On my .Net 5 ASP.NET application at Startup.cs I have the follwing (for Hangfire):
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env, IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.UseActivator(new ServiceProviderJobActivator(serviceProvider));
I want to move to the .Net 6 way of configuration (in Program.cs), but I don't know how to get an instance of IServiceProvider to provide to the ServiceProviderJobActivator method.
The method is:
internal class ServiceProviderJobActivator : Hangfire.JobActivator
private readonly IServiceProvider _serviceProvider;
public ServiceProviderJobActivator(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
_serviceProvider = serviceProvider;
public override object ActivateJob(Type type)
return _serviceProvider.GetService(type);
I have tried:
GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.UseActivator(new ServiceProviderJobActivator(app.Services));
I also tried:
public override object ActivateJob(Type type)
return _serviceProvider.GetRequiredService(type);
but the ActivateJob returns null in both cases
For anyone looking how to get a serviceProvider, after you call builder.Build() the app.Services resolves as an IServiceProvider.
Have you tried something like option 3 from Upgrading a .NET 5 "Startup-based" app to .NET 6 ?
It should lead to something like :
var app = builder.Build();
GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.UseActivator(new ServiceProviderJobActivator(app.Services));
Since MvvmCross v7 sticks on its own IoC container, I would like to replace it with the .NET Core one in order to have an easier life when registering third party libraries such as IHttpClientFactory, Polly, Automapper, etc. through already built-in extensions methods.
To achieve this, I've successfully created a class that implementas MvxSingleton<IMvxIoCProvider> described as follow:
public class HostingAdapter : MvxSingleton<IMvxIoCProvider>, IMvxIoCProvider
private IServiceProvider ServiceProvider;
private IServiceCollection ServiceCollection;
public HostingAdapter()
var host = Host
.ConfigureServices((context, serviceCollection) =>
// Configure local services
ConfigureServices(context, serviceCollection);
ServiceCollection = serviceCollection;
ServiceProvider = ServiceCollection.BuildServiceProvider();
public void RegisterType<TFrom, TTo>() where TFrom : class where TTo : class, TFrom
ServiceCollection.AddTransient<TFrom, TTo>();
ServiceProvider = ServiceCollection.BuildServiceProvider();
public T GetSingleton<T>() where T : class
return ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<T>();
public object GetSingleton(Type type)
return ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService(type);
.. and all the required methods requested by the interface.
Then on the platform specific side I override the IoC creation as follow:
protected override IMvxIoCProvider CreateIocProvider()
var hostingAdapter = new HostingAdapter();
return hostingAdapter;
The code seems to work but as soon as the app starts Mvx registers its own "extra" services such as the IMvxLoggerProvider, IMvxSettings and so on. And here issues come:
ServiceProvider = ServiceCollection.BuildServiceProvider(); is called during the Host initialization but Mvx still continue to register services after that. This means IServiceProvider is not 'in sync' with IServiceCollection and a new ServiceCollection.BuildServiceProvider(); call is needed. I temporarily solved updating the provider at each collection registration (like the code above) but I'm aware this affects performances. Anyone knows how to workaround this?
There are plenty of Mvx services that are not registered so the app fails to start. These are the IMvxLogProvider, IMvxAndroidLifetimeMonitor, IIMvxSettings, IMvxStart, etc. I just wonder, why? How can let Mvx handle the registration in my container of all what it needs to start? I partially solved some of them such as the logger thing replacing the default with a custom one, but other callbacks like InitializeLifetimeMonitor are called too late for being registered.
Do I need to change anything in my MvxApplication than the most standard implementation?
Am I really forced to replace the standard IoC container? How can I handle the IServiceCollection's extension methods that 3rd party libraries expose like services.AddHttpClient();?
If it needs, I am on Xamarin classic using the Droid platform. Thanks
Deliberately inspired by Unity.Microsoft.DependencyInjection repository I've workarounded this approaching the problem the other way round: instead of replacing the default IoC container, I manually initialize an IServiceCollection instance and I add it to the Mvx's IoC provider.
To achieve this, I've used the following code:
public class App : MvxApplication
public override void Initialize()
private static void InitializeServiceCollection()
IServiceCollection serviceCollection = new ServiceCollection();
IServiceProvider serviceProvider = serviceCollection.BuildServiceProvider();
MapServiceCollectionToMvx(serviceProvider, serviceCollection);
private static void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection serviceCollection)
private static void MapServiceCollectionToMvx(IServiceProvider serviceProvider,
IServiceCollection serviceCollection)
foreach (var serviceDescriptor in serviceCollection)
if (serviceDescriptor.ImplementationType != null)
Mvx.IoCProvider.RegisterType(serviceDescriptor.ServiceType, serviceDescriptor.ImplementationType);
else if (serviceDescriptor.ImplementationFactory != null)
var instance = serviceDescriptor.ImplementationFactory(serviceProvider);
Mvx.IoCProvider.RegisterSingleton(serviceDescriptor.ServiceType, instance);
else if (serviceDescriptor.ImplementationInstance != null)
Mvx.IoCProvider.RegisterSingleton(serviceDescriptor.ServiceType, serviceDescriptor.ImplementationInstance);
throw new InvalidOperationException("Unsupported registration type");
How do I read the appsettings.json file in my botframework (v4) app? I see the configuration is set up in the Startup.cs, but how do I access the settings in other classes?
