Swagger API Documentation and Server stub Generation - spring-boot

How do I manage newer versions of API specs. Lets take a simple hypothetical scenario, during my design phase I have version v1 for getEmployee with response model as Employee {String name; String age} and developer have generated the server stubs/server code and implemented the functionality and in Production.
Now during next release there is an enhancement either to add/remove new fields into the response model Employee. This would involve designer to change the specifications and developer to rerun the swagger-codegen again with the updated specifications? Can It be automated? Also how should the test cases that are written using swagger specs be updated (Manually)?


Karate - auto updating request based on product app schema is possible?

I am working on validating the graphQL request and response for a POST method using Karate. Recently the schema undergone changes and now the requests/response changed.I need to re-work completely. Is there any way in updating the requests based on the schema in the product app while running in local other than manual updation?
No there isn't especially for GraphQL. The whole point of the test is to fail when your schema changes and think of this as Karate doing it's job.
If your response schemas are constant across multiple tests, you can choose to extract them into re-usable files: https://stackoverflow.com/a/56987803/143475
Also see: https://stackoverflow.com/a/56273812/143475
But you are generally recommended to keep your tests simple and readable, refer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/54126724/143475

Does the JIRA REST API support querying a list of labels?

I see the is the ability to get all components of a project by doing
but I don't see any capability or documentation on how to get the list of labels that are available for a project (something like:
Does the JIRA REST API support querying the list of labels available on a project?
Just to clarify, labels (at least the built-in JIRA ones) are global entities so they can be attached to any Issue in any Project.
As to your question - no, there's no public REST endpoint to get/change/add labels to JIRA.
Jira Cloud has /rest/api/3/label.
Jira Server provides /rest/api/2/jql/autocompletedata/suggestions?fieldName=labels which is however not paginated and only returns the first few labels (label values can be queried using &fieldValue=X).
However, as hacky workaround you can misuse the API endpoints some Atlassian Jira Gadgets are communicating with. Though this has the following disadvantages:
Are internal APIs
Atlassian apparently plans to replace Gadgets with Dashboard Items eventually
Might change behavior, see e.g. JRASERVER-67446
No pagination (?), responses can be huge
Responses are designed for Gadgets, therefore contain irrelevant data
Labels Gadget
Where <PROJECT_ID> is the numeric ID of the project.
Heat Map Gadget
Where <PROJECT_OR_FILTER> can be either:

ASP.NET MVC3 UI Unit Testing

I feel like I'm stuck in this political/religious battle. From the research I've done I've found that many people believe very strongly that UI testing is silly to do via unit testing and is something much better done by an actual person. I agree.
However it seems the higher-ups have told me to unit test the UI. (Which is already strange since they had previously told me I only had to write a test plan and not actual test). In all sincerity I'm not very familiar with unit testing. I'm trying to use MOQ but all the tutorials I find for it use repositories and not services and I'm structuring my web application around services.
As an example here is (a part of) a service:
public class ProductService : Service<Product, EntitiesDbContext>
public Product GetProduct(int id)
return All().FirstOrDefault(p => p.ProductId == id);
My assumption is that I need to create let's say, a new Product using Moq, and then someone validate the hard-coded input using my model. I'm not sure how to do this.
Testing the UI is the bulk of my work as the website relies heavily on user input via forms. Again I find it quite silly to test with unit testing since my models are very strict and only allow certain inputs.
To my question:
How would I go about testing form input using MOQ or possibly another testing framework?
I've heard that there are programs out there that can track your actions and then replicate them, but I've been unsuccessful in finding them and I also believe that such a technology would cost money.
Try Selenium or Watin for UI testing.
Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate has something called Coded UI test. Basically, you record your actions in Internet Explorer, which translate to C# code where you add assertions, and then you replay the actions in different browsers.
However, it is very difficult to test against a database backed web application, since you can hardly figure out which is the newly added row. To simplify matters, you might want to set up a sample database which will be reset to its initial state before running your test suite in sequence.
Take a look at the various TechEd videos on how to use Coded UI Test. E.g. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rZ8Q5EJ2bQM
Are you testing the Actions for your UI or are you testing Actual UI.
If you are testing the Actions and what data they are sending to the view then doing unit tests using something like NUnit, xUnit, etc and using a moq framework like MOQ or Rhino Mocks would be the right thing to do.
if you are testing the Actual UI(the HTML returned by the web server) then using an automated testing framework like Selenium would be the right tool
You can also try Ivonna (http://ivonna.biz) for MVC testing -- doesn't test your client side, but lets you test your Asp.Net server side code.
But first of all you should ask yourself (or your management) a question: what do I want to test? Client/server side validation? Your Service? Action Method?
There is a lot of opposition by developers to automate testing of the UI. What I did years ago was use "Selenium Core" This allowed me to fix do the testing in Firefox, then save out as C# , and then have a blend of C# and Html files in which I could have it do the following.
Forgot Password -- Automation random usernames from database would be entered and then encrypted passwords were emailed to various gmail accounts I set up and I had C# API to login to gmail and retrieve new reset password, then redirect and have application enter new password , and I could put this on a CI Server Hudson and automate this testing all day long, and logging of success and errors etc...
New Registration... similar to #1
So for your UI testing, lets call that Functional or UAT testing ...
Then for true Unit Testing, this is for NUnit / Xunit, MSTest etc... , and then MOQ etc... can assist.
Integration testing is truly testing of the entire application with connected systems... like a file system or WCF or Database , not being "mocked"
They all have their pros and cons and none of it is perfect, but most people end up saying Unit Testing is most bang for the buck.

