Open Telemetry for react and vanilla JS projects - open-telemetry

Can someone help me understand if there is a way to configure open Telemetry on the client side for react and vanilla JS projects all I want to do is to console the traces of fetch call that are being made from the browser.
Most of the documentation I see is only for nodejs. Pls pinpoint a documentation if there are any?

The documentation gives a common guide for Javascript. What you do for you React would be same as what you do for Node.js or even simple JS scripts.
Just follow the documentation. Create and export a tracer:
import { ZoneContextManager } from '#opentelemetry/context-zone';
import { registerInstrumentations } from '#opentelemetry/instrumentation';
import { DocumentLoadInstrumentation } from '#opentelemetry/instrumentation-document-load';
import { FetchInstrumentation } from '#opentelemetry/instrumentation-fetch';
import { UserInteractionInstrumentation } from '#opentelemetry/instrumentation-user-interaction';
import { XMLHttpRequestInstrumentation } from '#opentelemetry/instrumentation-xml-http-request';
import { ConsoleSpanExporter, SimpleSpanProcessor } from '#opentelemetry/sdk-trace-base';
import { WebTracerProvider } from '#opentelemetry/sdk-trace-web';
const setupTracer = () => {
const provider = new WebTracerProvider();
provider.addSpanProcessor(new SimpleSpanProcessor(new ConsoleSpanExporter()));
// Changing default contextManager to use ZoneContextManager - supports asynchronous operations - optional
contextManager: new ZoneContextManager(),
// Registering instrumentations
instrumentations: [
new DocumentLoadInstrumentation(),
new UserInteractionInstrumentation(),
new XMLHttpRequestInstrumentation(),
new FetchInstrumentation()
export default setupTracer;
Import the tracer like this in your app's entry point (usually index.js):
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('root'));


Store data to db using Nativescript-vue

I'm starting to learn Vue JS and now trying to learn in nativescript-vue.
What should I do in order to have an offline DB where I can store my data without using internet connection. I heard about Firebase but I think I can't use my app if I don't have an internet connection. Thanks!
You can use Firebase with persistence enabled or you can use sqlite ( with vuex quite nicely.
Simple solution:
If you use applications settings within your app you can store simple data in a json object.
If you check out:
This article includes a step by step example of how to implement including using vuex store.
from that page: (store)
import Vue from 'nativescript-vue';
import Vuex from 'vuex';
import * as ApplicationSettings from "application-settings";
const store = new Vuex.Store({
state: {
firstname: "",
lastname: ""
mutations: {
load(state) {
if(ApplicationSettings.getString("store")) {
Object.assign(state, JSON.parse(ApplicationSettings.getString("store")))
save(state, data) {
state.firstname = data.firstname;
state.lastname = data.lastname;
Vue.prototype.$store = store;
module.exports = store;
Then save in your app with:
methods: {
save() {
this.$store.commit("save", this.input);
You will need to add a mutation to save to application settings as well:
a simple way to do that is add to the save mutation:
save(state, data) {
state.firstname = data.firstname;
state.lastname = data.lastname;
ApplicationSettings.setString("store", JSON.stringify(state));

JHipster: I can't add thiered party dependency like 'angular-2-dropdown-multiselect'

