Spring-ws security header to load configurations for multiple cert - spring-boot

I am trying to invoke a SOAP webservice in my spring boot application using spring-ws with a keystore which has multiple certs. The configuration always defaults to single cert.
Sample code below:
Wss4jSecurityInterceptor wss4jSecurityInterceptor = new Wss4jSecurityInterceptor();
Merlin merlin = new Merlin();
KeyStore keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance(KeyStore.getDefaultType());
InputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(ResourceUtils.getFile(("keystore.jks")));
keyStore.load(inputStream, "tester".toCharArray());
webServiceTemplate.setInterceptors(new org.springframework.ws.client.support.interceptor.ClientInterceptor[]
When i checked the source code of the apache library class WSSecSignature class. I see there is a configuration for picking up multiple cert. But am not sure how to set the singleCert to be false in the wss4jSecurityInterceptor. It always goes to the else block in the below logic
if (!this.useSingleCert) {
} else {
Is there a config i need to set while setting the keystore to Merin object, to make the useSingleCert as false?

Found a work around to override the Wss4jSecurityInterceptor, set the property to false and use the extended interceptor
class SecurityInterceptor extends Wss4jSecurityInterceptor
protected RequestData initializeRequestData(MessageContext messageContext) {
messageContext.setProperty(WSHandlerConstants.USE_SINGLE_CERTIFICATE, "false");
return super.initializeRequestData(messageContext);


Problem with kerberos iis authentication in spring boot application on windows

i'a trying to deploy my jar spring boot application on windows but get error : [Krb5LoginModule] authentication failed
KrbException: Cannot locate default realm
In my localhost, everything is OK with the authentication but whene i deploy the jar in the production server i got the error even if both windows are in the same campany doamin.
the system administrator told me that for other application, the authentication is based on Kerberos and iis so the ticket exchange for authentication is very easy.
Here's my security config :
public KerberosAuthenticationProvider kerberosAuthenticationProvider() {
KerberosAuthenticationProvider provider =
new KerberosAuthenticationProvider();
SunJaasKerberosClient client = new SunJaasKerberosClient();
return provider;
public SpnegoEntryPoint spnegoEntryPoint() {
//return new SpnegoEntryPoint("/login");
return new SpnegoEntryPoint();
public SpnegoAuthenticationProcessingFilter spnegoAuthenticationProcessingFilter(
AuthenticationManager authenticationManager) {
SpnegoAuthenticationProcessingFilter filter =
new SpnegoAuthenticationProcessingFilter();
return filter;
public KerberosServiceAuthenticationProvider kerberosServiceAuthenticationProvider() {
KerberosServiceAuthenticationProvider provider =
new KerberosServiceAuthenticationProvider();
return provider;
public SunJaasKerberosTicketValidator sunJaasKerberosTicketValidator() {
SunJaasKerberosTicketValidator ticketValidator =
new SunJaasKerberosTicketValidator();
return ticketValidator;
public DummyUserDetailsService dummyUserDetailsService() {
return new DummyUserDetailsService();
I don't know if i have to specify the keytab file because on windows no keytab or kb5.conf file is needed so the c:\user\tomcat.keytab file is empty.
Can someone help me with this please
You will need a Keytab file.
Keytab file contains keys which are required by kerberos module to decrypt the incoming kerberos token.
Keytab file is not out of the box present as it is specific to a user account in AD.It has to be generated by your system admin and give it to you.
You will need a service user (dedicated for your application). Generate keytab for it.
Copy it on your application server and specify its path in spring.
Check ktpass command on windows for more details about creating keytab.
You may also need to check for krb5 conf file, what it contains and how you can specify it inside Spring.

how can I solve ldap socket closed error in spring LDAP?

