How do I make this flow from def get_burger_choice to def get_burger_price - new-operator

So I am trying to make this continue from get_burger_choice to get_burger price to where it would flow and finish the program. I am trying to write this program to where I could get the type of burger then the price from get_burger_price. Heres the problem, I do not know how to intergrate it towards doing that. I am completely stuck after the part where it says "no" at the end part of get_burger_choice to where I can transition to get_burger_price
Here is the code that I used : the part highlighted is where Im having trouble transitioning:I would like it to where if the user says no, it would ask if they would like to see the price, and it would transition towards get_burger_price
def get_burger_choice():
SIZE = 3
burgers = ["Cheesy", "Regular", "Veggie" ]
search = True
while search == True:
index = 0
found = False
print("What type of burger would you like?")
searchValue = input()
while found == False and index <= SIZE - 1:
if burgers[index].lower()==searchValue.lower():
found = True
index = index + 1
if found:
print("That is on our menu")
print("That is not in our menu")
print("Do you want see another burger? yes/no: ")
tryagain = input()
if tryagain.lower() =='no':
print("Would you like to see the price? yes or no: ")
def price_burger(burger_choice, burger_price):
if burger_price == 'cheesy':
burger_price = 3.00
elif burger_choice == 'regular':
burger_price = 2.00
elif burger_choice == 'veggie':
burger_price = 2.00
print("we do not have that, sorry")
return burger_price
def total_price(burger_price, burger_choice=None):
print("The burger cost $", burger_price)
def closing(burger_choice):
if burger_choice == 'cheesy':
print("Nice selection, This is our best!")
def main(burger_price = 0):
choice = "yes"
while choice != "no":
burger_choice = get_burger_choice()
burger_price = price_burger(burger_choice,burger_price)
choice = input("\nWould you like to try again? yes or no: ")


tk.Entry validate command doesn't restore previous value when False returned

I have carefully reviewed answers to Interactively validating Entry widget content in tkinter, but my script fails to restore previous value if the validate command returns False. I captured %P and %s and print them out...They both show the same value.
import tkinter as tk
class Controller :
def __init__(self) :
# list comprehension
self.entry_widgets = [[None for col in range(j)] for row in range(i)]
self.values = [["string"+str(row) + str(col) for col in range(10)] for row in range(20)]
class EnterBox(tk.Entry):
def __init__(self,*args,**kwargs):
#print (args)
self._modified = False
self._save = 0
self._raise = 1
self._lower = 2
frame, i,j, *newargs = args
self._content = tk.StringVar()
# tk.Entry.__init__(self,frame,*newargs,
# validate = 'focusout',
# validatecommand = vcmd,
# **kwargs)
vcmd = (self.register(self._revert), '%P', '%s')
ct.entry_widgets[i][j] = self
self.config(validate = "focusout")
self.config(validatecommand = vcmd )
self.bind("<Return>",lambda event, x=self._save : self._action(event,x) )
self.bind("<Button-2>",lambda event, x=self._save : self._action(event,x) )
self.bind("<FocusIn>", lambda event, x=self._raise : self._action(event,x))
self.bind("<FocusOut>", lambda event, x=self._lower : self._action(event,x))
self.bind('<Button-3>', lambda event, x=self._lower : self._action(event,x))
def _revert(self,P,s):
print ("Hi There")
return False
def _action(self,event,action):
print(str(action)+' ' + str(event))
if action == self._save :
ct.values[i][j] = self._content.get()
self._modified = True
elif action == self._raise :
self.config(bg = 'light pink')
elif action == self._lower :
self.config(bg = 'gray80')
self._modified = False
else :
print('action value is bad action =>' + str(action))
if "__main__" == __name__ :
root = tk.Tk()
frame = tk.Frame()
ct = Controller()
check = EnterBox(frame,i,j,width = 24)
check2 = EnterBox(frame,i+1,j,width = 24)
I have tried removing all other bindings, to no avail.
Interestingly, but a separate issue, If I use StringVar. set instead of self.insert, (see commented out line) the validate command runs once, and never again despite several focus changes. Using Python 3.8
The validation isn't designed to restore anything if the validation happens on focusout. The validation can only prevent characters from being added at the time they are added. You will have to add code to restore the previous value.

