modify jpeg pixel data and keep all metadata intact - image

I'm editing a JPEG image (blurring faces) and want to modify as little data as possible, namely I'm trying to keep the metadata as intact as possible. However, all the libraries for reading and writing image files I've tried so far leave some of the metadata behind.
Here's what I'm currently doing in Python (with Pillow):
import PIL.Image
import numpy as np
image =
blurred_data = blur_image(np.array(image_data))
image.frombytes(blurred_data.tobytes()), quality="keep", sampling="keep", qtables="keep", **
Which loses at least the comment and JFIF blocks. I'm thinking that maybe I need to interact directly with libjpeg but maybe there's some tool or library that I'm missing.


what is the valid format for a tiff image in python

How do I write a valid tiff image in python with my own data for the tiff file?
I've tried doing a few things using PIL and it's not a valid image.
If you could answer with some sample code of making a tiff image then editing the data using PIL that would be more than enough and go a long way in moving my program along
Are you required to exactly use PIL? Otherwise, have you tried using it's open source clone called Pillow? Refer to
Pillow seems to be able to directly save image data in tiff file format.
Try something like:
img = Image()
# any editing of 'img' 'mytiff.tif' )
Otherwise, you should clarify your needs or problems in depth.

I have generated a pdf file using matplotlib and I want to add a logo to this pdf file. How can I do it

I am using matplotlib to draw a graph using some data and I have saved it in Pdf format.Now I want to add a logo to this file.How can I do this.
Thanks in advance
If you can do it the other way round, it is easier:
plot the image
load the logo from file with, e.g. Image module (PIL)
add the logo with plt.imshow, use the extent keyword to place it correctly
save the image into PDF
(You may even want to plot the logo first, so that it stays in the background.)
Unfortunately, this does not work with vector graphics, but as logos usually are not that large, you may use a .png or even a .jpg.
If you already have the PDF's then this is not a matplotlib or python question. You need some PDF editing tools or libraries to add the logo. Possible, but an entirely different thing.

How can I store raw data in an image file?

I have some raw data in a file that I would like to store in an image file (bmp, jpg, png, or even gif (eegad)). I would like this to be a two way process: I need to be able to reliably convert the image file back later and get a file that is identical to the original file.
I am not looking for a how-to on steganography; the image file will probably be one pixel wide and millions of pixels high and look like garbage. That is fine.
I looked into the Imagemagick utility convert, but am intimidated by the large number of options and terse man page. I am guessing I could just use this to convert from a 'raw' black channel to png, but would have to specify a bunch of other stuff. Any hints? I would prefer to work within Imagemagick or using Linux utilities.
If you are wondering, there's nothing black hat or cloak and dagger about my request. I simply want to automatically backup some important data to a photo-sharing site.
I'd plow into ImageMagick if that's what you'd prefer anyway.
Specific image formats support storing text data to different degrees, and ImageMagick supports all of the formats you mentioned. I'd choose the one that lets you store what you need.

How to determine if a photo is corrupted?

I have a requirement where in I have to determine whether a photo is corrupted and accordingly tag it as such.
Another thing, I need is to determine if an Image has got wrong extension. What I mean by wrong extension is that sometimes I have come across a photo that has extension of jpg but when I load this photo into IrfanView it reports that the photo is in different format that the extension.
How can I do this in Delphi.
I have a requirement where in I have to determine whether a photo is corrupted and accordingly tag it as such.
You can try some things, but with certain file formats (example: BMP, JPEG to some extent) only a human can ultimately decide if the file is OK or corrupted. The simplest test is to simply load the file into a corresponding object (TJpegImage, TPngObject, etc). If you get an exception while loading you've surely got a corrupted file. Unfortunately if no exception is raised you can't really say the file is not corrupted. I've seen corrupted JPEG files that load just fine into a Delphi TImage and can be opened with Windows's Image Viewer, but are obviously corrupted to a human observer. With BMP images it's even clearer: open up a bitmap, overwrite some bytes in the middle of the file and then open it in a viewer. How can any automated system tell those wrongly colored bits in the middle of the bitmap are actually wrong?
Another thing, I need is to determine if an Image has got wrong extension. What I mean by wrong extension is that sometimes I have come across a photo that has extension of jpg but when I load this photo into IrfanView it reports that the photo is in different format that the extension.
How about doing some of the same, trying to load the file into the object that corresponds to it's extension, and if you fail, try opening up with some other formats? This should be easy.
Alternatively you can investigate image headers: Most file formats start with a short signature, a few bytes. You can look up the documentation of all image file formats and find the signature, or you can simply open up an large number of files and look for a pattern in the first 4 bytes. I'd go for this second alternative since finding proper documentation for all image file formats might be a challenge.
The only way to check if file is corrupted is to try reading it as it is described in file format, ie. load BMP as BMP with reading BMP header, BMP data etc. There are many web pages that describe graphics file formats. Of course if you transmit files and are afraid that it will be corrupted after transmitting then save such files with some sum like CRC32, or even cryptographic MD5 or SHA1. Then after transmitting check if calculated sum is the same as original.
In Delphi there is unit jpeg and types TJPEGImage and TBitmap. Try loading it with data and check exception. For others formats there are many libraries, just look for required file formats.
To check if file extension is good try reading some first bytes of file and check it with some dictionary of graphics file headers. For example GIF files should start with GIF, BMP files starts with BM, and in JPEG header you will find JFIF. I think unix utility file works this way.
Since you used the term "requirement", I suspect that you're doing a job for someone, possibly as a contract. So make sure that you nail the requirements before worrying about the code.
IMO, you need to get samples of test cases. As others mentioned, failure to load the file as a particular format will be one test. But what about a .jpg that loads ok, but the bottom third is missing? Or a .jpg that loads ok but has green "static" lines in the middle where an error occurred upstream somewhere (on the camera, photoshop, whatever) but then the processing recovered and resumed? In this case, the .jpg may really have green lines in it. Is that considered "corrupt" or not? This is where you need to be careful, especially if it's a contract job.
I have handled this situation by reading the suspicious image and trying to getting its shape. The task is done within try-except block. Following is the code:
import cv2
image = cv2.imread('./image.jpg')
dummy = image.shape # this line will throw the exception
print("[INFO] Image is not available or corrupted.")
This approach should cover all your needs like:
Detecting a corrupted image
Non-image file with an image-type extension detection
Missing image detection etc.

Image format question

I'm using an image loader (DevIL) for image loading. Im just wondering if the image format (the uncompressed format in memory) loaded from files (.jpg, .png, .bmp etc) is determined by the image loading program itself, or is some way contingent upon the actual image file.
All of the images I have looked at so far seem to be loaded into the RGBA / UNSIGNED_BYTE format. However I am wondering if I can always rely on this. Is it conceivable that an image might actually be loaded into the RGBA / FLOAT format instead? (NOTE: i am hoping that the loaded image format will always be the same, i want to rely on it:)
I can't find any docs in DevIL that explains this point, so I'm hoping anyone experienced with imaging / image loading could give me an answer just based on their experience / common sense.
I don't know DevIL, but nearly any imaging library is going to provide you with an image object that has some concept of Pixel Format. The pixel format tells you how the image is laid out in memory. Looking quickly at the docs, I see that IlTexImage has a property called Format which can be one of IL_COLOUR_INDEX, IL_RGB, IL_RGBA, etc. The docs say
The format of the image data. Formats accepted are listed here and
are self-explanatory
