Why is data validation not working with entire list of times? - validation

I have a list of 96 times in 15 minute intervals that I'm trying to use for data validation. It turns out that it works only up to a certain point. When selecting times from 00:00 to 18:30 it works fine. When selecting times from 18:45 to 23:45 it throws an error.
The data that you entered in cell B1 violates the data validation
rules set on this cell.
I made a test file to see if the same thing would happen if I used a different type of data, but when using a lists of numbers or text with the same amount of items it seems to work without issues.
Does anyone know the reason why it doesn't work with the list of times? More importantly, does anyone know a way I could get it to work?
The steps provided by player0 worked to fix it in my test file linked above, but didn't make a difference in the real file I'm working on. Here's a copy of the real file which exhibits the same problem.
Please try setting a time of greater than 18:30 in a couple of cells. I keep getting the same errors.
I suppose a workaround could be to not reject input on invalid data, but I feel this should just work with rejecting it and would like to know where I went wrong.

formatting. select columns A & B and force Time (or Plain text):


Windows batch card game not working properly, don't know how to fix

So for our computer science class, we had to write a program that randomly generates cards, i decided to do mine in batch, because im a massive noob XD
I was confident that i could do it as im quite experienced with it. Even though batch isn't by any means a good 'language' if your going to call it that. I was able to fix most of the problems by myself with some hard work. I am however, still having some issues i don't know how to resolve.
My biggest issues i don't know how to fix are...
Text not being displayed properly.
Numbers (i use for the base of the AI and card generation) sometimes not being defined properly in variables.
The point system just refuses to work not matter what i do.
It sometimes randomly just flat out decides to crash on me if i skip a 'TIMEOUT' or a 'PAUSE'.
Some 'IF' statements not being executed properly even though there exactly the same as the other ones.
I'm sorry if this question is too broad, but i really didn't know quite how to summarize it.
Here is a link to my card game: http://pastebin.com/t2S3yWk5
Here is our question:
1) Create a program that will generate two random numbers - one that maps to a suit (hearts,diamonds, clubs or spades) and one that maps to a card (Ace, 2, 3, ..... Jack, Queen, King)
*Mine is slightly different, it generates two different suits based on two random numbers.*
2) Create a program that will generate a random card and then ask the user to go Higher,Lower or Quit. If the player chooses Higher the next card must be of a higher value or theplayer is out. Likewise for Lower.
3)Extending the previous program, the user will select a trump suit at the start of the game. If the card is a trump suit card then the game continues regardless of the card’s value. The program will keep score and will save the score to a highscore file. The user will also be able to display the current highscore file.
I would like to try and do this stuff (listed above) myself. I just need help trying to fix my existing program.
I hope that if your reading this you could give me some advise or provide solutions to some of my problems. Thanks in advance! :3
Good news; nothing is super wrong with your code, it's just a bunch of little things that seem like a lot. Some off-by-one errors and a missing variable that I can only assume got replicated from copying and pasting.
Text not being displayed properly
I assume this is the "Access denied" errors that your code produces instead of the AI's comments. This is due to the fact that > and < are used for output redirection, so the emoticons you are adding are trying to create a file in a place you don't have access to. Either get rid of them (recommended) or use ^ to escape them (^>:)).
Numbers (I use for the base of the AI and card generation) sometimes not being defined properly in variables
%random% %% 5 results in one of the numbers in the set 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. You currently do not have an if statement for what should happen if 0 is randomly selected. Add an if statement or have the code go back to the top of the section if a 0 is selected.
The point system just refuses to work no matter what I do
You're going to kick yourself...
Your set statements are missing the assignment portion. SET /A %p1p% + 2 should be SET /A p1p=%p1p% + 2 and so forth (or set /a p1p+=2 if you think that looks better).
If sometimes randomly just flat out decides to crash on me if I skip a 'TIMEOUT' or 'PAUSE'
I couldn't replicate that, but the code seemed to work fine when I removed those statements.
Some 'IF' statements not being executed properly even though they're exactly the same as the other ones
Your comment indicated lines 119-132, which include the if statements that assign points. See above for why those aren't working.
Some other recommendations for your code
Your variable names should be more descriptive. For example, ctog doesn't tell me anything about what that variable should be; I can look at the code to see what it does, but without any context, that could be doing anything.
You should add the /i flag to the if statements that check which card you put down so that C1 and c1 get treated the same. On a related note, you should add a check for when the player enters something other than C1 or C2. You can even use a choice command like you did earlier.
:pvic is missing an exit command, so you automatically play again if you win. Combined with the fact that you only check if lt is equal to 2, not greater than or equal to 2, there's no way to stop playing if you win. Also on the subject of end game conditions, there's no if statement for if you tie the computer.
cp1 and num1 are effectively the same variable, there's no reason to have both (same with cp2/num2, ap1/num3, and ap2/num4).
You need some kind of goto at the end of :pc1 so that :pc2 doesn't automatically run after :pc1 finishes.

