org is ok. However in such case there is no OS present so if you were going to do more with the stack or any other block of memory outside your 512 bytes, you'd want to point the stack to somewhere known. (It does start out valid, though, because interrupts are enabled.)
More importantly, you need to initialize DS to match your ORG setting, so ds:org reaches a linear address of 7C00. With org 0x7c00, that means you want DS=0. Otherwise instructions like mov [dx_L], bh would be using memory at some unknown location.
[BITS 16]
[ORG 7C00h]
[SEGMENT .text]
mov ax,0000h
mov ds,ax ; DS=0 to match ORG
mov ss,ax ; if you set SS:SP at all, do it back-to-back
mov sp,7C00h ; so an interrupt can't fire half way through.
; here do your stuff
hlt ; save power
jmp l0
Hope you are using VC or NC configured as IDE for NASM and not compiling/linking manually
This one is usable in MS-DOS so if you are running BOT SECTOR you out of luck. Still You can create a *.com executable debug and once its working in dos change to BOOT SECTOR...
see Is there a way to link object files for DOS from Linux? on how to setup MS-DOS Volkov commander to automatically compile and link your asm source code just by hitting enter on it ... You can also run it just by adding line to the vc.ext line ... but I prefer not to so you can inspect error log first
Convenient debugging
You can try to use MS-DOS (DOSBox) with ancient Borland Turbo C/C++ or Pascal and use their inline asm { .... } code which can be traced and stepped directly in the IDE. However it uses TASM (different syntax to NASM) and have some restrictions ...
Sadly I never saw any decent IDE for asm on x86 platform. The best IDE for asm I worked with was Herkules on ZX Spectrum ... was possible to done things even modern C++ IDEs doesnt have.


How to print signed integer in x86 assembly (NASM) on Mac

I found an implementation of unsigned integer conversion in x86 assembly, and I tried plugging it in but being new to assembly and not having a debugging env there yet, it's difficult to understand why it's not working. I would also like it to work with signed integers so it can capture error messages from syscalls.
Wondering if one could show how to fix this code to get the signed integer to print, without using printf but using strprn provided by this answer.
%define a rdi
%define b rsi
%define c rdx
%define d r10
%define e r8
%define f r9
%define i rax
%define EXIT 0x2000001
%define EXIT_STATUS 0
%define READ 0x2000003 ; read
%define WRITE 0x2000004 ; write
%define OPEN 0x2000005 ; open(path, oflag)
%define CLOSE 0x2000006 ; CLOSE
%define MMAP 0x2000197 ; mmap(void *addr, size_t len, int prot, int flags, int fildes, off_t offset)
; szstr computes the lenght of a string.
; rdi - string address
; rdx - contains string length (returned)
xor rcx, rcx ; zero rcx
not rcx ; set rcx = -1 (uses bitwise id: ~x = -x-1)
xor al,al ; zero the al register (initialize to NUL)
cld ; clear the direction flag
repnz scasb ; get the string length (dec rcx through NUL)
not rcx ; rev all bits of negative -> absolute value
dec rcx ; -1 to skip the null-term, rcx contains length
mov rdx, rcx ; size returned in rdx, ready to call write
; strprn writes a string to the file descriptor.
; rdi - string address
; rdx - contains string length
push rdi ; push string address onto stack
call strsz ; call strsz to get length
pop rsi ; pop string to rsi (source index)
mov rax, WRITE ; put write/stdout number in rax (both 1)
mov rdi, 1 ; set destination index to rax (stdout)
syscall ; call kernel
; mov ebx, 0xCCCCCCCD
xor rdi, rdi
call itoal
; itoa loop
mov ecx, eax ; save original number
mul ebx ; divide by 10 using agner fog's 'magic number'
shr edx, 3 ;
mov eax, edx ; store quotient for next loop
lea edx, [edx*4 + edx] ; multiply by 10
shl rdi, 8 ; make room for byte
lea edx, [edx*2 - '0'] ; finish *10 and convert to ascii
sub ecx, edx ; subtract from original number to get remainder
lea rdi, [rdi + rcx] ; store next byte
test eax, eax
jnz itoal
mov a, EXIT_STATUS ; exit status
mov i, EXIT ; exit
mov rdi, msg
call strprn
mov ebx, -0xCCCCCCCD
call itoa
call strprn
jmp exit
section .text
msg: db 0xa, " Hello StackOverflow!!!", 0xa, 0xa, 0
With this working it will be possible to properly print signed integers to STDOUT, so you can log the registers values.
How to print a string to the terminal in x86-64 assembly (NASM) without syscall?
How do I print an integer in Assembly Level Programming without printf from the c library?
How to get length of long strings in x86 assembly to print on assertion
My answer on How do I print an integer in Assembly Level Programming without printf from the c library? which you already linked shows that serializing an integer into memory as ASCII decimal gives you a length, so you have no use for (a custom version of) strlen here.
(Your msg has an assemble-time constant length, so it's silly not to use that.)
To print a signed integer, implement this logic:
if (x < 0) {
print('-'); // or just was_negative = 1
x = -x;
Unsigned covers the abs(most_negative_integer) case, e.g. in 8-bit - (-128) overflows to -128 signed. But if you treat the result of that conditional neg as unsigned, it's correct with no overflow for all inputs.
Instead of actually printing a - by itself, just save the fact that the starting number was negative and stick the - in front of the other digits after generating the last one. For bases that aren't powers of 2, the normal algorithm can only generate digits in reverse order of printing,
My x86-64 print integer with syscall answer treats the input as unsigned, so you should simply use that with some sign-handling code around it. It was written for Linux, but replacing the write system call number will make it work on Mac. They have the same calling convention and ABI.
And BTW, xor al,al is strictly worse than xor eax,eax unless you specifically want to preserve the upper 7 bytes of RAX. Only xor-zeroing of full registers is handled efficiently as a zeroing idiom.
Also, repnz scasb is not fast; about 1 compare per clock for large strings.
For strings up to 16 bytes, you can use a single XMM vector with pcmpeqb / pmovmskb / bsf to find the first zero byte, with no loop. (SSE2 is baseline for x86-64).

