How do I prevent firefox from automatically redirecting to https - firefox

I use apache on my localhost for hosting sites that I'm working on.
I've started using firefox.
When I'm working locally on a website I don't set up SSL.
When I try to load my local site in firefox, firefox attempts to load the site with a 'https' prefix. This happens if I omit the protocal part of the URI, or if I explicitly type in 'http'.
Of course my site doesn't load. SSL is not enabled on the site.
How can I stop firefox from trying to redirect?
btw - the site itself consists of a single text file with the word 'hello' in that file.
There is no js or serverside logic implementing the redirect.


Mozilla firefox add-on to redirect url from one domain name to another domain without changing the complete url

I want to know is there any add-on to redirect url in mozilla firefox. In Google Chrome there is an add-on Switcheroo. I need the url switcher like this in mozilla firefox. I have already tried with redirect url add-on of mozilla. But its not redirecting correctly.
I need to test the localhost portal pages. But in few places the dev environment url is hard coded. I want to redirect those urls to localhost to test the changes which I made in local.
Eg redirection:
should be redirected to
For this redirection in google chrome switcheroo add-on I have configured like this:-http://dev_hostname:dev_portnubmer ---> http://localhost:localhostPortnumber. The add-on changing the protocol, domain name, port number. It's not changing the rest of the url part. Its working well as I expected. But in Mozilla I need an add-on like this.
You can use the Requestly extension which is available for both Chrome and Firefox. It has a feature to replace parts of URL which matches a given text or pattern instead of redirecting to a different URL altogether, basically what Switcheroo does. It has other features as well.
For your particular use case, you can follow these steps -
Install Requestly
Click on r icon in address bar
Click on (+) Green Icon to create a new Rule
Select Replace Rule
Replace dev_hostname:dev_portnubmer with localhost:localhostPortnumber
Test your app now.
There is a add-on available for mozilla to redirect url which is Redirector.
I have read the help provided by the Redirector add-on, there they have explained the usage of it clearly.

Is there a way to load the miniprofiler javascript over SSL

I've included mini-profiler in my app. It loads great on standard http pages, but over SSL I get the following warning
page was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure script 'http://mydomain/mini-profiler-resources/includes.js?v=xyz
Is there a setting or other type of configuration I can use to get this to load over HTTPS?

CS-Cart Banner Slideshow not working in https

Hi I have a question in regards to CS-cart version 2.2.4 Banners Slideshow.
It uses Nivo Slider and the banner works fine on the normal site ( but as soon as it goes to the secure URL it breaks (
The image to the links don't seem to be broken but it seems the javascript isn't running...
obviously, you include some javascript files from external domain by http, it causes the secure problem:
[blocked] The page at ran insecure content from
Try to read this question, it should help.
How to Include CSS and JS files via HTTPS when needed?

FB.getLoginStatus hanging only in HTTPS/SSL mode

I'm trying to enable HTTPS support in my app before the October deadline, but the JavaScript call FB.getLoginStatus never calls my callback.
I'm using OAuth2.0, and I added the channelUrl parameter.
This works fine in HTTP mode.
FireFox is reporting no security warnings during page load, all files appear to be correctly served via HTTPS, and all references in the html/js code appear to be updated to point to https:// instead of http:// (including the channelUrl file).
What else can cause the getLoginStatus to not return?

Internet Explorer does not load images cross domain (https)

this is an updated question:
I am trying to include a picture on an external server.
PROBLEM HERE: my home website is using https:// and the picture on the external server is just http. The picture is fine (tested) but IE seems not to allow to access http:// sources when on a https:// website.
I am looking for html or javascript code to allow access for loading pictures from other domain WHEN my home domain is HTTPS and my external domain is HTTP
I'm afraid this is a feature of the browser. When you enter a page like this on IE and some other browsers, it will give the user the option to disallow "unsecured" elements on the page (this includes elements served over HTTP); and will not display them. Your page cannot override the users' action.
