I use paraview mostly for post-processing. However, I don't know how to enable paraview render mesh like the picture above.
Suppose I have STL mesh as input, how do we make this happen? Or is there any free-software for it?
Update: I figured out the setting is within the "lighting" option.
May I have a 2D layer for UI, Text, Buttons, etc over the 3D scene in ThreeJS?
Ideally something like engine from PixiJS inside ThreeJS? I've seen PixiJS offers some 3D features so why not combine both libraries in something super-powerful? I just do not want to place any HTML Dom elements over WebGL canvas as this will probably slow down performance on Mobile devices.
One way to solve this issue is to implement the UI as screen space sprites like demonstrated in the following official example (check out how the red sprites are rendered):
The idea is to render them with a separate orthographic camera and an additional call of WebGLRenderer.render(). Besides, instances of THREE.Sprite do support raycasting which is of course useful when implementing interaction.
Building up on Mugen87's answer, you can also use THREE.Shape to make visual containers adapted to the user screen size :
You can use THREE.Shape to make mesh-based text, is illustrated in this example :
You should also have a look at three-mesh-ui, an add-on for building mesh-based user interface with three.js :
I exported a glft file on this demo page.
And then, I imported the file to Blender but 3d model looks grey color and seems missing color.
How to solve this problem?
Or doesn't glft have color data?
I'm new to glft and Blender, I'd appreciate if you share any solutions or references what I should read to solve it.
When debugging something like this, the first step is to narrow down the source of the issue. If the model appears correctly on viewers like http://gltf-viewer.donmccurdy.com/ or https://sandbox.babylonjs.com/, then the exporter is probably doing its part correctly. If not, file a bug on the threejs repo about the exporter.
If the Blender importer you're using can't load the file, I'd suggest filing a bug on that repository instead. I'd also suggest trying https://github.com/KhronosGroup/glTF-Blender-IO, if you haven't already.
Finally, note that by default when Blender opens, textures are disabled in the viewport. You have to enable Texture, Material, or Rendered in the Viewport Shading menu:
I need anyone to help me about my work
Work here :
I would have a better rendering, like smooth shading or something else.
How can i do that?
You already have smooth shading happening there. I believe you might be looking for 'pixel shading' or 'pixel lighting'.
This might be useful:
Looks like the normals are messed up in your model, or there is a glitch translating them with Three.js making for a bumpy look by messing up the lighting.
You could try to re-export your model and check any normal-related export options if the problem could be solved with using different configuration.
Or you could let Three.js try to recalculate new normals for your geometry, ignoring the ones existing in the model:
thanks for reading.
I have a WebGLRenderTarget that I render to. At a subsequent stage in the rendering process I use that texture as input to a shader.
I would like to be able to use that same render target with multiple wrappings/filterings. I have looked some at the internals of three.js, and am not sure that it is possible.
It seems like in webGL I would be able to just bind the same texture multiple times with different parameter settings. I figure I can fork three.js to support a new type of texture that just uses another texture with new parameters, but wanted to see if there was some way I could do this without forking.
Thanks in advance!
I'm having some difficulty exporting animated meshes from 3dsmax to Unity3d.
I've succeeded in getting transform animations to export ok, for instance if something is moving. But animated parameters on something dont seem to export, for instance the height of box.
Here are my fxb export settings
I'm guessing they are losing this information when they are turned from boxes to meshes and i must bake the animations on manually somehow but I have no idea how.
Vertex animation is not supported.
Use bones, skin the mesh and animate that way instead.