In visual studio, my hotkey F12 doesn't expand my inherited functions - visual-studio

I'm not exactly a programmer, but I've just started learning C# for Unity so I can design a simple game.
The tutorial I'm following says to press F12 to expand the inherited functions. When I press F12, nothing happens. One solution was to try CTRL F12, but that also didn't expand anything. I'm not sure if I'm missing something, since I'm very new to all of this, any help would be appreciated.

The standard definition for the F12 shortcut is Go To Definition. This option can be seen with right clicking what you want to, well, see the definition.
If you think you accidentaly changed the shortcut somehow, then you can check your actual shortcuts going on Tools > Options... > Environment > Keyboard
This is where you change your shortcuts if you want.
On the searchbox you can type Definition and it will show the command you are looking for.
I also recommend checking Visual Studio's documment about shortcuts for a list with all standard shortcuts.


How can I change the keyboard shortcuts in Visual Studio?

I would like to change the keyboard shortcut for quick fix in Visual Studio 2013, so that it matches the ReSharper equivalent (which I only use on my office machine). How can I do it?
One way to do it is to enter on the menu 'Tools', 'Customize' and click on the 'Keyboard...' button near the 'Close' button.
Inside this option you can search for the commands by name (I couldn't find the Quick Fix here), maybe you want the Edit.FormatDocument one, that makes the indentation for the documents automatically.
If you can't find this option, tell me your quick fix actual keyboard shortcut, so I'll be able to check which function it calls.
I did some research on the R# QuickFix option and maybe what you want is this is the option you want: View.ShowSmartTag.
Look at this doc: Identify and customize keyboard shortcuts in Visual Studio

visual studio shell F# keyboard shortcuts

I've started using F# with the visual studio shell and I like the capability to be able to send lines to fsi by highlighting them, but the alt+Enter shortcut is really awkward and I would be much happier with this being on shift+Enter. (mainly since shift+ up/down arrow is select lines already)
Does anyone know how to change this? Thanks.
You can alter the keyboard mappings within Visual Studio. If you go to Tools -> Options -> Environment -> Keyboard, you'll see a window like the image below.
In order to check existing bindings, place the cursor in the "Press shortcut keys:" box and hit "Shft+Enter". You'll then see any potential conflicts in the drop-down box as shown.
In the example below, I'm searching through Global, which means shortcuts for anything in the application. You can switch it to be just the console or whatever you like.
Once you're happy with the shortcut you want to use, you need to select the command from the window containing all of the Action.* lines and then press Assign.
So I don't mean to be trite, but have you tried mapping the key?
So for F# Interactive I see Alt+Enter mapped to:
Have your tried mapping Shift+Enter (or whatever) to that command?
You should be able to get it all working from there.

Visual Studio Window Shortcut Wonkyness

I've been diligently memorizing VS 2010 shortcuts based on the cheatsheats on Scott Guthries blog.
The shortcuts in the cheatsheet for WIndows dont match my setup e.g. Ctrl W,C is the cheatsheet shortcut to open the class viewer but mine is Ctrl + SHift, C. Maybe this is because my 08 settings got picked up at some point.
I've changed the shortcuts for viewing windows to match the cheat sheet (Ctrl + W,...) however most of the time Ctrl+W,... isn't working for me, whereas the previously defined shortcuts still work. If I go into the keyboard mappings I can see the shortcuts under global are Ctrl+W.
Anyone got any ideas?
Try going to Tools -> Options -> General -> Keyboard, focus the textbox labelled "Press shortcut keys" and pressing Ctrl+W. The dropdown list beneath it will show all corresponding actions. Action mappings are contextual -- they depend on what has the focus. Furthermore, 'Global' actions only apply if a more localised mapping does not exist. Check for anything applied to 'Text Editor'. If it exists and you don't want it, remove it by digging the action out in the 'Show commands containing' textbox above and clicking 'Remove'.
Also, do you have ReSharper installed? I love R#, but it uses Ctrl+W so the series of shortcuts you're referring to aren't available without being remapped or changing the R# keystroke (which I wouldn't personally, as I use it all the time.)

Eclipse's Ctrl+click in Visual Studio?