AJAX call taking a long time (2-4 secs)

I'm really stumped on an issue. On my website, whenever you pan the map, an AJAX call is fired, doing a query in the database. The problem is, the AJAX call takes somewhere between 2-10 seconds, which is unacceptable.
Link to website
There are about 500k records in my database. I notice that the more records I add, the slower it gets. That makes sense right, but why is it exceptionally slow and so inconsistent?
I am using Digital Ocean. When I check my control panel, the CPU/RAM/disk are all operating at very low levels.
The AJAX call code:
def filter_closed_listings(request):
zoom = int(request.GET.get('zoomLevel'))
minLat = request.GET.get('minLat')
maxLat = request.GET.get('maxLat')
minLng = request.GET.get('minLng')
maxLng = request.GET.get('maxLng')
sold = request.GET.get('sold')
property_type = request.GET.get('pType')
building_style = request.GET.get('bType')
showActiveListings = request.GET.get('showActiveListings')
showSoldListings = request.GET.get('showSoldListings')
showEndedListings = request.GET.get('showEndedListings')
bed = request.GET.get('bed')
bath = request.GET.get('bath')
low_price = request.GET.get('low')
high_price = request.GET.get('high')
includePandL = request.GET.get('includePandL')
transaction_type = request.GET.get('transactionType')
ended_time_difference = + datetime.timedelta(-int(sold)) # Date check
# Initial filter with map bounds and date check
data = Listing.objects.filter(la__gt=minLat).filter(la__lt=maxLat).filter(lo__gt=minLng).filter(lo__lt=maxLng)
data = data.filter(transaction_type=transaction_type)
# 0 is 'Any'. Therefore a filter is done if selection is not 'Any'.
if not property_type == '0':
if property_type == '1':
data = data.filter(Q(property_type='Condo Apt') | Q(property_type='Comm Element Condo'))
elif property_type == '2':
data = data.filter(property_type='Detached')
elif property_type == '3':
data = data.filter(property_type='Semi-Detached')
elif property_type == '4':
data = data.filter(Q(property_type='Att/Row/Twnhouse') | Q(property_type='Condo Townhouse'))
data = data.exclude(Q(property_type='Condo Apt') | Q(property_type='Comm Element Condo') | Q(property_type='Detached') | Q(property_type='Semi-Detached') | Q(property_type='Att/Row/Twnhouse') | Q(property_type='Condo Townhouse'))
if showActiveListings == 'n':
data = data.filter(Q(status='Ter') | Q(status='Exp') | Q(status='Sld') | Q(status='Lsd'))
if showSoldListings == 'n':
if transaction_type == 'Sale':
data = data.exclude(status='Sld')
data = data.exclude(status='Lsd')
if transaction_type == 'Sale':
data = data.exclude(Q(status='Sld') & Q(sold_date__lt=ended_time_difference))
data = data.exclude(Q(status='Lsd') & Q(sold_date__lt=ended_time_difference))
if showEndedListings == 'n':
data = data.exclude(Q(status='Ter') | Q(status='Exp'))
data = data.exclude(Q(status='Exp') & Q(expiry_date__lt=ended_time_difference)).exclude(Q(status='Ter') & Q(terminated_date__lt=ended_time_difference))
if includePandL == 'false':
data = data.exclude(Q(property_type='Parking Space') | Q(property_type='Locker'))
# Bedrooms check
if not bed == 'undefined':
bed = bed.split(',')
queries = [Q(bedrooms_ag=b) for b in bed]
query = queries.pop()
if bed.pop() == '6':
query = Q(bedrooms_ag__gte=5)
for i in queries:
query |= i
data = data.filter(query)
# Bathrooms check
if not bath == 'undefined':
bath = bath.split(',')
queries = [Q(washrooms=b) for b in bath]
query = queries.pop()
if bath.pop() == '6':
query = Q(washrooms__gte=5)
for i in queries:
query |= i
data = data.filter(query)
# Filters low price and high price
if high_price == '0' and low_price == '0':
elif high_price =='0':
data = data.filter(Q(Q(list_price__gte=low_price) & Q(list_price__lte=999999999) & Q(sold_price__isnull=True)) | Q(Q(sold_price__gte=low_price) & Q(sold_price__lte=999999999) & Q(sold_price__isnull=False))) # Nested Q object. Use list price if sold price is null.
data = data.filter(Q(Q(list_price__gte=low_price) & Q(list_price__lte=high_price) & Q(sold_price__isnull=True)) | Q(Q(sold_price__gte=low_price) & Q(sold_price__lte=high_price) & Q(sold_price__isnull=False)))
if data.count() > 500:
return JsonResponse({'over500': True})
data = data.values('id', 'la', 'lo')
# Determines lat/lng precision based on zoom level
for i in data:
if zoom >= 13:
i['lo'] = round(i['lo'], 4)
i['la'] = round(i['la'], 4)
elif zoom > 9 and zoom < 13:
i['lo'] = round(i['lo'], 2)
i['la'] = round(i['la'], 2)
i['lo'] = round(i['lo'], 1)
i['la'] = round(i['la'], 1)
return JsonResponse({'results': list(data)}) # This uses list() which is bad design. But only 3 fields are passed and highly unlikely to change so this can stay like this.

You are given a list of names and a list of email addresses. How would you automatically assign the 'best' email?

