What are the drawbacks of #RequestBody in Spring MVC? - spring

That's a silly question but I had this question during the interview of a some company.
I had a stateless backend using Java Spring and expected the full DTO from the request as a #RequestBody but they asked me what are the drawbacks of expecting a full DTO as #RequestBody and I couldn't answer it.
If my application is stateless, how should I expect the model from the controller?
Or is stateless backend not a good idea if you expect the whole model to use it in the service-side?

With DTO you usually send more data that is actually needed by remote server (although one of the main point of DTO is to reduce the number of remote calls by sending more data)
It maybe not straightforward to transfer DTOs to domain objects, if DTOs were complex
Serialization/de-serialization also could be a burden[for example binary or text]. but if you control both client and server it is not a big deal.
With big DTOs it become harder to keep clients and servers synchronized of changes


What is the use of service layer in Spring Boot applications?

I am new to Spring Boot and I am creating a RESTful API with no UI.
I am thinking if I should use business service and call repository from there or just call the repository directly from my REST controller?
Separation of concerns is the key:
The controller (presentation layer, or port) is a protocol interface which exposes application functionality as RESTful web services. It should to that and nothing more.
The repository (persistence layer, or adapter) abstracts persistence operations: find (by id or other criteria), save (create, update) and delete records. It should to that and nothing more.
The service layer (domain) contains your business logic. It defines which functionalities you provide, how they are accessed, and what to pass and get in return - independent on any port (of which there may be multiple: web services, message queues, scheduled events) and independent on its internal workings (it's nobody's business that the service uses the repository, or even how data is represented in a repository). The service layer may translate 1:1 from the repositiory data, or may apply filtering, transformation or aggregation of additional data.
The business logic may start simple in the beginning, and offer not more that simple CRUD operations, but that doesn't mean it will forever stay this way. As soon as you need to deal with access rights, it's no longer a matter of routing requests from the controller directly to the repository, but checking access and filtering data as well. Requests may need validation and consistency checks before hitting the database, rules and additional operations may be applied, so your services get more value over time.
Even for simple CRUD cases, I'd introduce a service layer, which at least translates from DTOs to Entities and vice versa.
Keep your controllers/repositories (or ports and adapters) stupid, and your services smart, and you get a maintainable and well-testable solution.
Service layer is not a concept exclusive from Spring Boot. It's a software architectural term and frequently referred as a pattern. Simple applications may skip the service layer. In practical terms, nothing stops you from invoking a repository method from the controller layer.
But, I strongly advise the usage of a service layer, as it is primarily meant to define the application boundaries. The service layer responsibilities include (but are not limited to):
Encapsulating the business logic implementation;
Centralizing data access;
Defining where the transactions begin/end.
Quoting the Service Layer pattern from Martin Fowler's Catalog of Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture:
A Service Layer defines an application's boundary and its set of available operations from the perspective of interfacing client layers. It encapsulates the application's business logic, controlling transactions and coor-dinating responses in the implementation of its operations.

Why we need to write business logic in separate service layer instead of writing in controller itself?

Whats the use of creating different layer i.e. Service layer for business logic implementation instead of implementing that business logic in Controller itself
It is because of Separation of concerns.
In Controller which is primarily interested in handling incoming http request and responding back to that request. We are worried about things related to handling stuff related to a given communication channel.
You can expose an rest api as well soap api or you may have various formats int which you would want to share the data. Biz logic as such does not care about how you are communicating this data to end users. So you take it out and keep in one common place that only deals with biz logic while the controller class just calls this. You can then have a rest controller and soap controller answering request via same piece of biz logic code.
What you do in controller is validate the request call the service and handle exception in way you want it to be exposed to the caller.
It depends on your architecture. If you're using some of the Domain Driven Design principles, there would be little if any logic in the controllers/api. The controllers would be used to coordinate/ manage the communication between the domain services (i.e. AccountService), repositories (i.e. AccountRepo), and or infrastructure services (i.e. EmailService). All logic would be in the models and services. Some advantages are...
1. Unit testable code
2. The code better models the business problem (controllers mean nothing to the business problem)
3. Controllers don't become a place to jam a lot of business logic into and result into a tangled mess
4. And more...
Of course this all depends on whether maintainability is a priority