I have added angular2-dropdown-multiselect in Jhipster angular part. Its not working perfectly as per the angular2-dropdwon-multi select or ngx-treeview I have added the dependency using
npm install angular2-multiselect-dropdown --save
Then I have added the same into app.module.ts
import { AngularMultiSelectModule } from 'angular2-multiselect-dropdown/angular2-multiselect-dropdown';
// ...
imports: [
// ...
Then Try this following example
import { Component, OnInit } from '#angular/core';
export class AppComponent implements OnInit {
dropdownList = [];
selectedItems = [];
dropdownSettings = {};
this.dropdownList = [
{"id":5,"itemName":"South Korea"},
this.selectedItems = [
{"id":5,"itemName":"South Korea"}
this.dropdownSettings = {
singleSelection: false,
text:"Select Countries",
selectAllText:'Select All',
unSelectAllText:'UnSelect All',
enableSearchFilter: true,
classes:"myclass custom-class"
onSelectAll(items: any){
onDeSelectAll(items: any){
with HTML
<angular2-multiselect [data]="dropdownList" [(ngModel)]="selectedItems"
But after runing yarn serve
it just showing
Please help me
I had a similar problem with another third party library (ngx-treeview) and I also was only getting the html component empty and with no errors in the javascript console.
It was solved after importing the third party library properly following the JHipster project structure. If you want to use an external module in more than one module component, which is common, you need to configure it in shared-libs.module.ts and also add it to imports and to the exports on its #NgModule configuration.
import { NgModule } from '#angular/core';
import { FormsModule } from '#angular/forms';
import { CommonModule } from '#angular/common';
import { NgbModule } from '#ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap';
import { NgJhipsterModule } from 'ng-jhipster';
import { InfiniteScrollModule } from 'ngx-infinite-scroll';
import { CookieModule } from 'ngx-cookie';
import { FontAwesomeModule } from '#fortawesome/angular-fontawesome';
import { TreeviewModule } from 'ngx-treeview';
imports: [
alertAsToast: false,
i18nEnabled: true,
defaultI18nLang: 'en'
TreeviewModule.forRoot() // new third party lib import
exports: [FormsModule, CommonModule, NgbModule, NgJhipsterModule,
InfiniteScrollModule, FontAwesomeModule,
TreeviewModule] // new third party lib export
export class MyProjectSharedLibsModule {}
Share-libs module is generated by Jhipster and it is by default imported in shared.module which is imported by app.module and also the other modules that are created at start by Jhipster. For more about project structure:
However, if you create a new angular module component you need to add the shared module in the imports to be able to use the third parties libraries there.
imports: [MyProjectSharedModule,
export class MyProjectAnotherModule {}

.NET Core + Angular-CLI App - can't pass data from api to components [closed]

Closed. This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers.
Want to improve this question? Update the question so it focuses on one problem only by editing this post.
Closed 5 years ago.
Improve this question
I'm building an ASP .NET Core App with Angular-CLI using this tutorial.
App works great, I got pre-build event to ng build before starting the app in VS, it works OK. I also can successfully get to my API over localhost:port/api/[controller] (in this case it would be Contacts as it's supposed to be a contact book).
Now, I'm trying to have Angular get the data directly from API. For this reason, I created a IContact interface, a ContactService and I pass it onto ContactComponent which is supposed to display it.
I might be making a silly mistake here (my skills are very basic), but for some reason I don't even see the object .json coming in through the network logs when I run the app (before trying to pass it to the view I'm trying to ensure I'm getting the data from the API first).
I might be doing something wrong (so I encourage you to reply even if you think you might be saying silly-obvious stuff) but here's my questions:
Should my code below work (not attaching imports though, I think I got all of them but check me ;-))? I'm not talking super-efficient or stuff, just basic to get the job done.
What is the best way to see if service to getAPI is working? Would that be network logging in your browser if you just import the service into the component and try to call the get method? Or is there another way?
Is my logic and approach towards the general architecture of the app OK or am I getting something wrong? :-)
const API_URL = environment.apiUrl;
export class ContactService {
constructor(private http: Http) { }
public getContacts(): Observable<IContact[]> {
return this.http.get(API_URL)
.map((response: Response) => <IContact[]>response.json())
private handleError(error: Response) {
return Observable.throw(error.json().error || 'Server error')
export interface IContact {
id: number;
firstName: string,
lastName: string,
address: string,
telephone: string
selector: 'app-contact',
templateUrl: './contact.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./contact.component.css'],
providers: [ContactService]
export class ContactComponent implements OnInit {
private _contactService: ContactService;
private contactlist: IContact[];
constructor() {
public ngOnInit() {
.subscribe((contacts) => { this.contactlist = contacts });
Any other code requirements or anything - let me know. All feedback is appreciated. Thanks!
I have slightly changed your code.
File icontact.ts. I have made IContact a simple type. You can make it an interface back to support your object shape.
export type IContact = string;
File contact.service.ts. We call the /api/values API that is created by default in a new ASP.NET Core Web API project if you follow the tutorial you mentioned.
import { Injectable } from "#angular/core";
import { Http } from "#angular/http";
import { Observable } from "rxjs/Observable";
import 'rxjs/add/operator/map'
import { IContact } from "./icontact";
const API_URL = '/api/values'; // environment.apiUrl;
export class ContactService {
constructor(private http: Http) { }
public getContacts(): Observable<IContact[]> {
return this.http.get(API_URL)
.map(response => <IContact[]>response.json());
File contact.component.ts. The template simply displays the list.
import { Component, OnInit } from "#angular/core";
import { ContactService } from "./contact.service";
import { IContact } from "./icontact";
selector: 'app-contact',
template: '<div *ngFor="let contact of contactList">{{contact}}</div>',
providers: [ContactService]
export class ContactComponent implements OnInit {
private contactList: IContact[];
constructor(private contactService: ContactService) { }
public ngOnInit() {
(contacts) => { this.contactList = contacts; },
(error) => { console.log(error); }
File app.component.html. Display your component on the application's page.
File app.module.ts. Import HttpModule. That fixes one of the error messages on your screenshot.
import { BrowserModule } from '#angular/platform-browser';
import { NgModule } from '#angular/core';
import { HttpModule } from '#angular/http';
import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
import { ContactComponent } from "./contact.component";
declarations: [AppComponent, ContactComponent],
imports: [BrowserModule, HttpModule],
providers: [],
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }
In the Configure method in Startup.cs, make sure you put the app.Use(...) call before app.UseStaticFiles().
Since you serve your Angular app from wwwroot by a ASP.NET Core middleware, the host is the same for the Angular app and the Web API, so you don't need to configure CORS for that setup.
By the way, you may be interested in taking a look at the Angular CLI Templates on Visual Studio Marketplace. (Disclaimer: I'm the author.) The Item Template supports your project setup out-of-the-box.

Could not find a declaration file for module 'material-ui/styles/MuiThemeProvider'?

I'm trying to use the react material-ui theme having installed it from npm, I get the following errors when I include 'import MuiThemeProvider from "material-ui/styles/MuiThemeProvider";' in boot-client.tsx:
TS7016: Could not find a declaration file for module
implicitly has an 'any' type. Try npm install
#types/material-ui/styles/MuiThemeProvider if it exists or add a new
declaration (.d.ts) file containing declare module
I've tried both suggestions to no avail including running the command: npm install -D #types/material-ui.
My #types folder in node_modules exists with the relevant types.
Here is the code where I'm trying to use it:
import './css/site.css';
import 'bootstrap';
import * as React from 'react';
import * as ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { AppContainer } from 'react-hot-loader';
import { Provider } from 'react-redux';
import { ConnectedRouter } from 'react-router-redux';
import { createBrowserHistory } from 'history';
import configureStore from './configureStore';
import { ApplicationState } from './store';
import * as RoutesModule from './routes';
let routes = RoutesModule.routes;
import MuiThemeProvider from 'material-ui/styles/MuiThemeProvider';
// Create browser history to use in the Redux store
const baseUrl = document.getElementsByTagName('base')[0].getAttribute('href')!;
const history = createBrowserHistory({ basename: baseUrl });
// Get the application-wide store instance, prepopulating with state from the server where available.
const initialState = (window as any).initialReduxState as ApplicationState;
const store = configureStore(history, initialState);
function renderApp() {
// This code starts up the React app when it runs in a browser. It sets up the routing configuration
// and injects the app into a DOM element.
// Allow Hot Module Replacement
if ( {'./routes', () => {
routes = require<typeof RoutesModule>('./routes').routes;
Ok I figured it out, in tsconfig.json under 'compilerOptions' visual-studio by default had its types set to ["webpack-env"], I needed to add "material-ui" to it or optionally just remove it:
Use the default import from the same path.
import MuiThemeProvider from 'material-ui/styles/MuiThemeProvider'
The solution that worked for me which is med's answer above which I explain in more detail below.
Open the tsconfig.json file. Add "types":"material-ui", within "compilerOptions": {}
as in
"compilerOptions": {"types":"material-ui"}

JS/(X) import: to import React components?

I want to import a React component from a jsx file in a template and render it in the template with ReactDOM. Later in production I would only want to ship react and all the dependencies of the component only when a site is loaded that has that component.
I have created a React component like this:
import * as React from "react";
import {Editor} from "draft-js-plugins-editor";
const plugins = [];
export class EditorComponent extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
editorState: EditorState.createEmpty(),
onChange(editorState) {
render() {
return (<Editor
} suggests the require syntax for accessing module exports. So I added the following to my template <script>const editor = require("web/static/js/editor").EditorComponent</script>. This does not work though, because the browser cannot interpret require (or brunch does not pick it up).
I configured brunch like so:
plugins: {
babel: {
// Do not use ES6 compiler in vendor code
ignore: [/web\/static\/vendor/],
presets: ["es2015","react"]
modules: {
autoRequire: {
"js/app.js": ["web/static/js/app"],
"js/editor.jsx": ["web/static/js/editor"]
I am a bit lost here. How can this be done?
One idea that pops to mind is to create a JS file and import it in the template you want with a <script> tag. In the same template create an empty <div id=editor>. Then, in the JS file import React and ReactDOM and the component you want and use something like this:
However, I'm not sure I understand your problem correctly.