MVC3 is valid email

Is there a built in function which will test if an email address is valid?
I want to test the email address structure is valid before sending a confirmation email to the end user.
I understand i could create my own function easy enough with the use of a regular expression but if there is a built in function i would much rather use this.
You can do this with Data Annotations extensions I believe. Check out Scott Guthrie's blog post on it here: http://weblogs.asp.net/srkirkland/archive/2011/02/23/introducing-data-annotations-extensions.aspx.
There is a good point in Scott's post as to why you would use this rather than the MVC 3 Futures validators which might be relevant to your choice:
ASP.NET MVC 3 futures defines four new data annotations attributes which this project has as well: CreditCard, Email, Url and EqualTo. Unfortunately referencing MVC 3 futures necessitates taking an dependency on MVC 3 in your model layer, which may be unadvisable in a multi-tiered project. Data Annotations Extensions keeps the server and client side libraries separate so using the project’s validation attributes don’t require you to take any additional dependencies in your model layer which still allowing for the rich client validation experience if you are using MVC 3.
Yes, you can use
public class CustomerMetaData
// Add type information.
public object EmailAddress;
on your model. See more about it here.
however, last time I checked it does not work client sided.
I googled it, and from imran baloch's blog post it seems it does work now.

Update Custom Entities in MS CRM 4.0 via Custom Workflow

I have created a custom entity in MS CRM 4.0 and am trying to update a couple of the attributes via a custom worflow in .Net. I have read through several of the forums and blog posts and am still confused on how to access the custom entity and update some of their attributes.
I created a custom entity to replace how CRM was doing allotments as our company has some specific business rules that CRM wasn't doing. When a task is completed on an incident I want to update an attribute in the custom entity with the task duration. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
When using the CRM web service in a custom workflow, you'll need to use DynamicEntity objects. The workflow context webservice is just an ICrmService so it doesn't know about your specific customizations. There's a pretty sample here: http://www.stunnware.com/crm2/topic.aspx?id=CustomWorkflowActivity
I imagine you could also add the CRM web services as a web reference to your workflow project. Then you'd have strongly types objects for your custom entities. I've never done this for my custom workflows, but it works for other custom apps accessing CRM.
Choosing Dynamic Entities over WSDL in favour is always the better choice.
When you develop a piece of code, you are more flexible with your classes. You could use your piece of software in different contexts for different systems. That's the reason Dynamic Entities were invented.
It's very easy and you dont'have to use DynamicEntity. You have to go to Settings -> Customization -> Download WSDL. Take the wsdl and use it in your project. Now you have all your custom entities strongly typed. All you have to do is to write something like this:
Guid entityId = getEntityId();
new_yourCustomEntity entity = new new_yourCustomEntity();
entity.new_yourCustomEntityid = entityId;
entity.new_customProperty = "value";
CrmService crmService = new CrmService();
Maybe what you really mean is Custom Workflow Activity? This involves writing your own .NET class to add functionality to the standard CRM WF in form of new step types. If what you want to do is just to update an attribute you don't really need this, even if it is on a custom entity. The Update record step does just this and allows dynamic values (coming from other entities) to be specified.
Hope it helps