I tried to make the sample program for my project. It is LDAP with spring boot.
I tested it in my development environment. Then, it works well. However, when I test it in the deployment environment, It occurs socket closed error.
The difference is just the LDAP URL and password(I couldn't make a password of admin with special characters, eg. #, #).
So, I tried to access LDAP using ldapsearch in deployment environment. Then, I got some errors. However, when I search for this error, I couldn't search a suitable solution for me.
This is my spring configuration for access to LDAP.
public ContextSource contextSource() {
LdapContextSource contextSource = new LdapContextSource();
//for develop
// contextSource.setUrl("ldap://");
// contextSource.setPassword("test2019");
PoolingContextSource pcs = new PoolingContextSource();
pcs.setDirContextValidator(new DefaultDirContextValidator());
TransactionAwareContextSourceProxy proxy = new TransactionAwareContextSourceProxy(pcs);
return proxy;
public LdapTemplate ldapTemplate() {
return new LdapTemplate(contextSource());
This is error pictures when access to LDAP using spring LDAP.
This is error pictures using ldapsearch.
Help me.
ps. I didn't know how implemented the LDAP server, because it is installed by another team...
I would say the port is missing ;)
Btw. in my opinion a nicer approach is to set the properties like this:
application.yml (or application.properties)
url: ldap:// #Local
base: dc=test,dc=test
userDn: cn=admin,dc=test,dc=test
password: test2019!#
and in the config class:
public class LdapConfiguration {
public LdapContextSource contextSource() {
return new LdapContextSource();
public ContextSource poolingLdapContextSource() {
PoolingContextSource pcs = new PoolingContextSource();
pcs.setDirContextValidator(new DefaultDirContextValidator());
TransactionAwareContextSourceProxy proxy = new TransactionAwareContextSourceProxy(pcs);
return proxy;
// other configs like ldaptemplate

How to use p12 client certificate with spring feign client

I have a Spring Boot application that calls a remote service.
This remote web service provided me a p12 file that should authenticate my application.
How do I configure my feign client to use the p12 certificate ?
I've tried settings these properties:
-Djavax.net.ssl.keyStore=path_to_cert.p12 -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword=xxx -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStoreType=PKCS12
But it doesn't change anything, I still get this error:
sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target
I could finally manage to do it with a lot of blind trial and error.
The problem is, by default, the feign builder builds feign clients with null SSLSocketFactory:
public Feign.Builder feignBuilder(Retryer retryer) {
return Feign.builder().retryer(retryer);
public static class Builder {
// ...
private Client client = new Client.Default(null, null);
So, I had to define this bean in a #Configuration:
#Profile({"prod", "docker"})
public Feign.Builder feignBuilder() {
return Feign.builder()
.client(new Client.Default(getSSLSocketFactory(), null));
with this method: (can't remember source)
SSLSocketFactory getSSLSocketFactory() {
char[] allPassword = keyStorePassword.toCharArray();
SSLContext sslContext = null;
try {
sslContext = SSLContextBuilder
.loadKeyMaterial(ResourceUtils.getFile(keyStore), allPassword, allPassword)
} catch (Exception e) { /* *** */ }
return sslContext.getSocketFactory();
Now, it works for me, I debugged though the feign client calls and the sslSocketFactory is correctly passed to the underlying connection.
In case you wish to achieve the above effect programmatically without using keytool, you can do the following:
class CustomFeignConfiguration {
private val log = Logger.getLogger(this.javaClass.name)
private val clientP12: String = ""
private val clientP12Pass: String = ""
fun feignClient(): Client {
val sslSocketFactory= getSSLSocketFactory()
return Client.Default(sslSocketFactory, DefaultHostnameVerifier())
private fun getSSLSocketFactory(): SSLSocketFactory {
val decoder = java.util.Base64.getDecoder()
val p12 = decoder.decode(clientP12)
val p12File = File("clientCer.p12")
try {
val sslContext = SSLContexts
.loadKeyMaterial(p12File, clientP12Pass.toCharArray(), clientP12Pass.toCharArray())
return sslContext.socketFactory
} catch (exception: Exception) {
throw RuntimeException(exception)
The FeignClient interface that is using the configuration has to load this specifically
#FeignClient(name = "client", configuration = [CustomFeignConfiguration::class], url = "\${url}")
interface Client {
The SSLContexts library can only use p12 certificates and we have to convert the certificates and keys in PEM format to the P12 format.
Create a p12 certificate from your PEM certificate and key using the following SSL command:
openssl pkcs12 -export -inkey domain.key -in domain.crt -out domain.p12
Please record the password that you enter after you run this command.
Convert this p12 certificate to a base64 string using the following command
base64 domain.p12 > domain.p12.base64
Convert this multiline string to a single line string using the following command:
tr -d "\n\r" < domain.p12.base64 > domain.p12.base64.singleline
Use the single line string from this command and the password that you recorded earlier in your application.properties.

