ASP.NET Web Service template not exist in Vsiaual studio 2022? - visual-studio

I have installed Visual Studio 2022 with .Net frameworks. I am unable to create my first web service because web service template does not exist.
In visual studio 2022 Created empty web project -> Right click and Add new Item , but in the New Web Site dialog box ASP.NET Web Service template does not exist.


Visual Studio 2017 Blazor Project Templates Missing

I'm exploring building a Blazor SPA app for a test project I'm working on using Visual Studio 2017 (15.9.4). I have installed .NET Core 2.2.1 and the Blazor Language Services extension but when I open Visual Studio to create a new project, no Blazor template is shown. I was able to create a project using the CLI but when I open the project in Visual Studio it gives several errors inside even though the project runs. There are also no Blazor page templates available when I try to New Item. What can I do to get the templates to load in Visual Studio?
Okay, so I figured it out. I went to File >> New >> Project, selected "ASP.Net Core Web Application" then on the next window I had to change "ASP.NET Core 2.2" to "ASP.NET Core 2.1", then the templates were there.

VS Community 2015 Missing Template

In Visual Studio Community 2015 when creating a new project, under templates C# -> Web I'm missing the "ASP.NET Empty Web Application"; in fact there is only one template available "ASP.NET Web Application.
Select the ASP.NET Web Application from the options:
A new screen will be shown, and you'll see a list of templates. Select the Empty one for either ASP.NET 4.5.2 or ASP.NET 5.

Install visual studio 2015 but can't create mvc application

I recently downloaded Visual Studio 2015. When I wanted to create new project I chose file---new---project and I need to select mvc4 web application, but I couldn't find it I have only empty web application
and when I select it i have this error
Try to install Microsoft Web Developer Tools.
It will enable MVC templates (and others web tools) for VS.
(maybe also the error goes away)
Send results. Att,

Is it possible to open web application project from web in Visual Studio 2010

I been using Web Application project with Visual Studio 2003 for many years, and I finally decided to migrate to Visual Studio 2010 Pro. I did use the convert wizard with success to migrate my Web Application project.
However, there is one thing that I am not able to do with VS 2010 that I was able to do with VS 2003 : open a project from web. (important : here I mean a Web Application Project, not a Web Site Project)
VS 2010 only seems to offer the option to open Web Site Project from a web location. I want to keep using Web Application Project, and I am only able to open Web Application Project on my own computer or on my network, but I am not able anymore to open a Web Application Project using http location. This feature was available in VS 2003 and I really can't find the same in VS 2010.
Can you help?
new project -> language -> web -> ASP.NET Web Application

Where can i find out the "Convert to Web Application" option in Visual studio 2010 Premium

Where can i find out the "Convert to Web Application" option in Visual studio 2010 Premium version.I have a website which i want to convert to Web application.I right clicked on the project int the solution explorer and could'nt see that in the context menu.I have Power commands extension installed too.
I use MS Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate which has all of the features of Premium, I also see that this menu is missing.
I suggest that you make a new ASP.NET web application with the same name and copy the resources of the Website to the resource folder of the web application, and load the resources as existing items.
