Is there enough to working with Spring Boot if I known to perform CRUD Operation? - spring-boot

I am a completely fresher for Spring Boot. I had learn to perform Basic CRUD operations using REST API. That basic knowledge is enough to working with Spring Boot Project. Can I able to work with that?

No one is technically perfect!
Every day we are exploring new things and implement new solutions as per the new business requirements. The developer should possess a good set of problem-solving skills. That’s because it’s common for developers to come across multiple programming problems while building just about any solution.
If your lead assigned a task to you explore quarkus and implement a simple CRUD operation using go language what you will do?
"I don't know golang", Is this your answer?
Qualities of a good junior software programmer
Learn new things daily which must be useful to the growth of the company, your team and you.
Problem Solving and Logical Thinking
Written and Verbal Communication
Interpersonal skills
Time management
How do I search for answers from StackOverflow like a PRO? This is a very important skill set, Really, I am not joking.
Health - Health(Physical/Mental) is an important asset, don't take official things personally. Manage stress etc...
Coming to technical side
It would be good if you know at least one programming language, in your case java is fine. But if you have the listed skill sets you can learn anything very easily.
Regarding Spring boot
Do you want to become an expert in the Spring framework? Work with one big project, whatever domain.
Refer -
Once you become pro - Refer -

As a starter this is fine, but if your application is going to face real customers/users and want to evolve your application over time, then you would need to consider concepts like below
Login/logout security with Spring Security (if stateless then JWT is a good choice)
Evolving code and database with versions of your software (can use Liquibase to evolve and maintain DB changes ).
Handling exceptions as Aspects from Spring.
Having coded business errors so your team can resolve them and classify them accordingly.


Micro Layers: Do not add functionality on top but simplify overall Dependencies

I was going through design principles but could not understand this principle(avoid Micro layers), what would the significance be. I tried to google it but could not find any examples or explanation for this design principle. Could it possible for someone to explain this with example,what advantages it has in which scenarios? Does layering not localizes changes and reduces ripple effect of changes in software?
You’ve misinterpreted the way the principle is written. The author wasn’t trying to say “avoid micro services”. They were trying to say “When dealing with a micro service, don’t keep adding features or functionality to it. Instead, add an additional micro service to deliver the new functionality.”
The intent is to help you keep each micro service focused on a single task. This simplifies any system that depends on your service. And, it means you can more easily update your service — possibly by quickly rewriting it if you come up with a better performing design, for example. It’s hard to say “we’re going to rewrite our server” if that’s a six month task. It’s much easier when it’s only a one- or two-sprint task.
This thread needs a reboot coz of 2 reasons.
The Clean Code book that I have doesn't have a mention of Micro Layers. So not sure where the now "omni"-downloaded Clean Code cheat sheet got this from.
It would help if someone can guide me to where in the Clean Code book I can read on this one.
Am not fully satisfied that we re discussing Micro Layers in the scope of Micro Services. Bringing in an arch pattern Micro Services is not helping discuss a topic in a book that was written at a base level of Code and OOAD and a bit of design.
Instead for practical illustration purpose a code level example of the above statement is needed.

How does a microservices is essential in application development

referred to some posts and videos for Microservices that how it works and what is the benefit of it but none of the examples or videos satisfy my confusion. can anyone help and can share some live examples which can be related to the App development methodology.
It isn´t essential but it is necessary according to the problem you are trying to solve. The fact that microservices becomes a popular way to build application does not mean it solve all the problems.
There are cases where you should rethink the use of microservice and to build a monolith application can be good enough for your scenarios or you will end with a distrbuted big ball of mud.
The Law of the instrument says something like:
If the only tool you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.
So, we can not make the assumption that microservice is essential for all scenarios in application development.

using both api gateway and message broker in microservice

I have a question about microservice implementation. right now I am using an api gateway to process all get request to my individual services and using kafka to handle asynchronous post put and delete request. Is this a good way of handling of handling request in a microservice architecture?
Your question is too unspecific to give a good answer. What is a good architecture totally depends on the details of your use cases. Are you serving web pages, streaming media, amass data for analysis, or something completely different? We would also need to know what are you requirements in terms of concurrency, consistency and scalability? What are the constraints for budget/size of development teams, ease of development, dev skills, etc?
For example the decisions you have taken may be considered good if you have strong requirements for a highly scalable input of large data sets and very frequent data collection as well as the team to support it. But it may be considered bad if you have a small team only and are trying to get a quick and cheap MVP for a new service that has limited scalability requirements (because the complexity of the solution slows down your development unnecessarily).
It may be good because the development team is familiar with those technologies and can effectively develop with those. Or it may be bad because your team does not know anything about those and the investment in learning those will not be justifiable by long term gains.
Don't forget that one of the ideas of the microservices architectural style is that each service can be owned by a distinct team that makes its own decisions about what technology to use for implementation (for whatever reason: ease of development, business reasons etc). So in other words the microservices style embraces the old wisdom architecture follows organization.
Here a link to a recommended further read.