I am having a bit of trouble in terms of runtime for an algorithm that matches names with the most likely email address. The function itself works well (in that it pairs the name and email address correctly), but the runtime is so grand that it is difficult to implement on large data sets. I am a beginner at coding and would love to hear what solutions you guys might offer.
quick note I implemented Levenshtein's algorithm here. If there are more efficient algorithms, comment below!
from string import digits
import copy
import re
# levenshtein algorithm found on
def call_counter(func):
def helper(*args, **kwargs):
helper.calls += 1
return func(*args, **kwargs)
helper.calls = 0
helper.__name__= func.__name__
return helper
def memoize(func):
mem = {}
def memoizer(*args, **kwargs):
key = str(args) + str(kwargs)
if key not in mem:
mem[key] = func(*args, **kwargs)
return mem[key]
return memoizer
def levenshtein(s, t):
if s == "":
return len(t)
if t == "":
return len(s)
if s[-1] == t[-1]:
cost = 0
cost = 1
res = min([levenshtein(s[:-1], t)+1,
levenshtein(s, t[:-1])+1,
levenshtein(s[:-1], t[:-1]) + cost])
return res
def emailmatch(emails_file,name_file):
name_email_match = {} #store the matching emails in a dictionary
with open(name_file, 'r') as names:
match_name = 0
for individual in names:
with open(emails_file,'r') as address_emails:
first_name = individual[:(individual.index(" "))].lower()
last_name = individual[(individual.rindex(" ")):].lower()
full_name = (first_name + last_name).lower()
full_name_period = (first_name+"."+last_name).lower()
best_match = "" #this holds the best matching email
minimum = 999
for emails in address_emails:
email = emails[0:(emails.index('#'))]
temp = min(levenshtein(last_name,email),
if (temp < minimum):
minimum = temp
best_match = emails
name_email_match[individual] = best_match
return name_email_match
emailmatch('emails.txt', 'names.txt')

update_cells not working as expected

I have written this function:
def duplicate_sheet1(wb, title=None):
if title is None:
title = wb.sheet1.title + ' DUPLICATE'
wb._sheet_list = [wb.sheet1]
wb.add_worksheet(title, wb.sheet1.row_count, wb.sheet1.col_count)
wb._sheet_list = wb._sheet_list[::-1]
...everything works as expected upon inspection with a debugger except update_cells, when I _fetch_cells for worksheet 0 after running the code, the sheet is empty.
Apparently the list returned by _fetch_cells is not the same as what is expected by update_cells. This may be because _fetch_cells does not include empty cells in the returned list, update_cells may only work with a 1 or 2-D grid--I am unsure.
Here is the work-around I found, apologies as the code could could probably be improved:
def duplicate_sheet1(wb, title=None):
if title is None:
title = wb.sheet1.title + ' DUPLICATE'
wb._sheet_list = [wb.sheet1]
wb.add_worksheet(title, wb.sheet1.row_count, wb.sheet1.col_count)
wb._sheet_list = wb._sheet_list[::-1]
cell_list = build_cell_list(wb._sheet_list[0], wb._sheet_list[1])
def build_cell_list(new_worksheet, old_worksheet):
fetched = old_worksheet._fetch_cells()
max_row = fetched[-1].row
max_col = max([cell.col for cell in fetched])
cell_list = new_worksheet.range('A1:' + chr(max_col + 64) + str(max_row))
for cell in cell_list:
cell.value = next(
f.value for f in fetched
if f.col == cell.col and f.row == cell.row
return cell_list

Balance variable keeps resetting after each loop

I was wondering how I'm supposed to get my "balance" variable to change depending on the value added or subtracted to it each time, without resetting for the next loop.
At the moment it will add or subtract a given value and return the correct number but on the next loop it will use the original base value instead of using the new value from the previous loop.
import time
print ("Welcome to balance tracker!")
sBal=float(input ("Starting balance: "))
transactionAmounts = []
transactionTypes = []
print ("Your current balance is", '$',sBal)
while True:
input("Press enter to continue")
print ("""
choice=input("What would you like to do? ")
choice = choice.upper()
if choice == "A":
aval=float(input ("Enter amount you would like to add here: "))
balance = float(sBal) + aval
print ("Your current balance is $",balance)
elif choice == "S":
aval=input("Enter amount you would like to subtract here: ")
transactionAmounts.append (float(aval))
balance = float(sBal) - aval
print ("Your current balance is $",balance)
elif choice == "H":
aCount = 1
tCount = 0
for i in transactionAmounts:
print ('Transaction',aCount,':',transactionTypes[tCount],i)
aCount = aCount + 1
tCount = tCount + 1
elif choice == "Q":
print ("invalid choice")
The solution to your problem is that when your assigning your balance variable, your adding sBal(starting balance) every time to the amount they would like to add... This is causing the balance to always be set back to the starting balance plus or minus the amount added. Try defining sBal as balance also like so...
balance = float(input("Starting balance: ")) #line 5
float(sBal) #<<<can be deleted #line 6
Also don't forget to alter anywhere in the code that calls sBal to call balance.
print("Your current balance is ", "$", difference) #line 9
balance = float(balance) (+ or -) aval #lines 30 and 37
Also you can delete your nBal(new balance) as it is never called.