Incrementally reading logs

Looked around with numerous search strings but can't find anything quite like this:
I'm writing a custom log parser (ala analog or webalizer except not for webserver) and I want to be able to skip the hard work for the lines that have already been parsed. I have thought about using a history file like webalizer but have no idea how it actually works internally and my C is pretty poor.
I've considered hashing each line and writing the hashes out, then parsing the history file for their presence but I think this will perform poorly.
The only other method I can think of is storing the line number of the last parse and skipping until that number is reached the next time round. What happens when the log is rotated I am not sure.
Any other ideas would be appreciated. I will be writing the parser in ruby but tips in a similar language will help as well.
The solutions I can think of right now are bound to be brittle.
Even if you store the line number and later realize it would be past the length of the current file, what happens if old lines have been trimmed? You would start reading (well) after the last position.
If, on the other hand, you are sure your log files won't be tampered with and they will only be rotated, I only see two ways of doing what you want, and I'm not sure the second is applicable to you.
Anyway, here goes.
First solution
You store the last line you parsed along with a timestamp. At the next run, you consider all the rotated log files sorting them by their last modified date, figure out which one you read last time, and start reading from there.
I didn't think this through, there might be funny corner cases you will need to handle.
Second solution
You create a background script that continuously watches the log file. A quick search on Google turned out this gem, but I'm not sure if that's even an option for you. Even then, you might want to integrate this solution with the previous one just in case your daemon will get interrupted (because that's clearly bound to happen at some point).
As you read the file and parse the lines keep track of the byte count. Save that. On next read, try to seek to that byte offset in the file. If the file is smaller than the byte count, it's a new file so start at the beginning.

QTP VB Script to update data excel placed in QC

I'm trying to automate some set of test cases which would pass inputs from one to another. For instance, if I have 5 test cases then 1st test case would pass input to 2nd - 2nd to 3rd - likewise it goes on.
And another point to be noted is that I won't perform batch execution and there will be a certain time gap between each test case.
So what I'm trying to do is like updating the outputs into some excel sheet and call them during succeeding execution. I have tried searching and tried some codes, but nothing has worked out.
So please share some idea to update excel sheet during run time which is placed in QC. Thanks!
What you're essentially saying is that you have test runs separated by some indeterminate amount of time, and you need to share data between runs. The answer is you need persisted storage of your data. You could use a database, flat file, Excel spreadsheet, or anything else that will let you programmatically write data in one run then read it in the next.
Excel spreadsheets are one such solution. You said you tried it and it did not work. That likely means that the method you used to write or read the data was incorrect, and not that there was a problem with the concept. If you provide some more specifics about exactly what you tried and where it failed, hopefully the community will be able to assist you.
I Believe you have Input Excel Sheet(s) in QC, What you can do is download the excel file from QC to local machine, store output from 1st test case to this excel sheet and upload back to QC. Which now you can use as input to next test case.

possible locking issue with a Talend job

I'm parsing data from one table and writing it back to another one. Input are characteristics, written as text. Output is a boolean field that needs to be updated. For example a characteristic would be "has 4 wheel drive" and I want to set a boolean has_4weeldrive to true.
I'm going through all the characteristics that belong to a car and set it to true if found, else to null. The filter after the tmap_1 filters the rows for which the attribute is true, and then updates that in a table. I want to do that for all different characteristics (around 10).
If I do it for one characteristic the job runs fine, as soon as I have more than 1 it only loads 1 record and waits indefinitely. I can of course make 10 jobs and it will run, but I need to touch all the characteristics 10 times, that doesn't feel right. Is this a locking issue? Is there a better way to do this? Target and source db is Postgresql if that makes a difference.
Shared connections could cause problems like this.
Also make sure you're committing after each update. Talend use 1 thread for execution (except the enterprise version) so multiple shared outputs could cause problems.
Setting the commit to 1 should eliminate the problem.

JMeter - saving results + configuring "graph results" time span

I am using JMeter and have 2 questions (I have read the FAQ + Wiki etc):
I use the Graph Results listener. It seems to have a fixed span, e.g. 2 hours (just guessing - this is not indicated anywhere AFAIK), after which it wraps around and starts drawing on same canvas from the left again. Hence after a long weekend run it only shows the results of last 2 hours. Can I configure that span or other properties (beyond the check boxes I see on the Graph Results listener itself)?
Can I save the results of a run and later open them? I know I can save the test plan or parts of it. I am unclear if I can save separately just the test results data, and later open them and perform comparisons etc. And furthermore can I open them with different listeners even if they weren't part of original test (i.e. I think of the test as accumulating data, and later on I want to view and interpret the data using different "viewers").
-- Shaul
Don't know about 1. Regarding 2: listeners typically have a configuration field for "Write All Data to a File", which lets you specify the file name. You can use the Simple Data Writer to store results efficiently for later analysis.
You can load results from a previous test into a visualizer by choosing "Write All Data to a File" and browsing for the file you wish to load. Somewhat counterintuitively, selecting a file for writing also loads that file into the visualizer and displays the results. Just make sure you don't run the test again while that file is selected, otherwise you will lose your saved test data. :-)
Well, I later found a JMeter group that was discussing the issue raised in my first question, and B.Ramann gave me an excellent suggestion to use instead a better graph found here.
-- Shaul
