iText missing front Arial Narrow - itext7

In iText.IO.Font.StandardFonts I don't have Arial Narrow as an options but I do have it in my C:\Windows\Fonts folder is that something I can add? Like something like this .SetFontAndSize(PdfFontFactory.CreateFont(Arial Narrow), 6.25)

iText.IO.Font.StandardFonts contains type 1 fonts which are typically 14. These are four Helvetica fonts (normal, bold, oblique, and bold-oblique), four Times-Roman fonts (normal, bold, italic, and bold-italic), four Courier fonts (normal,bold, oblique, and bold-oblique), Symbol and Zapfdingbats. These fonts are often referred to as the Standard Type 1 fonts. iText supports the Standard Type 1 fonts.
If you want to use the Arial font then typically you can pass the path of .ttf file to PdfFontFactory.CreateFont("path of the arial font file"). If you intend to embed and specify encoding within it then you have an overloaded version of the same method that takes boolean as an argument. It would be something like PdfFontFactory.createFont(FONT, PdfEncodings.CP1250, true)


Find out if font has monospaced numbers

There are proportional fonts (i.e. not monospaced) that nevertheless provide monospaced numbers. E.g. see this Excel screenshot using Arial:
Note how the numbers are nicely aligned. How can I find out programmatically (probably WinAPI) if a font supports this feature?
You won't find an API for that because there isn't any specific metadata value within the font file to indicate "the glyphs for digits in this font have fixed width". Some fonts may support both proportional and fixed-width ("lining") digits, in which case the font is likely to support the 'lnum' OpenType Layout feature. You should pick a font that supports this feature and then explicitly activate that feature when drawing the text.

How to Name TTF Properly

I am having trouble with something that appears to be trivial, namely how to name a font, so that I get multiple styles of the same font to tile, display nicely, import nicely using Inno Script Studio, work with C#, not to mention applications.
For instance, here is an Adobe font that work nicely, first what I see in Control Panel, then the TTF details. I will then show what I did with my font and how I do not see the exact same thing, even though I did seemingly the same thing.
Adobe Source Sans Pro Tiles
Adobe Source Sans Pro Details
Adobe Source Sans Pro Semibold: The purpose of a screenshot is to show what I see from the actual TTF using Birdfont font editor, plus version.
Here is the black:
PostScript Name: SourceSansPro-Black
Name: Source Sans Pro
Style: Black
Full Name: Source Sans Pro Black
Here is how I named the font that I am using on my project. The font name, Venera, is the font family and then these are the styles: 100 Extra Light, 300 Light, 500 Medium, 700 Bold, and 900 Black.
BTW, I tried with the numbers, without the numbers, with spaces, and no spaces. There was no combination that worked like what I see with the Adobe font.
PostScript Name: Venera-900Black
Name: Venera
Style: 900 Black
Full Name: Venera 900 Black
Here is the bold:
PostScript Name: Venera-700Bold
Name: Venera
Style: 700 Bold
Full Name: Venera 700 Bold
I did think that maybe styles cannot have embedded spaces, so I tried both 700Bold / 900Black as the Style and even just Bold / Black. The latter was my thought that Windows does not support numbers s part of style names.
What I see is the fonts not overlapping like Adobe, but stacked. One has to delete the TOP font to see that there is a font underneath. Needless to say, Word in such a case does not see both fonts.
Here is what I see after I install the 700 Bold bold font and then the 900 Black font. I took this screenshot after installing the 700 Bold style and before installing the 900 Black style, but the image is identical to what I see after 900 Black. The order makes no difference, I have to delete one font to see the other. The fonts are not stacked like what I see with Adobe. Restarting the computer makes no difference. Removing the numbers or spaces make no difference.
Image with BOTH fonts, just one would never know it from the screenshot.
I suspect that when I get this first part working that Inno Script wants the full name and not the font name as stated in the help material and pages here in SO, but first things first. I need to get the font behaving.
For whatever it is worth, I can set the style to Regular and then set the font name to: Venera700Bold and Venera900Black. I would then wind up with two different fonts that show Venera700Bold Regular and Venera900Black Regular in Control Panel. Inno Script Studio is then quite happy accepting Venera700Bold and Venera900Black as the font name in the Files section.
It is tempting to use this answer, but all the fonts are the same family and I would really rather do things the right way and not subject users to different fonts, especially when I have 7 different Avenir fonts that I have to do the same thing for.
The answer should be Font Name is alphanumeric with however many spaces. The style is alphanumeric with however many spaces. The full name, as the editor says is the concatenation of the font name and style. The unique name and PostScript name must have no spaces and have the style separated from the font name by a dash. Sadly, this recipe, which works for others, such as the Adobe font that I picked at random, does not work for me, so I am missing a piece to the puzzle in my understanding.
The style names should not include the numeric weight values. The numeric values should only go into the font's 'OS/2' table, not in the name strings. If you include the numbers in the style string, then the OS or apps will probably get confused, treating the number as part of the family name.
If you tried just using "Bold", "Black" as the style names and that's not working, then I would suspect the tool used to create the fonts.