How do I check if my assembly 8086 program runs well

I want to put numbers from 0 - 9 to memory cells 400h to 409h.
So for example at 400h -> 0 (put 0) and at 401h -> 1 (put 1) ..... 409h (put 9).
This is my code so far: (I dont know if it works)
MODEL small
STACK 100h
mov ax , #data
mov ds , ax
mov es, ax
mov si , 400h
mov cx , 10
mov al , 0
mov [si],al
inc si
inc al
loop agian
mov ax,4c00h
int 21h
END start
There's a very simple way to see if your program works. Just write the values in the video memory. That way you'll know if it works.
mov ax, 0B800h ;NEW
mov ds, ax
mov es, ax
mov si, 400h
mov cx, 10
mov al, 48 ;NEW value 0 -> character 0
mov [si], al
add si, 2 ;NEW 1 character occupies 2 bytes in video memory
inc al
loop agian
mov ah,00h ;NEW wait for a keystroke so you can actually see
int 16h ;NEW ... the output
If you can invest the time you could learn to use the DOS utility DEBUG.EXE. Amongst other things it allows you to single step your program and view memory .
The easiest way to check if your ASM code is working the way you expect is to run it in a debugger. If you're running on Windows, OllyDbg 2 would be a good candidate — it will show you the current values of the registers, state of the stack, etc., so you can see how they change as you step through your code. You can modify the code from inside OllyDbg too.
You can write breakpoints in your code with the int 3 instruction, or use the debugger to place breakpoints at runtime.

Convert word to double word in assembler

I'm having some problems trying to solve this expression in assembler.
I would like to know how do you convert a word to a double word ( unsigned solution ) ,
do i have to use the cwb command or do i use AX:BX , if i do have to use those last registers ,
how do i properly write the command ?
I will be testing the code in Turbo Debugger under DosBox .
My full code
assume cs:code,ds:data
data segment
a db ?
b db ?
rez dw ?
data ends
code segment
mov ax,data
mov ds,ax
;#####prima paranteza
mov al,a ;ah=a
mul 5 ;ax=a*5
mov cx,ax ;cx=ax
mov ah,b ; il mut pe ah in b ( pregatire pt conversie fara semn )
mov al,0 ; l-am convertit pe b in word ( pe 2 octeti )
div 7 ; am impartit double word-ul b la 7 , catul a ramas in ah , restul a ramas in al
sub cx,ax ; (am tinut cont de faptul ca in ax a ramas rezultatul dupa impartire ) , cx=cx-ax, a*5 - b/7
; ####a 2 a paranteza
mov ah,3
mov al,0 ; conversie de la b la w ( fara semn )
div b ; ax=3/b
mov bx,ax ; bx = ax
mov al,a
mul a ; ax = a * a
add ax,bx ; ax = ax + bx
; #### calcul final
mov bx,ax ; bx = ax ( rezultatul celei de a 2 a paranteze )
mov ax,cx ; ax = cx ( rezultatul primei paranteze )
word to double-word?
Let's see if I got you:
word -> 8bit
double-word -> 16bit
AX, BX, CX and DX are 16 bit registers, and they are formed by two other 8-bit registers [ABCD]H and [ABCD]L, so, AX would be:
|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0| - |0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|
When you use AX, you're using those two at the same time. So, if you want to convert a word to a double word, you just clear the whole [ABCD]X register, and then move your word to the [ABCD]L register, leaving [ABCD]X with the word value.
Well, the worst-case scenario would be to zero-out the double word and then copy the word to the lower part (The first 0-x bits / my assembler is rusty) of the double word. There might be a more efficient way to do this, I'll admit
First, what are the range/s of the variables? Are they all unsigned (or are some of them signed)?
Second, what sort of accuracy do you need; and how does this influence things like accuracy loss due to rounding in integer divisions?
Third, how important is performance? How important is memory usage?
Fourth, what sorts of "CPU type" constraints are there? Is it "8086 only" (where you can't use 32-bit registers), or is it "80386 or later" (where you can use 32-bit registers in 16-bit code)? Can you use floating point and the FPU?
Depending on all of the above, the resulting code might look like this:
; Assumes a ranges from 0 to 7
; Assumes b ranges from 1 to 1234
; Assumes 80386 or later
; Note: requires a pre-computed 19728-byte lookup table
movzx eax,word a
movzx ebx,word b
lea eax,[0xFFFFFFF8 + ebx*8+eax]
mov ax,[myTable + eax*2]
Of course depending on all of the above the resulting code might be radically different too...
Normally it would be done with DX:AX in 16-bit mode. You can use CWD to sign-extend AX into DX, or you could just clear DX.

