Mosquitto 2.0.14 with Websockets - amazon-ec2

I have a Mosquitto 2.0.14 broker running in a Windows server 2019. I can connect to it over port 8883 using mqtts protocol with SSL enabled. I can also connect to it on port 1883 without SSL.
Now I want to connect using Websockets. So I added a listener as:
listener 9001
protocol websockets
allow_anonymous false
password_file C:\mosquitto\password.txt
http_dir C:\mosquitto\http_dir
set_tcp_nodelay true
I also tried without http_dir and set_tcp_nodelay. I have tried with and without SSL certificates.
I have port 9001 opened in windows firewall as well as on AWS EC2 instance security groups.
But when I try to connect to the broker using ws:// or ws:// nothing happens. No error, no connection. Mosquitto does not show any logs even though I can see the request coming in using WireShark. I am really stuck here. please help me out.
I have tried to connect using MQTTX, MQTT Explorer and MQTTBox Chrome App.

As per the comments this issue has been noted previously (in this answer), however I figure its worth repeating here to aid others who experience the problem.
In short - there appears to be a bug in Mosquitto versions 2.0.12, 2.0.13 & 2.0.14 running on Windows when listening for websocket connections. Whilst the broker appears to be listening (on the correct port) it does not, in fact, accept connections (and nothing is logged). I have not investigated in detail but the cause is going to be something about the way the socket is being configured.
There is a workaround - add socket_domain ipv4 under the listener e.g.
listener 9001
protocol websockets
allow_anonymous false
password_file C:\mosquitto\password.txt
http_dir C:\mosquitto\http_dir
set_tcp_nodelay true
socket_domain ipv4
See this issue in the github repo for more information.


Mosquitto no websocket connection since version 02.0.12 (Windows specific)

today I wanted to set up a simple mosquitto server on my windows machine for testing.
I am using "MQTT Explorer" for convenience and downloaded the latest 2.0.14 mosquitto binaries for windows (I am using Windows 10).
However I am unable to connect to my local server with Mosquitto 2.0.14, 2.0.13 and 2.0.12.
My connection is successful with 2.0.11, 2.0.10, 2.0.9a and 2.0.7 but these versions only work when I also have a standard http listener in the config (which I do not want since later on I only want one wss listener).
This is the config I am using:
allow_anonymous true
#HTTP listener
listener 1883
#Websocket standard listener
listener 9001
protocol websockets
This is the server output I get when using 2.0.14, 2.0.13 or 2.0.12 after my connection failed:
And this is the output when using 2.0.11, 2.0.10, 2.0.9a or 2.0.7 but without the http listener in the config:
Can anyone reproduce this behaviour or tell me where I messed up?
As per the comments I was able to duplicate the issue with Mosquitto 2.0.14 and an issue has been raised.
A workaround is to add socket_domain ipv4 into the configuration - e.g.
allow_anonymous true
listener 9001
protocol websockets
socket_domain ipv4
I came across option in this issue and it does appear to fix the issue. Note that I have not looked into why this fixes the issue so this should be considered a temporary workaround until the issue mentioned above is updated.

Mosquitto Broker service refuses to start on websockets

I am trying to start my Eclipse Mosquitto broker service for listening to websockets adding:
listener 8083
protocol websockets
at the mosquitto.conf
If I only use listener 8083, the service starts but when protocol websockets is added, the service stops and refuses to start.
The error I get if I run:
mosquitto -v -c mosquitto.conf
is: 1588309602: Error: Unable to start any listening sockets, exiting.
The full output is:
1588309602: mosquitto version 1.6.9 starting
1588309602: Config loaded from mosquitto.conf.
1588309602: Opening websockets listen socket on port 8083.
1588309602: Error: Unable to start any listening sockets, exiting.
I am under Windows10 Pro.
Any ideas?
The answer to this:
Based on trials I can confirm that you need to mention a default port initially e.g.
port 1883
protocol mqtt
# Websockets
listener 9001
protocol websockets
if you only wish to use WebSockets for MQTT then instead of using listener 9001 you need to replace it with port 9001.
There should be atleast one default port to listen to in Mosquitto MQTT.
Verified using Mosquitto 1.6.10
I am posting an answer based on facts.
I have uninstalled version 1.6.9 and installed 1.6.7 and now the service is running using websockets...
I cannot confirm if this is an issue with 1.6.9 but this is what happened to me.
According to other sources, the error lies in 1.6.10 (and perhaps others), whereby, there MUST be a standard protocol mqtt defined, otherwise websockets will not start.
Thus you can leave the standard configuration alone (port 1883) and then in the
Extra listeners section of mosquitto.conf, define the websockets listener as you like.
I believe this has been remedied in later versions, so that only websockets can be defined.
Sadly, in this case the only defense against unauthorized use of the broker over the standard mqtt socket is then the system firewall for external users. Users with ssh access can "play".
The mqtt protocol has to be enabled for the websockets to work.
As the option port (like others have mentioned) is deprecated in versions 2.x.x, you can use listener instead.
listener 1883
protocol mqtt
listener 9001
protocol websockets
And then run your mosquitto server as usual.

