How to get additional parameter from kannel delivery report URL - sms

My SMSC vendor sending some information VIA DLR_SM as optional parameter. I am using kannel and not able to handle/read the addition parameter and no X-Kannel HTTP header parameter avalible for the read optional parameters
Looks need to be change on kannel code. But not able to find the way to read optional parameter.


Does HandleHttpProcessor supports "CORS"(Access-Control-Allow-Origin)

I just started working with HandleHttpprocessor in Apache Ni-Fi ,trying to figure out if I need to configure anything in HandleHttpprocessor to support Access-Control-Allow-Origin issue.
HandleHttpRequest processor can only accept a request and it does not send any response to the client. Therefore you need to combine it with HandleHttpResponse processor in order to send the response back to the client.
You can set custom headers in HandleHttpResponse processor by adding custom properties to it. To do that you can add a dynamic property by clicking the 'plus' sign, then enter its name which will be the name of the custom HTTP header.
Ex: Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *

How to pass from and body as parameters in Twilio SMS webhook URL

I have a Twilio SMS number configured to send a request to a WebServer via a Webhook URL. What I am trying to understand is can I pass the 'from' phone number and 'SMS body' as parameters in the Webhook URL?
For example:
I understand I can extract this information from the Body on the server but this would require additional coding, testing, deployment etc... on the web server.
Keep the URL as https://myserver/v1/sms (Twilio will add the parameters for you when it makes the request)
To the right of the webhook url field, change in the drop-down from HTTP POST to HTTP GET
With this configuration, Twilio will send the parameters with its request as URL query parameters.
The names for the two parameters mentioned in your question are
From (The phone number that sent the message) and
Body (The text body of the message.).
Other parameters are: MessageSid, SmsSid, AccountSid, MessagingServiceSid, To, NumMedia
You can read more here:
If you'd like to have your own names for the GET parameters
then, probably the easiest would be to use Twilio Studio with a HTTP REQUEST widget and configure the phone number with Studio Flow instead of Webhook.
The HTTP REQUEST will let you make a GET request and add your own parameters to it.
For the values you would use {{trigger.message.From}} for your phoneNo and {{trigger.message.Body}} for your message.
You can read more about Twilio Studio's widgets here:

Can not call Alibaba Cloud API

I am using Alibaba Cloud. I have followed the document to use API to query a group.
For example: I use
I got the error InvalidVersion: Specified parameter Version is not valid.
If you faced this error, please help me how to call the API. Thanks
The APIs of the API Gateway are called by sending HTTP GET requests with corresponding request parameters included in the requests according to the interface instructions. The system returns processing results according to the request processing status.
The problem with your query is that the server is expecting more parameters and you are only passing Action, GroupId and AccessKeyId. And when the server is not finding the Version parameter in your query, it is throwing the InvalidVersion error.
Here is a list of required parameters that you are missing in your request:
An example of a valid request would be:
However, the format parameter is not strictly required. For more information on the request parameters, you can visit

JMeter Http Request GET ignores parameters

In the JMeter Documentation for HTTP Request Samplers, I found this:
"As a special case, if the path starts with "http://" or "https://" then this is used as the full URL. In this case, the server, port and protocol fields are ignored; parameters are also ignored for GET and DELETE methods."
Does this mean that GET always ignores parameters or just in that special case? I would prefer to put my parameters in the 'send parameter with the request' section for legibility, but if it doesn't work, I don't want to waste time on that.
Normall JMeter builds the full URL based on the details from server, Port, protocol, Path details of HTTP sampler OR HTTP Request Defaults assuming Path field contains only the path for the resource you are trying to access for the given server. In this case, JMeter, does not ignore parameters in 'send parameter with the request' section. You can add your parameters in 'send parameter with the request' section.

how we can send the CSV data values in the http header manager?

I am using J meter tool, I need to send the user name along with the HTTP header data so that I can see in the access log which user is failing. I tried adding the variable in the header Manager: user name : ${variable}
The variable i am reading form config data file when I run this I don't even see the variable send in the request in the access logs.
Can any one please help!
First of all, you can not have spaces in HTTP Headers.
You'll have to change your user name header name to something like username or user-name elsewise your request will be rejected by HTTP server (if not earlier)
See Using JMeter's HTTP Header Manager guide for details.
