how to show 3 Array in one datatable - laravel

I am trying to show 3 Array in one datatable.
// Combine Month Name and Data Array
$incomedataforyear = array();
$test1 = array_combine($getmonths, $incomedata);
$test2 = array_combine($getmonths, $animalselldata);
$test3 = array_combine($getmonths, $otherselldata);
$collection = collect([$test1, $test2, $test3]);
// End of Combine Month Name and Data Array
I also tried to use Collection but dont have any knowledge how to use this.
datatable code
<table id="incometable" class="table m-0 table table-bordered table-hover table" data-order='[[ 0, "desc" ]]'>
<th>Milk Sale Amount (Rs.)</th>
<th>Animal Sale Amount (Rs.)</th>
<th>Other Sale Amount (Rs.)</th>
#foreach ($expdataresults as $item )
Thanks in Advance

Formatting a bit different, you could use array_merge_recursive
$test1 = array_combine($getmonths, array_map(fn($i) => ['incomedata' => $i], $incomedata));
$test2 = array_combine($getmonths, array_map(fn($i) => ['animalselldata' => $i], $animalselldata);
$test3 = array_combine($getmonths, array_map(fn($i) => ['otherselldata' => $i], $otherselldata);
$collection = collect(array_merge_recursive($test1, $test2, $test3));
#foreach ($collection as $key => $value)
<td>{{ $key }}</td>
<td>{{ $value['incomedata'] }}</td>
<td>{{ $value['animalselldata'] }}</td>
<td>{{ $value['otherselldata'] }}</td>


how to show combine Array in Datatable

I am new to Laravel and trying to show combinearray in the datatable but now able to get the output.
Code for Merged Array
$expdataforyear= array();
$expdataforyear = array_combine($getmonths, $expdata);
Array Output
"Apr-2021" => 0
"May-2021" => 0
"Jun-2021" => 0
"Jul-2021" => 0
"Aug-2021" => 0
"Sep-2021" => 0
"Oct-2021" => "285"
"Nov-2021" => "300"
"Dec-2021" => "250"
"Jan-2022" => "180"
"Feb-2022" => "315"
"Mar-2022" => "300"
<table id="expensetable" class="table m-0 table table-bordered table-hover table" data-order='[[ 0, "desc" ]]'>
<th>Amount (Rs.)</th>
#foreach ($expdataforyearas $item )
Thanks in Advance
You can loop an array in your blade by using the Blade directive #foreach
Inside this directive you can prinbt out. The problem in your code comes from the syntax in the foreach function. #foreach($arr as $item) ... #endforeach
#foreach ($expdataforyearas as $itemKey => $itemValue )
<td>{{ $itemKey }}</td>
<td>{{ $itemValue }}</td>

Laravel year, sum, count, group by eloquent query

Can someone show me how I would build this query with eloquent, or is this required to be written with a DB:Raw query, or would it be best to be a raw sql query?
select `pay_week`,
year(`start_timestamp`) as year,
sum(`total_duration`) as 'duration',
count(`pay_week`) as 'entries'
from `time_clock`
group by year(`start_timestamp`),`pay_week`;
Any help to better understand would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
$entries = TimeClock::select(
DB::raw('count(pay_week) as entries'),
DB::raw('YEAR(start_timestamp) as year'),
DB::raw('sum(total_duration) as duration')
->where('user_id', $user->record_id)
results in a
Call to a member function groupBy() on float
What I have now;
<table class="table table-hover dataTable table-striped width-full" data-plugin="dataTable">
<th>Pay Week</th>
<th>Date Range</th>
<th>Total Hours</th>
<th>Gross Pay</th>
#foreach($entries as $group)
#foreach($group->entries as $entry)
$week_start = (new DateTime())->setISODate(date("Y"),$entry->pay_week)->format("m/d");
$start = \Carbon\Carbon::createFromFormat("m/d", $week_start);
$end = $start->copy()->endOfWeek()->format('m/d');
$year = \Carbon\Carbon::parse($entry->start_timestamp)->format('Y');
<td>{{ $entry->pay_week }}</td>
<td>{{ $start->format('m/d') . ' - ' . $end }}</td>
<td>{{ $year }}</td>
<td>$ 0.00</td>
<td>[ Btn ]</td>
This is what I have in the controller method.
$user = Auth::guard('user')->user();
$entries = TimeClock::select(
->where('user_id', $user->record_id)
->map(function($entry) {
return (object)[
'count' => $entry->count(),
'duration' => $entry->sum('total_duration'),
//'year' => $entry->sum('start_timestamp')->year,
'entries' => $entry
return view('user.timeclock.reports.all', [
'entries' => $entries
Given, that you set the cast in your model
class TimeClock extends Model
protected $cast = [
'start_timestamp' => 'datetime'
you can do the following:
$entries = TimeClock::select(
->where('user_id', $user->record_id)
->groupBy([ 'pay_week', function($entry) {
return $entry->start_timestamp->year
/*->map(function($entry) {
return (object)[
'count' => $entry->count(),
'duration' => $entry->sum('total_duration'),
'year' => $entry->start_timestamp->year,
'entries' => $entry
You loop over it like this:
<th>Pay week</th>
<th>Date range</th>
<th>Total hours</th>
#foreach($entries as $pay_week => $groups)
#foreach($groups as $year => $group)
<!--pay_week: {{ $pay_week }}<br />
count: {{ $group->count() }}<br />
duration: {{ $group->sum('total_duration') }}<br />
year: {{ $year }}<br />-->
<td>{{ $pay_week }}</td>
<td>{{ $year }}</td>
<td>{{ $group->sum('total_duration') }}</td>
#foreach($group as $entry)