How to expose a tornado server serving websockets on dotcloud to the www?

I am trying to install the IPython html notebook server
on dotCloud. The IPython server uses tornado with websockets (and other internal communications using zeromq on tcp sockets).
Hhere's my dotcloud.yml:
type: custom
buildscript: builder
nbserver: tcp
I am following the custom port recipes given here and here. As the logs show, I run the tornado server on$DOTCLOUD_WWW_NBSERVER_PORT:
[NotebookApp] The IPython Notebook is running at: ''
[NotebookApp] Use Control-C to stop this server and shut down all kernels.
But when I push, the dotCloud CLI tells me:
WARNING: The service crashed at startup or is listening to the wrong port. It failed to >respond on port "nbserver" (42801) within 30 seconds. Please check the application logs.
Deployment finished. Your application is available at the following URLs
No URL found. That's ok, it means that your application does not include a webservice."
There's nothing on or
What am I missing here? Thanks for your help.
Issue solved. The usual HTTP port works fine with websockets so the custom port recipes are not required. This is my new dotcloud.yml:
type: custom
buildscript: builder
web: http
works with the following in
c.NotebookApp.ip = '*'
This makes it so that the tornado webserver listens to all ip addresses.
WARNING: setup security and authentication first!
See Running a Public Notebook Server for more information.
Glad you got it working!
In the future, and for other readers, you actually want your app to listen on $PORT_NBSERVER and then connect to it on DOTCLOUD_WWW_NBSERVER_PORT. $PORT_NBSERVER is the local port while the latter is the port that's exposed to the outside world through our routing/NAT layer.
If you have any other issue, don't hesitate to reach out to us at
Source: I'm a dotCloud employee.

ActiveMQ network of brokers: random conectivity with rebalanceClusterClients and updateClusterClients

I have a network of brokers with the following configuration
<transportConnector name="tomer-amq-test2" uri="tcp://" updateClusterClients="true" rebalanceClusterClients="true" updateClusterClientsOnRemove="true"/>
I expect that when I connect using the URL
the broker shall update th client with the full list of brokers it is conencted too, and the client shall connect to one randomly, and to a second as backup
however this is not happening and the client connects only to the specified broker in the url
help anyone?
Tx Tomer
figured out the problem (at least on my env)
when a broker updates another broker that it is up, it identifies itself by the server name.
once the server name of all brokers was added to /etc/hosts on the client side, all was well
I guess this is bad practice, and the broker should identify itself by ip and not by hostname
I was running activeMQ 5.5.1 on ubuntu 10.4
Your client will only be updated with the full broker-list if some or the following properties are true: updateClusterClients rebalanceClusterClients and updateClusterClientsOnRemove.
you have to set them manually on your client as they are false by default.

Other hosts cannot connect to websocket server on my host

First of all, sorry for my bad English : )
My Java application (multiplayer game server) uses this package to communicate with a web application in client's browser using websockets:
I've encountered a problem running my application: only I can connect to the websocket server, clients on other hosts can't do so. In browser I estabilish connection as usual, address here is certainly correct:
new WebSocket("ws://"+serverIp+":8787");
When I connect from my own host to the websocket server running on the same host, it runs perfectly. When other hosts try to connect to me, connection in not being estabilished: in browser WebSocket objects's .readyState is 0 (whilst it should be 1), and even server does not recieve any handshakes (no output from onClientOpen in server console, I even tried to get any output from certain WebSocketServer class' methods).
Other hosts are still recieving, for example, static contents of web application from webserver on 80 port on the same host. Problem is not the closed 8787 port: I checked it, it's open.
What may be the reason that other host can't connect to my websocket server?
WebSockets uses a cross-origin permission system. You might need to tell you WebSocket server to accept connections from more than just your local host. The verification of Origin happens during the WebSocket handshake which likely happens prior to onclientOpen.