Development compromises in using Spring Cloud Stream

The case for event-driven microservices such as Spring Cloud Stream is their asynchronous nature, which I do agree it makes them more scalable
But I have an issue regarding how to code it in a way where I don't lose certain key features that I have access to using synchronous services
In a servlet-based MS, I make full use of servlet context variables and servlet-based Spring autowiring functions
For e.g., I leverage heavily on HTTP headers to carry metadata between microservices without having to impact the payload. But in Spring Cloud Stream using Kafka, Kafka doesn't support message headers of any kind! I lose that immediately if I use SCS. Putting them into the payload causes all sort of changes in my model classes if I define the attributes clearly. Yes, I can use a simple Hashmap to simulate the HTTP header object but it really seems like reinventing the wheel to me.
On the auto-wiring side: I maintain an audit log record per request, which I implement by declaring a request-scoped Hashmap bean and autowiring it into any methods in the Servlet's call stack that needs to append data to the audit log. Basically it's just a global variable to hold some data within a single request. But in SCS, again, I lose that cos bean scopes that leverage on servlets are not available.
So far, there seems to be a lot of trade-offs that I have to make just to make Spring Cloud Stream work for me.
I thought about an alternative approach where I use SCS just to create an entry point but the Source method would just get the event, use a Processor to construct a HTTP request and send the request along to a HTTP endpoint. But, why go through all that trouble then?
Hoping that some more experienced devs would be able to shed some light on how they leverage on SCS.
#feicipet Thanks for the detailed question. let me try to address some of your concerns in the order you have listed them:
I am not sure why you are referring to it as servlet-based instead of Spring-based? Those are features provided by Spring, but read on. . .
Spring Cloud Stream doesn't use Kafka, the end user does while Spring Cloud Stream provides Kafka binder allowing Spring Cloud Stream to integrate with Kafka. Further more, while Kafka indeed did not support headers prior to version 0.11, Spring Cloud Stream always supported and will continue support headers even with Kafka pre-0.11, embedding them in the Message and then extracting them in the consumer side into the proper Message headers completely transparent to the end user. In other words one would assume that Kafka did support headers by simply using Spring Cloud Stream. With Kafka 0.11+ headers are supported natively and we have adjusted to that with the same level of transparency.
So, you don't need to put anything in the payload. Just create an appropriate Message<payload, headers> and SCSt will take care of the rest regardless of the broker (Kafka, Rabbit, Foo etc.).
Yes you do simply due to the fact that as you eluded earlier SCSt promotes an asynchronous and stateless architecture. However, I do not agree that what you are trying to accomplish is un-accomplishable. Rather it is accomplishable the way you are describing, but there are other way to maintain context and I would be more then glad to discuss it as a separate topic.
I would not call them trade-offs, rather difference in the architecture, that has its benefits, but it is a not one-size-fits-all architecture and therefore its viability should be discussed within the context of a concrete use case.
+1. You don't have to separate it as Source and Processor. You can simply create a custom Source app with exposed REST endpoint and custom processing logic. However we are currently working on enhancements i the framework to ensure that you could do the same with the existing starter apps.
Obviously we have touched on many points here and some of them would probably need to be debated further, but I hope this clears up some of your concerns.

Spring JPA with AMQP

We are thinking about having a micro service architecture in our business application. We think about having the communication via ampq. With this researches that i made for that, the question comes up: How to standardise the communication while programming?
For example: If you do some database requests you can use spring-data-jpa that creates for you the code to send those requests.
Isn't there a way to use something like that for AMQP requests if you need an object from another service, something like an AMQPRepositories to have this standardised way?
Does someone has some other ideas or made some experiences with that?

Is the Controller in MVC considered an application service for DDD?

I am applying DDD for the M part of my MVC and after some research (studying up!), I have come to the realization that I need my controller to be interacting with domain services (in the model). This would make my controller the consumer of the domain services and therefore an application service (in DDD terms). Is this accurate? Is there a difference between a controller and what DD defines as an application service?
The application layer is somewhere between the domain layer and the presentation layer. The controller is part of the presentation layer, sends commands or queries to the application layer, where the application services execute them using the services and objects of the domain model. So controllers are different from the application services, and they are probably bound to the actual communication form, e.g. HTTP. You should not call domain services from controllers directly, this might be a sign of misplaced code.
Domain Driven Design: Domain Service, Application Service
Domain Services : Encapsulates business logic that doesn't naturally fit within a domain object, and are NOT typical CRUD operations -
those would belong to a Repository.
Application Services : Used by external consumers to talk to your system (think Web Services). If consumers need access to CRUD
operations, they would be exposed here.
So your service is probably an application service and not a domain service, or some part app services, some part domain service. You should check and refactor your code. I guess after 4 years this does not matter, but I had the same thoughts by an application I am currently developing. This app might be too small to use DDD on it, so confusing controllers with app services is a sign of overengineering here.
It is an interesting question when to start add more layers. I think every app should start with some kind of domain model and adapters to connect to that domain model. So if the app is simple enough, adding more than 2 layers might be not necessary. But that's just a thought, I am not that experienced with DDD.
The controller is not considered a service in DDD. The controllers operate in the UI tier. The application services gets data from the DB, validates data, passes data to client (MVC could be a client but so could a request coming from a winforms app) etc etc.
All the controller is doing is servicing requests from the UI. Its not part of the application domain.
In DDD Reference controllers are not mentioned at all. So I think from DDD POV the answer is undefined. So I would consider more practical question: "Do we need to separate Controllers and Application Service"?
Separating input processing from use case implementation.
Extra layer of indirection that complicates understanding of simpler cases. (It is also annoying to implement some trivial thing by pulling data though many layers without anything actually being done).
So I would choose separation of controller and application service if input processing obfuscates use case logic. I would choose to keep use case logic in controller if both are simple enough so that you can easily see in code use cases separately from input processing.
A Layered Architecture splits the application up into UI-Layer, App-Layer, Domain Layer and Infrastructure Layer (Vaugn Vernons Implementing Domain-Driven Design (location 2901)). The controller falls in "Application Layer" of this broader design architecture and will therefore interact directly with the domain services in the model and is considered an application service. Not only that, it'll will obviously also use the entities and aggregates as available.