One of the goals of the v4 ASP.NET core integration was to be idiomatic to existing .NET Core patterns. One of the things this means is that when you implement an IBot and add it with AddBot<TBot>, it becomes a participant in dependency injection just like an ASP.NET MVC controller would. This means that any services you might need to access, including configuration types such as IOptions<T>, will be injected into your bot via the constructor if you ask for them.
In this case, you just want to leverage the "options pattern" from the Configuration APIs and that would look something like this:
public class Startup
private readonly IConfiguration _configuration;
public Startup(IConfiguration configuration)
_configuration = configuration ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(configuration));
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
// Bind MySettings to a section named "mySettings" from config
// Add the bot
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env)
public class MyBot : IBot
private readonly IOptions<MySettings> _mySettings;
public MyBot(IOptions<MySettings> mySettings)
_mySettings = mySettings ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(mySettings));
public async Task OnTurnAsync(ITurnContext turnContext, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))
// use _mySettings here however you like here
I have written an action filter for a web api. If a method in the api controller throws an unhandled exception, then the filter creates an internal error 500 response.
I need to know how to test the filter?
I have researched extensively but could not create a suitable test. I tried context mocking, a service locator implementation and even an integration test using a test server.
The web api controller looks like this:
namespace Plod.Api.ApiControllers
public class GamesController : BaseApiController
public GamesController(IGameService repository,
ILogger<GamesController> logger,
IGameFactory gameFactory
) : base(
{ }
// ..... controller methods are here
The complete controller is found here.
The filter is this:
namespace Plod.Api.Filters
public class UnhandledErrorFilterAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute
public override void OnActionExecuted(ActionExecutedContext filterContext)
if (filterContext.Exception != null)
filterContext.HttpContext.Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError;
filterContext.ExceptionHandled = true;
I even welcome changes to the filter implementation as a possible work around. Any help or ideas would be much appreciated. Thanks.
You probably can't. However, what you can do is spin up a TestServer and then hit it with a HttpClient. This really is an integration test and not a unit test. However, it's the good kind of integration test because it can be run safely in pipelines.
This document explains how to do this:
The issue you are going to face is that you will need to mock the underlying services inside your app. If you don't do that, your whole server will spin up and attempt to hit the database etc. Here is an example. This is using Moq. Incidentally I am sharing the ConfigureServices method with unit tests so they use the same object mesh of mocked services. You can still use the full functionality of Moq or NSubstitute to test the back-end (or even front -end).
I can hit my attributes in the test with breakpoint.
private void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
var hostBuilder = new WebHostBuilder();
hostBuilder.ConfigureServices(services =>
_testServer = new TestServer(hostBuilder);
_httpClient = _testServer.CreateClient();
private void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
_serviceProvider = services.BuildServiceProvider();
public class TestStartup
public void Configure(
IApplicationBuilder app,
ISettingsService settingsService)
public IServiceProvider ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
var mvc = services.AddMvc(option => option.EnableEndpointRouting = false);
services.AddSingleton(new Mock<IHttpContextAccessor>().Object);
return services.BuildServiceProvider();
I've got a class that requires access to the HttpRequestMessage in my Web API service. At the moment, I've got the following code to capture the message in the pipeline and save it for later (based on this and this):
public class ContextCapturingControllerActivator : IHttpControllerActivator
private readonly IKernel kernel;
private HttpRequestMessage requestMessage;
public ContextCapturingControllerActivator(IKernel kernel)
this.kernel = kernel;
public IHttpController Create(HttpRequestMessage requestMessage,
HttpControllerDescriptor controllerDescriptor,
Type controllerType)
var controller = (IHttpController)this.kernel.GetService(controllerType);
this.requestMessage = requestMessage;
new Release(() => this.kernel.Release(controller)));
return controller;
private class Release : IDisposable
private readonly Action release;
public Release(Action release)
this.release = release;
public void Dispose()
In my composition root, I configure the ControllerActivator:
The end result is that from the perspective of the configuration, the HttpRequestMessage is "magically" injected wherever it is requested since it is done for us inside the ControllerActivator. I have not been able to inject the message from my composition root. I'm also not crazy about the Rebind since it's there to avoid adding a new binding every time the service is called. I suspect it's due to the singleton nature of the Web API stack, but have not been able to sort out how to deal with that properly.
In general, I cannot use the latest unstable Nuget package of Ninject web api due to the error reported (and ignored) here.
Can anyone suggest the proper way to improve my code to make it a bit more clear and make life easier for future maintainers (and let's face it -- that's probably going to be me).
Here is what I did, but I believe it depends on Web API 2.0+.