Laravel display withCount() query results in groups

I have a query where I get count totals using withCount().
$applications = Application::with('company')->withCount([
'task as task_updated_count' => function ($query) {
$query->where('task_status', '!=', 1);
In my view I can loop through and display the results.
<table class="table">
<th class="text-center">Tasks</th>
<th class="text-center">Updated Tasks</th>
#foreach ($applications as $application)
<td>{{ $application->company->company_acronym }}</td>
<td>{{ $application->application_name }}</td>
<td class="text-center">{{ $application->task_count }}</td>
<td class="text-center">{{ $application->task_updated_count }}</td>
This will obviously give me a table listing the results with the $application->company->company_acronym listed for each $application.
What I'm trying to do list the applications by company "$application->company->company_acronym".
So the result would be:
Company 1 Acronym
- AppName Count
- AppName Count
- AppName Count
Company 2 Acronym
- AppName Count
- AppName Count
- AppName Count
Company 3 Acronym
- AppName Count
- AppName Count
- AppName Count
Use groupBy function in collections to group by the acronym.
$applications = Application::with('company')->withCount([
'task as task_updated_count' => function ($query) {
$query->where('task_status', '!=', 1);
$applicationGroups = $applications->groupBy(function($application) {
return $application->company->company_acronym;
Then you can iterate over the groups to get desired output.
<table class="table">
<th class="text-center">Tasks</th>
<th class="text-center">Updated Tasks</th>
#foreach ($applicationGroups as $group => $applications)
<td colspan="3">{{ $group }}</td>
#foreach ($applications as $application)
<td>{{ $application->application_name }}</td>
<td class="text-center">{{ $application->task_count }}</td>
<td class="text-center">{{ $application->task_updated_count }}</td>
Please Check Following Code
$applications = Application::with('company')->with([
'task' => function ($query) {
$query->where('task_status', '!=', 1)->count();
'task_updated_count' => function ($query) {
$query->where('task_status', '!=', 1)->count();

Cannot use object of type stdClass as array (View:

I want to use data 2 query in 1 view but
Error Cannot use object of type stdClass as array
public function adtranspc(Request $request)
$writter = Writter::all();
$processmaster = DB::table('rocessmaster')
->where('pcm_bname', 'LIKE', "%Social%")
return view('processspj.adtranspc',[
'writter' => $writter,
'processmaster' => $processmaster
*This is my view (this error here)
<table id="table2" class="table table-hover table-striped">
<th scope="col"></th>
<th scope="col">Colname1</th>
#foreach ($processmaster as $item)
<td>{{ $item['pcm_id'] }}</td>
<td>{{ $item['pcm_bname'] }}</td>
This is my controller
public function adtranspc(Request $request)
$writter = Writter::all();
$processmaster = DB::table('rocessmaster')
->where('pcm_bname', 'LIKE', "%Social%")
return view('processspj.adtranspc',[
'writter' => $writter,
'processmaster' => $processmaster
You are trying to print your object values as an array.You need to update your code with this, access your object values like this way
#foreach ($processmaster as $item)
<td>{{ $item->pcm_id }}</td>
<td>{{ $item->pcm_bname }}</td>

Print indexed array value in view.blade.php in laravel5.2

I have one associative array $collection and one indexed array $gnd which I have passed from Controller to my view.blade.php in Laravel 5.2. I want to print the values of both the arrays in a single table. Here is my code,
<table class="responsive-table highlight centered">
<th data-field="id"></th>
<th data-field="name">Unique </th>
<th data-field="price">Description</th>
{{-- */$j = 1;/* --}}
#foreach($collection as $key=>$value)
<td>{{ $j }}</td>
<td>{{ $value->uid }}</td>
<td>{{ $value->name }}</td>
<td>{{ $value->desc }}</td>
<td>{{ $gnd[$j] }}</td>
{{-- */$j++;/* --}}
For {{ $gnd[$j] }} I am getting the following error.
ErrorException in b7c1ab515a44988c31e1982a3ce014434e97ef2c.php line 30:
Undefined offset: 22 (View: /var/www/html/anudip/resources/views/plugins/entries/view.blade.php)
I am new in laravel. Please help me...
Function that passes the two arrays from Controller:
public function getDetails(){
$collection = DB::table('entry_transactions')
->leftJoin('entry_masters', 'entry_transactions.entry_id', '=', '')
->get([' as uid',' as name','entry_masters.gender as gender','entry_transactions.entry_desc as desc']);
$gnd = array();
$len = sizeof($gnd);
$i = 0;
foreach ($collection as $key) {
if($key->gender == 0){
$gnd[$i] = "Male";
else {
$gnd[$i] = "Female";
return view($this->url.'entries.view', compact('collection','gnd'));
The error you are getting because both array's size are not equal!
And why are you starting $j = 1? shouldn't be $j = 0, if both your arrays has the same size $j = 0 will fix your problem and change <td>{{ $j }}</td> to <td>{{ $j+1 }}</td>
Also, can you show us your controller function that is sending this two arrays?
