(Error ConnectionException) When Configuration Data Sink to Kafka Connect - apache-kafka-connect

When I create connect to KafkaConnect have using Rest API to configuation
POST Connection Data Source to Kafka Connect ( Debezium)
Check Status Connect: Exception
I tried find resoved on StackOverFolow but not successfully.
Please, support me.
Thank you very much!


Connecting NiFi with Sybase database erroring

Could you please help me with the correct URL format to connect to Sybase using the DBCP connection pool of NiFi?
The URL format that I have tried is - jdbc:sybase:Tds://host:port
I keep getting this error - failed to create Poolable Connection Factory. Incorrect URL format.
Thank you in advance.

Why does Apache Nifi throws Connection Load Balance Error?

I'm using nifi in version 1.14.0 and facing a very weird situation.
I have a loadbalanced connection and after disconnection in the cluster (due to out of memory errors)
I'm getting the following error:
Error load balance server -
standartLoadBalanceProtocol attempted to receive flowfile from peer for connection with id xxx but no connection exists with that ID
Did anyone experience anything familiar? Thanks for the help!
I think it relates to this ticket https://issues.apache.org/jira/plugins/servlet/mobile#issue/NIFI-9695. Please upgrade to NiFi version 1.16 and see if this error happens again.

Vertica Connection Error: [Vertica][VJDBC](100071) from DBeaver

Am trying to connect vertica from DBeaver, but am getting below connection error. Initially it was working fine, but suddenly its throwing connection error.
Error Message:
[Vertica][VJDBC](100071) GSS authentication failed due to problems establishing a TGT with JAAS using configuration verticajdbc; reason: Message stream modified (41).
Message stream modified (41)
Message stream modified (41)
I am not able to establish the connection now. Can anyone please help me on it.
The main issue I see with vertica users struggling to connect relate to the drivers used or where the host has changed. Have you updated vertica recently or has there been a change to the host name are just a couple of things you should check.
Sorry I cant be more specific its hard to troubleshoot when I dont have all the information.

JDBC connection error for HIVE while using SQL WorkbenchJ

I am trying to establish a JDBC connection to access HIVE via SQL workbenchJ. I have placed all the JARs needed for connection along with the connection URL. Am getting the error
[Amazon]HivejdbcDriver error initialized or created
transport for authentication:null
while testing the connection. Can anyone help me on this?

Cannot establish a connection to orientdb using jdbc driver?

I'm newbie to the orientdb, I'm using netbeans's (add new connection wizard) to add a connection to the orientdb, I used orientdb-jdbc-2.0.2-all.jar as a jdbc driver, but I got the following error after clicking on test connection
Snapshot of the error
I made sure that the database is connected and everything is right, any idea?
The URL should be jdbc:orient:remote:localhost/Sensor_Data
Look at the documentation: http://www.orientechnologies.com/docs/last/orientdb-jdbc.wiki/Home.html#first-get-a-connection.
the problem should be in the connection port. You are using 2480 (HTTP port) instead of 2424 (binary protocol).