I created an instance class that wraps the current context's http request:
public class HttpRequestMessageWrapper
private readonly HttpRequestMessage m_httpRequestMessage;
public HttpRequestMessageWrapper()
m_httpRequestMessage = HttpContext.Current.Items["MS_HttpRequestMessage"] as HttpRequestMessage;
public HttpRequestMessage RequestMessage
return m_httpRequestMessage;
Then I bound the HttpRequestMessage to the property with the ToMethod binding in request scope.
container.Bind<HttpRequestMessage>().ToMethod(ctx => new HttpRequestMessageWrapper().RequestMessage).InRequestScope();
I've tried the method that #Mackers proposed which is the cleanest way.... however, in my specific scenario, it didn't work due to a timing issue. For my case, I needed to inject an object into the apicontroller ctor and that object required the HttpRequestMessage. The HttpContext.Current.Items["MS_HttpRequestMessage"]isn't populated until the controller has been constructed and initialized and I couldn't find any other way to access it. So I resorted to creating a custom DelegatingHandler and rebinding the current request message as they come in.
public class CurrentHttpRequestMessageHandler : DelegatingHandler
protected override Task<HttpResponseMessage> SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
return base.SendAsync(request, cancellationToken);
internal static void UpdateScopeWithHttpRequestMessage(HttpRequestMessage request)
NinjectConfig.GetConfiguredKernel().Rebind<HttpRequestMessage>().ToMethod(ctx => { return request; })
The GetConfiguredKernel is a static method I created to simply return the static Kernel instance already configured.
public class NinjectConfig
private static readonly Bootstrapper bootstrapper = new Bootstrapper();
private static StandardKernel _kernel;
public static void Start()
public static IKernel GetConfiguredKernel()
if (_kernel != null)
return _kernel;
return CreateKernel();
Then register the DelegatingHandler with the HttpConfiguration:
config.MessageHandlers.Add(new CurrentHttpRequestMessageHandler());
Building off of Macker's answer, System.Web has an HttpRequestBase class that you can use and simplify unit testing the code. Anywhere in the code that the request is required, specify the HttpRequestBase type as the constructor parameter and register it with the below method:
Ninject example:
Bind<HttpRequestBase>().ToMethod(context => new HttpRequestWrapper(HttpContext.Current.Request));
Unity example:
container.RegisterType<HttpRequestBase>(new InjectionFactory(_ => new HttpRequestWrapper(HttpContext.Current.Request)));
In a console application, I would like to use a service that would normally need the current http context to be passed to its constructor. I am using Ninject, and I think I can simply fake an http context and define the proper binding, but I have been struggling with this for a few hours without success.
The details:
The service is actually a mailing service that comes from an ASP.Net MVC project. I am also using Ninject for IoC. The mail service needs the current http context to be passed to its constructor. I do the binding as follows:
.WithConstructorArgument("httpContext", ninjectContext => new HttpContextWrapper(HttpContext.Current));
However, I would like now to use this mailing service in a console application that will be used to run automated tasks at night. In order to do this, I think I can simply fake an http context, but I have been struggling for a few hours with this.
All the mailing service needs from the context are these two properties:
I thought I could do something like this, but:
Define my own fake request class:
public class AutomatedTaskHttpRequest : SimpleWorkerRequest
public string UserHostAddress;
public string RawUrl;
public AutomatedTaskHttpRequest(string appVirtualDir, string appPhysicalDir, string page, string query, TextWriter output)
: base(appVirtualDir, appPhysicalDir, page, query, output)
this.UserHostAddress = "";
this.RawUrl = null;
Define my own context class:
public class AutomatedTasksHttpContext
public AutomatedTaskHttpRequest Request;
public AutomatedTasksHttpContext()
this.Request = new AutomatedTaskHttpRequest("", "", "", null, new StringWriter());
and bind it as follows in my console application:
.WithConstructorArgument("httpContext", ninjectContext => new AutomatedTasksHttpContext());
Unfortunately, this is not working out. I tried various variants, but none was working. Please bear with me. All that IoC stuff is quite new to me.
I'd answered recently about using a HttpContextFactory for testing, which takes a different approach equally to a console application.
public static class HttpContextFactory
private static HttpContextBase _serviceHttpContext;
public static void SetHttpContext(HttpContextBase httpContextBase)
_serviceHttpContext = httpContextBase;
public static HttpContextBase GetHttpContext()
if (_serviceHttpContext!= null)
return _serviceHttpContext;
if (HttpContext.Current != null)
return new HttpContextWrapper(HttpContext.Current);
return null;
then in your code to this:
var rawUrl = HttpContextFactory.GetHttpContext().Request.RawUrl;
then in your tests use the property as a seam
where HttpMocks has the following and would be adjusted for your tests:
public static HttpContextBase HttpContext()
var context = MockRepository.GenerateMock<HttpContextBase>();
context.Stub(r => r.Request).Return(HttpRequest());
// and stub out whatever else you need to, like session etc
return context;
public static HttpRequestBase HttpRequest()
var httpRequest = MockRepository.GenerateMock<HttpRequestBase>();
httpRequest.Stub(r => r.UserHostAddress).Return("");
httpRequest.Stub(r => r.RawUrl).Return(null);
return httpRequest;