Best Practices when Migrating to Microservices

To anyone with real world experience breaking a monolith into separate modules and services.
I am asking this question having already read the MonolithFirst blog entry by Martin Fowler. When taking a monolith and breaking it into microservices the "size" element of the equation is the one that I ponder over the most. Specifically, how to approach breaking a monolith application (we're talking 2001: A Space Oddessy; as in it is that old and that large) into micro services without getting overly fine grained or staying too monolithic. The end goal is creating separate modules that can be upgraded indepenently and scaled independently.
What are some recommended best practices based on personal experience of breaking a monolith into microservices?
The rule of thumb is breaking the monolith based on bounded context . The most common way of defining the bounded context is using BU ( Business Unit) . For example the module which does actual payment is mostly a separate BU .
The second thing to consider is the overhead micro-services bring. You should analyse the hardware , monitoring , infra pieces before completely breaking the service. What I have seen is people taking smaller microservices out of monolith instead of going and writing say 10 new service and depreciating the monolith.
My advice will be have an incremental approach . Take the first BU which is being worked upon out of monolith. This will also give a goos learning curve for the whole team.
You should clearly distinguish sub-domain areas (bounded contexts) from you domain.
Usually (if everything is fine with your architecture) you already have some separate components in your monolith application which responsible for each sub-domain. These components interact with each other in one process
(in monolith application) and you should to think about how to put them into separate processes. Of course you need to produce a lot of refactoring when moving one by one parts of the monolith to microservices.
Always remember that every microservice is responsible for some sub-domain.
I strongly recommend you to learn Domain Driven Design.
Domain-Driven Design: Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Software by Eric Evans
Implementing Domain-Driven Design by Vaughn Vernon
Also learn CQRS pattern
At the beginning you also should decide how your micservices will interact with each other.
There are several options:
Direct calls from one service to another
Send messages through some dispatcher service
which abstracts the client service from the knowledge where the called (destination) services are located.
This approach is similar to how proxy server like NGINX works.
Interact through some messaging bus (middleware), like RabbitMQ
You can combine these options, for example Query requests can be processed through Dispatcher Service, Commands and Events through message bus.
From my experience the biggest problem will be to go away from a single database,
which monolith applications is usually used.
In addition some good practices:
Put each microservice in own repository - this isolates from the ability to directly use the code of one micro service in another.
You also get faster checkouts and builds of each microservice on CI.
Interactions with any service should occur only through its public contracts.
It is necessary to aspire that each microservice has its own database
Example of the sub-domains (bounded contexts) for some Tourism Industry application.
Each bounded context can be serviced by a microservice.
We also started our journey some time back and i started writing a blog series for exactly the same thing:
Basically what i understood is to break my problem in diff. microservices, i need a design framework which Domain Driven Design gives(Domain Driven Design Distilled Book by Vaugh Vernon).
Then to implement the design (using CQRS and Event Sourcing and ...) i need a framework which provides all the above support.
I found Lagom good for this.(Eventuate , Spring Microservices are some other choices).
Sample Microservices Domain analysis using Domain Driven Design by Microsoft:
One more analysis is:
After reading on Domain Driven Design i think lagom and above links will help you to build a end to end application. If still any doubts , please raise :)

Best pattern to develop a erp with maven multi module

I have a ERP project with modules stock, purchases and sales. These are web applications, using hibernate, maven, springMVC and spring security. What is the best way to organize the structure of this project?
1 - Each application being a web module(.WAR);
2- Just one web module.
On both approach there are other modules: core(with daos and services), and commons(with shared utils classes).
I was using the first way, because is easier to split each project with your respectves programmers. But i had problem with spring security configurations.
Any other options?!?
Sorry about my english
Your question is very open and answers may be highly subjective. You're stating a very limited number of requirements, hence you can go either direction.
There is a lot to be said for compartmentalizing an application. There isn't many larger organizations around that haven't acknowledged the need to do so. Often that way is paved for people already, i.e. existing guidelines exist that specify the component boundaries. It helps with understanding (sub-)domains, having parallel projects in flight, and very importantly reuse.
That all doesn't mean much if you have no business or technical requirements prompting you to do so. Instead, as a developer, you may rather focus on being prepared for change (once new requirements arise). So, have (unit) tests in place, et cetera. Change should be easy.
