Visual Studio Unit Test fails in command prompt but passes in IDE - visual-studio

I have a Visual Studio project which passes my tests when I run them in the IDE.
When I try to run the same tests using VCTest.Console some of the tests fail even though they should pass.
I run the command prompt by running Deverloper Command Prompt for VS 2022 as admin and then navigate to my .dll test files and use the command: VSTest.Console file.dll


In Visual Studio 2019, What Command is Run When 'Test All' is Clicked?

Visual Studio 2019 (and most Visual Studios that I've worked with that have a Test Explorer) have a 'Test All' button.
I'm curious as to what the CLI-equivalent command is run when this is clicked (including all options fed to this command). For example, dotnet test .... I'm sure the --no-build option is not specified, as clicking this button runs a build. Does anyone know what the entire command that is run is?
If you are looking to replicate the function of the Test Explorer at the command line then for Visual Studio on Windows, "VSTest.Console.exe is the command-line tool to run tests." Within Testing tools in Visual Studio, see Run tests from the command line.
The IDE, however, is not spawning new vstest.console processes on every test run. It is 're-using' existing test runner instances via an API/protocol.

I am able to run code by code runner in VSC. What shall I do?

I am not able to run the code runner in VSC (Visual studio Code).

How to build and run Xamarin.UWP application from command line?

How do I build and run a Xamarin.UWP application from the command line? I want it to be so that the app builds and runs the same way as the green run button in the Visual Studio 2019 GUI.
Additional notes:
I've tried opening the Visual Studio Developer Command Prompt and trying the following implementations.
msbuild -t:build "PATH_TO_PROJECT\SimTools.UWP.csproj"
Although when I run the executable that gets generated, it gives me this error:
as well as
Additionally, I've tried doing
msbuild -t:build "PATH_TO_PROJECT\SimTools.UWP.csproj" && msbuild -t:install "PATH_TO_PROJECT\SimTools.UWP.csproj"
And although it builds successfully, it says that there is no target for "install" and I do not know how to add that to the .csproj file as I've asked over at How do I add an "install" target to a Xamarin.UWP .csproj file?.

Running verbose cmake tests in Visual Studio

I have a placeholder test setup with cmake and I'm using the Visual Studio (2017) integration. How can I run a test in verbose mode from within VS?
Test Explorer
After you run the test, VS shows an "Output" button in the task explorer where you can see all the test outputs.

Unit Test failed when using Visual Studio Command Prompt

I have class library project which reads word document files. and I have created 30 unit cases scenarios for it. When I run the unit test using visual studio IDE it runs perfectly and all the test cases get "Success", However when I use Visual Studio Command Prompt and test it, some of the test cases get failed. I would appreciate if you guys can provide me some hint in this regard.
To test my solution in Command Prompts I type: "MSTest /testcontainer:mysolutiontest.dll"
If you are running VS2012 or later, use vstest.console.exe:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio
PathToYour.dll /logger:trx
You'll also probably want to use a .runsettings file to specify the TargetPlatform and ResultsDirectory, which would then use a command line like this:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio
PathToYour.dll /logger:trx