NASM jmp wonkiness

I'm writing a Forth inner interpreter and getting stuck at what should be the simplest bit. Using NASM on Mac (macho)
msg db "k thx bye",0xA ; string with carriage return
len equ $ - msg ; string length in bytes
dw xt_bye ; <- SI Starts Here
dw 0
db 3,'bye'
xt_bye dw $+2 ; <- Should point to...
push dword len ; <-- code here
push dword msg ; <--- but it never gets here
push dword 1
mov eax, 0x4 ; print the msg
int 80h
add esp, 12
push dword 0
mov eax, 0x1 ; exit(0)
int 80h
mov si,xt_test ; si points to the first xt
lodsw ; ax now points to the CFA of the first word, si to the next word
mov di,ax
jmp [di] ; jmp to address in CFA (Here's the segfault)
I get Segmentation Fault: 11 when it runs. As a test, I can change _main to
mov di,xt_bye+2
jmp di
and it works
EDIT - Here's the simplest possible form of what I'm trying to do, since I think there are a few red herrings up there :)
a dw b
b dw c
c jmp _my_actual_code
mov si,a
mov di,ax
jmp [di]
EDIT - After hexdumping the binary, I can see that the value in b above is actually 0x1000 higher than the address where label c is compiled. c is at 0x00000f43, but b contains 0x1f40
First, it looks extremely dangerous to use the 'si' and 'di' 16-bit registers on a modern x86 machine which is at least 32-bit.
Try using 'esi' and 'edi'. You might be lucky to avoid some of the crashes when 'xt_bye' is not larger than 2^16.
The other thing: there is no 'RET' at the end of xt_bye.
One more: see this linked question Help with Assembly. Segmentation fault when compiling samples on Mac OS X
Looks like you're changing the ESP register to much and it becomes unaligned by 16 bytes. Thus the crash.
One more: the
jmp [di]
may not load the correct address because the DS/ES regs are not used thus the 0x1000 offset.

Outputting registers to the console with MASM

I'm one day into learning ASM and I've done a few tutorials, and even successfully modified the tutorial content to use jmp and cmp, etc instead of the MASM .if and .while macros.
I've decided to try and write something very, very simple to begin with before I continue with more advanced tutorials. I'm writing a Fibonacci number generator. Here is the source I have so far:
.model flat, stdcall
option casemap :none
include \masm32\include\
include \masm32\include\
include \masm32\include\
includelib \masm32\lib\kernel32.lib
includelib \masm32\lib\masm32.lib
mov eax, 1
mov ecx, 1
push eax
add eax, ecx
pop ecx
; Jump to _b if there is an overflow on eax
; Print Values Here
jmp _a
push 0
call ExitProcess
end start
I intend to check for overflows on eax/ecx but right now I'm just interested in displaying the values of eax/ecx on the screen.
I know how to push the address of a constant string from .data and call StdOut which was the first example in the hello world tutorial, but this appears to be quite different (?).
There is this code provided by Microsoft itself
Note that this code outputs AX register on 16 bit systems. But you can get the idea, you just need to convert AX value into ASCII characters by looping through each character. Skip the interrupts part and use your StdOut function.
mov dx, 4 ; Loop will print out 4 hex characters.
push dx ; Save the loop counter.
mov cl, 4 ; Rotate register 4 bits.
rol ax, cl
push ax ; Save current value in AX.
and al, 0Fh ; Mask off all but 4 lowest bits.
cmp al, 10 ; Check to see if digit is 0-9.
jl decimal ; Digit is 0-9.
add al, 7 ; Add 7 for Digits A-F.
add al, 30h ; Add 30h to get ASCII character.
mov dl, al
;Use StdOut to print value of dl
;mov ah, 02h ; Prepare for interrupt.
;int 21h ; Do MS-DOS call to print out value.
pop ax ; Restore value to AX.
pop dx ; Restore the loop counter.
dec dx ; Decrement loop counter.
jnz nexthex ; Loop back if there is another character
; to print.
See here as well:;topic=14410.0
