Is it possible to change the default text of the small buttons on the dockPanel? - dockpanel-suite

I have to change the text that appears by leaving the mouse over the DockPanel buttons. I have to write it in Italian.


WIN32: Is there a way to have the button icon (BM_SETIMAGE) on the right side of the text

Is there a way to have a button with text and graphic, with the graphic on the right side of the text, without having to owner-draw the button?
I want to just sent BM_SETIMAGE and whatever else would be needed so the graphic is to the right of the text.
Also, I noticed the image is so tight against the text that it doesn't look good. Is there a way to adjust the margin without having to use a blank space in the text?
Is there a way to have a button with text and graphic, with the graphic on the right side of the text, without having to owner-draw the button?
There are BS_LEFTTEXT and BS_RIGHTBUTTON styles available, but the documentation says they only apply to CheckBoxes and RadioButtons:
Places text on the left side of the radio button or check box when combined with a radio button or check box style. Same as the BS_RIGHTBUTTON style.
Positions a radio button's circle or a check box's square on the right side of the button rectangle. Same as the BS_LEFTTEXT style.
For a standard push button, there does not appear to be a way to control the position of the image other than through owner-drawing.
Is there a way to adjust the margin without having to use a blank space in the text?
Use BCM_SETTEXTMARGIN/Button_SetTextMargin():
Sets the margins for drawing text in a button control.

Show CKEditor5 Balloon toolbar programatically on right click?

I use CkEditor BalloonEditor:
BalloonEditor.create(document.querySelector('#editor'), { ...options... });
By design the balloon toolbar of CkEditor 5 is only shown when I mark some text in the editor. That's totally okay for standard text operations as making a text bold, italic or changing its colors.
But if I want to insert something (image, table, media) I first must type something, mark it, so that the toolbar is shown before I can insert new content. That is not practical. So actually the balloon editor is great for changing existing content, not to insert new content.
My idea now is, that I want to open the toolbar by clicking with the right mouse button, showing the toolbar instead of the browser's context menu. Nice would be if the toolbar then only contains actions to insert new content (as inserting image, table, media) and the actions for formatting content (as bold, italic, font color) disappears or at least are disabled.
So basically I would implement something like:
<div id="editor" oncontextmenu="showContextMenu(event)">
function showContextMenu(event) {
// --> Open here the balloon toolbar at the current caret position. How?
I tried finding a solution with a hack:
When clicking with the right mouse button, I inserted a space character at the clicked position and marked/selected it automatically so that the CkEditor balloon editor opened the toolbar. That worked so far, but then I had this undesired space character in the document and I struggled to remove it gracefully afterwards. Furthermore the context menu also contained the text formatting actions (as bold, italic and so on, since there was text - the inserted space selected).
Another idea would be to develop an own toolbar completely detached from CkEditor and then using Commands to insert the appropriate commands as #denov has suggested in his solution. But I think this should actually be possible to achieve with the CkEditor API by using the class ContextualBalloon. But how?
Does anyone have any idea how to achieve this or can guide me with some directions?
For images you can just drag the image into the editor.
Commands are the way to interact with the editor. The Images plugin uses the ImageInsertCommand
assuming you have the editor assigned to the global window object you could do
function showContextMenu(event) {
window.editor.execute('imageInsert', { source: ''} )
Unfortunately, it's not possible to show the balloon toolbar if the selection is collapsed. This behaviour is defined here.

Enlarged display of Visual-Studio window

Visual-Studio is displaying enlarged character so that it is impossible to use it. How to zoom down the application so that it displays all commands in the window in a readable and usable manner?
Bottom left of each editor is a zoom control:
Clicking on that will allow typing in a new percentage, so selection from the drop down.

XCode: Graphical button with invisible title

I have a bunch of buttons. They appears as an graphical image. If a user clicked on a button I can determine with
which button the user pressed. But the title of the button appears in the view. I want only to show the image and give the button a invisible title. But I think that is not possible.
Me second solution is to create for each button an outlet. But I think with 30 buttons that is a very bad solution.
Option 1:
For the button text color property set opacity to 0. The text is there, but fully transparent.
Option 2:
You may use the tag value to identify a button so you do not have to rely on the button title. You can set the tag value in interface builder (Xcode) or in code. (The tag is an integer.)
I usually prefer option 2 as it is resilient to text changes over time (think of typos, translations for other languages etc.).

How to change Label Font with the FontsPanel in cocoa

I made a PushButton to open up a Font Panel like they did here:Make NSButton open fonts panel
I did all of these through the Interface-Builder by dragging buttons and Labels onto the MainMenu View and i have nothing inside my AppDelegate.h and .m
Im really new to objective c and cocoa so i was wondering if anyone could give me an in depth explanation on how to use that font panel to edit the font in a Label or a Text Field.
Both label and text field are class NSTextField.
The style of the text they display is determined by the attributes on their NSAttributedString.
The Attributed String Programming Guide on Apple's developer site goes into detail on how to handle attributes. The font is one of those inside an attribute called paragraph style.
That should get you started on what to look into.
The Cocoa text architecture is pretty rich and can take some time to get familiar with.
One thing to note, when a text field is in edit mode, it uses something called the field editor for rendering , which is normally a shared instance of NSTextView that is owned by the window and basically appears in front of the text field during editing.