After working for a few days with Eclipse Java I totally got addicted to pressing Ctrl and clicking on an identifier to go to its definition. Since then I've been looking for a way to achieve this in Visual Studio as well.
I realize VS has right click, Go to definition, and that F12 does the same. I also realize that Visual Assist does something similar with Alt + G. Yet none of these are as perfect as Ctrl + click.
I've actually tried my luck for a few hours trying to write a VS plugin to do it but didn't get anywhere in the time frame I thought reasonable for this.
Does anyone know how this could be achieved? A ready plugin? A macro of some kind?
If you use Visual Studio 2010, you can use the free
Visual Studio 2010 Productivity Power Tools from Microsoft to achieve this.
I use visual studio 2013 and 2015, I installed Go To Definition. To install this extension navigate on TOOLS -> Extensions and Updates.
I'll answer the commentors who asked about the difference between Ctrl-click and F12.
Ctrl-click workflow:
Move hand to mouse
Move mouse to hover over variable name
Other hand holds down Ctrl key while you click
Move mouse to position cursor, highlight, right-click, or whatever
Move hand back to keyboard to continue typing
F12 workflow
Move hand to mouse
Mouse mouse to hover over variable name
Move hand back to keyboard
Hit F12 key
Move hand back to mouse
Move mouse to position cursor, highlight, right-click, or whatever
Move hand back to keyboard to continue typing
If you assume the cursor is already positioned on the desired variable, F12 is better. However, that's rarely the case. Also, if you stop after this specific action, assuming you want hands back at the keyboard, the cost is the same. But if you keep in mind that you probably had a reason for wanting to go to the definition, the Ctrl-click workflow saves you an instance of moving between the keyboard and mouse.
Visual Assist supports Ctrl+Click as of June 2009 (build 1727). Activate Ctrl+LeftClick in VA Options | Advanced | General. (See the comment below.)
If you have Visual Studio 2010 you can use "Go To Definition" by Noah Richards.
oh man, just install resharper!! (vs plugin) with it installed you just go and Ctrl + click to go to definition.
this is not the only thing resharper does, try it out free!!!
I use the built in options (F12, Right-click -> Go to definition) but I know a lot of the guys at my company use Resharper and it definitely has this functionality.
Microsoft released a Visual Studio 2010 extension named "Productivity Power Tools" which now adds Ctrl+Click functionality. So if you're like me, and hate installing third-party addons, you can now have the same functionality!
Another option with VS (besides F12 and right-click > Go to Def) is add the code definition pane (View > Code Def Window). This is essentially another editing pane that shows the code for the current symbol - no need to Ctrl-click or anything. I keep it pinned to my secondary monitor. Any time I need to see the implementation for a symbol I just click it and look over.
Another nice thing about F12 is you can also do ShiftF12 to find references to a symbol and F8 through them. The two go together like love and happiness.
I prefer to bind Go To Definition to CtrlD. This makes it extremely easy to use either with both hands on the keyboard (CtrlD to go tho the definition of the symbol under the cursor) or one hand on the keyboard and one hand on the mouse (Click on a symbol, then CtrlD).
All in all, both VS and Eclipse have weird key shortcuts.
I just had to respond, too: F12 is far too right on the keyboard and you have to leave the the mouse right hand for the keyboard to use it. As a long time VS user I just didn't find it until I searched for the Ctrl+Mouse equivalent in Eclipse. It's completely borked. OK? No need to argue. (The same goes for F3 in Eclipse going for definition. ???? Why the face??? It's FIND NEXT for Pete's sake. But this can be removed after mastering the Eclipse keyboard shortcut system in the course of a few years.)
Anyway, as has been said here before, Microsoft has already understood this can be an issue for new programmers coming in from Eclipse, so they provided the Power Tools (I followed the link up above).
If you are using Visual Studio 2017, you can use Productivity Power Tools 2017
I don't work in VS much, so I haven't used it, but I've heard incredibly good things about Resharper from everyone I know who does. Everyone has told me it's worth every penny, and significantly improves efficiency in Visual Studio. I think it has a feature like what you're looking for, along with a TON of others.

F6 for compiling?

I have become accustomed to using F6 to compile the current document. A third-party install appears to have turned this function off. (F6 no longer does anything.)
Can anyone tell me how to get it back?
I'm using VS2008
Tools > Options > Keybord
This dialog lets you bind keyboard shortcuts to your heart's content. BTW this is how you bind keyboard shortcuts to custom IDE macros as well.
Thanks. The dialog: Tools > Options > Keybord
Allowed me to set the keyboard back to Visual C# 2005. So far, this seems to be what I wanted.
VMware's integrated debugging tool did this to me too. You can change this back to whatever you want, but every time you restart Visual Studio your keyboard shortcuts will be changed again.
The only way I could fix this was to remove the VMware debugging tools.
Its become a habit for me to use Ctrl + Shift + B to build my solutions. I know this doesnt answer your question, but I thought I would point it out.
Another keyboard shortcut is use constantly is Alt + Shift + F10. It opens the drop menu from the little red square under a change (the autocorrect type thing, I'm not sure what its called, also works for autocorrect in all the MS apps)