Can I specify few fonts for a text in Indesign as in browsers?

I am using scripts to fill Indesign document with text. There is standard unicode characters (emoji, cyrillic, maths, arabic) but sometimes they are are not in one font. I have to take it from different fonts.
Is there a solution like in browser CSS where i specify few fonts ordered by priority font-family: font1, font2, font3?
Definitively nothing like CSS font-styles enumeration but thanks to InDiScripts "IndyFont" a/o FontMixer from same Author to generate either a fully customized font or a composite font:
FontMixer :
InDyFont :

ffmpeg- drawtext style- bold, italics, underline

How can we specify style in drawtext filter. Example, draw 'Hello' in a regular font, but it should be bold, in italics and underlined. Is this possible?
Maybe this answer is late, but, from the FFMPEG documentation:
Use fontconfig to set the font. Note that the colons need to be
drawtext='fontfile=Linux Libertine O-40\:style=Semibold:text=FFmpeg'
You have to configure the fontconfig file of course, set up your desired fonts (be careful to have all the styles that you need) in the fonts location and then run the drawtext with the font family name followed by ':style='.
-vf "drawtext='fontfile=DejaVuSans\:style=ExtraLight:text=FFmpeg'"
This worked for me in the console and as a php shell exec command. You can use whatever font style, as long as (for the style and font family that you chose), there's a font file in the font directory that follows this rule: FontFamilyName-StyleName .
I really hope that this helps!
You can specify the target font:
drawtext= fontfile=fonts/path/Arial-Bold.ttf :text=FFmpeg
The font family should have proper file for every style you want to use.

How to use different styles of local fonts in plots with Gadfly in Julia-lang on Mac?

I want to create plots with Gadfly in Julia programming language using a specific font style (e.g., Avenir Next Bold) of a local font (Avenir Next) on my Mac. It works for the standard font style in the case of an standard histogram example:
using Gadfly
plot(x=randn(2000), Geom.histogram(bincount=100),
Theme(minor_label_font="Avenir Next",
major_label_font="Avenir Next",
key_label_font="Avenir Next"))
Yet when a specific font style such as "Avenir Next Bold" is used the default font is applied instead of the provided one. The Avenir Next fonts are saved as a "container" in a ttc format. I tried to convert the ttc file into single ttf files for the font styles and to call the exact paths where the files are located. Both don't work.
I think this is a case of getting the font name exactly right.
(I used HeavyItalic because it's easier to tell if the correct font is chosen.)
It might be that you have to use the PostScript font name, although I'm not sure why that would be, unless deep down in Cairo that's how fonts are accessed... ?
You can get the PostScript names (if that's what they are) by looking at a font manager. For example, FontBook shows them on the info panel:
