How can we decrypt the ApplePay web token received from authorizePayment callback and send it to worldpay for processing payment? If possible, can someone share a sample code for the same?
I am trying to get new access token from my refresh token for google drive api. In my google playground it works but when I want to create the same request in postman or my code it doesn't work and I always get error "Invalid grand type". I don't know to find what is problem.
google developers playground
postman headers and body
You need to understand that there is three steps to the Oauth2 dance.
step one is requesting access of the user and getting the authorization code.
HTTP GET{clientid}
Note &response_type=code tells the server you want an authorization code returned.
step two is to exchange that code for an access token and refresh token.
Note the part where it says &grant_type=authorization_code. this tells the server you are giving them an authorization code.
3 the final step is refreshing your access token.
Note &grant_type=refresh_token you are telling the server you are sending them a refresh token.
You appear to be sending a refresh token with the wrong grant type.
I have a video on how to set up postman to use google oauth2
How to set up Oauth2 in PostMan.
Google 3 Legged OAuth2 Flow
Note: Due to a recent change with Making Google OAuth interactions safer by using more secure OAuth flows redirect uri of urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob is going to stop working soon.
I started a project using the Google API signin mixed with an angularJS+Firebase app.
What I would like to do is to be able to send an e-mail from one person to another programmatically.
Example: John is logged in, clicks on a button which sends an email to Rachel. But that email is sent using the stored token from Ted, not John's account.
It seems possible using the php library which is not an option here.
So far, I get the token easily using these few lines:
var GoogleAuth = gapi.auth2.getAuthInstance();
scope: ' profile email'
}).then(function(resp) {
Is it actually possible ?
A quick search just got me results for php or about how you get a token with the JS library... not how to use it !
From my understanding you want to use a refresh token ( offline access ) to send an email from Ted's account via Javascript.
Sadly this is not possible client side. What your code gives you is a 'code' that you can send to your server using a $ () and trade with Google server side for a refresh token.
Here is a guide for how to change that code into a refresh token.
While you can do this client side it would involve exposing your client secret which you should never do.(
Every time John wants to send an email from Ted's account your application will have to send a request to your server that:
Sends a request to google with the refresh token and generates an access token (
Sends a seccond request to google using the access token to send the email from Ted's account
I hope that this helped.
We would like to enable WeChat Login on our iOS client that is connected to a Parse Server backend on Heroku. From reading through the PFFacebookAuthenticationProvider, it seems that we need to write a custom authentication provider for WeChat.
WeChat Login is based on OAuth 2.0. It works as followed:
1. From our app, an authorization request is sent to the WeChat app installed on the same phone. WeChat app is called to the foreground.
2. After user approved the authorization request, a code (NOT the access token) is sent to our app.
3. With the code and our app id and app secret, our server can then call WeChat API and get the appropriate user id and access token from WeChat. This step has to happen on our server, as we cannot include the app secret within our client app.
On the WeChat documentation, it is strongly recommended that we keep the access token strictly in the control of server (anyone with the access token can make requests to WeChat API and it will be counted towards the usage limit for our API calls).
If we are to follow this practice, we cannot save the access token in the authData field of the user. Would it be acceptable to save only the code and id from WeChat into the authData and save the access token to another class that only the master key has access to? This obviously requires us to write a custom AuthAdapter for the Parse Server.
Or is there a better way to implement this custom auth? The custom auth documentation for Parse Server is pretty thin and I plan to improve it after I can get it working for myself.
You can definitely update the auth adapter to exchange the code for an access token server side. The logic would be similar to other adapters, failing to login/signup if the server is unable to process the code to access token exchange.
If the authData object has that code, you can add additional logic to exchange it.
Im writing a application for outlook, front-end Angular, backend Web API.
I'm successfully getting access-token using adal in front-end, sessionStorage is:
Now i'm sending access-token to backend, and i want to get messages from outlook API, but how can i do it.
Searched for outlook REST api, and tested using POSTMAN, but not working.(401 error)
Authorization: Bearer access-token
Accept: application/json
Any suggestions on how to do this?
Thanks in advance.
It looks like you are trying to complete the on-behalf-of flow.
This is where a front-end API gets an access token to a middle tier service, which subsequently gets an access token to a back-end API. Let's assume that the token from the front-end to the middle tier has user context. You are able to get a token from the middle tier, to the back-end using the same user context, by requesting a new access token using the original access token.
Here are more details on the flow: Find the section titled Delegated User Identity with OAuth 2.0 On-Behalf-Of Draft Specification
Here is a code sample integrating this flow:
Just to note, in this specific case, that the 401 error implies that you do not have the correct permissions for calling and accessing the API you want. Can you make sure you have selected the right permissions for the resource you want to access, for the client that you are accessing it with?
I hope this is what you are looking for!
I have a Web API and AngularJS client. The API is using default authorization provider given by visual studio to generate the token on token request with grant_type 'password'.
The AngularJS client is able to get the bearer token from Web API by calling the token endpoint with credentials and later passes this token to perform authorized requests in the API.
When AngularJS sends the token on any authorized API call, how is Web API able to validate the token? Where does the token get stored?
I checked in Identity tables in SQL server, I could not find any fields to store this token information. I checked in the configuration file, it is not stored there either. Could you please help me in understanding this concept?
By default the token is not stored by the server. Only your client has it and is sending it through the authorization header to the server.
If you used the default template provided by Visual Studio, in the Startup ConfigureAuth method the following IAppBuilder extension is called: app.UseOAuthBearerTokens(OAuthOptions).
This extension coming from the Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.Owin package makes it easy for you to generate and consume tokens, but it is confusing as it is an all in one.
Behind the scene it's using two Owin middlewares:
OAuthAuthorizationServerMiddleware: authorize and deliver tokens
OAuthBearerAuthenticationMiddleware: occurs at the PipelineStage.Authenticate, read the authorization header, check if the token is valid and authenticate the user.
To answer you questions WebAPI is able to validate the token thanks to the OAuthBearerAuthenticationMiddleware, it will ensure that the token sent through the authorization header is valid and not expired. And the token is stored only by your client, if the client loose it, it will have to request a new one.
I advise you to get deeper in the OAuth protocol, and instead of using the extension UseOAuthBearerTokens, take a look at UseOAuthAuthorizationServer and UseOAuthBearerAuthentication, it will help you to better understand how it works.
The generated token will most likely be a JWT (Get Started with JSON Web Tokens), which means it's a self-contained token that is signed with a secret/key that only the server or other trusted parties know.
JSON Web Token (JWT) is an open standard (RFC 7519) that defines a compact and self-contained way for securely transmitting information between parties as a JSON object. This information can be verified and trusted because it is digitally signed.
(emphasis is mine)
This means that when receiving the token the server can ensure that:
the token was originally issued by a trusted party by checking that the signature is valid.
the token is associated with a user that has permissions to perform the following request because the token itself contains information that uniquely identifier that user.
This type of approach has the side-benefit that the server does not need to keep track or store the generated tokens in order to validate them at a later time. Since no one else has the secret/key you can't modify the token without making the signature component invalid, which would then mean a faked token would end up being rejected by the server.
This is a simplified description of what happens, there are much more details around how to issue and validate tokens correctly. You should read the OAuth2 and OpenID Connect specification to learn more on the subject of token-based authentication.
Also note that I assumed a JWT token because it's the format that currently has the most widespread adoption to accomplish scenarios like these ones and it's also the token format to use in conjunction with OAuth2 and OpenID Connect. However, it's still possible to achieve the same with other token formats.