Spring SOAP Service accepts username/password: how to require that info via WSDL?

I have a SOAP service implemented using Spring. The service accepts the username/password via the <UsernameToken> element in the SOAP header. That all works fine.
However, the client consuming this SOAP service requests that I include in the WSDL file that the username/password is required via a <Policy> in the <wsdl:binding> element.
I have a method in my code like:
public class SoapWebServiceConfig extends WsConfigurerAdapter {
public DefaultWsdl11Definition defaultWsdl11Definition(XsdSchema s) {
var wsdl11Definition = new DefaultWsdl11Definition();
return wsdl11Definition;
This produces a WSDL file, but without information in it that the <UsernameToken> is required.
How can I persuade Spring to include the necessary <Policy> information in the WSDL file?
I have looked at the Spring documentation but was unable to determine the incantation necessary. I have looked through the Spring source code but was also not able to see an obvious hook to add the extra information. What I am looking for is something similar to https://stackoverflow.com/a/19726325/220627 but for Spring.
What I do now is a bit of a hack, but I'll put it here in case it's helpful for someone. I'll leave the question open in the hope that someone comes along with a better solution!
private Source addWsdlUsernameTokenPolicy(#Source xml) {
try {
var originalDocumentDOMResult = new DOMResult();
var transformer = TransformerFactory.newInstance().newTransformer();
transformer.transform(xml, originalDocumentDOMResult);
var doc = (Document) originalDocumentDOMResult.getNode();
// ... alter the document using DOM methods as necessary ...
return new DOMSource(doc);
catch (TransformerConfigurationException | TransformerException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public DefaultWsdl11Definition defaultWsdl11Definition(XsdSchema s) {
var wsdl11Definition = new DefaultWsdl11Definition() {
// This is the trick. The getSource() returns the XML of the WSDL.
// You can convert this "Source" (of XML) into a DOM XML structure
// then alter the XML as you like with normal DOM operations.
#Override public Source getSource() {
return addWsdlUsernameTokenPolicy(super.getSource());
return wsdl11Definition;

Spring Boot Localhost https issue

I wanted to make my localhost from hypertext transfer protocol to the secured socket layer hypertext transfer protocol. So I have added a key store to my spring boot project, and configured my application.properties like this:
But I get an error in chrome that:
localhost uses an unsupported protocol.
Note: I have done no changes to any of the java files.
When I faced this issue I solved it by a bean like below. hope this helps you
class CustomConfiguration {
public EmbeddedServletContainerFactory servletContainer() {
final int port = 8443;
final String keystoreFile = "/path/to/keystore"
final String keystorePass = "keystore-password"
final String keystoreType = "pkcs12"
final String keystoreProvider = "SunJSSE"
final String keystoreAlias = "tomcat"
TomcatEmbeddedServletContainerFactory factory =
new TomcatEmbeddedServletContainerFactory(this.port);
factory.addConnectorCustomizers( new TomcatConnectorCustomizer() {
void customize(Connector con) {
Http11NioProtocol proto = (Http11NioProtocol) con.getProtocolHandler();
proto.setProperty("keystoreProvider", keystoreProvider);
return factory;
Also make sure you call keytool with -storetype pkcs12, not -storepass pkcs12
